commit everything I should have long ago

This commit is contained in:
lordwelch 2019-05-06 03:15:55 -07:00
parent 81572b7cc5
commit 43d53879ba
16 changed files with 505 additions and 1120 deletions

cmd/main.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
package main
import (
func init() {
CustomTreeModel_QmlRegisterType2("CustomQmlTypes", 1, 0, "CustomTreeModel")
const something = 1<<31 - 1
const (
FirstName = int(core.Qt__UserRole) + 1<<iota
type Collection struct {
title string
_childItems []CollectionItem
type CollectionItem struct {
_itemData []string
type ROOT []Collection
func (r *ROOT) add(t Collection) {
*r = append(*r, t)
func (r *ROOT) Len() int {
return len(*r)
func (r *ROOT) CollectionLen(i int) int {
return len((*r)[i]._childItems)
func (r *ROOT) Collection(index int) Collection {
return (*r)[index]
func (r *ROOT) CollectionItem(index int, Cindex int) CollectionItem {
return (*r)[index]._childItems[Cindex]
func NewCollectionItem(data []string) CollectionItem {
return CollectionItem{
_itemData: data,
type service interface {
add(t Collection)
Len() int
Collection(index int) Collection
CollectionLen(i int) int
CollectionItem(index int, listIndex int) CollectionItem
type CustomTreeModel struct {
_ func() `constructor:"init"`
// _ func() `signal:"remove,auto"`
// _ func(item []*core.QVariant) `signal:"add,auto"`
// _ func(firstName string, lastName string) `signal:"edit,auto"`
rootItem service // ROOT
func (m *CustomTreeModel) init() {
m.rootItem = &ROOT{
title: "FirstName LastName",
_childItems: []CollectionItem{
_itemData: []string{"john", "doe"},
title: "FirstName LastName2",
_childItems: []CollectionItem{
_itemData: []string{"john", "bob"},
_itemData: []string{"jim", "bob"},
_itemData: []string{"jimmy", "bob"},
func (m *CustomTreeModel) index(row int, column int, parent *core.QModelIndex) *core.QModelIndex {
if !m.HasIndex(row, column, parent) {
return core.NewQModelIndex()
if !parent.IsValid() {
return m.CreateIndex2(row, column, something)
} else {
return m.CreateIndex2(row, column, uintptr(parent.Row()))
return core.NewQModelIndex()
func (m *CustomTreeModel) parent(index *core.QModelIndex) *core.QModelIndex {
if !index.IsValid() {
return core.NewQModelIndex()
id := int(index.InternalId())
if id == something {
return core.NewQModelIndex()
return m.CreateIndex2(id, 0, something)
func (m *CustomTreeModel) roleNames() map[int]*core.QByteArray {
return map[int]*core.QByteArray{
FirstName: core.NewQByteArray2("FirstName", -1),
LastName: core.NewQByteArray2("LastName", -1),
func (m *CustomTreeModel) rowCount(parent *core.QModelIndex) int {
if !parent.IsValid() {
return m.rootItem.Len()
parentId := int32(parent.InternalId())
if parentId == something {
return m.rootItem.CollectionLen(parent.Row())
return 0
func (m *CustomTreeModel) columnCount(parent *core.QModelIndex) int {
if !parent.IsValid() {
return 1
parentId := int32(parent.InternalId())
if parentId == something {
return 1 //len(r[parent.Row()].title)
return 0
func (m *CustomTreeModel) data(index *core.QModelIndex, role int) *core.QVariant {
if !index.IsValid() {
return core.NewQVariant()
if int32(index.InternalId()) == something {
return core.NewQVariant17(m.rootItem.Collection(index.Row()).title)
switch role {
case FirstName:
return core.NewQVariant17(m.rootItem.CollectionItem(int(index.InternalId()), index.Row())._itemData[0])
case LastName:
return core.NewQVariant17(m.rootItem.CollectionItem(int(index.InternalId()), index.Row())._itemData[1])
return core.NewQVariant()
// func (m *CustomTreeModel) remove() {
// if m.rootItem.childCount() == 0 {
// return
// }
// m.BeginRemoveRows(core.NewQModelIndex(), len(m.rootItem._childItems)-1, len(m.rootItem._childItems)-1)
// m.rootItem._childItems = m.rootItem._childItems[:len(m.rootItem._childItems)-1]
// m.EndRemoveRows()
// }
// func (m *CustomTreeModel) add(item []*core.QVariant) {
// m.BeginInsertRows(core.NewQModelIndex(), len(m.rootItem._childItems), len(m.rootItem._childItems))
// m.rootItem.appendChild(NewTreeItem([]string{item[0].ToString(), item[1].ToString()}))
// m.EndInsertRows()
// }
// func (m *CustomTreeModel) edit(firstName string, lastName string) {
// if m.rootItem.childCount() == 0 {
// return
// }
// m.BeginRemoveRows(core.NewQModelIndex(), len(m.rootItem._childItems)-1, len(m.rootItem._childItems)-1)
// m.BeginInsertRows(core.NewQModelIndex(), len(m.rootItem._childItems)-1, len(m.rootItem._childItems)-1)
// item := m.rootItem._childItems[len(m.rootItem._childItems)-1]
// item._itemData = []string{firstName, lastName}
// m.EndRemoveRows()
// m.EndInsertRows()
// //TODO:
// //ideally DataChanged should be used instead, but it doesn't seem to work ...
// //if you search for "qml treeview datachanged" online
// //it will just lead you to tons of unresolved issues
// //m.DataChanged(m.Index(item.row(), 0, core.NewQModelIndex()), m.Index(item.row(), 1, core.NewQModelIndex()), []int{FirstName, LastName})
// //feel free to send a PR, if you got it working somehow :)
// }
func main() {
core.QCoreApplication_SetAttribute(core.Qt__AA_EnableHighDpiScaling, true)
if !core.QResource_RegisterResource("qml.rcc", "") {
panic("failure: resource needed")
// gui.QGuiApplication_Screens()[0].
app := widgets.NewQApplication(len(os.Args), os.Args)
view := quick.NewQQuickView(nil)
view.SetTitle("treeview Example")
view.SetSource(core.NewQUrl3("qrc:/qml/main.qml", 0))
// view.SetPosition2(posx, posy)

