diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9d2e278..a039326 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,8 +2,18 @@ This is a fork derived from google code:
-I've cloned the full subversion repository (with git-svn).
-Eventually I'll develop some experimental idea for comic tagging...
+Changes in this fork:
+ - using different unrar library https://pypi.python.org/pypi/unrar/. The previous one used unrar.dll on windows and hackish wrapping of
+ unrar command on linux, while this new one should use unrarlib on both platforms. From my tests
+ it is more stable and faster. *Requires unrarlib availability, check unrar module documentation for more information*.
+ - extracted core libraries in its own package comicapi, shared in a new repository using git subtree for better alignment with comicstreamer
+ - support for *day of month* field in the GUI
+ - merge of changes from fcanc fork
+ - more tests in non-linux platforms
+ - repackage for simple user installation
Follows original readme:
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/license.txt b/comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/license.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/license.txt
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/license.txt
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.dll b/comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.dll
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.dll
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.dll
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.h b/comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.h
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.h
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.h
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.lib b/comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.lib
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.lib
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrar.lib
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrardll.txt b/comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrardll.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrardll.txt
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/unrardll.txt
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/whatsnew.txt b/comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/whatsnew.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/whatsnew.txt
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/whatsnew.txt
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/readme.txt b/comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/readme.txt
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/readme.txt
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/readme.txt
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/unrar64.dll b/comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/unrar64.dll
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/unrar64.dll
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/unrar64.dll
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/unrar64.lib b/comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/unrar64.lib
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/unrar64.lib
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/UnRARDLL/x64/unrar64.lib
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/__init__.py b/comicapi/UnRAR2/__init__.py
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/__init__.py
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/__init__.py
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/rar_exceptions.py b/comicapi/UnRAR2/rar_exceptions.py
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/rar_exceptions.py
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/rar_exceptions.py
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/test_UnRAR2.py b/comicapi/UnRAR2/test_UnRAR2.py
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/test_UnRAR2.py
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/test_UnRAR2.py
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/unix.py b/comicapi/UnRAR2/unix.py
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/unix.py
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/unix.py
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/windows.py b/comicapi/UnRAR2/windows.py
similarity index 100%
rename from comictaggerlib/UnRAR2/windows.py
rename to comicapi/UnRAR2/windows.py
diff --git a/comicapi/__init__.py b/comicapi/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d9bd7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comicapi/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+__author__ = 'dromanin'
diff --git a/comicapi/comet.py b/comicapi/comet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a06977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comicapi/comet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+A python class to encapsulate CoMet data
+Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+from datetime import datetime
+import zipfile
+from pprint import pprint
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
+import utils
+class CoMet:
+ writer_synonyms = ['writer', 'plotter', 'scripter']
+ penciller_synonyms = [ 'artist', 'penciller', 'penciler', 'breakdowns' ]
+ inker_synonyms = [ 'inker', 'artist', 'finishes' ]
+ colorist_synonyms = [ 'colorist', 'colourist', 'colorer', 'colourer' ]
+ letterer_synonyms = [ 'letterer']
+ cover_synonyms = [ 'cover', 'covers', 'coverartist', 'cover artist' ]
+ editor_synonyms = [ 'editor']
+ def metadataFromString( self, string ):
+ tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring( string ))
+ return self.convertXMLToMetadata( tree )
+ def stringFromMetadata( self, metadata ):
+ header = '\n'
+ tree = self.convertMetadataToXML( self, metadata )
+ return header + ET.tostring(tree.getroot())
+ def indent( self, elem, level=0 ):
+ # for making the XML output readable
+ i = "\n" + level*" "
+ if len(elem):
+ if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
+ elem.text = i + " "
+ if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
+ elem.tail = i
+ for elem in elem:
+ self.indent( elem, level+1 )
+ if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
+ elem.tail = i
+ else:
+ if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
+ elem.tail = i
+ def convertMetadataToXML( self, filename, metadata ):
+ #shorthand for the metadata
+ md = metadata
+ # build a tree structure
+ root = ET.Element("comet")
+ root.attrib['xmlns:comet'] = "http://www.denvog.com/comet/"
+ root.attrib['xmlns:xsi'] = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ root.attrib['xsi:schemaLocation'] = "http://www.denvog.com http://www.denvog.com/comet/comet.xsd"
+ #helper func
+ def assign( comet_entry, md_entry):
+ if md_entry is not None:
+ ET.SubElement(root, comet_entry).text = u"{0}".format(md_entry)
+ # title is manditory
+ if md.title is None:
+ md.title = ""
+ assign( 'title', md.title )
+ assign( 'series', md.series )
+ assign( 'issue', md.issue ) #must be int??
+ assign( 'volume', md.volume )
+ assign( 'description', md.comments )
+ assign( 'publisher', md.publisher )
+ assign( 'pages', md.pageCount )
+ assign( 'format', md.format )
+ assign( 'language', md.language )
+ assign( 'rating', md.maturityRating )
+ assign( 'price', md.price )
+ assign( 'isVersionOf', md.isVersionOf )
+ assign( 'rights', md.rights )
+ assign( 'identifier', md.identifier )
+ assign( 'lastMark', md.lastMark )
+ assign( 'genre', md.genre ) # TODO repeatable
+ if md.characters is not None:
+ char_list = [ c.strip() for c in md.characters.split(',') ]
+ for c in char_list:
+ assign( 'character', c )
+ if md.manga is not None and md.manga == "YesAndRightToLeft":
+ assign( 'readingDirection', "rtl")
+ date_str = ""
+ if md.year is not None:
+ date_str = str(md.year).zfill(4)
+ if md.month is not None:
+ date_str += "-" + str(md.month).zfill(2)
+ assign( 'date', date_str )
+ assign( 'coverImage', md.coverImage )
+ # need to specially process the credits, since they are structured differently than CIX
+ credit_writer_list = list()
+ credit_penciller_list = list()
+ credit_inker_list = list()
+ credit_colorist_list = list()
+ credit_letterer_list = list()
+ credit_cover_list = list()
+ credit_editor_list = list()
+ # loop thru credits, and build a list for each role that CoMet supports
+ for credit in metadata.credits:
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.writer_synonyms ):
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'writer').text = u"{0}".format(credit['person'])
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.penciller_synonyms ):
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'penciller').text = u"{0}".format(credit['person'])
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.inker_synonyms ):
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'inker').text = u"{0}".format(credit['person'])
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.colorist_synonyms ):
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'colorist').text = u"{0}".format(credit['person'])
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.letterer_synonyms ):
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'letterer').text = u"{0}".format(credit['person'])
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.cover_synonyms ):
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'coverDesigner').text = u"{0}".format(credit['person'])
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.editor_synonyms ):
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'editor').text = u"{0}".format(credit['person'])
+ # self pretty-print
+ self.indent(root)
+ # wrap it in an ElementTree instance, and save as XML
+ tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
+ return tree
+ def convertXMLToMetadata( self, tree ):
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ if root.tag != 'comet':
+ raise 1
+ return None
+ metadata = GenericMetadata()
+ md = metadata
+ # Helper function
+ def xlate( tag ):
+ node = root.find( tag )
+ if node is not None:
+ return node.text
+ else:
+ return None
+ md.series = xlate( 'series' )
+ md.title = xlate( 'title' )
+ md.issue = xlate( 'issue' )
+ md.volume = xlate( 'volume' )
+ md.comments = xlate( 'description' )
+ md.publisher = xlate( 'publisher' )
+ md.language = xlate( 'language' )
+ md.format = xlate( 'format' )
+ md.pageCount = xlate( 'pages' )
+ md.maturityRating = xlate( 'rating' )
+ md.price = xlate( 'price' )
+ md.isVersionOf = xlate( 'isVersionOf' )
+ md.rights = xlate( 'rights' )
+ md.identifier = xlate( 'identifier' )
+ md.lastMark = xlate( 'lastMark' )
+ md.genre = xlate( 'genre' ) # TODO - repeatable field
+ date = xlate( 'date' )
+ if date is not None:
+ parts = date.split('-')
+ if len( parts) > 0:
+ md.year = parts[0]
+ if len( parts) > 1:
+ md.month = parts[1]
+ md.coverImage = xlate( 'coverImage' )
+ readingDirection = xlate( 'readingDirection' )
+ if readingDirection is not None and readingDirection == "rtl":
+ md.manga = "YesAndRightToLeft"
+ # loop for character tags
+ char_list = []
+ for n in root:
+ if n.tag == 'character':
+ char_list.append(n.text.strip())
+ md.characters = utils.listToString( char_list )
+ # Now extract the credit info
+ for n in root:
+ if ( n.tag == 'writer' or
+ n.tag == 'penciller' or
+ n.tag == 'inker' or
+ n.tag == 'colorist' or
+ n.tag == 'letterer' or
+ n.tag == 'editor'
+ ):
+ metadata.addCredit( n.text.strip(), n.tag.title() )
+ if n.tag == 'coverDesigner':
+ metadata.addCredit( n.text.strip(), "Cover" )
+ metadata.isEmpty = False
+ return metadata
+ #verify that the string actually contains CoMet data in XML format
+ def validateString( self, string ):
+ try:
+ tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring( string ))
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ if root.tag != 'comet':
+ raise Exception
+ except:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def writeToExternalFile( self, filename, metadata ):
+ tree = self.convertMetadataToXML( self, metadata )
+ #ET.dump(tree)
+ tree.write(filename, encoding='utf-8')
+ def readFromExternalFile( self, filename ):
+ tree = ET.parse( filename )
+ return self.convertXMLToMetadata( tree )
diff --git a/comicapi/comicarchive.py b/comicapi/comicarchive.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2ef85c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comicapi/comicarchive.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1143 @@
+A python class to represent a single comic, be it file or folder of images
+Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import zipfile
+import os
+import struct
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import subprocess
+import platform
+import locale
+import shutil
+from natsort import natsorted
+from unrar import rarfile
+from unrar import unrarlib
+import unrar.constants
+import ctypes
+import io
+from unrar import constants
+class OpenableRarFile(rarfile.RarFile):
+ def open(self, member):
+ #print "opening %s..." % member
+ # based on https://github.com/matiasb/python-unrar/pull/4/files
+ res = []
+ if isinstance(member, rarfile.RarInfo):
+ member = member.filename
+ archive = unrarlib.RAROpenArchiveDataEx(self.filename, mode=constants.RAR_OM_EXTRACT)
+ handle = self._open(archive)
+ found, buf = False, []
+ def _callback(msg, UserData, P1, P2):
+ if msg == constants.UCM_PROCESSDATA:
+ data = (ctypes.c_char*P2).from_address(P1).raw
+ buf.append(data)
+ return 1
+ c_callback = unrarlib.UNRARCALLBACK(_callback)
+ unrarlib.RARSetCallback(handle, c_callback, 1)
+ try:
+ rarinfo = self._read_header(handle)
+ while rarinfo is not None:
+ #print "checking rar archive %s against %s" % (rarinfo.filename, member)
+ if rarinfo.filename == member:
+ self._process_current(handle, constants.RAR_TEST)
+ found = True
+ else:
+ self._process_current(handle, constants.RAR_SKIP)
+ rarinfo = self._read_header(handle)
+ except unrarlib.UnrarException:
+ raise rarfile.BadRarFile("Bad RAR archive data.")
+ finally:
+ self._close(handle)
+ if not found:
+ raise KeyError('There is no item named %r in the archive' % member)
+ return ''.join(buf)
+if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ import _subprocess
+import time
+import StringIO
+ import Image
+ pil_available = True
+except ImportError:
+ pil_available = False
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(".") )
+#import UnRAR2
+#from UnRAR2.rar_exceptions import *
+#from settings import ComicTaggerSettings
+from comicinfoxml import ComicInfoXml
+from comicbookinfo import ComicBookInfo
+from comet import CoMet
+from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata, PageType
+from filenameparser import FileNameParser
+from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader
+class MetaDataStyle:
+ CBI = 0
+ CIX = 1
+ COMET = 2
+ name = [ 'ComicBookLover', 'ComicRack', 'CoMet' ]
+class ZipArchiver:
+ def __init__( self, path ):
+ self.path = path
+ def getArchiveComment( self ):
+ zf = zipfile.ZipFile( self.path, 'r' )
+ comment = zf.comment
+ zf.close()
+ return comment
+ def setArchiveComment( self, comment ):
+ return self.writeZipComment( self.path, comment )
+ def readArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
+ data = ""
+ zf = zipfile.ZipFile( self.path, 'r' )
+ try:
+ data = zf.read( archive_file )
+ except zipfile.BadZipfile as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"bad zipfile [{0}]: {1} :: {2}".format(e, self.path, archive_file)
+ zf.close()
+ raise IOError
+ except Exception as e:
+ zf.close()
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"bad zipfile [{0}]: {1} :: {2}".format(e, self.path, archive_file)
+ raise IOError
+ finally:
+ zf.close()
+ return data
+ def removeArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
+ try:
+ self.rebuildZipFile( [ archive_file ] )
+ except:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def writeArchiveFile( self, archive_file, data ):
+ # At the moment, no other option but to rebuild the whole
+ # zip archive w/o the indicated file. Very sucky, but maybe
+ # another solution can be found
+ try:
+ self.rebuildZipFile( [ archive_file ] )
+ #now just add the archive file as a new one
+ zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, mode='a', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
+ zf.writestr( archive_file, data )
+ zf.close()
+ return True
+ except:
+ return False
+ def getArchiveFilenameList( self ):
+ try:
+ zf = zipfile.ZipFile( self.path, 'r' )
+ namelist = zf.namelist()
+ zf.close()
+ return namelist
+ except Exception as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"Unable to get zipfile list [{0}]: {1}".format(e, self.path)
+ return []
+ # zip helper func
+ def rebuildZipFile( self, exclude_list ):
+ # this recompresses the zip archive, without the files in the exclude_list
+ #print ">> sys.stderr, Rebuilding zip {0} without {1}".format( self.path, exclude_list )
+ # generate temp file
+ tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp( dir=os.path.dirname(self.path) )
+ os.close( tmp_fd )
+ zin = zipfile.ZipFile (self.path, 'r')
+ zout = zipfile.ZipFile (tmp_name, 'w')
+ for item in zin.infolist():
+ buffer = zin.read(item.filename)
+ if ( item.filename not in exclude_list ):
+ zout.writestr(item, buffer)
+ #preserve the old comment
+ zout.comment = zin.comment
+ zout.close()
+ zin.close()
+ # replace with the new file
+ os.remove( self.path )
+ os.rename( tmp_name, self.path )
+ def writeZipComment( self, filename, comment ):
+ """
+ This is a custom function for writing a comment to a zip file,
+ since the built-in one doesn't seem to work on Windows and Mac OS/X
+ Fortunately, the zip comment is at the end of the file, and it's
+ easy to manipulate. See this website for more info:
+ see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_(file_format)#Structure
+ """
+ #get file size
+ statinfo = os.stat(filename)
+ file_length = statinfo.st_size
+ try:
+ fo = open(filename, "r+b")
+ #the starting position, relative to EOF
+ pos = -4
+ found = False
+ value = bytearray()
+ # walk backwards to find the "End of Central Directory" record
+ while ( not found ) and ( -pos != file_length ):
+ # seek, relative to EOF
+ fo.seek( pos, 2)
+ value = fo.read( 4 )
+ #look for the end of central directory signature
+ if bytearray(value) == bytearray([ 0x50, 0x4b, 0x05, 0x06 ]):
+ found = True
+ else:
+ # not found, step back another byte
+ pos = pos - 1
+ #print pos,"{1} int: {0:x}".format(bytearray(value)[0], value)
+ if found:
+ # now skip forward 20 bytes to the comment length word
+ pos += 20
+ fo.seek( pos, 2)
+ # Pack the length of the comment string
+ format = "H" # one 2-byte integer
+ comment_length = struct.pack(format, len(comment)) # pack integer in a binary string
+ # write out the length
+ fo.write( comment_length )
+ fo.seek( pos+2, 2)
+ # write out the comment itself
+ fo.write( comment )
+ fo.truncate()
+ fo.close()
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Failed to write comment to zip file!')
+ except:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def copyFromArchive( self, otherArchive ):
+ # Replace the current zip with one copied from another archive
+ try:
+ zout = zipfile.ZipFile (self.path, 'w')
+ for fname in otherArchive.getArchiveFilenameList():
+ data = otherArchive.readArchiveFile( fname )
+ if data is not None:
+ zout.writestr( fname, data )
+ zout.close()
+ #preserve the old comment
+ comment = otherArchive.getArchiveComment()
+ if comment is not None:
+ if not self.writeZipComment( self.path, comment ):
+ return False
+ except Exception as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"Error while copying to {0}: {1}".format(self.path, e)
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+# RAR implementation
+class RarArchiver:
+ devnull = None
+ def __init__( self, path, rar_exe_path ):
+ self.path = path
+ self.rar_exe_path = rar_exe_path
+ if RarArchiver.devnull is None:
+ RarArchiver.devnull = open(os.devnull, "w")
+ # windows only, keeps the cmd.exe from popping up
+ if platform.system() == "Windows":
+ self.startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
+ self.startupinfo.dwFlags |= _subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
+ else:
+ self.startupinfo = None
+ def __del__(self):
+ #RarArchiver.devnull.close()
+ pass
+ def getArchiveComment( self ):
+ rarc = self.getRARObj()
+ return rarc.comment
+ def setArchiveComment( self, comment ):
+ if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
+ try:
+ # write comment to temp file
+ tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ f = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b')
+ f.write( comment )
+ f.close()
+ working_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( self.path ) )
+ # use external program to write comment to Rar archive
+ subprocess.call([self.rar_exe_path, 'c', '-w' + working_dir , '-c-', '-z' + tmp_name, self.path],
+ startupinfo=self.startupinfo,
+ stdout=RarArchiver.devnull)
+ if platform.system() == "Darwin":
+ time.sleep(1)
+ os.remove( tmp_name)
+ except:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def readArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
+ # Make sure to escape brackets, since some funky stuff is going on
+ # underneath with "fnmatch"
+ #archive_file = archive_file.replace("[", '[[]')
+ entries = []
+ rarc = self.getRARObj()
+ tries = 0
+ while tries < 7:
+ try:
+ tries = tries+1
+ #tmp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ #tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_folder, archive_file)
+ #rarc.extract(archive_file, tmp_folder)
+ data = rarc.open(archive_file)
+ #data = open(tmp_file).read()
+ entries = [(rarc.getinfo(archive_file), data)]
+ #shutil.rmtree(tmp_folder, ignore_errors=True)
+ #entries = rarc.read_files( archive_file )
+ if entries[0][0].file_size != len(entries[0][1]):
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"readArchiveFile(): [file is not expected size: {0} vs {1}] {2}:{3} [attempt # {4}]".format(
+ entries[0][0].file_size,len(entries[0][1]), self.path, archive_file, tries)
+ continue
+ except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"readArchiveFile(): [{0}] {1}:{2} attempt#{3}".format(str(e), self.path, archive_file, tries)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"Unexpected exception in readArchiveFile(): [{0}] for {1}:{2} attempt#{3}".format(str(e), self.path, archive_file, tries)
+ break
+ else:
+ #Success"
+ #entries is a list of of tuples: ( rarinfo, filedata)
+ if tries > 1:
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"Attempted read_files() {0} times".format(tries)
+ if (len(entries) == 1):
+ return entries[0][1]
+ else:
+ raise IOError
+ raise IOError
+ def writeArchiveFile( self, archive_file, data ):
+ if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
+ try:
+ tmp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ tmp_file = os.path.join( tmp_folder, archive_file )
+ working_dir = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( self.path ) )
+ # TODO: will this break if 'archive_file' is in a subfolder. i.e. "foo/bar.txt"
+ # will need to create the subfolder above, I guess...
