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A python class to automatically identify a comic archive
Copyright 2012 Anthony Beville
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import sys
import math
import urllib2, urllib
from settings import ComicTaggerSettings
from comicvinecacher import ComicVineCacher
from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
from comicvinetalker import ComicVineTalker
from imagehasher import ImageHasher
from imagefetcher import ImageFetcher
import utils
class IssueIdentifier:
ResultNoMatches = 0
ResultFoundMatchButBadCoverScore = 1
ResultFoundMatchButNotFirstPage = 2
ResultMultipleMatchesWithBadImageScores = 3
ResultOneGoodMatch = 4
ResultMultipleGoodMatches = 5
def __init__(self, comic_archive, cv_api_key ):
self.comic_archive = comic_archive
self.image_hasher = 1
self.additional_metadata = None
self.min_score_thresh = 22
self.min_score_distance = 2
self.strong_score_thresh = 8
self.additional_metadata = GenericMetadata()
self.cv_api_key = cv_api_key
self.output_function = IssueIdentifier.defaultWriteOutput
self.callback = None
def setScoreMinThreshold( self, thresh ):
self.min_score_thresh = thresh
def setScoreMinDistance( self, distance ):
self.min_score_distance = distance
def setAdditionalMetadata( self, md ):
self.additional_metadata = md
def setHasherAlgorithm( self, algo ):
self.image_hasher = algo
def setOutputFunction( self, func ):
self.output_function = func
def calculateHash( self, image_data ):
if self.image_hasher == '3':
return ImageHasher( data=image_data ).dct_average_hash()
elif self.image_hasher == '2':
return ImageHasher( data=image_data ).average_hash2()
return ImageHasher( data=image_data ).average_hash()
def setProgressCallback( self, cb_func ):
self.callback = cb_func
def getSearchKeys( self ):
ca = self.comic_archive
search_keys = dict()
search_keys['series'] = None
search_keys['issue_number'] = None
search_keys['month'] = None
search_keys['year'] = None
if ca is None:
# see if the archive has any useful meta data for searching with
if ca.hasCIX():
internal_metadata = ca.readCIX()
elif ca.hasCBI():
internal_metadata = ca.readCBI()
internal_metadata = ca.readCBI()
# try to get some metadata from filename
md_from_filename = ca.metadataFromFilename()
# preference order:
#1. Additional metadata
#1. Internal metadata
#1. Filename metadata
if self.additional_metadata.series is not None:
search_keys['series'] = self.additional_metadata.series
elif internal_metadata.series is not None:
search_keys['series'] = internal_metadata.series
search_keys['series'] = md_from_filename.series
if self.additional_metadata.issueNumber is not None:
search_keys['issue_number'] = self.additional_metadata.issueNumber
elif internal_metadata.issueNumber is not None:
search_keys['issue_number'] = internal_metadata.issueNumber
search_keys['issue_number'] = md_from_filename.issueNumber
if self.additional_metadata.publicationYear is not None:
search_keys['year'] = self.additional_metadata.publicationYear
elif internal_metadata.publicationYear is not None:
search_keys['year'] = internal_metadata.publicationYear
search_keys['year'] = md_from_filename.publicationYear
if self.additional_metadata.publicationMonth is not None:
search_keys['month'] = self.additional_metadata.publicationMonth
elif internal_metadata.publicationMonth is not None:
search_keys['month'] = internal_metadata.publicationMonth
search_keys['month'] = md_from_filename.publicationMonth
return search_keys
def defaultWriteOutput( text ):
def log_msg( self, msg , newline=True ):
if newline:
def search( self ):
ca = self.comic_archive
self.match_list = []
self.cancel = False
if not ca.seemsToBeAComicArchive():
self.log_msg( "Sorry, but "+ opts.filename + " is not a comic archive!")
return []
cover_image_data = ca.getCoverPage()
cover_hash = self.calculateHash( cover_image_data )
#self.log_msg( "Cover hash = {0:016x}".format(cover_hash) )
keys = self.getSearchKeys()
# we need, at minimum, a series and issue number
if keys['series'] is None or keys['issue_number'] is None:
self.log_msg("Not enough info for a search!")
return []
self.log_msg( "Going to search for:" )
self.log_msg( "Series: " + keys['series'] )
self.log_msg( "Issue : " + keys['issue_number'] )
if keys['year'] is not None:
self.log_msg( "Year : " + keys['year'] )
if keys['month'] is not None:
self.log_msg( "Month : " + keys['month'] )
comicVine = ComicVineTalker( self.cv_api_key )
#self.log_msg( ( "Searching for " + keys['series'] + "...")