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
// PresentationApp project glfw.go
package main
import (
var (
monitorHeight int // displayed width
monitors []*glfw.Monitor
monitorWidth int // displayed height
projectorMonitor *glfw.Monitor
func checkMon() {
monitors = glfw.GetMonitors()
if i := len(monitors); i < 2 {
fmt.Println("You only have 1 monitor!!!!!!!!!!! :-P")
monitorWidth = 800
monitorHeight = 600
projectorMonitor = monitors[0]
} else {
fmt.Printf("You have %d monitors\n", i)
monitorWidth = monitors[1].GetVideoMode().Width
monitorHeight = monitors[1].GetVideoMode().Height
projectorMonitor = monitors[1]
func monitorInfo() {
for _, mon := range monitors {
fmt.Printf("Monitor name: %s\n", mon.GetName())
x, y := mon.GetPos()
fmt.Printf("Position: %v, %v\n", x, y)
fmt.Printf("Size: %v x %v\n", mon.GetVideoMode().Width, mon.GetVideoMode().Height)
func glInit() {
if err = glfw.Init(); err == nil {
DisplayWindow.Root().Set("height", monitorHeight)
DisplayWindow.Root().Set("width", monitorWidth)
DisplayWindow.Root().Set("x", 0)
DisplayWindow.Root().Set("y", 0)

image.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// PresentationApp project imagick.go
package main
import (
/*resizeImage() src fullsize image
newWidth, newHeight = size to be resized to
keepSpecSize = return image with exactly the size specified or just the size of the resized image
center = center the image
func resizeImage(src image.Image, newWidth, newHeight int, keepSpecSize, center bool) (dst image.Image) {
imaging.Fit(src, newWidth, newHeight, imaging.Lanczos)
if keepSpecSize {
//blank image
dst = image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight))
if center {
dst = imaging.OverlayCenter(dst, src, 1)
} else {
dst = imaging.Overlay(dst, src, image.Pt(0, 0), 1)
return dst
// adding text to image copied from example
func (cl *Cell) imgtext(width, height int) image.Image {
ctx := gg.NewContextForImage(cl.image.resized)
if ( != "") || ( != "none") {
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(
if err != nil {
return image.Rectangle{}
if err := ctx.LoadFontData(data, cl.Font.size); err != nil {
ctx.DrawStringWrapped(cl.text, 0, 0, 0, 0, float64(width), 1, gg.AlignCenter)
return ctx.Image()
func findFonts() {
paths := findfont.List()
for i, v := range paths {
_, paths[i] = filepath.Split(v)
QML.FontList = strings.Join(paths, "\n")