+ f = open(tmp_file, 'w')
+ f.write( data )
+ f.close()
+ # use external program to write file to Rar archive
+ subprocess.call([self.rar_exe_path, 'a', '-w' + working_dir ,'-c-', '-ep', self.path, tmp_file],
+ startupinfo=self.startupinfo,
+ stdout=RarArchiver.devnull)
+ if platform.system() == "Darwin":
+ time.sleep(1)
+ os.remove( tmp_file)
+ os.rmdir( tmp_folder)
+ except:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def removeArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
+ if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
+ try:
+ # use external program to remove file from Rar archive
+ subprocess.call([self.rar_exe_path, 'd','-c-', self.path, archive_file],
+ startupinfo=self.startupinfo,
+ stdout=RarArchiver.devnull)
+ if platform.system() == "Darwin":
+ time.sleep(1)
+ except:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def getArchiveFilenameList( self ):
+ rarc = self.getRARObj()
+ #namelist = [ item.filename for item in rarc.infolist() ]
+ #return namelist
+ tries = 0
+ while tries < 7:
+ try:
+ tries = tries+1
+ #namelist = [ item.filename for item in rarc.infolist() ]
+ namelist = []
+ for item in rarc.infolist():
+ if item.file_size != 0:
+ namelist.append( item.filename )
+ except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"getArchiveFilenameList(): [{0}] {1} attempt#{2}".format(str(e), self.path, tries)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ else:
+ #Success"
+ return namelist
+ raise e
+ def getRARObj( self ):
+ tries = 0
+ while tries < 7:
+ try:
+ tries = tries+1
+ #rarc = UnRAR2.RarFile( self.path )
+ rarc = OpenableRarFile(self.path)
+ except (OSError, IOError) as e:
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"getRARObj(): [{0}] {1} attempt#{2}".format(str(e), self.path, tries)
+ time.sleep(1)
+ else:
+ #Success"
+ return rarc
+ raise e
+# Folder implementation
+class FolderArchiver:
+ def __init__( self, path ):
+ self.path = path
+ self.comment_file_name = "ComicTaggerFolderComment.txt"
+ def getArchiveComment( self ):
+ return self.readArchiveFile( self.comment_file_name )
+ def setArchiveComment( self, comment ):
+ return self.writeArchiveFile( self.comment_file_name, comment )
+ def readArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
+ data = ""
+ fname = os.path.join( self.path, archive_file )
+ try:
+ with open( fname, 'rb' ) as f:
+ data = f.read()
+ f.close()
+ except IOError as e:
+ pass
+ return data
+ def writeArchiveFile( self, archive_file, data ):
+ fname = os.path.join( self.path, archive_file )
+ try:
+ with open(fname, 'w+') as f:
+ f.write( data )
+ f.close()
+ except:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def removeArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
+ fname = os.path.join( self.path, archive_file )
+ try:
+ os.remove( fname )
+ except:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def getArchiveFilenameList( self ):
+ return self.listFiles( self.path )
+ def listFiles( self, folder ):
+ itemlist = list()
+ for item in os.listdir( folder ):
+ itemlist.append( item )
+ if os.path.isdir( item ):
+ itemlist.extend( self.listFiles( os.path.join( folder, item ) ))
+ return itemlist
+# Unknown implementation
+class UnknownArchiver:
+ def __init__( self, path ):
+ self.path = path
+ def getArchiveComment( self ):
+ return ""
+ def setArchiveComment( self, comment ):
+ return False
+ def readArchiveFile( self ):
+ return ""
+ def writeArchiveFile( self, archive_file, data ):
+ return False
+ def removeArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
+ return False
+ def getArchiveFilenameList( self ):
+ return []
+class PdfArchiver:
+ def __init__( self, path ):
+ self.path = path
+ def getArchiveComment( self ):
+ return ""
+ def setArchiveComment( self, comment ):
+ return False
+ def readArchiveFile( self, page_num ):
+ return subprocess.check_output(['mudraw', '-o','-', self.path, str(int(os.path.basename(page_num)[:-4]))])
+ def writeArchiveFile( self, archive_file, data ):
+ return False
+ def removeArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
+ return False
+ def getArchiveFilenameList( self ):
+ out = []
+ pdf = PdfFileReader(open(self.path, 'rb'))
+ for page in range(1, pdf.getNumPages() + 1):
+ out.append("/%04d.jpg" % (page))
+ return out
+class ComicArchive:
+ logo_data = None
+ class ArchiveType:
+ Zip, Rar, Folder, Pdf, Unknown = range(5)
+ def __init__( self, path, rar_exe_path=None, default_image_path=None ):
+ self.path = path
+ self.rar_exe_path = rar_exe_path
+ self.ci_xml_filename = 'ComicInfo.xml'
+ self.comet_default_filename = 'CoMet.xml'
+ self.resetCache()
+ self.default_image_path = default_image_path
+ # Use file extension to decide which archive test we do first
+ ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1].lower()
+ self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Unknown
+ self.archiver = UnknownArchiver( self.path )
+ if ext == ".cbr" or ext == ".rar":
+ if self.rarTest():
+ self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Rar
+ self.archiver = RarArchiver( self.path, rar_exe_path=self.rar_exe_path )
+ elif self.zipTest():
+ self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Zip
+ self.archiver = ZipArchiver( self.path )
+ else:
+ if self.zipTest():
+ self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Zip
+ self.archiver = ZipArchiver( self.path )
+ elif self.rarTest():
+ self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Rar
+ self.archiver = RarArchiver( self.path, rar_exe_path=self.rar_exe_path )
+ elif os.path.basename(self.path)[-3:] == 'pdf':
+ self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Pdf
+ self.archiver = PdfArchiver(self.path)
+ if ComicArchive.logo_data is None:
+ #fname = ComicTaggerSettings.getGraphic('nocover.png')
+ fname = self.default_image_path
+ with open(fname, 'rb') as fd:
+ ComicArchive.logo_data = fd.read()
+ # Clears the cached data
+ def resetCache( self ):
+ self.has_cix = None
+ self.has_cbi = None
+ self.has_comet = None
+ self.comet_filename = None
+ self.page_count = None
+ self.page_list = None
+ self.cix_md = None
+ self.cbi_md = None
+ self.comet_md = None
+ def loadCache( self, style_list ):
+ for style in style_list:
+ self.readMetadata(style)
+ def rename( self, path ):
+ self.path = path
+ self.archiver.path = path
+ def zipTest( self ):
+ return zipfile.is_zipfile( self.path )
+ def rarTest( self ):
+ try:
+ rarc = rarfile.RarFile( self.path )
+ except: # InvalidRARArchive:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ def isZip( self ):
+ return self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Zip
+ def isRar( self ):
+ return self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Rar
+ def isPdf(self):
+ return self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Pdf
+ def isFolder( self ):
+ return self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Folder
+ def isWritable( self, check_rar_status=True ):
+ if self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Unknown :
+ return False
+ elif check_rar_status and self.isRar() and self.rar_exe_path is None:
+ return False
+ elif not os.access(self.path, os.W_OK):
+ return False
+ elif ((self.archive_type != self.ArchiveType.Folder) and
+ (not os.access( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath(self.path)), os.W_OK ))):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def isWritableForStyle( self, data_style ):
+ if self.isRar() and data_style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
+ return False
+ return self.isWritable()
+ def seemsToBeAComicArchive( self ):
+ # Do we even care about extensions??
+ ext = os.path.splitext(self.path)[1].lower()
+ if (
+ ( self.isZip() or self.isRar() or self.isPdf()) #or self.isFolder() )
+ and
+ ( self.getNumberOfPages() > 0)
+ ):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def readMetadata( self, style ):
+ if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
+ return self.readCIX()
+ elif style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
+ return self.readCBI()
+ elif style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
+ return self.readCoMet()
+ else:
+ return GenericMetadata()
+ def writeMetadata( self, metadata, style ):
+ retcode = None
+ if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
+ retcode = self.writeCIX( metadata )
+ elif style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
+ retcode = self.writeCBI( metadata )
+ elif style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
+ retcode = self.writeCoMet( metadata )
+ return retcode
+ def hasMetadata( self, style ):
+ if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
+ return self.hasCIX()
+ elif style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
+ return self.hasCBI()
+ elif style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
+ return self.hasCoMet()
+ else:
+ return False
+ def removeMetadata( self, style ):
+ retcode = True
+ if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
+ retcode = self.removeCIX()
+ elif style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
+ retcode = self.removeCBI()
+ elif style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
+ retcode = self.removeCoMet()
+ return retcode
+ def getPage( self, index ):
+ image_data = None
+ filename = self.getPageName( index )
+ if filename is not None:
+ try:
+ image_data = self.archiver.readArchiveFile( filename )
+ except IOError:
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"Error reading in page. Substituting logo page."
+ image_data = ComicArchive.logo_data
+ return image_data
+ def getPageName( self, index ):
+ if index is None:
+ return None
+ page_list = self.getPageNameList()
+ num_pages = len( page_list )
+ if num_pages == 0 or index >= num_pages:
+ return None
+ return page_list[index]
+ def getScannerPageIndex( self ):
+ scanner_page_index = None
+ #make a guess at the scanner page
+ name_list = self.getPageNameList()
+ count = self.getNumberOfPages()
+ #too few pages to really know
+ if count < 5:
+ return None
+ # count the length of every filename, and count occurences
+ length_buckets = dict()
+ for name in name_list:
+ fname = os.path.split(name)[1]
+ length = len(fname)
+ if length_buckets.has_key( length ):
+ length_buckets[ length ] += 1
+ else:
+ length_buckets[ length ] = 1
+ # sort by most common
+ sorted_buckets = sorted(length_buckets.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): (v,k), reverse=True)
+ # statistical mode occurence is first
+ mode_length = sorted_buckets[0][0]
+ # we are only going to consider the final image file:
+ final_name = os.path.split(name_list[count-1])[1]
+ common_length_list = list()
+ for name in name_list:
+ if len(os.path.split(name)[1]) == mode_length:
+ common_length_list.append( os.path.split(name)[1] )
+ prefix = os.path.commonprefix(common_length_list)
+ if mode_length <= 7 and prefix == "":
+ #probably all numbers
+ if len(final_name) > mode_length:
+ scanner_page_index = count-1
+ # see if the last page doesn't start with the same prefix as most others
+ elif not final_name.startswith(prefix):
+ scanner_page_index = count-1
+ return scanner_page_index
+ def getPageNameList( self , sort_list=True):
+ if self.page_list is None:
+ # get the list file names in the archive, and sort
+ files = self.archiver.getArchiveFilenameList()
+ # seems like some archive creators are on Windows, and don't know about case-sensitivity!
+ if sort_list:
+ def keyfunc(k):
+ #hack to account for some weird scanner ID pages
+ #basename=os.path.split(k)[1]
+ #if basename < '0':
+ # k = os.path.join(os.path.split(k)[0], "z" + basename)
+ return k.lower()
+ files = natsorted(files, key=keyfunc,signed=False)
+ # make a sub-list of image files
+ self.page_list = []
+ for name in files:
+ if ( name[-4:].lower() in [ ".jpg", "jpeg", ".png", ".gif", "webp" ] and os.path.basename(name)[0] != "." ):
+ self.page_list.append(name)
+ return self.page_list
+ def getNumberOfPages( self ):
+ if self.page_count is None:
+ self.page_count = len( self.getPageNameList( ) )
+ return self.page_count
+ def readCBI( self ):
+ if self.cbi_md is None:
+ raw_cbi = self.readRawCBI()
+ if raw_cbi is None:
+ self.cbi_md = GenericMetadata()
+ else:
+ self.cbi_md = ComicBookInfo().metadataFromString( raw_cbi )
+ self.cbi_md.setDefaultPageList( self.getNumberOfPages() )
+ return self.cbi_md
+ def readRawCBI( self ):
+ if ( not self.hasCBI() ):
+ return None
+ return self.archiver.getArchiveComment()
+ def hasCBI(self):
+ if self.has_cbi is None:
+ #if ( not ( self.isZip() or self.isRar()) or not self.seemsToBeAComicArchive() ):
+ if not self.seemsToBeAComicArchive():
+ self.has_cbi = False
+ else:
+ comment = self.archiver.getArchiveComment()
+ self.has_cbi = ComicBookInfo().validateString( comment )
+ return self.has_cbi
+ def writeCBI( self, metadata ):
+ if metadata is not None:
+ self.applyArchiveInfoToMetadata( metadata )
+ cbi_string = ComicBookInfo().stringFromMetadata( metadata )
+ write_success = self.archiver.setArchiveComment( cbi_string )
+ if write_success:
+ self.has_cbi = True
+ self.cbi_md = metadata
+ self.resetCache()
+ return write_success
+ else:
+ return False
+ def removeCBI( self ):
+ if self.hasCBI():
+ write_success = self.archiver.setArchiveComment( "" )
+ if write_success:
+ self.has_cbi = False
+ self.cbi_md = None
+ self.resetCache()
+ return write_success
+ return True
+ def readCIX( self ):
+ if self.cix_md is None:
+ raw_cix = self.readRawCIX()
+ if raw_cix is None or raw_cix == "":
+ self.cix_md = GenericMetadata()
+ else:
+ self.cix_md = ComicInfoXml().metadataFromString( raw_cix )
+ #validate the existing page list (make sure count is correct)
+ if len ( self.cix_md.pages ) != 0 :
+ if len ( self.cix_md.pages ) != self.getNumberOfPages():
+ # pages array doesn't match the actual number of images we're seeing
+ # in the archive, so discard the data
+ self.cix_md.pages = []
+ if len( self.cix_md.pages ) == 0:
+ self.cix_md.setDefaultPageList( self.getNumberOfPages() )
+ return self.cix_md
+ def readRawCIX( self ):
+ if not self.hasCIX():
+ return None
+ try:
+ raw_cix = self.archiver.readArchiveFile( self.ci_xml_filename )
+ except IOError:
+ print "Error reading in raw CIX!"
+ raw_cix = ""
+ return raw_cix
+ def writeCIX(self, metadata):
+ if metadata is not None:
+ self.applyArchiveInfoToMetadata( metadata, calc_page_sizes=True )
+ cix_string = ComicInfoXml().stringFromMetadata( metadata )
+ write_success = self.archiver.writeArchiveFile( self.ci_xml_filename, cix_string )
+ if write_success:
+ self.has_cix = True
+ self.cix_md = metadata
+ self.resetCache()
+ return write_success
+ else:
+ return False
+ def removeCIX( self ):
+ if self.hasCIX():
+ write_success = self.archiver.removeArchiveFile( self.ci_xml_filename )
+ if write_success:
+ self.has_cix = False
+ self.cix_md = None
+ self.resetCache()
+ return write_success
+ return True
+ def hasCIX(self):
+ if self.has_cix is None:
+ if not self.seemsToBeAComicArchive():
+ self.has_cix = False
+ elif self.ci_xml_filename in self.archiver.getArchiveFilenameList():
+ self.has_cix = True
+ else:
+ self.has_cix = False
+ return self.has_cix
+ def readCoMet( self ):
+ if self.comet_md is None:
+ raw_comet = self.readRawCoMet()
+ if raw_comet is None or raw_comet == "":
+ self.comet_md = GenericMetadata()
+ else:
+ self.comet_md = CoMet().metadataFromString( raw_comet )
+ self.comet_md.setDefaultPageList( self.getNumberOfPages() )
+ #use the coverImage value from the comet_data to mark the cover in this struct
+ # walk through list of images in file, and find the matching one for md.coverImage
+ # need to remove the existing one in the default
+ if self.comet_md.coverImage is not None:
+ cover_idx = 0
+ for idx,f in enumerate(self.getPageNameList()):
+ if self.comet_md.coverImage == f:
+ cover_idx = idx
+ break
+ if cover_idx != 0:
+ del (self.comet_md.pages[0]['Type'] )
+ self.comet_md.pages[ cover_idx ]['Type'] = PageType.FrontCover
+ return self.comet_md
+ def readRawCoMet( self ):
+ if not self.hasCoMet():
+ print >> sys.stderr, self.path, "doesn't have CoMet data!"
+ return None
+ try:
+ raw_comet = self.archiver.readArchiveFile( self.comet_filename )
+ except IOError:
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"Error reading in raw CoMet!"
+ raw_comet = ""
+ return raw_comet
+ def writeCoMet(self, metadata):
+ if metadata is not None:
+ if not self.hasCoMet():
+ self.comet_filename = self.comet_default_filename
+ self.applyArchiveInfoToMetadata( metadata )
+ # Set the coverImage value, if it's not the first page
+ cover_idx = int(metadata.getCoverPageIndexList()[0])
+ if cover_idx != 0:
+ metadata.coverImage = self.getPageName( cover_idx )
+ comet_string = CoMet().stringFromMetadata( metadata )
+ write_success = self.archiver.writeArchiveFile( self.comet_filename, comet_string )
+ if write_success:
+ self.has_comet = True
+ self.comet_md = metadata
+ self.resetCache()
+ return write_success
+ else:
+ return False
+ def removeCoMet( self ):
+ if self.hasCoMet():
+ write_success = self.archiver.removeArchiveFile( self.comet_filename )
+ if write_success:
+ self.has_comet = False
+ self.comet_md = None
+ self.resetCache()
+ return write_success
+ return True
+ def hasCoMet(self):
+ if self.has_comet is None:
+ self.has_comet = False
+ if not self.seemsToBeAComicArchive():
+ return self.has_comet
+ #look at all xml files in root, and search for CoMet data, get first
+ for n in self.archiver.getArchiveFilenameList():
+ if ( os.path.dirname(n) == "" and
+ os.path.splitext(n)[1].lower() == '.xml'):
+ # read in XML file, and validate it
+ try:
+ data = self.archiver.readArchiveFile( n )
+ except:
+ data = ""
+ print >> sys.stderr, u"Error reading in Comet XML for validation!"
+ if CoMet().validateString( data ):
+ # since we found it, save it!
