better filename parsing
git-svn-id: 6c5673fe-1810-88d6-992b-cd32ca31540c
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,14 +30,18 @@ import os
from urllib import unquote
class FileNameParser:
def repl(self, m):
return ' ' * len(
def fixSpaces( self, string, remove_dashes=True ):
if remove_dashes:
placeholders = ['[-_]',' +']
placeholders = ['[_]',' +']
for ph in placeholders:
string = re.sub(ph, ' ', string )
return string.strip()
string = re.sub(ph, self.repl, string )
return string #.strip()
# check for silly .1 or .5 style issue strings
# allow up to 5 chars total
@ -74,138 +78,118 @@ class FileNameParser:
count = count.lstrip("0")
return count
def getIssueNumber( self, filename ):
# Returns a tuple of issue number string, and start and end indexs in the filename
# (The indexes will be used to split the string up for further parsing)
found = False
issue = ''
original_filename = filename
start = 0
end = 0
# first, look for multiple "--", this means it's formatted differently from most:
if "--" in filename:
# the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "--" is the series name followed by issue
filename = filename.split("--")[0]
elif "___" in filename:
filename = re.sub("--.*", self.repl, filename)
elif "__" in filename:
# the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "__" is the series name followed by issue
filename = filename.split("__")[0]
filename = re.sub("__.*", self.repl, filename)
filename = filename.replace("+", " ")
# remove parenthetical phrases
filename = re.sub( "\(.*?\)", "", filename)
filename = re.sub( "\[.*?\]", "", filename)
# guess based on position
# replace parenthetical phrases with spaces
filename = re.sub( "\(.*?\)", self.repl, filename)
filename = re.sub( "\[.*?\]", self.repl, filename)
# replace any name seperators with spaces
tmpstr = self.fixSpaces(filename)
word_list = tmpstr.split(' ')
filename = self.fixSpaces(filename)
# remove any "of NN" phrase with spaces (problem: this might break some titles)
filename = re.sub( "of [\d]+", self.repl, filename)
print u"[{0}]".format(filename)
#before we search, remove any kind of likely "of X" phrase
for i in range(0, len(word_list)-2):
if ( word_list[i].isdigit() and
word_list[i+1] == "of" and
word_list[i+2].isdigit() ):
word_list[i+1] ="XXX"
word_list[i+2] ="XXX"
# first look for the last "#" followed by a digit in the filename. this is almost certainly the issue number
#issnum ='#\d+', filename)
matchlist = re.findall("#[-+]?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(\w*))", filename)
if len(matchlist) > 0:
#get the last item
issue = matchlist[ len(matchlist) - 1][0]
print 'Assuming issue number is ' + str(issue) + ' based on first test.'
found = True
# assume the last number in the filename that is under 4 digits is the issue number
if not found:
for word in reversed(word_list):
if len(word) > 0 and word[0] == "#":
word = word[1:]
if (
(word.isdigit() and len(word) < 4) or
issue = word
found = True
print 'Assuming issue number is ' + str(issue) + ' based on the position.'
if not found:
# try a regex
#issnum ='(?<=[_#\s-])(\d+[a-zA-Z]+|\d+\.\d|\d+)', filename)
issnum ='(?<=[_#\s-])(\d+[^\d]+|\d+\.\d|\d+)', filename)
if issnum:
issue =
# we should now have a cleaned up filename version with all the words in
# the same positions as original filename
# make a list of each word and its position
word_list = list()
for m in re.finditer("\S+", filename):
word_list.append( (, m.start(), m.end()) )
# Now try to search for the likely issue number word in the list
# first look for a word with "#" followed by digits with optional sufix
# this is almost certainly the issue number
for w in reversed(word_list):
if re.match("#[-]?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(\w*))", w[0]):
found = True
print 'Got the issue using regex. Issue is ' + issue
# take a stab at working out the span of the issue subtring in the original
# (this should really be done which each search, so we're not just always guessing)
if found:
cnt = 0
print "issue str = [{0}], {1}".format(issue, original_filename)
span = None
pattern = "\()"
for g in re.finditer(issue, original_filename):
#print g.span()
cnt += 1
if cnt > 1:
# same as above but w/o a '#'
if not found:
for w in reversed(word_list):
if re.match("[-]?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(\w*))", w[0]):
found = True
if cnt == 1:
span = g.span()
print span
issue = issue.strip()
# now try to look for a # followed by any characters
if not found:
for w in reversed(word_list):
if re.match("#\w+", w[0]):
found = True
if found:
issue = w[0]
start = w[1]
end = w[2]
if issue[0] == '#':
issue = issue[1:]
return issue, start, end
return issue
def getSeriesName(self, filename, issue_start ):
def getSeriesName(self, filename, issue ):
# use the issue number string to split the filename string
# assume first element of list is the series name, plus cruft
#!!! this could fail in the case of small numerics in the series name!!!
# TODO: we really should pass in the *INDEX* of the issue, that makes
# finding it easier
# use the issue number string index to split the filename string
filename = filename[:issue_start-1]
filename = filename.replace("+", " ")
tmpstr = self.fixSpaces(filename, remove_dashes=False)
#remove pound signs. this might mess up the series name if there is a# in it.
tmpstr = tmpstr.replace("#", " ")
if issue != "":
# assume that issue substr has at least one space before it
issue_str = " " + str(issue)
series = tmpstr.split(issue_str)[0]
# no issue to work off of
#!!! TODO we should look for the year, and split from that
series = tmpstr
series = tmpstr
volume = ""
#save the last word
last_word = series.split()[-1]
# remove any parenthetical phrases
series = re.sub( "\(.*?\)", "", series)
series = series.rstrip("#")
# search for volume number
match ='(.+)([vV]|[Vv][oO][Ll]\.?\s?)(\d+)\s*$', series)
if match:
series =
volume =
# if a volume wasn't found, see if the last word is a year in parentheses
# since that's a common way to designate the volume
if volume == "":
#match either (YEAR), (YEAR-), or (YEAR-YEAR2)
match ="(\()(\d{4})(-(\d{4}|)|)(\))", last_word)
if match:
volume =
return series.strip(), volume.strip()
def getYear( self,filename):
def getYear( self,filename, issue_end):
filename = filename[issue_end:]
year = ""
# look for four digit number with "(" ")" or "--" around it
@ -256,9 +240,9 @@ class FileNameParser:
filename = filename.replace("_28", "(")
filename = filename.replace("_29", ")")
self.issue = self.getIssueNumber(filename)
self.series, self.volume = self.getSeriesName(filename, self.issue)
self.year = self.getYear(filename)
self.issue, issue_start, issue_end = self.getIssueNumber(filename)
self.series, self.volume = self.getSeriesName(filename, issue_start)
self.year = self.getYear(filename, issue_end)
self.issue_count = self.getIssueCount(filename)
self.remainder = self.getRemainder( filename, self.year, self.issue_count )
Reference in New Issue
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