View File

@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
// PresentationApp project imagick.go
package main
import (
/*resizeImage() mw fullsize image
newwidth, newheight = size to be resized to
keepSpecSize = return image with exactly the size specified or just the size of the resized image
center = senter the image
func resizeImage(mw *imagick.MagickWand, newWidth, newHeight int, keepSpecSize, center bool) (resmw *imagick.MagickWand) {
var (
width, height, origHeight, origWidth int
origHeight = int(mw.GetImageHeight())
origWidth = int(mw.GetImageWidth())
//check if requested size is the same as current size
if (origHeight != newHeight) || (origWidth != newWidth) {
// width / height * newheight = newwidth
if (round((float64(origWidth) / float64(origHeight)) * float64(newHeight))) <= newWidth {
width = round((float64(origWidth) / float64(origHeight)) * float64(newHeight))
height = newHeight
} else {
// height / width * newwidth = newheight
height = round((float64(origHeight) / float64(origWidth)) * float64(newWidth))
width = newWidth
} else {
height = newHeight
width = newWidth
//new magickwand for resized image
resmw = imagick.NewMagickWand()
if !keepSpecSize {
resmw.NewImage(uint(width), uint(height), imagick.NewPixelWand())
center = false
} else {
//blank image
resmw.NewImage(uint(newWidth), uint(newHeight), imagick.NewPixelWand())
if center {
err = mw.ResizeImage(uint(width), uint(height), imagick.FILTER_LANCZOS, 1)
if err != nil {
//centers image
resmw.CompositeImage(mw, imagick.COMPOSITE_OP_SRC_OVER, round(float64(newWidth-width)/float64(2)), round(float64(newHeight-height)/float64(2)))
} else {
resmw.CompositeImage(mw, imagick.COMPOSITE_OP_SRC_OVER, 0, 0)
return resmw
//getImage() from imagick to image.RGBA
func (cl *Cell) getImage(width, height int) (img *image.RGBA) {
mw := cl.image.img.GetImage()
if (width == 0) || (height == 0) {
width = int(mw.GetImageWidth())
height = int(mw.GetImageHeight())
mw = resizeImage(mw, width, height, true, true)
mw1 := cl.imgtext(width, height)
mw.CompositeImage(mw1, imagick.COMPOSITE_OP_OVER, 0, 0)
img = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, int(width), int(height)))
if img.Stride != img.Rect.Size().X*4 {
panic("unsupported stride")
Tpix, _ := mw.ExportImagePixels(0, 0, uint(width), uint(height), "RGBA", imagick.PIXEL_CHAR)
img.Pix = Tpix.([]uint8)
// adding text to image copied from example
func (cl *Cell) imgtext(width, height int) *imagick.MagickWand {
mw := imagick.NewMagickWand()
//defer mw.Destroy()
dw := imagick.NewDrawingWand()
defer dw.Destroy()
pw := imagick.NewPixelWand()
defer pw.Destroy()
// Create a new transparent image
mw.NewImage(uint(width), uint(height), pw)
// Set up a 72 point white font
r, g, b, _ := cl.Font.color.RGBA()
pw.SetColor(fmt.Sprintf("rgb(%d,%d,%d)", r, g, b))
if ( != "") || ( != "none") {
otlne := "none"
// Add a black outline to the text
r, g, b, _ = cl.Font.outlineColor.RGBA()
if cl.Font.outline {
otlne = fmt.Sprintf("rgb(%d,%d,%d)", r, g, b)
// Turn antialias on - not sure this makes a difference
// Now draw the text
dw.Annotation(cl.Font.x, cl.Font.y, cl.text)
// Draw the image on to the mw
// equivalent to the command line +repage
// Make a copy of the text image
cw := mw.Clone()
// Set the background colour to blue for the shadow
// Opacity is a real number indicating (apparently) percentage
mw.ShadowImage(70, 4, 5, 5)
// Composite the text on top of the shadow
mw.CompositeImage(cw, imagick.COMPOSITE_OP_OVER, 5, 5)
return mw
func findFonts() {
cmd := exec.Command("grep", "-ivE", `\-Oblique$|-Bold$|-Italic$|-Light$`)
cmd.Stdin = strings.NewReader(strings.Join(imagick.QueryFonts("*"), "\n"))
var out bytes.Buffer
cmd.Stdout = &out
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {
QML.FontList = out.String()
func round(a float64) int {
if a < 0 {
return int(math.Ceil(a - 0.5))
return int(math.Floor(a + 0.5))