+ self.comet_filename = n
+ self.has_comet = True
+ break
+ return self.has_comet
+ def applyArchiveInfoToMetadata( self, md, calc_page_sizes=False):
+ md.pageCount = self.getNumberOfPages()
+ if calc_page_sizes:
+ for p in md.pages:
+ idx = int( p['Image'] )
+ if pil_available:
+ if 'ImageSize' not in p or 'ImageHeight' not in p or 'ImageWidth' not in p:
+ data = self.getPage( idx )
+ if data is not None:
+ try:
+ im = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(data))
+ w,h = im.size
+ p['ImageSize'] = str(len(data))
+ p['ImageHeight'] = str(h)
+ p['ImageWidth'] = str(w)
+ except IOError:
+ p['ImageSize'] = str(len(data))
+ else:
+ if 'ImageSize' not in p:
+ data = self.getPage( idx )
+ p['ImageSize'] = str(len(data))
+ def metadataFromFilename( self , parse_scan_info=True):
+ metadata = GenericMetadata()
+ fnp = FileNameParser()
+ fnp.parseFilename( self.path )
+ if fnp.issue != "":
+ metadata.issue = fnp.issue
+ if fnp.series != "":
+ metadata.series = fnp.series
+ if fnp.volume != "":
+ metadata.volume = fnp.volume
+ if fnp.year != "":
+ metadata.year = fnp.year
+ if fnp.issue_count != "":
+ metadata.issueCount = fnp.issue_count
+ if parse_scan_info:
+ if fnp.remainder != "":
+ metadata.scanInfo = fnp.remainder
+ metadata.isEmpty = False
+ return metadata
+ def exportAsZip( self, zipfilename ):
+ if self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Zip:
+ # nothing to do, we're already a zip
+ return True
+ zip_archiver = ZipArchiver( zipfilename )
+ return zip_archiver.copyFromArchive( self.archiver )
diff --git a/comicapi/comicbookinfo.py b/comicapi/comicbookinfo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0bbaf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comicapi/comicbookinfo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+A python class to encapsulate the ComicBookInfo data
+Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+import zipfile
+from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
+import utils
+#import ctversion
+class ComicBookInfo:
+ def metadataFromString( self, string ):
+ cbi_container = json.loads( unicode(string, 'utf-8') )
+ metadata = GenericMetadata()
+ cbi = cbi_container[ 'ComicBookInfo/1.0' ]
+ #helper func
+ # If item is not in CBI, return None
+ def xlate( cbi_entry):
+ if cbi_entry in cbi:
+ return cbi[cbi_entry]
+ else:
+ return None
+ metadata.series = xlate( 'series' )
+ metadata.title = xlate( 'title' )
+ metadata.issue = xlate( 'issue' )
+ metadata.publisher = xlate( 'publisher' )
+ metadata.month = xlate( 'publicationMonth' )
+ metadata.year = xlate( 'publicationYear' )
+ metadata.issueCount = xlate( 'numberOfIssues' )
+ metadata.comments = xlate( 'comments' )
+ metadata.credits = xlate( 'credits' )
+ metadata.genre = xlate( 'genre' )
+ metadata.volume = xlate( 'volume' )
+ metadata.volumeCount = xlate( 'numberOfVolumes' )
+ metadata.language = xlate( 'language' )
+ metadata.country = xlate( 'country' )
+ metadata.criticalRating = xlate( 'rating' )
+ metadata.tags = xlate( 'tags' )
+ # make sure credits and tags are at least empty lists and not None
+ if metadata.credits is None:
+ metadata.credits = []
+ if metadata.tags is None:
+ metadata.tags = []
+ #need to massage the language string to be ISO
+ if metadata.language is not None:
+ # reverse look-up
+ pattern = metadata.language
+ metadata.language = None
+ for key in utils.getLanguageDict():
+ if utils.getLanguageDict()[ key ] == pattern.encode('utf-8'):
+ metadata.language = key
+ break
+ metadata.isEmpty = False
+ return metadata
+ def stringFromMetadata( self, metadata ):
+ cbi_container = self.createJSONDictionary( metadata )
+ return json.dumps( cbi_container )
+ #verify that the string actually contains CBI data in JSON format
+ def validateString( self, string ):
+ try:
+ cbi_container = json.loads( string )
+ except:
+ return False
+ return ( 'ComicBookInfo/1.0' in cbi_container )
+ def createJSONDictionary( self, metadata ):
+ # Create the dictionary that we will convert to JSON text
+ cbi = dict()
+ cbi_container = {'appID' : 'ComicTagger/' + '1.0.0', #ctversion.version,
+ 'lastModified' : str(datetime.now()),
+ 'ComicBookInfo/1.0' : cbi }
+ #helper func
+ def assign( cbi_entry, md_entry):
+ if md_entry is not None:
+ cbi[cbi_entry] = md_entry
+ #helper func
+ def toInt(s):
+ i = None
+ if type(s) in [ str, unicode, int ]:
+ try:
+ i = int(s)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ return i
+ assign( 'series', metadata.series )
+ assign( 'title', metadata.title )
+ assign( 'issue', metadata.issue )
+ assign( 'publisher', metadata.publisher )
+ assign( 'publicationMonth', toInt(metadata.month) )
+ assign( 'publicationYear', toInt(metadata.year) )
+ assign( 'numberOfIssues', toInt(metadata.issueCount) )
+ assign( 'comments', metadata.comments )
+ assign( 'genre', metadata.genre )
+ assign( 'volume', toInt(metadata.volume) )
+ assign( 'numberOfVolumes', toInt(metadata.volumeCount) )
+ assign( 'language', utils.getLanguageFromISO(metadata.language) )
+ assign( 'country', metadata.country )
+ assign( 'rating', metadata.criticalRating )
+ assign( 'credits', metadata.credits )
+ assign( 'tags', metadata.tags )
+ return cbi_container
+ def writeToExternalFile( self, filename, metadata ):
+ cbi_container = self.createJSONDictionary(metadata)
+ f = open(filename, 'w')
+ f.write(json.dumps(cbi_container, indent=4))
+ f.close
diff --git a/comicapi/comicinfoxml.py b/comicapi/comicinfoxml.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e9df07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comicapi/comicinfoxml.py
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+A python class to encapsulate ComicRack's ComicInfo.xml data
+Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+from datetime import datetime
+import zipfile
+from pprint import pprint
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
+import utils
+class ComicInfoXml:
+ writer_synonyms = ['writer', 'plotter', 'scripter']
+ penciller_synonyms = [ 'artist', 'penciller', 'penciler', 'breakdowns' ]
+ inker_synonyms = [ 'inker', 'artist', 'finishes' ]
+ colorist_synonyms = [ 'colorist', 'colourist', 'colorer', 'colourer' ]
+ letterer_synonyms = [ 'letterer']
+ cover_synonyms = [ 'cover', 'covers', 'coverartist', 'cover artist' ]
+ editor_synonyms = [ 'editor']
+ def getParseableCredits( self ):
+ parsable_credits = []
+ parsable_credits.extend( self.writer_synonyms )
+ parsable_credits.extend( self.penciller_synonyms )
+ parsable_credits.extend( self.inker_synonyms )
+ parsable_credits.extend( self.colorist_synonyms )
+ parsable_credits.extend( self.letterer_synonyms )
+ parsable_credits.extend( self.cover_synonyms )
+ parsable_credits.extend( self.editor_synonyms )
+ return parsable_credits
+ def metadataFromString( self, string ):
+ tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring( string ))
+ return self.convertXMLToMetadata( tree )
+ def stringFromMetadata( self, metadata ):
+ header = '\n'
+ tree = self.convertMetadataToXML( self, metadata )
+ return header + ET.tostring(tree.getroot())
+ def indent( self, elem, level=0 ):
+ # for making the XML output readable
+ i = "\n" + level*" "
+ if len(elem):
+ if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
+ elem.text = i + " "
+ if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
+ elem.tail = i
+ for elem in elem:
+ self.indent( elem, level+1 )
+ if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
+ elem.tail = i
+ else:
+ if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
+ elem.tail = i
+ def convertMetadataToXML( self, filename, metadata ):
+ #shorthand for the metadata
+ md = metadata
+ # build a tree structure
+ root = ET.Element("ComicInfo")
+ root.attrib['xmlns:xsi']="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ root.attrib['xmlns:xsd']="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ #helper func
+ def assign( cix_entry, md_entry):
+ if md_entry is not None:
+ ET.SubElement(root, cix_entry).text = u"{0}".format(md_entry)
+ assign( 'Title', md.title )
+ assign( 'Series', md.series )
+ assign( 'Number', md.issue )
+ assign( 'Count', md.issueCount )
+ assign( 'Volume', md.volume )
+ assign( 'AlternateSeries', md.alternateSeries )
+ assign( 'AlternateNumber', md.alternateNumber )
+ assign( 'StoryArc', md.storyArc )
+ assign( 'SeriesGroup', md.seriesGroup )
+ assign( 'AlternateCount', md.alternateCount )
+ assign( 'Summary', md.comments )
+ assign( 'Notes', md.notes )
+ assign( 'Year', md.year )
+ assign( 'Month', md.month )
+ assign( 'Day', md.day )
+ # need to specially process the credits, since they are structured differently than CIX
+ credit_writer_list = list()
+ credit_penciller_list = list()
+ credit_inker_list = list()
+ credit_colorist_list = list()
+ credit_letterer_list = list()
+ credit_cover_list = list()
+ credit_editor_list = list()
+ # first, loop thru credits, and build a list for each role that CIX supports
+ for credit in metadata.credits:
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.writer_synonyms ):
+ credit_writer_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",",""))
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.penciller_synonyms ):
+ credit_penciller_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",",""))
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.inker_synonyms ):
+ credit_inker_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",",""))
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.colorist_synonyms ):
+ credit_colorist_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",",""))
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.letterer_synonyms ):
+ credit_letterer_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",",""))
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.cover_synonyms ):
+ credit_cover_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",",""))
+ if credit['role'].lower() in set( self.editor_synonyms ):
+ credit_editor_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",",""))
+ # second, convert each list to string, and add to XML struct
+ if len( credit_writer_list ) > 0:
+ node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Writer')
+ node.text = utils.listToString( credit_writer_list )
+ if len( credit_penciller_list ) > 0:
+ node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Penciller')
+ node.text = utils.listToString( credit_penciller_list )
+ if len( credit_inker_list ) > 0:
+ node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Inker')
+ node.text = utils.listToString( credit_inker_list )
+ if len( credit_colorist_list ) > 0:
+ node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Colorist')
+ node.text = utils.listToString( credit_colorist_list )
+ if len( credit_letterer_list ) > 0:
+ node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Letterer')
+ node.text = utils.listToString( credit_letterer_list )
+ if len( credit_cover_list ) > 0:
+ node = ET.SubElement(root, 'CoverArtist')
+ node.text = utils.listToString( credit_cover_list )
+ if len( credit_editor_list ) > 0:
+ node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Editor')
+ node.text = utils.listToString( credit_editor_list )
+ assign( 'Publisher', md.publisher )
+ assign( 'Imprint', md.imprint )
+ assign( 'Genre', md.genre )
+ assign( 'Web', md.webLink )
+ assign( 'PageCount', md.pageCount )
+ assign( 'LanguageISO', md.language )
+ assign( 'Format', md.format )
+ assign( 'AgeRating', md.maturityRating )
+ if md.blackAndWhite is not None and md.blackAndWhite:
+ ET.SubElement(root, 'BlackAndWhite').text = "Yes"
+ assign( 'Manga', md.manga )
+ assign( 'Characters', md.characters )
+ assign( 'Teams', md.teams )
+ assign( 'Locations', md.locations )
+ assign( 'ScanInformation', md.scanInfo )
+ # loop and add the page entries under pages node
+ if len( md.pages ) > 0:
+ pages_node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Pages')
+ for page_dict in md.pages:
+ page_node = ET.SubElement(pages_node, 'Page')
+ page_node.attrib = page_dict
+ # self pretty-print
+ self.indent(root)
+ # wrap it in an ElementTree instance, and save as XML
+ tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
+ return tree
+ def convertXMLToMetadata( self, tree ):
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ if root.tag != 'ComicInfo':
+ raise 1
+ return None
+ metadata = GenericMetadata()
+ md = metadata
+ # Helper function
+ def xlate( tag ):
+ node = root.find( tag )
+ if node is not None:
+ return node.text
+ else:
+ return None
+ md.series = xlate( 'Series' )
+ md.title = xlate( 'Title' )
+ md.issue = xlate( 'Number' )
+ md.issueCount = xlate( 'Count' )
+ md.volume = xlate( 'Volume' )
+ md.alternateSeries = xlate( 'AlternateSeries' )
+ md.alternateNumber = xlate( 'AlternateNumber' )
+ md.alternateCount = xlate( 'AlternateCount' )
+ md.comments = xlate( 'Summary' )
+ md.notes = xlate( 'Notes' )
+ md.year = xlate( 'Year' )
+ md.month = xlate( 'Month' )
+ md.day = xlate( 'Day' )
+ md.publisher = xlate( 'Publisher' )
+ md.imprint = xlate( 'Imprint' )
+ md.genre = xlate( 'Genre' )
+ md.webLink = xlate( 'Web' )
+ md.language = xlate( 'LanguageISO' )
+ md.format = xlate( 'Format' )
+ md.manga = xlate( 'Manga' )
+ md.characters = xlate( 'Characters' )
+ md.teams = xlate( 'Teams' )
+ md.locations = xlate( 'Locations' )
+ md.pageCount = xlate( 'PageCount' )
+ md.scanInfo = xlate( 'ScanInformation' )
+ md.storyArc = xlate( 'StoryArc' )
+ md.seriesGroup = xlate( 'SeriesGroup' )
+ md.maturityRating = xlate( 'AgeRating' )
+ tmp = xlate( 'BlackAndWhite' )
+ md.blackAndWhite = False
+ if tmp is not None and tmp.lower() in [ "yes", "true", "1" ]:
+ md.blackAndWhite = True
+ # Now extract the credit info
+ for n in root:
+ if ( n.tag == 'Writer' or
+ n.tag == 'Penciller' or
+ n.tag == 'Inker' or
+ n.tag == 'Colorist' or
+ n.tag == 'Letterer' or
+ n.tag == 'Editor'
+ ):
+ if n.text is not None:
+ for name in n.text.split(','):
+ metadata.addCredit( name.strip(), n.tag )
+ if n.tag == 'CoverArtist':
+ if n.text is not None:
+ for name in n.text.split(','):
+ metadata.addCredit( name.strip(), "Cover" )
+ # parse page data now
+ pages_node = root.find( "Pages" )
+ if pages_node is not None:
+ for page in pages_node:
+ metadata.pages.append( page.attrib )
+ #print page.attrib
+ metadata.isEmpty = False
+ return metadata
+ def writeToExternalFile( self, filename, metadata ):
+ tree = self.convertMetadataToXML( self, metadata )
+ #ET.dump(tree)
+ tree.write(filename, encoding='utf-8')
+ def readFromExternalFile( self, filename ):
+ tree = ET.parse( filename )
+ return self.convertXMLToMetadata( tree )
diff --git a/comicapi/filenameparser.py b/comicapi/filenameparser.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db1790d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comicapi/filenameparser.py
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+Functions for parsing comic info from filename
+This should probably be re-written, but, well, it mostly works!
+Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+# Some portions of this code were modified from pyComicMetaThis project
+# http://code.google.com/p/pycomicmetathis/
+import re
+import os
+from urllib import unquote
+class FileNameParser:
+ def repl(self, m):
+ return ' ' * len(m.group())
+ def fixSpaces( self, string, remove_dashes=True ):
+ if remove_dashes:
+ placeholders = ['[-_]',' +']
+ else:
+ placeholders = ['[_]',' +']
+ for ph in placeholders:
+ string = re.sub(ph, self.repl, string )
+ return string #.strip()
+ def getIssueCount( self,filename, issue_end ):
+ count = ""
+ filename = filename[issue_end:]
+ # replace any name seperators with spaces
+ tmpstr = self.fixSpaces(filename)
+ found = False
+ match = re.search('(?<=\sof\s)\d+(?=\s)', tmpstr, re.IGNORECASE)
+ if match:
+ count = match.group()
+ found = True
+ if not found:
+ match = re.search('(?<=\(of\s)\d+(?=\))', tmpstr, re.IGNORECASE)
+ if match:
+ count = match.group()
+ found = True
+ count = count.lstrip("0")
+ return count
+ def getIssueNumber( self, filename ):
+ # Returns a tuple of issue number string, and start and end indexs in the filename
+ # (The indexes will be used to split the string up for further parsing)
+ found = False
+ issue = ''
+ start = 0
+ end = 0
+ # first, look for multiple "--", this means it's formatted differently from most:
+ if "--" in filename:
+ # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "--" is the series name followed by issue
+ filename = re.sub("--.*", self.repl, filename)
+ elif "__" in filename:
+ # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "__" is the series name followed by issue
+ filename = re.sub("__.*", self.repl, filename)
+ filename = filename.replace("+", " ")
+ # replace parenthetical phrases with spaces
+ filename = re.sub( "\(.*?\)", self.repl, filename)
+ filename = re.sub( "\[.*?\]", self.repl, filename)
+ # replace any name seperators with spaces
+ filename = self.fixSpaces(filename)
+ # remove any "of NN" phrase with spaces (problem: this could break on some titles)
+ filename = re.sub( "of [\d]+", self.repl, filename)
+ #print u"[{0}]".format(filename)
+ # we should now have a cleaned up filename version with all the words in
+ # the same positions as original filename
+ # make a list of each word and its position
+ word_list = list()
+ for m in re.finditer("\S+", filename):
+ word_list.append( (m.group(0), m.start(), m.end()) )
+ # remove the first word, since it can't be the issue number
+ if len(word_list) > 1:
+ word_list = word_list[1:]
+ else:
+ #only one word?? just bail.
+ return issue, start, end
+ # Now try to search for the likely issue number word in the list
+ # first look for a word with "#" followed by digits with optional sufix
+ # this is almost certainly the issue number
+ for w in reversed(word_list):
+ if re.match("#[-]?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(\w*))", w[0]):
+ found = True
+ break
+ # same as above but w/o a '#', and only look at the last word in the list
+ if not found:
+ w = word_list[-1]
+ if re.match("[-]?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(\w*))", w[0]):
+ found = True
+ # now try to look for a # followed by any characters
+ if not found:
+ for w in reversed(word_list):
+ if re.match("#\S+", w[0]):
+ found = True
+ break
+ if found:
+ issue = w[0]
+ start = w[1]
+ end = w[2]
+ if issue[0] == '#':
+ issue = issue[1:]
+ return issue, start, end
+ def getSeriesName(self, filename, issue_start ):
+ # use the issue number string index to split the filename string
+ if issue_start != 0:
+ filename = filename[:issue_start]
+ # in case there is no issue number, remove some obvious stuff
+ if "--" in filename:
+ # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "--" is the series name followed by issue
+ filename = re.sub("--.*", self.repl, filename)
+ elif "__" in filename:
+ # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "__" is the series name followed by issue
+ filename = re.sub("__.*", self.repl, filename)
+ filename = filename.replace("+", " ")
+ tmpstr = self.fixSpaces(filename, remove_dashes=False)
+ series = tmpstr
+ volume = ""
+ #save the last word
+ try:
+ last_word = series.split()[-1]
+ except:
+ last_word = ""
+ # remove any parenthetical phrases
+ series = re.sub( "\(.*?\)", "", series)
+ # search for volume number
+ match = re.search('(.+)([vV]|[Vv][oO][Ll]\.?\s?)(\d+)\s*$', series)
+ if match:
+ series = match.group(1)
+ volume = match.group(3)
+ # if a volume wasn't found, see if the last word is a year in parentheses
+ # since that's a common way to designate the volume
+ if volume == "":
+ #match either (YEAR), (YEAR-), or (YEAR-YEAR2)
+ match = re.search("(\()(\d{4})(-(\d{4}|)|)(\))", last_word)
+ if match:
+ volume = match.group(2)
+ series = series.strip()
+ # if we don't have an issue number (issue_start==0), look
+ # for hints i.e. "TPB", "one-shot", "OS", "OGN", etc that might
+ # be removed to help search online
+ if issue_start == 0:
+ one_shot_words = [ "tpb", "os", "one-shot", "ogn", "gn" ]
+ try:
+ last_word = series.split()[-1]
+ if last_word.lower() in one_shot_words:
+ series = series.rsplit(' ', 1)[0]
+ except:
+ pass
+ return series, volume.strip()
+ def getYear( self,filename, issue_end):
+ filename = filename[issue_end:]
+ year = ""
+ # look for four digit number with "(" ")" or "--" around it
+ match = re.search('(\(\d\d\d\d\))|(--\d\d\d\d--)', filename)
+ if match:
+ year = match.group()
+ # remove non-numerics
+ year = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", year)
+ return year
+ def getRemainder( self, filename, year, count, volume, issue_end ):
+ #make a guess at where the the non-interesting stuff begins
+ remainder = ""
+ if "--" in filename:
+ remainder = filename.split("--",1)[1]
+ elif "__" in filename:
+ remainder = filename.split("__",1)[1]
+ elif issue_end != 0:
+ remainder = filename[issue_end:]
+ remainder = self.fixSpaces(remainder, remove_dashes=False)
+ if volume != "":
+ remainder = remainder.replace("Vol."+volume,"",1)
+ if year != "":
+ remainder = remainder.replace(year,"",1)
+ if count != "":
+ remainder = remainder.replace("of "+count,"",1)
+ remainder = remainder.replace("()","")
+ remainder = remainder.replace(" "," ") # cleans some whitespace mess
+ return remainder.strip()
+ def parseFilename( self, filename ):
+ # remove the path
+ filename = os.path.basename(filename)
+ # remove the extension
+ filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
+ #url decode, just in case
+ filename = unquote(filename)
+ # sometimes archives get messed up names from too many decodings
+ # often url encodings will break and leave "_28" and "_29" in place
+ # of "(" and ")" see if there are a number of these, and replace them
+ if filename.count("_28") > 1 and filename.count("_29") > 1:
+ filename = filename.replace("_28", "(")
+ filename = filename.replace("_29", ")")
+ self.issue, issue_start, issue_end = self.getIssueNumber(filename)
+ self.series, self.volume = self.getSeriesName(filename, issue_start)
+ # provides proper value when the filename doesn't have a issue number
+ if issue_end == 0:
+ issue_end=len(self.series)
+ self.year = self.getYear(filename, issue_end)
+ self.issue_count = self.getIssueCount(filename, issue_end)
+ self.remainder = self.getRemainder( filename, self.year, self.issue_count, self.volume, issue_end )
+ if self.issue != "":
+ # strip off leading zeros
+ self.issue = self.issue.lstrip("0")
+ if self.issue == "":
+ self.issue = "0"
+ if self.issue[0] == ".":
+ self.issue = "0" + self.issue
diff --git a/comicapi/genericmetadata.py b/comicapi/genericmetadata.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e7aeaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comicapi/genericmetadata.py
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+ A python class for internal metadata storage
+ The goal of this class is to handle ALL the data that might come from various
+ tagging schemes and databases, such as ComicVine or GCD. This makes conversion
+ possible, however lossy it might be
+Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import utils
+# These page info classes are exactly the same as the CIX scheme, since it's unique
+class PageType:
+ FrontCover = "FrontCover"
+ InnerCover = "InnerCover"
+ Roundup = "Roundup"
+ Story = "Story"
+ Advertisement = "Advertisement"
+ Editorial = "Editorial"
+ Letters = "Letters"
+ Preview = "Preview"
+ BackCover = "BackCover"
+ Other = "Other"
+ Deleted = "Deleted"
+class PageInfo:
+ Image = 0
+ Type = PageType.Story
+ DoublePage = False
+ ImageSize = 0
+ Key = ""
+ ImageWidth = 0
+ ImageHeight = 0
+class GenericMetadata:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.isEmpty = True
+ self.tagOrigin = None
+ self.series = None
+ self.issue = None
+ self.title = None
+ self.publisher = None
+ self.month = None
+ self.year = None
+ self.day = None
+ self.issueCount = None
+ self.volume = None
+ self.genre = None
+ self.language = None # 2 letter iso code
+ self.comments = None # use same way as Summary in CIX
+ self.volumeCount = None
+ self.criticalRating = None
+ self.country = None
+ self.alternateSeries = None
+ self.alternateNumber = None
+ self.alternateCount = None
+ self.imprint = None
+ self.notes = None
+ self.webLink = None
+ self.format = None
+ self.manga = None
+ self.blackAndWhite = None
+ self.pageCount = None
+ self.maturityRating = None
+ self.storyArc = None
+ self.seriesGroup = None
+ self.scanInfo = None
+ self.characters = None
+ self.teams = None
+ self.locations = None
+ self.credits = list()
+ self.tags = list()
+ self.pages = list()
+ # Some CoMet-only items
+ self.price = None
+ self.isVersionOf = None
+ self.rights = None
+ self.identifier = None
+ self.lastMark = None
+ self.coverImage = None
+ def overlay( self, new_md ):
+ # Overlay a metadata object on this one
+ # that is, when the new object has non-None
+ # values, over-write them to this one
+ def assign( cur, new ):
+ if new is not None:
+ if type(new) == str and len(new) == 0:
+ setattr(self, cur, None)
+ else:
+ setattr(self, cur, new)
+ if not new_md.isEmpty:
+ self.isEmpty = False
+ assign( 'series', new_md.series )
+ assign( "issue", new_md.issue )
+ assign( "issueCount", new_md.issueCount )
+ assign( "title", new_md.title )
+ assign( "publisher", new_md.publisher )
+ assign( "day", new_md.day )
+ assign( "month", new_md.month )
+ assign( "year", new_md.year )
+ assign( "volume", new_md.volume )
+ assign( "volumeCount", new_md.volumeCount )
+ assign( "genre", new_md.genre )
+ assign( "language", new_md.language )
+ assign( "country", new_md.country )
+ assign( "criticalRating", new_md.criticalRating )
+ assign( "alternateSeries", new_md.alternateSeries )
+ assign( "alternateNumber", new_md.alternateNumber )
+ assign( "alternateCount", new_md.alternateCount )
+ assign( "imprint", new_md.imprint )
+ assign( "webLink", new_md.webLink )
+ assign( "format", new_md.format )
+ assign( "manga", new_md.manga )
+ assign( "blackAndWhite", new_md.blackAndWhite )
+ assign( "maturityRating", new_md.maturityRating )
+ assign( "storyArc", new_md.storyArc )
+ assign( "seriesGroup", new_md.seriesGroup )
+ assign( "scanInfo", new_md.scanInfo )
+ assign( "characters", new_md.characters )
+ assign( "teams", new_md.teams )
+ assign( "locations", new_md.locations )
+ assign( "comments", new_md.comments )
+ assign( "notes", new_md.notes )
+ assign( "price", new_md.price )
+ assign( "isVersionOf", new_md.isVersionOf )
+ assign( "rights", new_md.rights )
+ assign( "identifier", new_md.identifier )
+ assign( "lastMark", new_md.lastMark )
+ self.overlayCredits( new_md.credits )
+ # TODO
+ # not sure if the tags and pages should broken down, or treated
+ # as whole lists....