self.log_msg( "Searching for {0} #{1} ...".format( keys['series'], keys['issue_number']) )
keys['series'] = utils.removearticles( keys['series'] )
cv_search_results = comicVine.searchForSeries( keys['series'] )
#self.log_msg( "Found " + str(len(cv_search_results)) + " initial results" )
if self.cancel == True:
return []
series_shortlist = []
#self.log_msg( "Removing results with too long names" )
for item in cv_search_results:
#assume that our search name is close to the actual name, say within 5 characters
if len( utils.removearticles(item['name'])) < len( keys['series'] ) + 5:
# if we don't think it's an issue number 1, remove any series' that are one-shots
if keys['issue_number'] != '1':
#self.log_msg( "Removing one-shots" )
series_shortlist[:] = [x for x in series_shortlist if not x['count_of_issues'] == 1]
self.log_msg( "Searching in " + str(len(series_shortlist)) +" series" )
if self.callback is not None:
self.callback( 0, len(series_shortlist))
# now sort the list by name length
series_shortlist.sort(key=lambda x: len(x['name']), reverse=False)
# Now we've got a list of series that we can dig into,
# and look for matching issue number, date, and cover image
counter = 0
for series in series_shortlist:
if self.callback is not None:
counter += 1
self.callback( counter, len(series_shortlist))
self.log_msg( "Fetching info for ID: {0} {1} ({2}) ...".format(
series['start_year']), newline=False )
cv_series_results = comicVine.fetchVolumeData( series['id'] )
issue_list = cv_series_results['issues']
for issue in issue_list:
# format the issue number string nicely, since it's usually something like "2.00"
num_f = float(issue['issue_number'])
num_s = str( int(math.floor(num_f)) )
if math.floor(num_f) != num_f:
num_s = str( num_f )
# look for a matching issue number
if num_s == keys['issue_number']:
# found a matching issue number! now get the issue data
img_url, thumb_url = comicVine.fetchIssueCoverURLs( issue['id'] )
url_image_data = ImageFetcher().fetch(thumb_url, blocking=True)
if self.cancel == True:
self.match_list = []
return self.match_list
url_image_hash = self.calculateHash( url_image_data )
match = dict()
match['series'] = "{0} ({1})".format(series['name'], series['start_year'])
match['distance'] = ImageHasher.hamming_distance(cover_hash, url_image_hash)
match['issue_number'] = num_s
match['url_image_hash'] = url_image_hash
match['issue_title'] = issue['name']
match['img_url'] = thumb_url
match['issue_id'] = issue['id']
match['volume_id'] = series['id']
self.log_msg( " --> {0}".format(match['distance']), newline=False )
self.log_msg( "" )
if len(self.match_list) == 0:
self.log_msg( ":-( no matches!" )
return self.match_list
# sort list by image match scores
self.match_list.sort(key=lambda k: k['distance'])
l = []
for i in self.match_list:
l.append( i['distance'] )
self.log_msg( "Compared {0} covers".format(len(self.match_list)), newline=False)
self.log_msg( str(l))
def print_match(item):
self.log_msg( u"-----> {0} #{1} {2} -- score: {3}".format(
item['distance']) )
best_score = self.match_list[0]['distance']
if len(self.match_list) == 1:
if best_score > self.min_score_thresh:
self.log_msg( "!!!! Very weak score for the cover. Maybe it's not the cover?" )
self.log_msg( "Comparing other pages now..." )
found = False
for i in range(ca.getNumberOfPages()):
image_data = ca.getPage(i)
page_hash = self.calculateHash( image_data )
distance = ImageHasher.hamming_distance(page_hash, self.match_list[0]['url_image_hash'])
if distance <= self.strong_score_thresh:
print "Found a great match d={0} on page {1}!".format(distance, i+1)
found = True
elif distance < self.min_score_thresh:
print "Found a good match d={0} on page {1}".format(distance, i)
found = True
self.log_msg( ".", newline=False )
self.log_msg( "" )
if not found:
self.log_msg( "No matching pages in the issue. Bummer" )
return self.match_list
elif best_score > self.min_score_thresh and len(self.match_list) > 1:
self.log_msg( "No good image matches! Need to use other info..." )
return self.match_list
#now pare down list, remove any item more than specified distant from the top scores
for item in reversed(self.match_list):
if item['distance'] > best_score + self.min_score_distance:
if len(self.match_list) == 1:
elif len(self.match_list) == 0:
self.log_msg( "No matches found :(" )
self.log_msg( "More than one likley candiate. Maybe a lexical comparison??" )
for item in self.match_list:
return self.match_list