View File

@ -5,45 +5,46 @@ package main
import ( import (
"fmt" "fmt"
"image/color" "image/color"
"os" "os"
"" ""
"" ""
) )
type Cell struct { type Cell struct {
Font Font Font Font
image Image image Image
index, collectionIndex int index, collectionIndex int
qmlObject qml.Object
text string text string
textVisible bool textVisible bool
} }
type collection []*Cell type collection struct {
collection []*Cell
title string
type Font struct { type Font struct {
color color.RGBA color color.RGBA
name string name string
path string
outline bool outline bool
outlineColor color.RGBA outlineColor color.RGBA
outlineSize, size, x, y float64 outlineSize, size, x, y float64
} }
type Image struct { type Image struct {
img *imagick.MagickWand path string
imgSource string original image.Image
qmlImage qml.Object resized image.Image
} }
type qmlVar struct { type qmlVar struct {
FontList string FontList string
Verses string Verses string
VerseOrder string VerseOrder string
//Img string
} }
type service []collection type service []collection
@ -56,7 +57,6 @@ var (
) )
func main() { func main() {
if err = qml.Run(run); err != nil { if err = qml.Run(run); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err) fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error: %v\n", err)
os.Exit(1) os.Exit(1)
@ -69,7 +69,6 @@ func run() error {
engine = qml.NewEngine() engine = qml.NewEngine()
QML = &qmlVar{} QML = &qmlVar{}
path = "qrc:///qml" path = "qrc:///qml"
findFonts() findFonts()
engine.Context().SetVar("go", QML) engine.Context().SetVar("go", QML)
@ -82,16 +81,13 @@ func run() error {
currentService.Init(1) currentService.Init(1)
//signals for whole qml
//image is ready for imageprovider //image is ready for imageprovider
imgready = true imgready = true
displayImg = DisplayWindow.Root().ObjectByName("displayImage") displayImg = DisplayWindow.Root().ObjectByName("displayImage")
serviceObject = serviceQml.Create(engine.Context()) serviceObject = serviceQml.Create(engine.Context())
serviceObject.Set("parent", MainWindow.ObjectByName("data1")) serviceObject.Set("parent", MainWindow.ObjectByName("scview"))
serviceObject.Call("addLst", "shit") serviceObject.Call("addLst", "not")
//edtQmlShow() //edtQmlShow()
qml.RunMain(glInit) qml.RunMain(glInit)
@ -99,7 +95,6 @@ func run() error {
slides.destroy() slides.destroy()
fmt.Println(len(*currentService)) fmt.Println(len(*currentService))
return nil return nil
} }
@ -174,21 +169,12 @@ func (sl *collection) add(text string) {
//problems occur otherwise //problems occur otherwise
// now Im not an idiot and I know what this does // now Im not an idiot and I know what this does
*sl = append(*sl, &cl) *sl = append(*sl, &cl)
//seperate image object in QML
cl.image.qmlImage.Set("source", fmt.Sprintf("image://images/cell;%d", cl.index))
//give QML the text
} }
//(slide) remove copied from // remove copied from
func (sl *collection) remove(i int) { func (sl *collection) remove(i int) {
cl := (*sl)[i] cl := (*sl)[i]
cl.text = "" cl.text = ""
MainWindow.ObjectByName("gridRect").Set("count", MainWindow.ObjectByName("gridRect").Int("count")-1) MainWindow.ObjectByName("gridRect").Set("count", MainWindow.ObjectByName("gridRect").Int("count")-1)
cl.index = -1 cl.index = -1
@ -214,20 +200,6 @@ func (cl *Cell) Init() {
cl.Font.outlineSize = 1 cl.Font.outlineSize = 1
cl.Font.size = 35 cl.Font.size = 35
cl.Font.x, cl.Font.y = 10, 30 cl.Font.x, cl.Font.y = 10, 30
cl.qmlObject = cellQml.Create(engine.Context())
cl.image.qmlImage = cl.qmlObject.ObjectByName("cellImg")
//load image
cl.image.img = imagick.NewMagickWand()
func (cl *Cell) Select() {
selectedCell = cl.index
} }
//not really needed //not really needed