+ # For now, go the easy route, where any overlay
+ # value wipes out the whole list
+ if len(new_md.tags) > 0:
+ assign( "tags", new_md.tags )
+ if len(new_md.pages) > 0:
+ assign( "pages", new_md.pages )
+ def overlayCredits( self, new_credits ):
+ for c in new_credits:
+ if c.has_key('primary') and c['primary']:
+ primary = True
+ else:
+ primary = False
+ # Remove credit role if person is blank
+ if c['person'] == "":
+ for r in reversed(self.credits):
+ if r['role'].lower() == c['role'].lower():
+ self.credits.remove(r)
+ # otherwise, add it!
+ else:
+ self.addCredit( c['person'], c['role'], primary )
+ def setDefaultPageList( self, count ):
+ # generate a default page list, with the first page marked as the cover
+ for i in range(count):
+ page_dict = dict()
+ page_dict['Image'] = str(i)
+ if i == 0:
+ page_dict['Type'] = PageType.FrontCover
+ self.pages.append( page_dict )
+ def getArchivePageIndex( self, pagenum ):
+ # convert the displayed page number to the page index of the file in the archive
+ if pagenum < len( self.pages ):
+ return int( self.pages[pagenum]['Image'] )
+ else:
+ return 0
+ def getCoverPageIndexList( self ):
+ # return a list of archive page indices of cover pages
+ coverlist = []
+ for p in self.pages:
+ if 'Type' in p and p['Type'] == PageType.FrontCover:
+ coverlist.append( int(p['Image']))
+ if len(coverlist) == 0:
+ coverlist.append( 0 )
+ return coverlist
+ def addCredit( self, person, role, primary = False ):
+ credit = dict()
+ credit['person'] = person
+ credit['role'] = role
+ if primary:
+ credit['primary'] = primary
+ # look to see if it's not already there...
+ found = False
+ for c in self.credits:
+ if ( c['person'].lower() == person.lower() and
+ c['role'].lower() == role.lower() ):
+ # no need to add it. just adjust the "primary" flag as needed
+ c['primary'] = primary
+ found = True
+ break
+ if not found:
+ self.credits.append(credit)
+ def __str__( self ):
+ vals = []
+ if self.isEmpty:
+ return "No metadata"
+ def add_string( tag, val ):
+ if val is not None and u"{0}".format(val) != "":
+ vals.append( (tag, val) )
+ def add_attr_string( tag ):
+ val = getattr(self,tag)
+ add_string( tag, getattr(self,tag) )
+ add_attr_string( "series" )
+ add_attr_string( "issue" )
+ add_attr_string( "issueCount" )
+ add_attr_string( "title" )
+ add_attr_string( "publisher" )
+ add_attr_string( "year" )
+ add_attr_string( "month" )
+ add_attr_string( "day" )
+ add_attr_string( "volume" )
+ add_attr_string( "volumeCount" )
+ add_attr_string( "genre" )
+ add_attr_string( "language" )
+ add_attr_string( "country" )
+ add_attr_string( "criticalRating" )
+ add_attr_string( "alternateSeries" )
+ add_attr_string( "alternateNumber" )
+ add_attr_string( "alternateCount" )
+ add_attr_string( "imprint" )
+ add_attr_string( "webLink" )
+ add_attr_string( "format" )
+ add_attr_string( "manga" )
+ add_attr_string( "price" )
+ add_attr_string( "isVersionOf" )
+ add_attr_string( "rights" )
+ add_attr_string( "identifier" )
+ add_attr_string( "lastMark" )
+ if self.blackAndWhite:
+ add_attr_string( "blackAndWhite" )
+ add_attr_string( "maturityRating" )
+ add_attr_string( "storyArc" )
+ add_attr_string( "seriesGroup" )
+ add_attr_string( "scanInfo" )
+ add_attr_string( "characters" )
+ add_attr_string( "teams" )
+ add_attr_string( "locations" )
+ add_attr_string( "comments" )
+ add_attr_string( "notes" )
+ add_string( "tags", utils.listToString( self.tags ) )
+ for c in self.credits:
+ primary = ""
+ if c.has_key('primary') and c['primary']:
+ primary = " [P]"
+ add_string( "credit", c['role']+": "+c['person'] + primary)
+ # find the longest field name
+ flen = 0
+ for i in vals:
+ flen = max( flen, len(i[0]) )
+ flen += 1
+ #format the data nicely
+ outstr = ""
+ fmt_str = u"{0: <" + str(flen) + "} {1}\n"
+ for i in vals:
+ outstr += fmt_str.format( i[0]+":", i[1] )
+ return outstr
diff --git a/comicapi/issuestring.py b/comicapi/issuestring.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..751aa8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comicapi/issuestring.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+Class for handling the odd permutations of an 'issue number' that the comics industry throws at us
+Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import utils
+import math
+import re
+class IssueString:
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ # break up the issue number string into 2 parts: the numeric and suffix string.
+ # ( assumes that the numeric portion is always first )
+ self.num = None
+ self.suffix = ""
+ if text is None:
+ return
+ if type(text) == int:
+ text = str(text)
+ if len(text) == 0:
+ return
+ text = unicode(text)
+ #skip the minus sign if it's first
+ if text[0] == '-':
+ start = 1
+ else:
+ start = 0
+ # if it's still not numeric at start skip it
+ if text[start].isdigit() or text[start] == ".":
+ # walk through the string, look for split point (the first non-numeric)
+ decimal_count = 0
+ for idx in range( start, len(text) ):
+ if text[idx] not in "0123456789.":
+ break
+ # special case: also split on second "."
+ if text[idx] == ".":
+ decimal_count += 1
+ if decimal_count > 1:
+ break
+ else:
+ idx = len(text)
+ # move trailing numeric decimal to suffix
+ # (only if there is other junk after )
+ if text[idx-1] == "." and len(text) != idx:
+ idx = idx -1
+ # if there is no numeric after the minus, make the minus part of the suffix
+ if idx == 1 and start == 1:
+ idx = 0
+ part1 = text[0:idx]
+ part2 = text[idx:len(text)]
+ if part1 != "":
+ self.num = float( part1 )
+ self.suffix = part2
+ else:
+ self.suffix = text
+ #print "num: {0} suf: {1}".format(self.num, self.suffix)
+ def asString( self, pad = 0 ):
+ #return the float, left side zero-padded, with suffix attached
+ if self.num is None:
+ return self.suffix
+ negative = self.num < 0
+ num_f = abs(self.num)
+ num_int = int( num_f )
+ num_s = str( num_int )
+ if float( num_int ) != num_f:
+ num_s = str( num_f )
+ num_s += self.suffix
+ # create padding
+ padding = ""
+ l = len( str(num_int))
+ if l < pad :
+ padding = "0" * (pad - l)
+ num_s = padding + num_s
+ if negative:
+ num_s = "-" + num_s
+ return num_s
+ def asFloat( self ):
+ #return the float, with no suffix
+ if self.suffix == u"½":
+ if self.num is not None:
+ return self.num + .5
+ else:
+ return .5
+ return self.num
+ def asInt( self ):
+ #return the int version of the float
+ if self.num is None:
+ return None
+ return int( self.num )
diff --git a/comicapi/utils.py b/comicapi/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e315cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comicapi/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,597 @@
+# coding=utf-8
+Some generic utilities
+Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import sys
+import os
+import re
+import platform
+import locale
+import codecs
+class UtilsVars:
+ already_fixed_encoding = False
+def get_actual_preferred_encoding():
+ preferred_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
+ if platform.system() == "Darwin":
+ preferred_encoding = "utf-8"
+ return preferred_encoding
+def fix_output_encoding( ):
+ if not UtilsVars.already_fixed_encoding:
+ # this reads the environment and inits the right locale
+ locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
+ # try to make stdout/stderr encodings happy for unicode printing
+ preferred_encoding = get_actual_preferred_encoding()
+ sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(preferred_encoding)(sys.stdout)
+ sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter(preferred_encoding)(sys.stderr)
+ UtilsVars.already_fixed_encoding = True
+def get_recursive_filelist( pathlist ):
+ """
+ Get a recursive list of of all files under all path items in the list
+ """
+ filename_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
+ filelist = []
+ for p in pathlist:
+ # if path is a folder, walk it recursivly, and all files underneath
+ if type(p) == str:
+ #make sure string is unicode
+ p = p.decode(filename_encoding) #, 'replace')
+ elif type(p) != unicode:
+ #it's probably a QString
+ p = unicode(p)
+ if os.path.isdir( p ):
+ for root,dirs,files in os.walk( p ):
+ for f in files:
+ if type(f) == str:
+ #make sure string is unicode
+ f = f.decode(filename_encoding, 'replace')
+ elif type(f) != unicode:
+ #it's probably a QString
+ f = unicode(f)
+ filelist.append(os.path.join(root,f))
+ else:
+ filelist.append(p)
+ return filelist
+def listToString( l ):
+ string = ""
+ if l is not None:
+ for item in l:
+ if len(string) > 0:
+ string += ", "
+ string += item
+ return string
+def addtopath( dirname ):
+ if dirname is not None and dirname != "":
+ # verify that path doesn't already contain the given dirname
+ tmpdirname = re.escape(dirname)
+ pattern = r"{sep}{dir}$|^{dir}{sep}|{sep}{dir}{sep}|^{dir}$".format( dir=tmpdirname, sep=os.pathsep)
+ match = re.search(pattern, os.environ['PATH'])
+ if not match:
+ os.environ['PATH'] = dirname + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
+# returns executable path, if it exists
+def which(program):
+ def is_exe(fpath):
+ return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
+ fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
+ if fpath:
+ if is_exe(program):
+ return program
+ else:
+ for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
+ exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
+ if is_exe(exe_file):
+ return exe_file
+ return None
+def removearticles( text ):
+ text = text.lower()
+ articles = ['and', 'the', 'a', '&', 'issue' ]
+ newText = ''
+ for word in text.split(' '):
+ if word not in articles:
+ newText += word+' '
+ newText = newText[:-1]
+ # now get rid of some other junk
+ newText = newText.replace(":", "")
+ newText = newText.replace(",", "")
+ newText = newText.replace("-", " ")
+ # since the CV api changed, searches for series names with periods
+ # now explicity require the period to be in the search key,
+ # so the line below is removed (for now)
+ #newText = newText.replace(".", "")
+ return newText
+def unique_file(file_name):
+ counter = 1
+ file_name_parts = os.path.splitext(file_name) # returns ('/path/file', '.ext')
+ while 1:
+ if not os.path.lexists( file_name):
+ return file_name
+ file_name = file_name_parts[0] + ' (' + str(counter) + ')' + file_name_parts[1]
+ counter += 1
+# -o- coding: utf-8 -o-
+# ISO639 python dict
+# oficial list in http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php
+lang_dict = {
+ 'ab': 'Abkhaz',
+ 'aa': 'Afar',
+ 'af': 'Afrikaans',
+ 'ak': 'Akan',
+ 'sq': 'Albanian',
+ 'am': 'Amharic',
+ 'ar': 'Arabic',
+ 'an': 'Aragonese',
+ 'hy': 'Armenian',
+ 'as': 'Assamese',
+ 'av': 'Avaric',
+ 'ae': 'Avestan',
+ 'ay': 'Aymara',
+ 'az': 'Azerbaijani',
+ 'bm': 'Bambara',
+ 'ba': 'Bashkir',
+ 'eu': 'Basque',
+ 'be': 'Belarusian',
+ 'bn': 'Bengali',
+ 'bh': 'Bihari',
+ 'bi': 'Bislama',
+ 'bs': 'Bosnian',
+ 'br': 'Breton',
+ 'bg': 'Bulgarian',
+ 'my': 'Burmese',
+ 'ca': 'Catalan; Valencian',
+ 'ch': 'Chamorro',
+ 'ce': 'Chechen',
+ 'ny': 'Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja',
+ 'zh': 'Chinese',
+ 'cv': 'Chuvash',
+ 'kw': 'Cornish',
+ 'co': 'Corsican',
+ 'cr': 'Cree',
+ 'hr': 'Croatian',
+ 'cs': 'Czech',
+ 'da': 'Danish',
+ 'dv': 'Divehi; Maldivian;',
+ 'nl': 'Dutch',
+ 'dz': 'Dzongkha',
+ 'en': 'English',
+ 'eo': 'Esperanto',
+ 'et': 'Estonian',
+ 'ee': 'Ewe',
+ 'fo': 'Faroese',
+ 'fj': 'Fijian',
+ 'fi': 'Finnish',
+ 'fr': 'French',
+ 'ff': 'Fula',
+ 'gl': 'Galician',
+ 'ka': 'Georgian',
+ 'de': 'German',
+ 'el': 'Greek, Modern',
+ 'gn': 'Guaraní',
+ 'gu': 'Gujarati',
+ 'ht': 'Haitian',
+ 'ha': 'Hausa',
+ 'he': 'Hebrew (modern)',
+ 'hz': 'Herero',
+ 'hi': 'Hindi',
+ 'ho': 'Hiri Motu',
+ 'hu': 'Hungarian',
+ 'ia': 'Interlingua',
+ 'id': 'Indonesian',
+ 'ie': 'Interlingue',
+ 'ga': 'Irish',
+ 'ig': 'Igbo',
+ 'ik': 'Inupiaq',
+ 'io': 'Ido',
+ 'is': 'Icelandic',
+ 'it': 'Italian',
+ 'iu': 'Inuktitut',
+ 'ja': 'Japanese',
+ 'jv': 'Javanese',
+ 'kl': 'Kalaallisut',
+ 'kn': 'Kannada',
+ 'kr': 'Kanuri',
+ 'ks': 'Kashmiri',
+ 'kk': 'Kazakh',
+ 'km': 'Khmer',
+ 'ki': 'Kikuyu, Gikuyu',
+ 'rw': 'Kinyarwanda',
+ 'ky': 'Kirghiz, Kyrgyz',
+ 'kv': 'Komi',
+ 'kg': 'Kongo',
+ 'ko': 'Korean',
+ 'ku': 'Kurdish',
+ 'kj': 'Kwanyama, Kuanyama',
+ 'la': 'Latin',
+ 'lb': 'Luxembourgish',
+ 'lg': 'Luganda',
+ 'li': 'Limburgish',
+ 'ln': 'Lingala',
+ 'lo': 'Lao',
+ 'lt': 'Lithuanian',
+ 'lu': 'Luba-Katanga',
+ 'lv': 'Latvian',
+ 'gv': 'Manx',
+ 'mk': 'Macedonian',
+ 'mg': 'Malagasy',
+ 'ms': 'Malay',
+ 'ml': 'Malayalam',
+ 'mt': 'Maltese',
+ 'mi': 'Māori',
+ 'mr': 'Marathi (Marāṭhī)',
+ 'mh': 'Marshallese',
+ 'mn': 'Mongolian',
+ 'na': 'Nauru',
+ 'nv': 'Navajo, Navaho',
+ 'nb': 'Norwegian Bokmål',
+ 'nd': 'North Ndebele',
+ 'ne': 'Nepali',
+ 'ng': 'Ndonga',
+ 'nn': 'Norwegian Nynorsk',
+ 'no': 'Norwegian',
+ 'ii': 'Nuosu',
+ 'nr': 'South Ndebele',
+ 'oc': 'Occitan',
+ 'oj': 'Ojibwe, Ojibwa',
+ 'cu': 'Old Church Slavonic',
+ 'om': 'Oromo',
+ 'or': 'Oriya',
+ 'os': 'Ossetian, Ossetic',
+ 'pa': 'Panjabi, Punjabi',
+ 'pi': 'Pāli',
+ 'fa': 'Persian',
+ 'pl': 'Polish',
+ 'ps': 'Pashto, Pushto',
+ 'pt': 'Portuguese',
+ 'qu': 'Quechua',
+ 'rm': 'Romansh',
+ 'rn': 'Kirundi',
+ 'ro': 'Romanian, Moldavan',
+ 'ru': 'Russian',
+ 'sa': 'Sanskrit (Saṁskṛta)',
+ 'sc': 'Sardinian',
+ 'sd': 'Sindhi',
+ 'se': 'Northern Sami',
+ 'sm': 'Samoan',
+ 'sg': 'Sango',
+ 'sr': 'Serbian',
+ 'gd': 'Scottish Gaelic',
+ 'sn': 'Shona',
+ 'si': 'Sinhala, Sinhalese',
+ 'sk': 'Slovak',
+ 'sl': 'Slovene',
+ 'so': 'Somali',
+ 'st': 'Southern Sotho',
+ 'es': 'Spanish; Castilian',
+ 'su': 'Sundanese',
+ 'sw': 'Swahili',
+ 'ss': 'Swati',
+ 'sv': 'Swedish',
+ 'ta': 'Tamil',
+ 'te': 'Telugu',
+ 'tg': 'Tajik',
+ 'th': 'Thai',
+ 'ti': 'Tigrinya',
+ 'bo': 'Tibetan',
+ 'tk': 'Turkmen',
+ 'tl': 'Tagalog',
+ 'tn': 'Tswana',
+ 'to': 'Tonga',
+ 'tr': 'Turkish',
+ 'ts': 'Tsonga',
+ 'tt': 'Tatar',
+ 'tw': 'Twi',
+ 'ty': 'Tahitian',
+ 'ug': 'Uighur, Uyghur',
+ 'uk': 'Ukrainian',
+ 'ur': 'Urdu',
+ 'uz': 'Uzbek',
+ 've': 'Venda',
+ 'vi': 'Vietnamese',
+ 'vo': 'Volapük',
+ 'wa': 'Walloon',
+ 'cy': 'Welsh',
+ 'wo': 'Wolof',
+ 'fy': 'Western Frisian',
+ 'xh': 'Xhosa',
+ 'yi': 'Yiddish',
+ 'yo': 'Yoruba',
+ 'za': 'Zhuang, Chuang',
+ 'zu': 'Zulu',
+countries = [
+ ('AF', 'Afghanistan'),
+ ('AL', 'Albania'),
+ ('DZ', 'Algeria'),
+ ('AS', 'American Samoa'),
+ ('AD', 'Andorra'),
+ ('AO', 'Angola'),
+ ('AI', 'Anguilla'),
+ ('AQ', 'Antarctica'),
+ ('AG', 'Antigua And Barbuda'),
+ ('AR', 'Argentina'),
+ ('AM', 'Armenia'),
+ ('AW', 'Aruba'),
+ ('AU', 'Australia'),
+ ('AT', 'Austria'),
+ ('AZ', 'Azerbaijan'),
+ ('BS', 'Bahamas'),
+ ('BH', 'Bahrain'),
+ ('BD', 'Bangladesh'),
+ ('BB', 'Barbados'),
+ ('BY', 'Belarus'),
+ ('BE', 'Belgium'),
+ ('BZ', 'Belize'),
+ ('BJ', 'Benin'),
+ ('BM', 'Bermuda'),
+ ('BT', 'Bhutan'),
+ ('BO', 'Bolivia'),
+ ('BA', 'Bosnia And Herzegowina'),
+ ('BW', 'Botswana'),
+ ('BV', 'Bouvet Island'),
+ ('BR', 'Brazil'),
+ ('BN', 'Brunei Darussalam'),
+ ('BG', 'Bulgaria'),
+ ('BF', 'Burkina Faso'),
+ ('BI', 'Burundi'),
+ ('KH', 'Cambodia'),
+ ('CM', 'Cameroon'),
+ ('CA', 'Canada'),
+ ('CV', 'Cape Verde'),
+ ('KY', 'Cayman Islands'),
+ ('CF', 'Central African Rep'),
+ ('TD', 'Chad'),
+ ('CL', 'Chile'),
+ ('CN', 'China'),
+ ('CX', 'Christmas Island'),
+ ('CC', 'Cocos Islands'),
+ ('CO', 'Colombia'),
+ ('KM', 'Comoros'),
+ ('CG', 'Congo'),
