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Does utils.get_actual_preferred_encoding() work on Mac python source version??
(And does it matter?)
Rename dialog:
check-box for rows?
manual edit the preview?
Maybe replace configparser -- seems to be causing all sorts of problems
Feature Requests:
Move CBR to other folder after conversion to ZIP
Pre-process series name before identification
(using a list of regex transforms)
(GC #24) Multiple options for -t i.e. "-t cr,cbl"
(GC #18 ) Option for handling colon in rename
(GC #31 ) Specify CV Series ID for auto-tag
Re-org - move to new folder based on template
Denied Requests (for now):
Auto-rename on auto-tag
Re-zip (to remove compression)
Selective fields on CLI print (use -m option. Maybe internally remove all but specified fields in MD object before print )
Auto-Tagging Tips:
Multiple Passes with different options
Zip flakes out when filename differs from index (or whatever) i.e "\" vs "/". Python issue
Big Future Features
Support for ACBF metatdata in CBZ
GCD scraper or DB reader
(GC #29) Batch Edit
Form Mode: Single vs Batch
Small(er) Future Feature
Parse out the rest of the scan info from filename
Style sheets for windows/mac/linux
explicit metadata settings option format
-- figure out how to add CBI "tags"
-- delete CBI "tags"
-- set primary credit flags
-- set frontcover and others?
Archive function to detect tag blocks out of sync
Add setting to dis-allow writing CBI to RAR
Google App engine to store hashes
Content Hashes, Image hashes, who knows?
Filename parsing:
Rework how series name is separated from issue
Internal GenericMetadata - Make Characters, Genre into lists?
Config Mgmt check list
Release Process
Optionally, make screen shots, upload to wiki
Update release notes and wiki
Update ctversion.py
Build packages
Make exe on Windows
Make dmg on Mac
Make zip on Mac or Linux
Tag the repository
Manually upload release packages to Google Drive
Update the Downloads wiki page with direct links
"make upload" to the pypi site
Announce on Forum and Main Page and Twitter and Facebook
Update appspot value
rename 's/([A-Za-z]+)(\d+)(.cb[rz])/$1 $2$3/' *.cb?