View File

@ -3,220 +3,19 @@ package main
import ( import (
"image" "image"
) )
var (
selectedCell int //the focused cell
rightClickCell int //the cell that was last right clicked
cellQml qml.Object //file for the cell object
mainQml qml.Object //main QML file
editQml qml.Object
textEdit qml.Object
displayQml qml.Object
displayImg qml.Object
DisplayWindow *qml.Window
MainWindow *qml.Window
songEditWindow *qml.Window
serviceObject qml.Object
serviceQml qml.Object
engine *qml.Engine
quickEdit bool = false
imgready bool = false
QML *qmlVar
func initQML() {
/*window2.ObjectByName("textClrDialog").On("accepted", func() {
func qmlWindows() error {
mainQml, err = engine.LoadFile(path + "/Main.qml")
if err != nil {
return err
displayQml, err = engine.LoadFile(path + "/Display.qml")
if err != nil {
return err
editQml, err = engine.LoadFile(path + "/SongEdit.qml")
if err != nil {
return err
cellQml, err = engine.LoadFile(path + "/Cell.qml")
if err != nil {
return err
serviceQml, err = engine.LoadFile(path + "/Service.qml")
if err != nil {
return err
MainWindow = mainQml.CreateWindow(engine.Context())
songEditWindow = editQml.CreateWindow(engine.Context())
DisplayWindow = displayQml.CreateWindow(engine.Context())
textEdit = MainWindow.ObjectByName("textEdit")
return nil
func showWindows() {
/*func (qv *qmlVar) Changed() {
qml.Changed(qv, qv.VerseLen)
qml.Changed(qv, qv.OrderLen)
qml.Changed(qv, qv.ImgLen)
qml.Changed(qv, qv.FontLen)
//signals for the cell and image in qml
func (cl *Cell) setSignal() {
cl.qmlObject.ObjectByName("cellMouse").On("clicked", func(mouseEvent qml.Object) {
btn := mouseEvent.Property("button")
//right click
if btn == 2 {
//context menu
rightClickCell = cl.index
} else {
//left click
//select and update image preview for cell
//update image preview
cl.image.qmlImage.ObjectByName("cellMouse").On("clicked", func(mouseEvent qml.Object) {
btn := mouseEvent.Property("button")
//right click
if btn == 2 {
//context menu
rightClickCell = cl.index
} else {
//left click
//select and update image preview for cell
cl.qmlObject.ObjectByName("cellMouse").On("focusChanged", func(focus bool) {
if focus {
} else {
cl.qmlObject.ObjectByName("cellMouse").On("doubleClicked", func() {
if quickEdit {
//cover the cell with the text edit
textEdit.Set("cell", cl.index)
textEdit.Set("x", cl.qmlObject.Int("x"))
textEdit.Set("y", cl.qmlObject.Int("y"))
textEdit.Set("height", cl.qmlObject.Int("height"))
textEdit.Set("z", 100)
textEdit.Set("visible", true)
textEdit.ObjectByName("textEdit1").Set("focus", true)
textEdit.Set("enabled", true)
//set the text
textEdit.ObjectByName("textEdit1").Set("text", cl.text)
//setSignals() for non dynamic elements
func setSignals() {
MainWindow.ObjectByName("imgpicker").On("accepted", func() {
//delete file:// from url
url := filepath.Clean(strings.TrimPrefix(MainWindow.ObjectByName("imgpicker").String("fileUrl"), "file:"))
//replace new image
MainWindow.ObjectByName("btnAdd").On("clicked", func() {
MainWindow.ObjectByName("btnRem").On("clicked", func() {
slides.remove(len(slides) - 1)
MainWindow.ObjectByName("btnMem").On("clicked", func() {
//run GC
MainWindow.ObjectByName("mnuEdit").On("triggered", func() {
quickEdit = !quickEdit
textEdit.ObjectByName("textEdit1").On("focusChanged", func(focus bool) {
var (
str string
cell *Cell
if !focus {
//set text back to the cell
str = textEdit.ObjectByName("textEdit1").String("text")
cell = slides[textEdit.Int("cell")]
if textEdit.Bool("txt") {
cell.qmlObject.ObjectByName("cellText").Set("text", str)
cell.text = str
func edtQmlShow() {
//slc := window2.ObjectByName("fontPicker").Property("model")
//imgProvider() for preview images in QML //imgProvider() for preview images in QML
func imgProvider(id string, width, height int) image.Image { func imgProvider(id string, width, height int) image.Image {
var img1 image.Image var img1 image.Image
if imgready && (len(id) > 0) { if imgready && (len(id) > 0) {
//fmt.Println("source (provider): ", id) //fmt.Println("source (provider): ", id)
i1 := strings.Index(id, `;`) // i1 := strings.Index(id, `;`)
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(id[:i1]) // i, _ := strconv.Atoi(id[:i1])
img1 = slides[i].getImage(width, height) // img1 = slides[i].getImage(width, height)
} else { } else {
img1 = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 340, 480)) img1 = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 340, 480))
} }
return img1 return img1
} }
//clear cache dosen't actually clear the cache
//just gives a new source so that the cache isn't used
func (cl *Cell) clearcache() {
str := cl.image.qmlImage.String("source")
i := strings.Index(str, `;`)
str1 := str[:i]
i1, _ := strconv.Atoi(str[i+1:])
str = str1 + `;` + strconv.Itoa(i1+1)
//fmt.Println("new source (click): ", str)
cl.image.qmlImage.Set("source", str)