+ ('CK', 'Cook Islands'),
+ ('CR', 'Costa Rica'),
+ ('CI', 'Cote D`ivoire'),
+ ('HR', 'Croatia'),
+ ('CU', 'Cuba'),
+ ('CY', 'Cyprus'),
+ ('CZ', 'Czech Republic'),
+ ('DK', 'Denmark'),
+ ('DJ', 'Djibouti'),
+ ('DM', 'Dominica'),
+ ('DO', 'Dominican Republic'),
+ ('TP', 'East Timor'),
+ ('EC', 'Ecuador'),
+ ('EG', 'Egypt'),
+ ('SV', 'El Salvador'),
+ ('GQ', 'Equatorial Guinea'),
+ ('ER', 'Eritrea'),
+ ('EE', 'Estonia'),
+ ('ET', 'Ethiopia'),
+ ('FK', 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'),
+ ('FO', 'Faroe Islands'),
+ ('FJ', 'Fiji'),
+ ('FI', 'Finland'),
+ ('FR', 'France'),
+ ('GF', 'French Guiana'),
+ ('PF', 'French Polynesia'),
+ ('TF', 'French S. Territories'),
+ ('GA', 'Gabon'),
+ ('GM', 'Gambia'),
+ ('GE', 'Georgia'),
+ ('DE', 'Germany'),
+ ('GH', 'Ghana'),
+ ('GI', 'Gibraltar'),
+ ('GR', 'Greece'),
+ ('GL', 'Greenland'),
+ ('GD', 'Grenada'),
+ ('GP', 'Guadeloupe'),
+ ('GU', 'Guam'),
+ ('GT', 'Guatemala'),
+ ('GN', 'Guinea'),
+ ('GW', 'Guinea-bissau'),
+ ('GY', 'Guyana'),
+ ('HT', 'Haiti'),
+ ('HN', 'Honduras'),
+ ('HK', 'Hong Kong'),
+ ('HU', 'Hungary'),
+ ('IS', 'Iceland'),
+ ('IN', 'India'),
+ ('ID', 'Indonesia'),
+ ('IR', 'Iran'),
+ ('IQ', 'Iraq'),
+ ('IE', 'Ireland'),
+ ('IL', 'Israel'),
+ ('IT', 'Italy'),
+ ('JM', 'Jamaica'),
+ ('JP', 'Japan'),
+ ('JO', 'Jordan'),
+ ('KZ', 'Kazakhstan'),
+ ('KE', 'Kenya'),
+ ('KI', 'Kiribati'),
+ ('KP', 'Korea (North)'),
+ ('KR', 'Korea (South)'),
+ ('KW', 'Kuwait'),
+ ('KG', 'Kyrgyzstan'),
+ ('LA', 'Laos'),
+ ('LV', 'Latvia'),
+ ('LB', 'Lebanon'),
+ ('LS', 'Lesotho'),
+ ('LR', 'Liberia'),
+ ('LY', 'Libya'),
+ ('LI', 'Liechtenstein'),
+ ('LT', 'Lithuania'),
+ ('LU', 'Luxembourg'),
+ ('MO', 'Macau'),
+ ('MK', 'Macedonia'),
+ ('MG', 'Madagascar'),
+ ('MW', 'Malawi'),
+ ('MY', 'Malaysia'),
+ ('MV', 'Maldives'),
+ ('ML', 'Mali'),
+ ('MT', 'Malta'),
+ ('MH', 'Marshall Islands'),
+ ('MQ', 'Martinique'),
+ ('MR', 'Mauritania'),
+ ('MU', 'Mauritius'),
+ ('YT', 'Mayotte'),
+ ('MX', 'Mexico'),
+ ('FM', 'Micronesia'),
+ ('MD', 'Moldova'),
+ ('MC', 'Monaco'),
+ ('MN', 'Mongolia'),
+ ('MS', 'Montserrat'),
+ ('MA', 'Morocco'),
+ ('MZ', 'Mozambique'),
+ ('MM', 'Myanmar'),
+ ('NA', 'Namibia'),
+ ('NR', 'Nauru'),
+ ('NP', 'Nepal'),
+ ('NL', 'Netherlands'),
+ ('AN', 'Netherlands Antilles'),
+ ('NC', 'New Caledonia'),
+ ('NZ', 'New Zealand'),
+ ('NI', 'Nicaragua'),
+ ('NE', 'Niger'),
+ ('NG', 'Nigeria'),
+ ('NU', 'Niue'),
+ ('NF', 'Norfolk Island'),
+ ('MP', 'Northern Mariana Islands'),
+ ('NO', 'Norway'),
+ ('OM', 'Oman'),
+ ('PK', 'Pakistan'),
+ ('PW', 'Palau'),
+ ('PA', 'Panama'),
+ ('PG', 'Papua New Guinea'),
+ ('PY', 'Paraguay'),
+ ('PE', 'Peru'),
+ ('PH', 'Philippines'),
+ ('PN', 'Pitcairn'),
+ ('PL', 'Poland'),
+ ('PT', 'Portugal'),
+ ('PR', 'Puerto Rico'),
+ ('QA', 'Qatar'),
+ ('RE', 'Reunion'),
+ ('RO', 'Romania'),
+ ('RU', 'Russian Federation'),
+ ('RW', 'Rwanda'),
+ ('KN', 'Saint Kitts And Nevis'),
+ ('LC', 'Saint Lucia'),
+ ('VC', 'St Vincent/Grenadines'),
+ ('WS', 'Samoa'),
+ ('SM', 'San Marino'),
+ ('ST', 'Sao Tome'),
+ ('SA', 'Saudi Arabia'),
+ ('SN', 'Senegal'),
+ ('SC', 'Seychelles'),
+ ('SL', 'Sierra Leone'),
+ ('SG', 'Singapore'),
+ ('SK', 'Slovakia'),
+ ('SI', 'Slovenia'),
+ ('SB', 'Solomon Islands'),
+ ('SO', 'Somalia'),
+ ('ZA', 'South Africa'),
+ ('ES', 'Spain'),
+ ('LK', 'Sri Lanka'),
+ ('SH', 'St. Helena'),
+ ('PM', 'St.Pierre'),
+ ('SD', 'Sudan'),
+ ('SR', 'Suriname'),
+ ('SZ', 'Swaziland'),
+ ('SE', 'Sweden'),
+ ('CH', 'Switzerland'),
+ ('SY', 'Syrian Arab Republic'),
+ ('TW', 'Taiwan'),
+ ('TJ', 'Tajikistan'),
+ ('TZ', 'Tanzania'),
+ ('TH', 'Thailand'),
+ ('TG', 'Togo'),
+ ('TK', 'Tokelau'),
+ ('TO', 'Tonga'),
+ ('TT', 'Trinidad And Tobago'),
+ ('TN', 'Tunisia'),
+ ('TR', 'Turkey'),
+ ('TM', 'Turkmenistan'),
+ ('TV', 'Tuvalu'),
+ ('UG', 'Uganda'),
+ ('UA', 'Ukraine'),
+ ('AE', 'United Arab Emirates'),
+ ('UK', 'United Kingdom'),
+ ('US', 'United States'),
+ ('UY', 'Uruguay'),
+ ('UZ', 'Uzbekistan'),
+ ('VU', 'Vanuatu'),
+ ('VA', 'Vatican City State'),
+ ('VE', 'Venezuela'),
+ ('VN', 'Viet Nam'),
+ ('VG', 'Virgin Islands (British)'),
+ ('VI', 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)'),
+ ('EH', 'Western Sahara'),
+ ('YE', 'Yemen'),
+ ('YU', 'Yugoslavia'),
+ ('ZR', 'Zaire'),
+ ('ZM', 'Zambia'),
+ ('ZW', 'Zimbabwe')
+def getLanguageDict():
+ return lang_dict
+def getLanguageFromISO( iso ):
+ if iso == None:
+ return None
+ else:
+ return lang_dict[ iso ]
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/autotagmatchwindow.py b/comictaggerlib/autotagmatchwindow.py
index a3db85a..791e7e5 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/autotagmatchwindow.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/autotagmatchwindow.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
A PyQT4 dialog to select from automated issue matches
+from comictaggerlib.ui.qtutils import reduceWidgetFontSize
Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
@@ -54,8 +55,8 @@ class AutoTagMatchWindow(QtGui.QDialog):
gridlayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.twList)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.teDescription, 1)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.twList)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.teDescription, 1)
self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() |
QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint |
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/autotagprogresswindow.py b/comictaggerlib/autotagprogresswindow.py
index 6be3f3c..081e92d 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/autotagprogresswindow.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/autotagprogresswindow.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
A PyQT4 dialog to show ID log and progress
+from comictaggerlib.ui.qtutils import reduceWidgetFontSize
Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ class AutoTagProgressWindow(QtGui.QDialog):
QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint |
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.textEdit)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.textEdit)
def setArchiveImage(self, img_data):
self.setCoverImage(img_data, self.archiveCoverWidget)
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/cli.py b/comictaggerlib/cli.py
index 112a14b..045682b 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/cli.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/cli.py
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ def display_match_set_for_choice(label, match_set, opts, settings):
i = int(i) - 1
# save the data!
# we know at this point, that the file is all good to go
- ca = ComicArchive(match_set.filename, settings.rar_exe_path)
+ ca = ComicArchive(match_set.filename, settings.rar_exe_path, ComicTaggerSettings.getGraphic('nocover.png'))
md = create_local_metadata(
opts, ca, ca.hasMetadata(opts.data_style))
cv_md = actual_issue_data_fetch(
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ def process_file_cli(filename, opts, settings, match_results):
batch_mode = len(opts.file_list) > 1
- ca = ComicArchive(filename, settings.rar_exe_path)
+ ca = ComicArchive(filename, settings.rar_exe_path, ComicTaggerSettings.getGraphic('nocover.png'))
if not os.path.lexists(filename):
print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot find " + filename
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/comet.py b/comictaggerlib/comet.py
index 0bac1fc..b8ffe83 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/comet.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/comet.py
@@ -1,266 +1 @@
-A python class to encapsulate CoMet data
-Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from datetime import datetime
-import zipfile
-from pprint import pprint
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
-import utils
-class CoMet:
- writer_synonyms = ['writer', 'plotter', 'scripter']
- penciller_synonyms = ['artist', 'penciller', 'penciler', 'breakdowns']
- inker_synonyms = ['inker', 'artist', 'finishes']
- colorist_synonyms = ['colorist', 'colourist', 'colorer', 'colourer']
- letterer_synonyms = ['letterer']
- cover_synonyms = ['cover', 'covers', 'coverartist', 'cover artist']
- editor_synonyms = ['editor']
- def metadataFromString(self, string):
- tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(string))
- return self.convertXMLToMetadata(tree)
- def stringFromMetadata(self, metadata):
- header = '\n'
- tree = self.convertMetadataToXML(self, metadata)
- return header + ET.tostring(tree.getroot())
- def indent(self, elem, level=0):
- # for making the XML output readable
- i = "\n" + level * " "
- if len(elem):
- if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
- elem.text = i + " "
- if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
- elem.tail = i
- for elem in elem:
- self.indent(elem, level + 1)
- if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
- elem.tail = i
- else:
- if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
- elem.tail = i
- def convertMetadataToXML(self, filename, metadata):
- # shorthand for the metadata
- md = metadata
- # build a tree structure
- root = ET.Element("comet")
- root.attrib['xmlns:comet'] = "http://www.denvog.com/comet/"
- root.attrib['xmlns:xsi'] = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- root.attrib[
- 'xsi:schemaLocation'] = "http://www.denvog.com http://www.denvog.com/comet/comet.xsd"
- # helper func
- def assign(comet_entry, md_entry):
- if md_entry is not None:
- ET.SubElement(root, comet_entry).text = u"{0}".format(md_entry)
- # title is manditory
- if md.title is None:
- md.title = ""
- assign('title', md.title)
- assign('series', md.series)
- assign('issue', md.issue) # must be int??
- assign('volume', md.volume)
- assign('description', md.comments)
- assign('publisher', md.publisher)
- assign('pages', md.pageCount)
- assign('format', md.format)
- assign('language', md.language)
- assign('rating', md.maturityRating)
- assign('price', md.price)
- assign('isVersionOf', md.isVersionOf)
- assign('rights', md.rights)
- assign('identifier', md.identifier)
- assign('lastMark', md.lastMark)
- assign('genre', md.genre) # TODO repeatable
- if md.characters is not None:
- char_list = [c.strip() for c in md.characters.split(',')]
- for c in char_list:
- assign('character', c)
- if md.manga is not None and md.manga == "YesAndRightToLeft":
- assign('readingDirection', "rtl")
- date_str = ""
- if md.year is not None:
- date_str = str(md.year).zfill(4)
- if md.month is not None:
- date_str += "-" + str(md.month).zfill(2)
- assign('date', date_str)
- assign('coverImage', md.coverImage)
- # need to specially process the credits, since they are structured
- # differently than CIX
- credit_writer_list = list()
- credit_penciller_list = list()
- credit_inker_list = list()
- credit_colorist_list = list()
- credit_letterer_list = list()
- credit_cover_list = list()
- credit_editor_list = list()
- # loop thru credits, and build a list for each role that CoMet supports
- for credit in metadata.credits:
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.writer_synonyms):
- ET.SubElement(root, 'writer').text = u"{0}".format(
- credit['person'])
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.penciller_synonyms):
- ET.SubElement(root, 'penciller').text = u"{0}".format(
- credit['person'])
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.inker_synonyms):
- ET.SubElement(root, 'inker').text = u"{0}".format(
- credit['person'])
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.colorist_synonyms):
- ET.SubElement(root, 'colorist').text = u"{0}".format(
- credit['person'])
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.letterer_synonyms):
- ET.SubElement(root, 'letterer').text = u"{0}".format(
- credit['person'])
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.cover_synonyms):
- ET.SubElement(root, 'coverDesigner').text = u"{0}".format(
- credit['person'])
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.editor_synonyms):
- ET.SubElement(root, 'editor').text = u"{0}".format(
- credit['person'])
- # self pretty-print
- self.indent(root)
- # wrap it in an ElementTree instance, and save as XML
- tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
- return tree
- def convertXMLToMetadata(self, tree):
- root = tree.getroot()
- if root.tag != 'comet':
- raise 1
- return None
- metadata = GenericMetadata()
- md = metadata
- # Helper function
- def xlate(tag):
- node = root.find(tag)
- if node is not None:
- return node.text
- else:
- return None
- md.series = xlate('series')
- md.title = xlate('title')
- md.issue = xlate('issue')
- md.volume = xlate('volume')
- md.comments = xlate('description')
- md.publisher = xlate('publisher')
- md.language = xlate('language')
- md.format = xlate('format')
- md.pageCount = xlate('pages')
- md.maturityRating = xlate('rating')
- md.price = xlate('price')
- md.isVersionOf = xlate('isVersionOf')
- md.rights = xlate('rights')
- md.identifier = xlate('identifier')
- md.lastMark = xlate('lastMark')
- md.genre = xlate('genre') # TODO - repeatable field
- date = xlate('date')
- if date is not None:
- parts = date.split('-')
- if len(parts) > 0:
- md.year = parts[0]
- if len(parts) > 1:
- md.month = parts[1]
- md.coverImage = xlate('coverImage')
- readingDirection = xlate('readingDirection')
- if readingDirection is not None and readingDirection == "rtl":
- md.manga = "YesAndRightToLeft"
- # loop for character tags
- char_list = []
- for n in root:
- if n.tag == 'character':
- char_list.append(n.text.strip())
- md.characters = utils.listToString(char_list)
- # Now extract the credit info
- for n in root:
- if (n.tag == 'writer' or
- n.tag == 'penciller' or
- n.tag == 'inker' or
- n.tag == 'colorist' or
- n.tag == 'letterer' or
- n.tag == 'editor'
- ):
- metadata.addCredit(n.text.strip(), n.tag.title())
- if n.tag == 'coverDesigner':
- metadata.addCredit(n.text.strip(), "Cover")
- metadata.isEmpty = False
- return metadata
- # verify that the string actually contains CoMet data in XML format
- def validateString(self, string):
- try:
- tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(string))
- root = tree.getroot()
- if root.tag != 'comet':
- raise Exception
- except:
- return False
- return True
- def writeToExternalFile(self, filename, metadata):
- tree = self.convertMetadataToXML(self, metadata)
- # ET.dump(tree)
- tree.write(filename, encoding='utf-8')
- def readFromExternalFile(self, filename):
- tree = ET.parse(filename)
- return self.convertXMLToMetadata(tree)
+from comicapi.comet import *
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/comicarchive.py b/comictaggerlib/comicarchive.py
index b98f0b6..28b69e7 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/comicarchive.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/comicarchive.py
@@ -1,1100 +1 @@
-A python class to represent a single comic, be it file or folder of images
-Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import zipfile
-import os
-import struct
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import subprocess
-import platform
-import locale
-import time
-import StringIO
-if platform.system() == "Windows":
- import _subprocess
- import Image
- pil_available = True
-except ImportError:
- pil_available = False
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath("."))
