2012-12-17 21:19:21 +00:00
Class to manage modifying metadata specifically for CBL/CBI
Copyright 2012 Anthony Beville
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import os
import utils
class CBLTransformer:
def __init__( self, metadata, settings ):
self.metadata = metadata
self.settings = settings
def apply( self ):
# helper funcs
def append_to_tags_if_unique( item ):
if item.lower() not in (tag.lower() for tag in self.metadata.tags):
self.metadata.tags.append( item )
def add_string_list_to_tags( str_list ):
if str_list is not None and str_list != "":
items = [ s.strip() for s in str_list.split(',') ]
for item in items:
append_to_tags_if_unique( item )
if self.settings.assume_lone_credit_is_primary:
# helper
def setLonePrimary( role_list ):
lone_credit = None
count = 0
for c in self.metadata.credits:
if c['role'].lower() in role_list:
count += 1
lone_credit = c
if count > 1:
lone_credit = None
if lone_credit is not None:
lone_credit['primary'] = True
return lone_credit, count
#need to loop three times, once for 'writer', 'artist', and then 'penciler' if no artist
setLonePrimary( ['writer'] )
c, count = setLonePrimary( ['artist'] )
if c is None and count == 0:
c, count = setLonePrimary( ['penciler', 'penciller'] )
if c is not None:
c['primary'] = False
self.metadata.addCredit( c['person'], 'Artist', True )
if self.settings.copy_characters_to_tags:
add_string_list_to_tags( self.metadata.characters )
if self.settings.copy_teams_to_tags:
add_string_list_to_tags( self.metadata.teams )
if self.settings.copy_locations_to_tags:
add_string_list_to_tags( self.metadata.locations )
2013-01-07 20:15:17 +00:00
if self.settings.copy_notes_to_comments:
if self.metadata.notes is not None and self.metadata.notes not in self.metadata.comments:
self.metadata.comments += "\n\n" + self.metadata.notes
if self.settings.copy_weblink_to_comments:
if self.metadata.webLink is not None and self.metadata.webLink not in self.metadata.comments:
self.metadata.comments += "\n\n" + self.metadata.webLink
2012-12-17 21:19:21 +00:00
return self.metadata