lordwelch 73bbf9b01a moving away from GLFW mostly
switching to a list of lists
qml is way out of sync
need to figure out how much the signals need to be changed
and the best way to update the preview text for the qml
2017-02-05 13:57:50 -07:00

199 lines
4.6 KiB

// PresentationApp project qml.go
package main
import (
var (
cellQml qml.Object //file for the cell object
displayImg qml.Object
displayQml qml.Object
DisplayWindow *qml.Window
editQml qml.Object
engine *qml.Engine
imgQml qml.Object //file for the image object
imgready Bool = false
MainWindow *qml.Window
mainQml qml.Object //main QML file
QML *qmlVar //misc var qml needs
quickEdit Bool = false
rightClickCell int //the cell that was last right clicked
selectedCell int //the focused cell
serviceObject qml.Object
serviceQml qml.Object
songEditWindow *qml.Window
textEdit qml.Object
func qmlWindows() error {
mainQml, err = engine.LoadFile(path + "/Main.qml")
if err != nil {
return err
displayQml, err = engine.LoadFile(path + "/Display.qml")
if err != nil {
return err
editQml, err = engine.LoadFile(path + "/SongEdit.qml")
if err != nil {
return err
cellQml, err = engine.LoadFile(path + "/Cell.qml")
if err != nil {
return err
serviceQml, err = engine.LoadFile(path + "/Service.qml")
if err != nil {
return err
MainWindow = mainQml.CreateWindow(engine.Context())
songEditWindow = editQml.CreateWindow(engine.Context())
DisplayWindow = displayQml.CreateWindow(engine.Context())
textEdit = MainWindow.ObjectByName("textEdit")
return nil
func showWindows() {
//imgProvider() for preview images in QML
func imgProvider(id string, width, height int) image.Image {
var img1 image.Image
if imgready && (len(id) > 0) {
//fmt.Println("source (provider): ", id)
i1 := strings.Index(id, `;`)
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(id[i1+1:])
img1 = slides[i].getImage(width, height)
} else {
img1 = image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 340, 480))
return img1
func edtQmlShow() {
//slc := window2.ObjectByName("fontPicker").Property("model")
//setSignals() for non dynamic elements
func setSignals() {
MainWindow.ObjectByName("imgpicker").On("accepted", func() {
//delete "file://" from url
url := filepath.Clean(strings.Replace(MainWindow.ObjectByName("imgpicker").String("fileUrl"), "file:", "", 1))
//replace new image
MainWindow.ObjectByName("btnAdd").On("clicked", func() {
MainWindow.ObjectByName("btnRem").On("clicked", func() {
slides.remove(len(slides) - 1)
MainWindow.ObjectByName("btnMem").On("clicked", func() {
//run GC
MainWindow.ObjectByName("mnuEdit").On("triggered", func() {
textEdit.ObjectByName("textEdit1").On("focusChanged", func(focus bool) {
var (
str string
cel *Cell
if !focus {
//set text back to the cell
str = textEdit.ObjectByName("textEdit1").String("text")
cel = slides[textEdit.Int("cell")]
if textEdit.Bool("txt") {
cel.qmlObject.ObjectByName("cellText").Set("text", str)
cel.text = str
//signals for the cell and image in qml
func (cl *Cell) setSignal() {
cl.qmlObject.ObjectByName("cellMouse").On("clicked", func(mouseEvent qml.Object) {
btn := mouseEvent.Property("button")
//right click
if btn == 2 {
//context menu
rightClickCell = cl.index
} else {
//left click
cl.image.qmlImage.ObjectByName("cellMouse").On("clicked", func(mouseEvent qml.Object) {
btn := mouseEvent.Property("button")
//right click
if btn == 2 {
//context menu
rightClickCell = cl.index
} else {
//left click
cl.qmlObject.ObjectByName("cellMouse").On("focusChanged", func(focus bool) {
if focus {
} else {
cl.qmlObject.ObjectByName("cellMouse").On("doubleClicked", func() {
if quickEdit {
//cover the cell with the text edit
textEdit.Set("cell", cl.index)
textEdit.Set("x", cl.qmlObject.Int("x"))
textEdit.Set("y", cl.qmlObject.Int("y"))
textEdit.Set("height", cl.qmlObject.Int("height"))
textEdit.Set("z", 100)
textEdit.Set("visible", true)
textEdit.ObjectByName("textEdit1").Set("focus", true)
textEdit.Set("enabled", true)
//set the text
textEdit.ObjectByName("textEdit1").Set("text", cl.text)