-import UnRAR2
-from UnRAR2.rar_exceptions import *
-from settings import ComicTaggerSettings
-from comicinfoxml import ComicInfoXml
-from comicbookinfo import ComicBookInfo
-from comet import CoMet
-from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata, PageType
-from filenameparser import FileNameParser
-class MetaDataStyle:
- CBI = 0
- CIX = 1
- COMET = 2
- name = ['ComicBookLover', 'ComicRack', 'CoMet']
-class ZipArchiver:
- def __init__(self, path):
- self.path = path
- def getArchiveComment(self):
- zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, 'r')
- comment = zf.comment
- zf.close()
- return comment
- def setArchiveComment(self, comment):
- return self.writeZipComment(self.path, comment)
- def readArchiveFile(self, archive_file):
- data = ""
- zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, 'r')
- try:
- data = zf.read(archive_file)
- except zipfile.BadZipfile as e:
- print >> sys.stderr, u"bad zipfile [{0}]: {1} :: {2}".format(
- e, self.path, archive_file)
- zf.close()
- raise IOError
- except Exception as e:
- zf.close()
- print >> sys.stderr, u"bad zipfile [{0}]: {1} :: {2}".format(
- e, self.path, archive_file)
- raise IOError
- finally:
- zf.close()
- return data
- def removeArchiveFile(self, archive_file):
- try:
- self.rebuildZipFile([archive_file])
- except:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def writeArchiveFile(self, archive_file, data):
- # At the moment, no other option but to rebuild the whole
- # zip archive w/o the indicated file. Very sucky, but maybe
- # another solution can be found
- try:
- self.rebuildZipFile([archive_file])
- # now just add the archive file as a new one
- zf = zipfile.ZipFile(
- self.path, mode='a', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
- zf.writestr(archive_file, data)
- zf.close()
- return True
- except:
- return False
- def getArchiveFilenameList(self):
- try:
- zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, 'r')
- namelist = zf.namelist()
- zf.close()
- return namelist
- except Exception as e:
- print >> sys.stderr, u"Unable to get zipfile list [{0}]: {1}".format(
- e, self.path)
- return []
- # zip helper func
- def rebuildZipFile(self, exclude_list):
- # this recompresses the zip archive,
- # without the files in the exclude_list
- #print(">> sys.stderr, Rebuilding zip {0} without {1}".format(self.path, exclude_list))
- # generate temp file
- tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=os.path.dirname(self.path))
- os.close(tmp_fd)
- zin = zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, 'r')
- zout = zipfile.ZipFile(tmp_name, 'w')
- for item in zin.infolist():
- buffer = zin.read(item.filename)
- if (item.filename not in exclude_list):
- zout.writestr(item, buffer)
- # preserve the old comment
- zout.comment = zin.comment
- zout.close()
- zin.close()
- # replace with the new file
- os.remove(self.path)
- os.rename(tmp_name, self.path)
- def writeZipComment(self, filename, comment):
- """
- This is a custom function for writing a comment to a zip file,
- since the built-in one doesn't seem to work on Windows and Mac OS/X
- Fortunately, the zip comment is at the end of the file, and it's
- easy to manipulate. See this website for more info:
- see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zip_(file_format)#Structure
- """
- # get file size
- statinfo = os.stat(filename)
- file_length = statinfo.st_size
- try:
- fo = open(filename, "r+b")
- # the starting position, relative to EOF
- pos = -4
- found = False
- value = bytearray()
- # walk backwards to find the "End of Central Directory" record
- while (not found) and (-pos != file_length):
- # seek, relative to EOF
- fo.seek(pos, 2)
- value = fo.read(4)
- # look for the end of central directory signature
- if bytearray(value) == bytearray([0x50, 0x4b, 0x05, 0x06]):
- found = True
- else:
- # not found, step back another byte
- pos = pos - 1
- # print pos,"{1} int: {0:x}".format(bytearray(value)[0], value)
- if found:
- # now skip forward 20 bytes to the comment length word
- pos += 20
- fo.seek(pos, 2)
- # Pack the length of the comment string
- format = "H" # one 2-byte integer
- # pack integer in a binary string
- comment_length = struct.pack(format, len(comment))
- # write out the length
- fo.write(comment_length)
- fo.seek(pos + 2, 2)
- # write out the comment itself
- fo.write(comment)
- fo.truncate()
- fo.close()
- else:
- raise Exception('Failed to write comment to zip file!')
- except:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def copyFromArchive(self, otherArchive):
- # Replace the current zip with one copied from another archive
- try:
- zout = zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, 'w')
- for fname in otherArchive.getArchiveFilenameList():
- data = otherArchive.readArchiveFile(fname)
- if data is not None:
- zout.writestr(fname, data)
- zout.close()
- # preserve the old comment
- comment = otherArchive.getArchiveComment()
- if comment is not None:
- if not self.writeZipComment(self.path, comment):
- return False
- except Exception as e:
- print >> sys.stderr, u"Error while copying to {0}: {1}".format(
- self.path, e)
- return False
- else:
- return True
-# RAR implementation
-class RarArchiver:
- devnull = None
- def __init__(self, path, rar_exe_path):
- self.path = path
- self.rar_exe_path = rar_exe_path
- if RarArchiver.devnull is None:
- RarArchiver.devnull = open(os.devnull, "w")
- # windows only, keeps the cmd.exe from popping up
- if platform.system() == "Windows":
- self.startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
- self.startupinfo.dwFlags |= _subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
- else:
- self.startupinfo = None
- def __del__(self):
- # RarArchiver.devnull.close()
- pass
- def getArchiveComment(self):
- rarc = self.getRARObj()
- return rarc.comment
- def setArchiveComment(self, comment):
- if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
- try:
- # write comment to temp file
- tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
- f = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b')
- f.write(comment)
- f.close()
- working_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.path))
- # use external program to write comment to Rar archive
- subprocess.call([self.rar_exe_path,
- 'c',
- '-w' + working_dir,
- '-c-',
- '-z' + tmp_name,
- self.path],
- startupinfo=self.startupinfo,
- stdout=RarArchiver.devnull)
- if platform.system() == "Darwin":
- time.sleep(1)
- os.remove(tmp_name)
- except:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def readArchiveFile(self, archive_file):
- # Make sure to escape brackets, since some funky stuff is going on
- # underneath with "fnmatch"
- archive_file = archive_file.replace("[", '[[]')
- entries = []
- rarc = self.getRARObj()
- tries = 0
- while tries < 7:
- try:
- tries = tries + 1
- entries = rarc.read_files(archive_file)
- if entries[0][0].size != len(entries[0][1]):
- print >> sys.stderr, u"readArchiveFile(): [file is not expected size: {0} vs {1}] {2}:{3} [attempt # {4}]".format(
- entries[0][0].size, len(
- entries[0][1]), self.path, archive_file, tries)
- continue
- except (OSError, IOError) as e:
- print >> sys.stderr, u"readArchiveFile(): [{0}] {1}:{2} attempt#{3}".format(
- str(e), self.path, archive_file, tries)
- time.sleep(1)
- except Exception as e:
- print >> sys.stderr, u"Unexpected exception in readArchiveFile(): [{0}] for {1}:{2} attempt#{3}".format(
- str(e), self.path, archive_file, tries)
- break
- else:
- # Success"
- # entries is a list of of tuples: (rarinfo, filedata)
- if tries > 1:
- print >> sys.stderr, u"Attempted read_files() {0} times".format(
- tries)
- if (len(entries) == 1):
- return entries[0][1]
- else:
- raise IOError
- raise IOError
- def writeArchiveFile(self, archive_file, data):
- if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
- try:
- tmp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- tmp_file = os.path.join(tmp_folder, archive_file)
- working_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.path))
- # TODO: will this break if 'archive_file' is in a subfolder. i.e. "foo/bar.txt"
- # will need to create the subfolder above, I guess...
- f = open(tmp_file, 'w')
- f.write(data)
- f.close()
- # use external program to write file to Rar archive
- subprocess.call([self.rar_exe_path,
- 'a',
- '-w' + working_dir,
- '-c-',
- '-ep',
- self.path,
- tmp_file],
- startupinfo=self.startupinfo,
- stdout=RarArchiver.devnull)
- if platform.system() == "Darwin":
- time.sleep(1)
- os.remove(tmp_file)
- os.rmdir(tmp_folder)
- except:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def removeArchiveFile(self, archive_file):
- if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
- try:
- # use external program to remove file from Rar archive
- subprocess.call([self.rar_exe_path,
- 'd',
- '-c-',
- self.path,
- archive_file],
- startupinfo=self.startupinfo,
- stdout=RarArchiver.devnull)
- if platform.system() == "Darwin":
- time.sleep(1)
- except:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def getArchiveFilenameList(self):
- rarc = self.getRARObj()
- #namelist = [ item.filename for item in rarc.infolist() ]
- # return namelist
- tries = 0
- while tries < 7:
- try:
- tries = tries + 1
- #namelist = [ item.filename for item in rarc.infolist() ]
- namelist = []
- for item in rarc.infolist():
- if item.size != 0:
- namelist.append(item.filename)
- except (OSError, IOError) as e:
- print >> sys.stderr, u"getArchiveFilenameList(): [{0}] {1} attempt#{2}".format(
- str(e), self.path, tries)
- time.sleep(1)
- else:
- # Success"
- return namelist
- raise e
- def getRARObj(self):
- tries = 0
- while tries < 7:
- try:
- tries = tries + 1
- rarc = UnRAR2.RarFile(self.path)
- except (OSError, IOError) as e:
- print >> sys.stderr, u"getRARObj(): [{0}] {1} attempt#{2}".format(
- str(e), self.path, tries)
- time.sleep(1)
- else:
- # Success"
- return rarc
- raise e
-# Folder implementation
-class FolderArchiver:
- def __init__(self, path):
- self.path = path
- self.comment_file_name = "ComicTaggerFolderComment.txt"
- def getArchiveComment(self):
- return self.readArchiveFile(self.comment_file_name)
- def setArchiveComment(self, comment):
- return self.writeArchiveFile(self.comment_file_name, comment)
- def readArchiveFile(self, archive_file):
- data = ""
- fname = os.path.join(self.path, archive_file)
- try:
- with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
- data = f.read()
- f.close()
- except IOError as e:
- pass
- return data
- def writeArchiveFile(self, archive_file, data):
- fname = os.path.join(self.path, archive_file)
- try:
- with open(fname, 'w+') as f:
- f.write(data)
- f.close()
- except:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def removeArchiveFile(self, archive_file):
- fname = os.path.join(self.path, archive_file)
- try:
- os.remove(fname)
- except:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def getArchiveFilenameList(self):
- return self.listFiles(self.path)
- def listFiles(self, folder):
- itemlist = list()
- for item in os.listdir(folder):
- itemlist.append(item)
- if os.path.isdir(item):
- itemlist.extend(self.listFiles(os.path.join(folder, item)))
- return itemlist
-# Unknown implementation
-class UnknownArchiver:
- def __init__(self, path):
- self.path = path
- def getArchiveComment(self):
- return ""
- def setArchiveComment(self, comment):
- return False
- def readArchiveFile(self):
- return ""
- def writeArchiveFile(self, archive_file, data):
- return False
- def removeArchiveFile(self, archive_file):
- return False
- def getArchiveFilenameList(self):
- return []
-class ComicArchive:
- logo_data = None
- class ArchiveType:
- Zip, Rar, Folder, Unknown = range(4)
- def __init__(self, path, rar_exe_path=None):
- self.path = path
- self.rar_exe_path = rar_exe_path
- self.ci_xml_filename = 'ComicInfo.xml'
- self.comet_default_filename = 'CoMet.xml'
- self.resetCache()
- if self.rarTest():
- self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Rar
- self.archiver = RarArchiver(
- self.path, rar_exe_path=self.rar_exe_path)
- elif self.zipTest():
- self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Zip
- self.archiver = ZipArchiver(self.path)
- elif os.path.isdir(self.path):
- self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Folder
- self.archiver = FolderArchiver(self.path)
- else:
- self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Unknown
- self.archiver = UnknownArchiver(self.path)
- if ComicArchive.logo_data is None:
- fname = ComicTaggerSettings.getGraphic('nocover.png')
- with open(fname, 'rb') as fd:
- ComicArchive.logo_data = fd.read()
- # Clears the cached data
- def resetCache(self):
- self.has_cix = None
- self.has_cbi = None
- self.has_comet = None
- self.comet_filename = None
- self.page_count = None
- self.page_list = None
- self.cix_md = None
- self.cbi_md = None
- self.comet_md = None
- def loadCache(self, style_list):
- for style in style_list:
- self.readMetadata(style)
- def rename(self, path):
- self.path = path
- self.archiver.path = path
- def zipTest(self):
- return zipfile.is_zipfile(self.path)
- def rarTest(self):
- try:
- rarc = UnRAR2.RarFile(self.path)
- except: # InvalidRARArchive:
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def isZip(self):
- return self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Zip
- def isRar(self):
- return self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Rar
- def isFolder(self):
- return self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Folder
- def isWritable(self, check_rar_status=True):
- if self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Unknown:
- return False
- elif check_rar_status and self.isRar() and self.rar_exe_path is None:
- return False
- elif not os.access(self.path, os.W_OK):
- return False
- elif ((self.archive_type != self.ArchiveType.Folder) and
- (not os.access(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(self.path)), os.W_OK))):
- return False
- return True
- def isWritableForStyle(self, data_style):
- if self.isRar() and data_style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
- return False
- return self.isWritable()
- def seemsToBeAComicArchive(self):
- # Do we even care about extensions??
- ext = os.path.splitext(self.path)[1].lower()
- if (
- (self.isZip() or self.isRar()) # or self.isFolder())
- and
- (self.getNumberOfPages() > 0)
- ):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def readMetadata(self, style):
- if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
- return self.readCIX()
- elif style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
- return self.readCBI()
- elif style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
- return self.readCoMet()
- else:
- return GenericMetadata()
- def writeMetadata(self, metadata, style):
- retcode = None
- if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
- retcode = self.writeCIX(metadata)
- elif style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
- retcode = self.writeCBI(metadata)
- elif style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
- retcode = self.writeCoMet(metadata)
- return retcode
- def hasMetadata(self, style):
- if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
- return self.hasCIX()
- elif style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
- return self.hasCBI()
- elif style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
- return self.hasCoMet()
- else:
- return False
- def removeMetadata(self, style):
- retcode = True
- if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
- retcode = self.removeCIX()
- elif style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
- retcode = self.removeCBI()
- elif style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
- retcode = self.removeCoMet()
- return retcode
- def getPage(self, index):
- image_data = None
- filename = self.getPageName(index)
- if filename is not None:
- try:
- image_data = self.archiver.readArchiveFile(filename)
- except IOError:
- print >> sys.stderr, u"Error reading in page. Substituting logo page."
- image_data = ComicArchive.logo_data
- return image_data
- def getPageName(self, index):
- if index is None:
- return None
- page_list = self.getPageNameList()
- num_pages = len(page_list)
- if num_pages == 0 or index >= num_pages:
- return None
- return page_list[index]
- def getScannerPageIndex(self):
- scanner_page_index = None
- # make a guess at the scanner page
- name_list = self.getPageNameList()
- count = self.getNumberOfPages()
- # too few pages to really know
- if count < 5:
- return None
- # count the length of every filename, and count occurences
- length_buckets = dict()
- for name in name_list:
- fname = os.path.split(name)[1]
- length = len(fname)
- if length in length_buckets:
- length_buckets[length] += 1
- else:
- length_buckets[length] = 1
- # sort by most common
- sorted_buckets = sorted(
- length_buckets.iteritems(),
- key=lambda k_v: (
- k_v[1],
- k_v[0]),
- reverse=True)
- # statistical mode occurence is first
- mode_length = sorted_buckets[0][0]
- # we are only going to consider the final image file:
- final_name = os.path.split(name_list[count - 1])[1]
- common_length_list = list()
- for name in name_list:
- if len(os.path.split(name)[1]) == mode_length:
- common_length_list.append(os.path.split(name)[1])
- prefix = os.path.commonprefix(common_length_list)
- if mode_length <= 7 and prefix == "":
- # probably all numbers
- if len(final_name) > mode_length:
- scanner_page_index = count - 1
- # see if the last page doesn't start with the same prefix as most
- # others
- elif not final_name.startswith(prefix):
- scanner_page_index = count - 1
- return scanner_page_index
- def getPageNameList(self, sort_list=True):
- if self.page_list is None:
- # get the list file names in the archive, and sort
- files = self.archiver.getArchiveFilenameList()
- # seems like some archive creators are on Windows, and don't know
- # about case-sensitivity!
- if sort_list:
- def keyfunc(k):
- # hack to account for some weird scanner ID pages
- basename = os.path.split(k)[1]
- if basename < '0':
- k = os.path.join(os.path.split(k)[0], "z" + basename)
- return k.lower()
- files.sort(key=keyfunc)
- # make a sub-list of image files
- self.page_list = []
- for name in files:
- if (name[-4:].lower() in [".jpg",
- "jpeg",
- ".png",
- ".gif",
- "webp"] and os.path.basename(name)[0] != "."):
- self.page_list.append(name)
- return self.page_list
- def getNumberOfPages(self):
- if self.page_count is None:
- self.page_count = len(self.getPageNameList())
- return self.page_count
- def readCBI(self):
- if self.cbi_md is None:
- raw_cbi = self.readRawCBI()
- if raw_cbi is None:
- self.cbi_md = GenericMetadata()
- else:
- self.cbi_md = ComicBookInfo().metadataFromString(raw_cbi)
- self.cbi_md.setDefaultPageList(self.getNumberOfPages())
- return self.cbi_md
- def readRawCBI(self):
- if (not self.hasCBI()):
- return None
- return self.archiver.getArchiveComment()
- def hasCBI(self):
- if self.has_cbi is None:
- # if (not (self.isZip() or self.isRar()) or not
- # self.seemsToBeAComicArchive()):
- if not self.seemsToBeAComicArchive():
- self.has_cbi = False
- else:
- comment = self.archiver.getArchiveComment()
- self.has_cbi = ComicBookInfo().validateString(comment)
- return self.has_cbi
- def writeCBI(self, metadata):
- if metadata is not None:
- self.applyArchiveInfoToMetadata(metadata)
- cbi_string = ComicBookInfo().stringFromMetadata(metadata)
- write_success = self.archiver.setArchiveComment(cbi_string)
- if write_success:
- self.has_cbi = True
- self.cbi_md = metadata
- self.resetCache()
- return write_success
- else:
- return False
- def removeCBI(self):
- if self.hasCBI():
- write_success = self.archiver.setArchiveComment("")
- if write_success:
- self.has_cbi = False
- self.cbi_md = None
- self.resetCache()
- return write_success
- return True
- def readCIX(self):
- if self.cix_md is None:
- raw_cix = self.readRawCIX()
- if raw_cix is None or raw_cix == "":
- self.cix_md = GenericMetadata()
- else:
- self.cix_md = ComicInfoXml().metadataFromString(raw_cix)
- # validate the existing page list (make sure count is correct)
- if len(self.cix_md.pages) != 0:
- if len(self.cix_md.pages) != self.getNumberOfPages():
- # pages array doesn't match the actual number of images we're seeing
- # in the archive, so discard the data
- self.cix_md.pages = []
- if len(self.cix_md.pages) == 0:
- self.cix_md.setDefaultPageList(self.getNumberOfPages())
- return self.cix_md
- def readRawCIX(self):
- if not self.hasCIX():
- return None
- try:
- raw_cix = self.archiver.readArchiveFile(self.ci_xml_filename)
- except IOError:
- print("Error reading in raw CIX!")
- raw_cix = ""
- return raw_cix
- def writeCIX(self, metadata):
- if metadata is not None:
- self.applyArchiveInfoToMetadata(metadata, calc_page_sizes=True)
- cix_string = ComicInfoXml().stringFromMetadata(metadata)
- write_success = self.archiver.writeArchiveFile(
- self.ci_xml_filename, cix_string)
- if write_success:
- self.has_cix = True
- self.cix_md = metadata
- self.resetCache()
- return write_success
- else:
- return False
- def removeCIX(self):
- if self.hasCIX():
- write_success = self.archiver.removeArchiveFile(
- self.ci_xml_filename)
- if write_success:
- self.has_cix = False
- self.cix_md = None
- self.resetCache()
- return write_success
- return True
- def hasCIX(self):
- if self.has_cix is None:
- if not self.seemsToBeAComicArchive():
- self.has_cix = False
- elif self.ci_xml_filename in self.archiver.getArchiveFilenameList():
- self.has_cix = True
- else:
- self.has_cix = False
- return self.has_cix
- def readCoMet(self):
- if self.comet_md is None:
- raw_comet = self.readRawCoMet()
- if raw_comet is None or raw_comet == "":
- self.comet_md = GenericMetadata()
- else:
- self.comet_md = CoMet().metadataFromString(raw_comet)
- self.comet_md.setDefaultPageList(self.getNumberOfPages())
- # use the coverImage value from the comet_data to mark the cover in this struct
- # walk through list of images in file, and find the matching one for md.coverImage
- # need to remove the existing one in the default
- if self.comet_md.coverImage is not None:
- cover_idx = 0
- for idx, f in enumerate(self.getPageNameList()):
- if self.comet_md.coverImage == f:
- cover_idx = idx
- break
- if cover_idx != 0:
- del (self.comet_md.pages[0]['Type'])
- self.comet_md.pages[cover_idx][
- 'Type'] = PageType.FrontCover
- return self.comet_md
- def readRawCoMet(self):
- if not self.hasCoMet():
- print >> sys.stderr, self.path, "doesn't have CoMet data!"
- return None
- try:
- raw_comet = self.archiver.readArchiveFile(self.comet_filename)
- except IOError:
- print >> sys.stderr, u"Error reading in raw CoMet!"