View File

@ -1,19 +1,29 @@
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11
Rectangle { Rectangle {
objectName: "cellRect" id: itm
property int index: 0
height: 100 height: 100
border.width: 2
border.color: "black"
anchors.right: parent.right anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.left: parent.left anchors.left: parent.left
property alias text: cellText.text
Rectangle {
id: half1
height: 100
Layout.fillWidth: true
Layout.minimumWidth: 100
Rectangle {
objectName: "cellRect"
property int index: 0
anchors.fill: parent
border.width: 2
border.color: "black"
Text { Text {
id: cellText id: cellText
enabled: true enabled: true
objectName: "cellText" objectName: "cellText"
text: "" // text: "itm.model.text"
renderType: Text.NativeRendering
clip: true clip: true
wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere wrapMode: Text.WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere
anchors.fill: parent anchors.fill: parent
@ -21,63 +31,7 @@ Rectangle {
anchors.rightMargin: 0 anchors.rightMargin: 0
anchors.left: parent.left anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 2 anchors.leftMargin: 2
MouseArea {
id: cellMouse
hoverEnabled: true
enabled: true
objectName: "cellMouse"
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.AllButtons
onMouseXChanged: cellHover()
onExited: focusChanged(focus)
function cellHover() {
if (containsMouse) {
parent.parent.border.color = "skyblue"
parent.parent.color = "darkblue"
parent.color = "white"
} else if (focus) {
parent.color = "black"
} }
} }
function notSelected() {
parent.parent.border.color = "black"
parent.parent.color = "white"
parent.color = "black"
function selected() {
parent.parent.border.color = "blue"
parent.color = "black"
parent.parent.color = "gainsboro"
Image {
id: img
antialiasing: true
source: "image://images/"
objectName: "cellImg"
property int index: 0
height: 100
transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.left: parent.left
//cache: false
MouseArea {
id: imgMouse
hoverEnabled: true
enabled: true
objectName: "cellMouse"
anchors.fill: parent
acceptedButtons: Qt.AllButtons
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
ApplicationWindow { ApplicationWindow {
flags: Qt.MaximumSize flags: Qt.MaximumSize
@ -13,5 +13,9 @@ ApplicationWindow {
antialiasing: true antialiasing: true
anchors.fill: parent anchors.fill: parent
} }
} }
/*##^## Designer {

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Controls 1.6 as Quick
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3 import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
//import "qml" import QtQuick.Window 2.11
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11
ApplicationWindow { ApplicationWindow {
id: applicationWindow1 id: applicationWindow1
@ -12,23 +12,108 @@ ApplicationWindow {
objectName: "applicationWindow1" objectName: "applicationWindow1"
minimumWidth: 500 minimumWidth: 500
minimumHeight: 500 minimumHeight: 500
width: 1000
height: 600
FileDialog { FileDialog {
id: imgpicker id: imgpicker
// @disable-check M16
title: "Choose an image for this slide"
// @disable-check M16
objectName: "imgpicker" objectName: "imgpicker"
title: "Choose an image for this slide"
} }
Action { Quick.SplitView {
id: aboutAction id: spview
text: "About" anchors.fill: parent
onTriggered: Rectangle {
id: preview
objectName: "col1"
border.width: 0
Layout.minimumWidth: 150
Layout.fillWidth: true
Flickable {
id: scview
objectName: "scview"
anchors.fill: parent
boundsBehavior: Flickable.OvershootBounds
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
pixelAligned: true
//verticalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn
//horizontalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff
//highlightOnFocus: false
//frameVisible: true
contentHeight: contentItem.childrenRect.height
Quick.SplitView {
anchors.fill: parent
} }
Rectangle {
id: textEdit
objectName: "textEdit"
visible: false
property bool keepText: true
Keys.onPressed: {
if ((event.key == Qt.Key_Return)
&& (event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier)) {
keepText = true
textEdit1.focus = false
event.accepted = true
if (event.key == Qt.Key_Escape) {
keepText = false
textEdit1.focus = false
event.accepted = true
TextArea {
id: textEdit1
objectName: "textEdit1"
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
textFormat: Text.AutoText
visible: true
font.pixelSize: 12
z: 99
hoverEnabled: false
Rectangle {
id: mainView
objectName: "mainView"
Layout.minimumWidth: 100
Layout.fillWidth: false
Button {
id: button1
objectName: "btnAdd"
x: 8
y: 8
text: qsTr("Add")
onClicked: sv.addLst("fail")
Button {
id: button2
x: 8
y: 49
text: qsTr("Remove")
objectName: "btnRem"
Button {
id: button3
x: 8
y: 90
text: qsTr("Button ")
objectName: "btnMem"
menuBar: MenuBar { menuBar: MenuBar {
Menu { Menu {
title: "&File" title: "&File"
@ -55,13 +140,13 @@ ApplicationWindow {
} }
Menu { Menu {
title: "&Help"
MenuItem {
action: aboutAction
MenuItem {
text: "&help"
Menu { Menu {
objectName: "mnuCtx" objectName: "mnuCtx"
title: "new image..." title: "new image..."
@ -71,174 +156,4 @@ ApplicationWindow {
onTriggered: onTriggered:
} }
} }
SplitView {
id: mainSlider
objectName: "mainSlider"
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.rightMargin: 0
anchors.bottomMargin: 0
anchors.leftMargin: 0
anchors.topMargin: 0
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
onResizingChanged: col1.width = gridData.width / 2
Rectangle {
id: gridRect
objectName: "gridRect"
width: 300
color: "#00000000"
border.width: 4
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 0
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.bottomMargin: 0
anchors.topMargin: 0
property int count: 1
property int expcount: 1
ScrollView {
id: scview
anchors.fill: parent
anchors.margins: 4
horizontalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff
verticalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOn
SplitView {
id: gridData
objectName: "gridData"
width: scview.width - 1
height: data1.childrenRect.height //gridRect.count * 101
Rectangle {
id: col1
objectName: "col1"
width: gridData.width / 2
color: "#00000000"
transformOrigin: Item.TopLeft
border.width: 0
height: data1.childrenRect.height
Rectangle {
id: textEdit
property int cell
x: 232
y: 622
objectName: "textEdit"
width: 200
height: 200
color: "#ffffff"
visible: false
property bool txt: true
Keys.onPressed: {
if ((event.key == Qt.Key_Return)
&& (event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier)) {
txt = true
x = -100
y = -100
visible = false
focus = true
enabled = false
opacity = 0
textEdit1.focus = false
event.accepted = true
if (event.key == Qt.Key_Escape) {
txt = false
x = -100
y = -100
visible = false
focus = true
enabled = false
opacity = 0
textEdit1.focus = false
event.accepted = true
TextArea {
id: textEdit1
objectName: "textEdit1"
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
textFormat: Text.AutoText
visible: true
font.pixelSize: 12
z: 99
Column {
id: data1
objectName: "data1"
spacing: 1
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
height: data1.childrenRect.height
Rectangle {
id: col2
objectName: "col2"
color: "#00000000"
border.width: 0
Column {
id: data2
spacing: 1
objectName: "data2"
anchors.fill: parent
Rectangle {
id: mainView
border.width: 0
objectName: "mainView"
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 0
anchors.leftMargin: 0
anchors.left: gridRect.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
z: 1
clip: false
visible: true
Button {
id: button1
objectName: "btnAdd"
x: 8
y: 8
text: qsTr("Button") + data1.childrenRect.height
Button {
id: button2
x: 8
y: 43
text: qsTr("Button ")
objectName: "btnRem"
Button {
id: button3
x: 8
y: 78
text: qsTr("Button ")
objectName: "btnMem"
} }

View File

@ -1,197 +1,35 @@
// //
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.6
import QtQuick.Controls.Styles 1.4
Item { TreeView {
id: rt id: view
property ListElement def: ListElement {
property string cellText: "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\"
<html >
<meta content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\" http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" />
<title>Untitled 1</title>
<style type=\"text/css\">
.auto-style2 {
font-family: \"Times New Roman\", Times, serif;
font-size: small;
.auto-style3 {
background-color: #FFFF00;
<p><b>Header text</b><br/></p>
<span class=\"auto-style3\">This is paragraph text</span>
<hr />
property int collectionIndex: 0
property string imageSource: "image://images/list:;cell:"
Component.onCompleted: addLst("Haha :-P")
height: ((lst.count) * 50) + (lst.subCount * 100)
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 0
function remove(List, index) {
nestedModel.get(List).subItems.remove(index, 1)
function pop(List) {
List).subItems.count - 1, 1)
function newdef(index, txt, src) {
var item = Object.create(def)
item.collectionIndex = index
item.text = txt
item.imageSource = src
return item
function remLst() {
nestedModel.remove(nestedModel.count - 1, 1)
function apppend(List, obj) {
function insert(List, index, obj) {
nestedModel.get(List).subItems.insert(index, obj)
function get(List, index) {
return nestedModel.get(List).subItems.get(index)
function set(List, index, obj) {
nestedModel.get(List).subItems.set(index, obj)
function addLst(str) {
var newCollection
var i = 0
var temp = Qt.createComponent("Sublist.qml").createObject(rt, {
newCollection = temp.get(0) = str
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
newCollection.subItems.append(newdef(nestedModel.count, "idiot"))
ListView {
id: lst
anchors.fill: parent anchors.fill: parent
y: 0 anchors.margins: 2 * 12 + row.height
height: ((lst.count) * 55) + (lst.subCount * 100) model: colors
interactive: false alternatingRowColors: false
property int subCount: 0 style: TreeViewStyle {
model: nestedModel branchDelegate: Rectangle {
delegate: Component { width: 16
id: categoryDelegate height: 16
Column { color: styleData.isExpanded ? "green" : "red"
anchors.right: parent.right }
anchors.left: parent.left frame: Rectangle {border {color: "blue"}}
backgroundColor: "blue"
//width: 200
Rectangle {
id: categoryItem
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.left: parent.left
border.color: "black"
border.width: 5
color: "white"
height: 50
//width: 200
Text {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
x: 15
font.pixelSize: 24
text: name
clip: true
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 15
anchors.leftMargin: 5
} }
Rectangle { TableViewColumn {
color: "red" title: "Name"
width: 30 role: "display"
height: 30 resizable: true
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 15
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
// Toggle the 'collapsed' property
onClicked: {
nestedModel.setProperty(index, "collapsed",
if (!nestedModel.get(index).collapsed) {
lst.subCount = lst.subCount + subItemLoader.subItemModel.count
} else {
lst.subCount = lst.subCount - subItemLoader.subItemModel.count
Loader {
id: subItemLoader
// This is a workaround for a bug/feature in the Loader element. If sourceComponent is set to null
// the Loader element retains the same height it had when sourceComponent was set. Setting visible
// to false makes the parent Column treat it as if it's height was 0.
visible: !collapsed
property variant subItemModel: subItems
sourceComponent: subItemColumnDelegate
onStatusChanged: if (status == Loader.Ready) {
item.model = subItemModel
Component {
id: subItemColumnDelegate
Column {
property alias model: subItemRepeater.model
width: rt.width
Repeater {
id: subItemRepeater
objectName: "repeater"
delegate: Cell { delegate: Cell {
text: "hell"
} }
} }
ListModel {
id: nestedModel
objectName: "nestedModel"
} }
/*##^## Designer {