- raw_comet = ""
- return raw_comet
- def writeCoMet(self, metadata):
- if metadata is not None:
- if not self.hasCoMet():
- self.comet_filename = self.comet_default_filename
- self.applyArchiveInfoToMetadata(metadata)
- # Set the coverImage value, if it's not the first page
- cover_idx = int(metadata.getCoverPageIndexList()[0])
- if cover_idx != 0:
- metadata.coverImage = self.getPageName(cover_idx)
- comet_string = CoMet().stringFromMetadata(metadata)
- write_success = self.archiver.writeArchiveFile(
- self.comet_filename, comet_string)
- if write_success:
- self.has_comet = True
- self.comet_md = metadata
- self.resetCache()
- return write_success
- else:
- return False
- def removeCoMet(self):
- if self.hasCoMet():
- write_success = self.archiver.removeArchiveFile(
- self.comet_filename)
- if write_success:
- self.has_comet = False
- self.comet_md = None
- self.resetCache()
- return write_success
- return True
- def hasCoMet(self):
- if self.has_comet is None:
- self.has_comet = False
- if not self.seemsToBeAComicArchive():
- return self.has_comet
- # look at all xml files in root, and search for CoMet data, get
- # first
- for n in self.archiver.getArchiveFilenameList():
- if (os.path.dirname(n) == "" and
- os.path.splitext(n)[1].lower() == '.xml'):
- # read in XML file, and validate it
- try:
- data = self.archiver.readArchiveFile(n)
- except:
- data = ""
- print >> sys.stderr, u"Error reading in Comet XML for validation!"
- if CoMet().validateString(data):
- # since we found it, save it!
- self.comet_filename = n
- self.has_comet = True
- break
- return self.has_comet
- def applyArchiveInfoToMetadata(self, md, calc_page_sizes=False):
- md.pageCount = self.getNumberOfPages()
- if calc_page_sizes:
- for p in md.pages:
- idx = int(p['Image'])
- if pil_available:
- if 'ImageSize' not in p or 'ImageHeight' not in p or 'ImageWidth' not in p:
- data = self.getPage(idx)
- if data is not None:
- try:
- im = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(data))
- w, h = im.size
- p['ImageSize'] = str(len(data))
- p['ImageHeight'] = str(h)
- p['ImageWidth'] = str(w)
- except IOError:
- p['ImageSize'] = str(len(data))
- else:
- if 'ImageSize' not in p:
- data = self.getPage(idx)
- p['ImageSize'] = str(len(data))
- def metadataFromFilename(self, parse_scan_info=True):
- metadata = GenericMetadata()
- fnp = FileNameParser()
- fnp.parseFilename(self.path)
- if fnp.issue != "":
- metadata.issue = fnp.issue
- if fnp.series != "":
- metadata.series = fnp.series
- if fnp.volume != "":
- metadata.volume = fnp.volume
- if fnp.year != "":
- metadata.year = fnp.year
- if fnp.issue_count != "":
- metadata.issueCount = fnp.issue_count
- if parse_scan_info:
- if fnp.remainder != "":
- metadata.scanInfo = fnp.remainder
- metadata.isEmpty = False
- return metadata
- def exportAsZip(self, zipfilename):
- if self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Zip:
- # nothing to do, we're already a zip
- return True
- zip_archiver = ZipArchiver(zipfilename)
- return zip_archiver.copyFromArchive(self.archiver)
+from comicapi.comicarchive import *
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/comicbookinfo.py b/comictaggerlib/comicbookinfo.py
index 977695d..6b839fa 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/comicbookinfo.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/comicbookinfo.py
@@ -1,149 +1 @@
-A python class to encapsulate the ComicBookInfo data
-Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import json
-from datetime import datetime
-import zipfile
-from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
-import utils
-import ctversion
-class ComicBookInfo:
- def metadataFromString(self, string):
- cbi_container = json.loads(unicode(string, 'utf-8'))
- metadata = GenericMetadata()
- cbi = cbi_container['ComicBookInfo/1.0']
- # helper func
- # If item is not in CBI, return None
- def xlate(cbi_entry):
- if cbi_entry in cbi:
- return cbi[cbi_entry]
- else:
- return None
- metadata.series = xlate('series')
- metadata.title = xlate('title')
- metadata.issue = xlate('issue')
- metadata.publisher = xlate('publisher')
- metadata.month = xlate('publicationMonth')
- metadata.year = xlate('publicationYear')
- metadata.issueCount = xlate('numberOfIssues')
- metadata.comments = xlate('comments')
- metadata.credits = xlate('credits')
- metadata.genre = xlate('genre')
- metadata.volume = xlate('volume')
- metadata.volumeCount = xlate('numberOfVolumes')
- metadata.language = xlate('language')
- metadata.country = xlate('country')
- metadata.criticalRating = xlate('rating')
- metadata.tags = xlate('tags')
- # make sure credits and tags are at least empty lists and not None
- if metadata.credits is None:
- metadata.credits = []
- if metadata.tags is None:
- metadata.tags = []
- # need to massage the language string to be ISO
- if metadata.language is not None:
- # reverse look-up
- pattern = metadata.language
- metadata.language = None
- for key in utils.getLanguageDict():
- if utils.getLanguageDict()[key] == pattern.encode('utf-8'):
- metadata.language = key
- break
- metadata.isEmpty = False
- return metadata
- def stringFromMetadata(self, metadata):
- cbi_container = self.createJSONDictionary(metadata)
- return json.dumps(cbi_container)
- # verify that the string actually contains CBI data in JSON format
- def validateString(self, string):
- try:
- cbi_container = json.loads(string)
- except:
- return False
- return ('ComicBookInfo/1.0' in cbi_container)
- def createJSONDictionary(self, metadata):
- # Create the dictionary that we will convert to JSON text
- cbi = dict()
- cbi_container = {'appID': 'ComicTagger/' + ctversion.version,
- 'lastModified': str(datetime.now()),
- 'ComicBookInfo/1.0': cbi}
- # helper func
- def assign(cbi_entry, md_entry):
- if md_entry is not None:
- cbi[cbi_entry] = md_entry
- # helper func
- def toInt(s):
- i = None
- if type(s) in [str, unicode, int]:
- try:
- i = int(s)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- return i
- assign('series', metadata.series)
- assign('title', metadata.title)
- assign('issue', metadata.issue)
- assign('publisher', metadata.publisher)
- assign('publicationMonth', toInt(metadata.month))
- assign('publicationYear', toInt(metadata.year))
- assign('numberOfIssues', toInt(metadata.issueCount))
- assign('comments', metadata.comments)
- assign('genre', metadata.genre)
- assign('volume', toInt(metadata.volume))
- assign('numberOfVolumes', toInt(metadata.volumeCount))
- assign('language', utils.getLanguageFromISO(metadata.language))
- assign('country', metadata.country)
- assign('rating', metadata.criticalRating)
- assign('credits', metadata.credits)
- assign('tags', metadata.tags)
- return cbi_container
- def writeToExternalFile(self, filename, metadata):
- cbi_container = self.createJSONDictionary(metadata)
- f = open(filename, 'w')
- f.write(json.dumps(cbi_container, indent=4))
- f.close
+from comicapi.comicbookinfo import *
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/comicinfoxml.py b/comictaggerlib/comicinfoxml.py
index e429ce3..6943c9c 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/comicinfoxml.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/comicinfoxml.py
@@ -1,294 +1 @@
-A python class to encapsulate ComicRack's ComicInfo.xml data
-Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-from datetime import datetime
-import zipfile
-from pprint import pprint
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
-import utils
-class ComicInfoXml:
- writer_synonyms = ['writer', 'plotter', 'scripter']
- penciller_synonyms = ['artist', 'penciller', 'penciler', 'breakdowns']
- inker_synonyms = ['inker', 'artist', 'finishes']
- colorist_synonyms = ['colorist', 'colourist', 'colorer', 'colourer']
- letterer_synonyms = ['letterer']
- cover_synonyms = ['cover', 'covers', 'coverartist', 'cover artist']
- editor_synonyms = ['editor']
- def getParseableCredits(self):
- parsable_credits = []
- parsable_credits.extend(self.writer_synonyms)
- parsable_credits.extend(self.penciller_synonyms)
- parsable_credits.extend(self.inker_synonyms)
- parsable_credits.extend(self.colorist_synonyms)
- parsable_credits.extend(self.letterer_synonyms)
- parsable_credits.extend(self.cover_synonyms)
- parsable_credits.extend(self.editor_synonyms)
- return parsable_credits
- def metadataFromString(self, string):
- tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(string))
- return self.convertXMLToMetadata(tree)
- def stringFromMetadata(self, metadata):
- header = '\n'
- tree = self.convertMetadataToXML(self, metadata)
- return header + ET.tostring(tree.getroot())
- def indent(self, elem, level=0):
- # for making the XML output readable
- i = "\n" + level * " "
- if len(elem):
- if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
- elem.text = i + " "
- if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
- elem.tail = i
- for elem in elem:
- self.indent(elem, level + 1)
- if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
- elem.tail = i
- else:
- if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
- elem.tail = i
- def convertMetadataToXML(self, filename, metadata):
- # shorthand for the metadata
- md = metadata
- # build a tree structure
- root = ET.Element("ComicInfo")
- root.attrib['xmlns:xsi'] = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- root.attrib['xmlns:xsd'] = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- # helper func
- def assign(cix_entry, md_entry):
- if md_entry is not None:
- ET.SubElement(root, cix_entry).text = u"{0}".format(md_entry)
- assign('Title', md.title)
- assign('Series', md.series)
- assign('Number', md.issue)
- assign('Count', md.issueCount)
- assign('Volume', md.volume)
- assign('AlternateSeries', md.alternateSeries)
- assign('AlternateNumber', md.alternateNumber)
- assign('StoryArc', md.storyArc)
- assign('SeriesGroup', md.seriesGroup)
- assign('AlternateCount', md.alternateCount)
- assign('Summary', md.comments)
- assign('Notes', md.notes)
- assign('Year', md.year)
- assign('Month', md.month)
- assign('Day', md.day)
- # need to specially process the credits, since they are structured
- # differently than CIX
- credit_writer_list = list()
- credit_penciller_list = list()
- credit_inker_list = list()
- credit_colorist_list = list()
- credit_letterer_list = list()
- credit_cover_list = list()
- credit_editor_list = list()
- # first, loop thru credits, and build a list for each role that CIX
- # supports
- for credit in metadata.credits:
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.writer_synonyms):
- credit_writer_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", ""))
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.penciller_synonyms):
- credit_penciller_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", ""))
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.inker_synonyms):
- credit_inker_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", ""))
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.colorist_synonyms):
- credit_colorist_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", ""))
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.letterer_synonyms):
- credit_letterer_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", ""))
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.cover_synonyms):
- credit_cover_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", ""))
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.editor_synonyms):
- credit_editor_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", ""))
- # second, convert each list to string, and add to XML struct
- if len(credit_writer_list) > 0:
- node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Writer')
- node.text = utils.listToString(credit_writer_list)
- if len(credit_penciller_list) > 0:
- node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Penciller')
- node.text = utils.listToString(credit_penciller_list)
- if len(credit_inker_list) > 0:
- node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Inker')
- node.text = utils.listToString(credit_inker_list)
- if len(credit_colorist_list) > 0:
- node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Colorist')
- node.text = utils.listToString(credit_colorist_list)
- if len(credit_letterer_list) > 0:
- node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Letterer')
- node.text = utils.listToString(credit_letterer_list)
- if len(credit_cover_list) > 0:
- node = ET.SubElement(root, 'CoverArtist')
- node.text = utils.listToString(credit_cover_list)
- if len(credit_editor_list) > 0:
- node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Editor')
- node.text = utils.listToString(credit_editor_list)
- assign('Publisher', md.publisher)
- assign('Imprint', md.imprint)
- assign('Genre', md.genre)
- assign('Web', md.webLink)
- assign('PageCount', md.pageCount)
- assign('LanguageISO', md.language)
- assign('Format', md.format)
- assign('AgeRating', md.maturityRating)
- if md.blackAndWhite is not None and md.blackAndWhite:
- ET.SubElement(root, 'BlackAndWhite').text = "Yes"
- assign('Manga', md.manga)
- assign('Characters', md.characters)
- assign('Teams', md.teams)
- assign('Locations', md.locations)
- assign('ScanInformation', md.scanInfo)
- # loop and add the page entries under pages node
- if len(md.pages) > 0:
- pages_node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Pages')
- for page_dict in md.pages:
- page_node = ET.SubElement(pages_node, 'Page')
- page_node.attrib = page_dict
- # self pretty-print
- self.indent(root)
- # wrap it in an ElementTree instance, and save as XML
- tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
- return tree
- def convertXMLToMetadata(self, tree):
- root = tree.getroot()
- if root.tag != 'ComicInfo':
- raise 1
- return None
- metadata = GenericMetadata()
- md = metadata
- # Helper function
- def xlate(tag):
- node = root.find(tag)
- if node is not None:
- return node.text
- else:
- return None
- md.series = xlate('Series')
- md.title = xlate('Title')
- md.issue = xlate('Number')
- md.issueCount = xlate('Count')
- md.volume = xlate('Volume')
- md.alternateSeries = xlate('AlternateSeries')
- md.alternateNumber = xlate('AlternateNumber')
- md.alternateCount = xlate('AlternateCount')
- md.comments = xlate('Summary')
- md.notes = xlate('Notes')
- md.year = xlate('Year')
- md.month = xlate('Month')
- md.day = xlate('Day')
- md.publisher = xlate('Publisher')
- md.imprint = xlate('Imprint')
- md.genre = xlate('Genre')
- md.webLink = xlate('Web')
- md.language = xlate('LanguageISO')
- md.format = xlate('Format')
- md.manga = xlate('Manga')
- md.characters = xlate('Characters')
- md.teams = xlate('Teams')
- md.locations = xlate('Locations')
- md.pageCount = xlate('PageCount')
- md.scanInfo = xlate('ScanInformation')
- md.storyArc = xlate('StoryArc')
- md.seriesGroup = xlate('SeriesGroup')
- md.maturityRating = xlate('AgeRating')
- tmp = xlate('BlackAndWhite')
- md.blackAndWhite = False
- if tmp is not None and tmp.lower() in ["yes", "true", "1"]:
- md.blackAndWhite = True
- # Now extract the credit info
- for n in root:
- if (n.tag == 'Writer' or
- n.tag == 'Penciller' or
- n.tag == 'Inker' or
- n.tag == 'Colorist' or
- n.tag == 'Letterer' or
- n.tag == 'Editor'
- ):
- if n.text is not None:
- for name in n.text.split(','):
- metadata.addCredit(name.strip(), n.tag)
- if n.tag == 'CoverArtist':
- if n.text is not None:
- for name in n.text.split(','):
- metadata.addCredit(name.strip(), "Cover")
- # parse page data now
- pages_node = root.find("Pages")
- if pages_node is not None:
- for page in pages_node:
- metadata.pages.append(page.attrib)
- # print(page.attrib)
- metadata.isEmpty = False
- return metadata
- def writeToExternalFile(self, filename, metadata):
- tree = self.convertMetadataToXML(self, metadata)
- # ET.dump(tree)
- tree.write(filename, encoding='utf-8')
- def readFromExternalFile(self, filename):
- tree = ET.parse(filename)
- return self.convertXMLToMetadata(tree)
+from comicapi.comicinfoxml import *
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/coverimagewidget.py b/comictaggerlib/coverimagewidget.py
index 5285086..1d8abbf 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/coverimagewidget.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/coverimagewidget.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ A PyQt4 widget display cover images from either local archive, or from ComicVine
(TODO: This should be re-factored using subclasses!)
+from comictaggerlib.ui.qtutils import reduceWidgetFontSize, getQImageFromData
Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ class CoverImageWidget(QWidget):
uic.loadUi(ComicTaggerSettings.getUIFile('coverimagewidget.ui'), self)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.label)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.label)
self.mode = mode
self.comicVine = ComicVineTalker()
@@ -248,7 +249,7 @@ class CoverImageWidget(QWidget):
# called when the image is done loading from internet
def coverRemoteFetchComplete(self, image_data, issue_id):
- img = utils.getQImageFromData(image_data)
+ img = getQImageFromData(image_data)
self.current_pixmap = QPixmap(img)
self.setDisplayPixmap(0, 0)
#print("ATB cover fetch complete!")
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/filenameparser.py b/comictaggerlib/filenameparser.py
index 3c04aa4..77a1c5b 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/filenameparser.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/filenameparser.py
@@ -1,292 +1 @@
-Functions for parsing comic info from filename
-This should probably be re-written, but, well, it mostly works!
-Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-# Some portions of this code were modified from pyComicMetaThis project
-# http://code.google.com/p/pycomicmetathis/
-import re
-import os
-from urllib import unquote
-class FileNameParser:
- def repl(self, m):
- return ' ' * len(m.group())
- def fixSpaces(self, string, remove_dashes=True):
- if remove_dashes:
- placeholders = ['[-_]', ' +']
- else:
- placeholders = ['[_]', ' +']
- for ph in placeholders:
- string = re.sub(ph, self.repl, string)
- return string # .strip()
- def getIssueCount(self, filename, issue_end):
- count = ""
- filename = filename[issue_end:]
- # replace any name seperators with spaces
- tmpstr = self.fixSpaces(filename)
- found = False
- match = re.search('(?<=\sof\s)\d+(?=\s)', tmpstr, re.IGNORECASE)
- if match:
- count = match.group()
- found = True
- if not found:
- match = re.search('(?<=\(of\s)\d+(?=\))', tmpstr, re.IGNORECASE)
- if match:
- count = match.group()
- found = True
- count = count.lstrip("0")
- return count
- def getIssueNumber(self, filename):
- # Returns a tuple of issue number string, and start and end indexs in the filename
- # (The indexes will be used to split the string up for further parsing)
- found = False
- issue = ''
- start = 0
- end = 0
- # first, look for multiple "--", this means it's formatted differently
- # from most:
- if "--" in filename:
- # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "--"
- # is the series name followed by issue
- filename = re.sub("--.*", self.repl, filename)
- elif "__" in filename:
- # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "__"
- # is the series name followed by issue
- filename = re.sub("__.*", self.repl, filename)
- filename = filename.replace("+", " ")
- # replace parenthetical phrases with spaces
- filename = re.sub("\(.*?\)", self.repl, filename)
- filename = re.sub("\[.*?\]", self.repl, filename)
- # replace any name seperators with spaces
- filename = self.fixSpaces(filename)
- # remove any "of NN" phrase with spaces (problem: this could break on
- # some titles)
- filename = re.sub("of [\d]+", self.repl, filename)
- # print(u"[{0}]".format(filename))
- # we should now have a cleaned up filename version with all the words in
- # the same positions as original filename
- # make a list of each word and its position
- word_list = list()
- for m in re.finditer("\S+", filename):
- word_list.append((m.group(0), m.start(), m.end()))
- # remove the first word, since it can't be the issue number
- if len(word_list) > 1:
- word_list = word_list[1:]
- else:
- # only one word?? just bail.