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.6
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.11
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
//import Qt.labs.controls 1.0
ApplicationWindow { ApplicationWindow {
minimumHeight: 480 minimumHeight: 480
@ -180,11 +179,6 @@ ApplicationWindow {
objectName: "fontPicker" objectName: "fontPicker"
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignTop
model: go.fontList.split("\n") model: go.fontList.split("\n")
/*// @disable-check M16
delegate:Text {
text: go.fontList(index)
} }
SpinBox { SpinBox {
@ -228,7 +222,7 @@ ApplicationWindow {
ComboBox { ComboBox {
id: imgPicker id: imgPicker
objectName: "imgPicker" objectName: "imgPicker"
model: go.img.split("\n") //model: go.img.split("\n")
/*// @disable-check M16 /*// @disable-check M16
delegate: Text { delegate: Text {
text: go.img(index) text: go.img(index)

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ListModel {
return get(0) return get(0)
} }
ListElement { ListElement {
categoryName: "Cars" title: "Cars"
collapsed: true collapsed: true
subItems: [ subItems: [
ListElement { ListElement {

View File

@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
import QtQuick 2.2 import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.0 import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
FileDialog { FileDialog {
id: imgDialog id: imgDialog
title: "Please choose an image" title: "Please choose an image"
folder: shortcuts.home folder: shortcuts.home
onAccepted: { onAccepted: {
} }
onRejected: { onRejected: {
} }
Component.onCompleted: visible = true Component.onCompleted: visible = true
} }


File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
ApplicationWindow {
id: app1
minimumWidth: 200
minimumHeight: 50
Item {
id: tst4
height: 50 + ((tst3.count-1)*50) + (tst3.subCount * 40)
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 0
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 0
ListView {
id: tst3
anchors.fill: parent
property int subCount: 0
model: nestedModel
delegate: Component {
id: categoryDelegate
Column {
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.left: parent.left
//width: 200
Rectangle {
id: categoryItem
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.left: parent.left
border.color: "black"
border.width: 5
color: "white"
height: 50
//width: 200
Text {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
x: 15
font.pixelSize: 24
text: categoryName
Rectangle {
color: "red"
width: 30
height: 30
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.rightMargin: 15
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
// Toggle the 'collapsed' property
onClicked: {
nestedModel.setProperty(index, "collapsed", !collapsed)
if (!nestedModel.get(index).collapsed) {
tst3.subCount = tst3.subCount + subItemLoader.subItemModel.count
} else {
tst3.subCount = tst3.subCount - subItemLoader.subItemModel.count
Loader {
id: subItemLoader
// This is a workaround for a bug/feature in the Loader element. If sourceComponent is set to null
// the Loader element retains the same height it had when sourceComponent was set. Setting visible
// to false makes the parent Column treat it as if it's height was 0.
visible: !collapsed
property variant subItemModel: subItems
sourceComponent: collapsed ? null : subItemColumnDelegate
onStatusChanged: if (status == Loader.Ready)
item.model = subItemModel
Component {
id: subItemColumnDelegate
Column {
property alias model: subItemRepeater.model
width: tst4.width
Repeater {
id: subItemRepeater
delegate: Rectangle {
color: "#cccccc"
height: 40
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.left: parent.left
//width: 200
border.color: "black"
border.width: 2
Text {
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
x: 30
font.pixelSize: 18
text: itemName
ListModel {
id: nestedModel
ListElement {
categoryName: "Cars"
collapsed: true
subItems: [
ListElement {
itemName: "Nissan"
ListElement {
itemName: "Toyota"
ListElement {
itemName: "Chevy"
ListElement {
itemName: "Audi"
ListElement {
categoryName: "Cars"
collapsed: true
subItems: [
ListElement {
itemName: "Nissan"
ListElement {
itemName: "Toyota"
ListElement {
itemName: "Chevy"
ListElement {
itemName: "Audi"
ListElement {
categoryName: "Cars"
collapsed: true
subItems: [
ListElement {
itemName: "Nissan"
ListElement {
itemName: "Toyota"
ListElement {
itemName: "Chevy"
ListElement {
itemName: "Audi"