- return issue, start, end
- # Now try to search for the likely issue number word in the list
- # first look for a word with "#" followed by digits with optional sufix
- # this is almost certainly the issue number
- for w in reversed(word_list):
- if re.match("#[-]?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(\w*))", w[0]):
- found = True
- break
- # same as above but w/o a '#', and only look at the last word in the
- # list
- if not found:
- w = word_list[-1]
- if re.match("[-]?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(\w*))", w[0]):
- found = True
- # now try to look for a # followed by any characters
- if not found:
- for w in reversed(word_list):
- if re.match("#\S+", w[0]):
- found = True
- break
- if found:
- issue = w[0]
- start = w[1]
- end = w[2]
- if issue[0] == '#':
- issue = issue[1:]
- return issue, start, end
- def getSeriesName(self, filename, issue_start):
- # use the issue number string index to split the filename string
- if issue_start != 0:
- filename = filename[:issue_start]
- # in case there is no issue number, remove some obvious stuff
- if "--" in filename:
- # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "--"
- # is the series name followed by issue
- filename = re.sub("--.*", self.repl, filename)
- elif "__" in filename:
- # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "__"
- # is the series name followed by issue
- filename = re.sub("__.*", self.repl, filename)
- filename = filename.replace("+", " ")
- tmpstr = self.fixSpaces(filename, remove_dashes=False)
- series = tmpstr
- volume = ""
- # save the last word
- try:
- last_word = series.split()[-1]
- except:
- last_word = ""
- # remove any parenthetical phrases
- series = re.sub("\(.*?\)", "", series)
- # search for volume number
- match = re.search('(.+)([vV]|[Vv][oO][Ll]\.?\s?)(\d+)\s*$', series)
- if match:
- series = match.group(1)
- volume = match.group(3)
- # if a volume wasn't found, see if the last word is a year in parentheses
- # since that's a common way to designate the volume
- if volume == "":
- # match either (YEAR), (YEAR-), or (YEAR-YEAR2)
- match = re.search("(\()(\d{4})(-(\d{4}|)|)(\))", last_word)
- if match:
- volume = match.group(2)
- series = series.strip()
- # if we don't have an issue number (issue_start==0), look
- # for hints i.e. "TPB", "one-shot", "OS", "OGN", etc that might
- # be removed to help search online
- if issue_start == 0:
- one_shot_words = ["tpb", "os", "one-shot", "ogn", "gn"]
- try:
- last_word = series.split()[-1]
- if last_word.lower() in one_shot_words:
- series = series.rsplit(' ', 1)[0]
- except:
- pass
- return series, volume.strip()
- def getYear(self, filename, issue_end):
- filename = filename[issue_end:]
- year = ""
- # look for four digit number with "(" ")" or "--" around it
- match = re.search('(\(\d\d\d\d\))|(--\d\d\d\d--)', filename)
- if match:
- year = match.group()
- # remove non-numerics
- year = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", year)
- return year
- def getRemainder(self, filename, year, count, volume, issue_end):
- # make a guess at where the the non-interesting stuff begins
- remainder = ""
- if "--" in filename:
- remainder = filename.split("--", 1)[1]
- elif "__" in filename:
- remainder = filename.split("__", 1)[1]
- elif issue_end != 0:
- remainder = filename[issue_end:]
- remainder = self.fixSpaces(remainder, remove_dashes=False)
- if volume != "":
- remainder = remainder.replace("Vol." + volume, "", 1)
- if year != "":
- remainder = remainder.replace(year, "", 1)
- if count != "":
- remainder = remainder.replace("of " + count, "", 1)
- remainder = remainder.replace("()", "")
- # cleans some whitespace mess
- remainder = remainder.replace(" ", " ")
- return remainder.strip()
- def parseFilename(self, filename):
- # remove the path
- filename = os.path.basename(filename)
- # remove the extension
- filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
- # url decode, just in case
- filename = unquote(filename)
- # sometimes archives get messed up names from too many decodings
- # often url encodings will break and leave "_28" and "_29" in place
- # of "(" and ")" see if there are a number of these, and replace them
- if filename.count("_28") > 1 and filename.count("_29") > 1:
- filename = filename.replace("_28", "(")
- filename = filename.replace("_29", ")")
- self.issue, issue_start, issue_end = self.getIssueNumber(filename)
- self.series, self.volume = self.getSeriesName(filename, issue_start)
- # provides proper value when the filename doesn't have a issue number
- if issue_end == 0:
- issue_end = len(self.series)
- self.year = self.getYear(filename, issue_end)
- self.issue_count = self.getIssueCount(filename, issue_end)
- self.remainder = self.getRemainder(
- filename, self.year, self.issue_count, self.volume, issue_end)
- if self.issue != "":
- # strip off leading zeros
- self.issue = self.issue.lstrip("0")
- if self.issue == "":
- self.issue = "0"
- if self.issue[0] == ".":
- self.issue = "0" + self.issue
+from comicapi.filenameparser import *
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/fileselectionlist.py b/comictaggerlib/fileselectionlist.py
index 573d67f..60986f1 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/fileselectionlist.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/fileselectionlist.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
A PyQt4 widget for managing list of comic archive files
+from comictaggerlib.ui.qtutils import reduceWidgetFontSize, centerWindowOnParent
Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ class FileSelectionList(QWidget):
self.settings = settings
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.twList)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.twList)
#self.twlist.setHorizontalHeaderLabels (["File", "Folder", "CR", "CBL", ""])
@@ -203,7 +204,7 @@ class FileSelectionList(QWidget):
- utils.centerWindowOnParent(progdialog)
+ centerWindowOnParent(progdialog)
row = self.addPathItem(f)
if firstAdded is None and row is not None:
@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ class FileSelectionList(QWidget):
if self.isListDupe(path):
return self.getCurrentListRow(path)
- ca = ComicArchive(path, self.settings.rar_exe_path)
+ ca = ComicArchive(path, self.settings.rar_exe_path, ComicTaggerSettings.getGraphic('nocover.png'))
if ca.seemsToBeAComicArchive():
row = self.twList.rowCount()
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/genericmetadata.py b/comictaggerlib/genericmetadata.py
index 81b03ba..8bcf694 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/genericmetadata.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/genericmetadata.py
@@ -1,318 +1 @@
- A python class for internal metadata storage
- The goal of this class is to handle ALL the data that might come from various
- tagging schemes and databases, such as ComicVine or GCD. This makes conversion
- possible, however lossy it might be
-Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import utils
-# These page info classes are exactly the same as the CIX scheme, since
-# it's unique
-class PageType:
- FrontCover = "FrontCover"
- InnerCover = "InnerCover"
- Roundup = "Roundup"
- Story = "Story"
- Advertisement = "Advertisement"
- Editorial = "Editorial"
- Letters = "Letters"
- Preview = "Preview"
- BackCover = "BackCover"
- Other = "Other"
- Deleted = "Deleted"
-class PageInfo:
- Image = 0
- Type = PageType.Story
- DoublePage = False
- ImageSize = 0
- Key = ""
- ImageWidth = 0
- ImageHeight = 0
-class GenericMetadata:
- def __init__(self):
- self.isEmpty = True
- self.tagOrigin = None
- self.series = None
- self.issue = None
- self.title = None
- self.publisher = None
- self.month = None
- self.year = None
- self.day = None
- self.issueCount = None
- self.volume = None
- self.genre = None
- self.language = None # 2 letter iso code
- self.comments = None # Use same way as Summary in CIX
- self.volumeCount = None
- self.criticalRating = None
- self.country = None
- self.alternateSeries = None
- self.alternateNumber = None
- self.alternateCount = None
- self.imprint = None
- self.notes = None
- self.webLink = None
- self.format = None
- self.manga = None
- self.blackAndWhite = None
- self.pageCount = None
- self.maturityRating = None
- self.storyArc = None
- self.seriesGroup = None
- self.scanInfo = None
- self.characters = None
- self.teams = None
- self.locations = None
- self.credits = list()
- self.tags = list()
- self.pages = list()
- # Some CoMet-only items
- self.price = None
- self.isVersionOf = None
- self.rights = None
- self.identifier = None
- self.lastMark = None
- self.coverImage = None
- def overlay(self, new_md):
- # Overlay a metadata object on this one
- # that is, when the new object has non-None
- # values, over-write them to this one
- def assign(cur, new):
- if new is not None:
- if isinstance(new, str) and len(new) == 0:
- setattr(self, cur, None)
- else:
- setattr(self, cur, new)
- if not new_md.isEmpty:
- self.isEmpty = False
- assign('series', new_md.series)
- assign("issue", new_md.issue)
- assign("issueCount", new_md.issueCount)
- assign("title", new_md.title)
- assign("publisher", new_md.publisher)
- assign("day", new_md.day)
- assign("month", new_md.month)
- assign("year", new_md.year)
- assign("volume", new_md.volume)
- assign("volumeCount", new_md.volumeCount)
- assign("genre", new_md.genre)
- assign("language", new_md.language)
- assign("country", new_md.country)
- assign("criticalRating", new_md.criticalRating)
- assign("alternateSeries", new_md.alternateSeries)
- assign("alternateNumber", new_md.alternateNumber)
- assign("alternateCount", new_md.alternateCount)
- assign("imprint", new_md.imprint)
- assign("webLink", new_md.webLink)
- assign("format", new_md.format)
- assign("manga", new_md.manga)
- assign("blackAndWhite", new_md.blackAndWhite)
- assign("maturityRating", new_md.maturityRating)
- assign("storyArc", new_md.storyArc)
- assign("seriesGroup", new_md.seriesGroup)
- assign("scanInfo", new_md.scanInfo)
- assign("characters", new_md.characters)
- assign("teams", new_md.teams)
- assign("locations", new_md.locations)
- assign("comments", new_md.comments)
- assign("notes", new_md.notes)
- assign("price", new_md.price)
- assign("isVersionOf", new_md.isVersionOf)
- assign("rights", new_md.rights)
- assign("identifier", new_md.identifier)
- assign("lastMark", new_md.lastMark)
- self.overlayCredits(new_md.credits)
- # TODO
- # not sure if the tags and pages should broken down, or treated
- # as whole lists....
- # For now, go the easy route, where any overlay
- # value wipes out the whole list
- if len(new_md.tags) > 0:
- assign("tags", new_md.tags)
- if len(new_md.pages) > 0:
- assign("pages", new_md.pages)
- def overlayCredits(self, new_credits):
- for c in new_credits:
- if 'primary' in c and c['primary']:
- primary = True
- else:
- primary = False
- # Remove credit role if person is blank
- if c['person'] == "":
- for r in reversed(self.credits):
- if r['role'].lower() == c['role'].lower():
- self.credits.remove(r)
- # otherwise, add it!
- else:
- self.addCredit(c['person'], c['role'], primary)
- def setDefaultPageList(self, count):
- # generate a default page list, with the first page marked as the cover
- for i in range(count):
- page_dict = dict()
- page_dict['Image'] = str(i)
- if i == 0:
- page_dict['Type'] = PageType.FrontCover
- self.pages.append(page_dict)
- def getArchivePageIndex(self, pagenum):
- # convert the displayed page number to the page index of the file in
- # the archive
- if pagenum < len(self.pages):
- return int(self.pages[pagenum]['Image'])
- else:
- return 0
- def getCoverPageIndexList(self):
- # return a list of archive page indices of cover pages
- coverlist = []
- for p in self.pages:
- if 'Type' in p and p['Type'] == PageType.FrontCover:
- coverlist.append(int(p['Image']))
- if len(coverlist) == 0:
- coverlist.append(0)
- return coverlist
- def addCredit(self, person, role, primary=False):
- credit = dict()
- credit['person'] = person
- credit['role'] = role
- if primary:
- credit['primary'] = primary
- # look to see if it's not already there...
- found = False
- for c in self.credits:
- if (c['person'].lower() == person.lower() and
- c['role'].lower() == role.lower()):
- # no need to add it. just adjust the "primary" flag as needed
- c['primary'] = primary
- found = True
- break
- if not found:
- self.credits.append(credit)
- def __str__(self):
- vals = []
- if self.isEmpty:
- return "No metadata"
- def add_string(tag, val):
- if val is not None and u"{0}".format(val) != "":
- vals.append((tag, val))
- def add_attr_string(tag):
- val = getattr(self, tag)
- add_string(tag, getattr(self, tag))
- add_attr_string("series")
- add_attr_string("issue")
- add_attr_string("issueCount")
- add_attr_string("title")
- add_attr_string("publisher")
- add_attr_string("year")
- add_attr_string("month")
- add_attr_string("day")
- add_attr_string("volume")
- add_attr_string("volumeCount")
- add_attr_string("genre")
- add_attr_string("language")
- add_attr_string("country")
- add_attr_string("criticalRating")
- add_attr_string("alternateSeries")
- add_attr_string("alternateNumber")
- add_attr_string("alternateCount")
- add_attr_string("imprint")
- add_attr_string("webLink")
- add_attr_string("format")
- add_attr_string("manga")
- add_attr_string("price")
- add_attr_string("isVersionOf")
- add_attr_string("rights")
- add_attr_string("identifier")
- add_attr_string("lastMark")
- if self.blackAndWhite:
- add_attr_string("blackAndWhite")
- add_attr_string("maturityRating")
- add_attr_string("storyArc")
- add_attr_string("seriesGroup")
- add_attr_string("scanInfo")
- add_attr_string("characters")
- add_attr_string("teams")
- add_attr_string("locations")
- add_attr_string("comments")
- add_attr_string("notes")
- add_string("tags", utils.listToString(self.tags))
- for c in self.credits:
- primary = ""
- if 'primary' in c and c['primary']:
- primary = " [P]"
- add_string("credit", c['role'] + ": " + c['person'] + primary)
- # find the longest field name
- flen = 0
- for i in vals:
- flen = max(flen, len(i[0]))
- flen += 1
- # format the data nicely
- outstr = ""
- fmt_str = u"{0: <" + str(flen) + "} {1}\n"
- for i in vals:
- outstr += fmt_str.format(i[0] + ":", i[1])
- return outstr
+from comicapi.genericmetadata import *
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/issueselectionwindow.py b/comictaggerlib/issueselectionwindow.py
index 5f3daee..9cd3cb7 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/issueselectionwindow.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/issueselectionwindow.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
A PyQT4 dialog to select specific issue from list
+from comictaggerlib.ui.qtutils import reduceWidgetFontSize
Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
@@ -59,8 +60,8 @@ class IssueSelectionWindow(QtGui.QDialog):
gridlayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.twList)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.teDescription, 1)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.twList)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.teDescription, 1)
self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() |
QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint |
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/issuestring.py b/comictaggerlib/issuestring.py
index 2d13290..d9872b2 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/issuestring.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/issuestring.py
@@ -1,136 +1 @@
-Class for handling the odd permutations of an 'issue number' that the comics industry throws at us
-Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import utils
-import math
-import re
-class IssueString:
- def __init__(self, text):
- # break up the issue number string into 2 parts: the numeric and suffix string.
- # (assumes that the numeric portion is always first)
- self.num = None
- self.suffix = ""
- if text is None:
- return
- if isinstance(text, int):
- text = str(text)
- if len(text) == 0:
- return
- text = unicode(text)
- # skip the minus sign if it's first
- if text[0] == '-':
- start = 1
- else:
- start = 0
- # if it's still not numeric at start skip it
- if text[start].isdigit() or text[start] == ".":
- # walk through the string, look for split point (the first
- # non-numeric)
- decimal_count = 0
- for idx in range(start, len(text)):
- if text[idx] not in "0123456789.":
- break
- # special case: also split on second "."
- if text[idx] == ".":
- decimal_count += 1
- if decimal_count > 1:
- break
- else:
- idx = len(text)
- # move trailing numeric decimal to suffix
- # (only if there is other junk after)
- if text[idx - 1] == "." and len(text) != idx:
- idx = idx - 1
- # if there is no numeric after the minus, make the minus part of
- # the suffix
- if idx == 1 and start == 1:
- idx = 0
- part1 = text[0:idx]
- part2 = text[idx:len(text)]
- if part1 != "":
- self.num = float(part1)
- self.suffix = part2
- else:
- self.suffix = text
- #print("num: {0} suf: {1}".format(self.num, self.suffix))
- def asString(self, pad=0):
- # return the float, left side zero-padded, with suffix attached
- if self.num is None:
- return self.suffix
- negative = self.num < 0
- num_f = abs(self.num)
- num_int = int(num_f)
- num_s = str(num_int)
- if float(num_int) != num_f:
- num_s = str(num_f)
- num_s += self.suffix
- # create padding
- padding = ""
- l = len(str(num_int))
- if l < pad:
- padding = "0" * (pad - l)
- num_s = padding + num_s
- if negative:
- num_s = "-" + num_s
- return num_s
- def asFloat(self):
- # return the float, with no suffix
- return self.num
- def asInt(self):
- # return the int version of the float
- if self.num is None:
- return None
- return int(self.num)
+from comicapi.issuestring import *
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/matchselectionwindow.py b/comictaggerlib/matchselectionwindow.py
index d8751e0..95c7c9c 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/matchselectionwindow.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/matchselectionwindow.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
A PyQT4 dialog to select from automated issue matches
+from comictaggerlib.ui.qtutils import reduceWidgetFontSize
Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
@@ -54,8 +55,8 @@ class MatchSelectionWindow(QtGui.QDialog):
gridlayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.twList)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.teDescription, 1)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.twList)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.teDescription, 1)
self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() |
QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint |
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/pageloader.py b/comictaggerlib/pageloader.py
index 4cc1dff..184713f 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/pageloader.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/pageloader.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
A PyQT4 class to load a page image from a ComicArchive in a background thread
+from comictaggerlib.ui.qtutils import getQImageFromData
Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ class PageLoader(QtCore.QThread):
if image_data is not None:
- img = utils.getQImageFromData(image_data)
+ img = getQImageFromData(image_data)
if self.abandoned:
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/progresswindow.py b/comictaggerlib/progresswindow.py
index fd8009e..0759ff8 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/progresswindow.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/progresswindow.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
A PyQT4 dialog to show ID log and progress
+from comictaggerlib.ui.qtutils import reduceWidgetFontSize
Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
@@ -38,4 +39,4 @@ class IDProgressWindow(QtGui.QDialog):
QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint |
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.textEdit)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.textEdit)
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/taggerwindow.py b/comictaggerlib/taggerwindow.py
index 1dd556e..6efa174 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/taggerwindow.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/taggerwindow.py
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
The main window of the ComicTagger app
+from comictaggerlib.ui.qtutils import reduceWidgetFontSize, centerWindowOnParent
Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
@@ -191,6 +192,10 @@ class TaggerWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
validator = QtGui.QIntValidator(1, 12, self)
+ # TODO: for now keep it simple, ideally we should check the full date
+ validator = QtGui.QIntValidator(1, 31, self)
+ self.lePubDay.setValidator(validator)
validator = QtGui.QIntValidator(1, 99999, self)
@@ -202,10 +207,10 @@ class TaggerWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
# for all sorts of wacky things
# tweak some control fonts
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.lblFilename, 1)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.lblArchiveType)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.lblTagList)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.lblPageCount)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.lblFilename, 1)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.lblArchiveType)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.lblTagList)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.lblPageCount)
# make sure some editable comboboxes don't take drop actions
@@ -783,6 +788,7 @@ class TaggerWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
assignText(self.lePublisher, md.publisher)
assignText(self.lePubMonth, md.month)
assignText(self.lePubYear, md.year)
+ assignText(self.lePubDay, md.day)
assignText(self.leGenre, md.genre)
assignText(self.leImprint, md.imprint)
assignText(self.teComments, md.comments)
@@ -909,6 +915,7 @@ class TaggerWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow):
md.publisher = xlate(self.lePublisher.text(), "str")
md.month = xlate(self.lePubMonth.text(), "int")
md.year = xlate(self.lePubYear.text(), "int")
+ md.day = xlate(self.lePubDay.text(), "int")
md.genre = xlate(self.leGenre.text(), "str")
md.imprint = xlate(self.leImprint.text(), "str")
md.comments = xlate(self.teComments.toPlainText(), "str")
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/ui/__init__.py b/comictaggerlib/ui/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/ui/qtutils.py b/comictaggerlib/ui/qtutils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ab05ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/comictaggerlib/ui/qtutils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+import StringIO
+from PIL import Image
+from comictaggerlib.settings import ComicTaggerSettings
+ from PyQt4 import QtGui
+ qt_available = True
+except ImportError:
+ qt_available = False
+if qt_available:
+ def reduceWidgetFontSize( widget , delta = 2):
+ f = widget.font()
+ if f.pointSize() > 10:
+ f.setPointSize( f.pointSize() - delta )
+ widget.setFont( f )
+ def centerWindowOnScreen( window ):
+ """
+ Center the window on screen. This implemention will handle the window
+ being resized or the screen resolution changing.
+ """
+ # Get the current screens' dimensions...
+ screen = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry()
+ # ... and get this windows' dimensions
+ mysize = window.geometry()
+ # The horizontal position is calulated as screenwidth - windowwidth /2
+ hpos = ( screen.width() - window.width() ) / 2
+ # And vertical position the same, but with the height dimensions
+ vpos = ( screen.height() - window.height() ) / 2
+ # And the move call repositions the window
+ window.move(hpos, vpos)
+ def centerWindowOnParent( window ):
+ top_level = window
+ while top_level.parent() is not None:
+ top_level = top_level.parent()
+ # Get the current screens' dimensions...
+ main_window_size = top_level.geometry()
+ # ... and get this windows' dimensions
+ mysize = window.geometry()
+ # The horizontal position is calulated as screenwidth - windowwidth /2
+ hpos = ( main_window_size.width() - window.width() ) / 2
+ # And vertical position the same, but with the height dimensions
+ vpos = ( main_window_size.height() - window.height() ) / 2
+ # And the move call repositions the window
+ window.move(hpos + main_window_size.left(), vpos + main_window_size.top())
+ try:
+ from PIL import Image
+ from PIL import WebPImagePlugin
+ import StringIO
+ pil_available = True
+ except ImportError:
+ pil_available = False
+ def getQImageFromData(image_data):
+ img = QtGui.QImage()
+ success = img.loadFromData( image_data )
+ if not success:
+ try:
+ if pil_available:
+ # Qt doesn't understand the format, but maybe PIL does
+ # so try to convert the image data to uncompressed tiff format
+ im = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(image_data))
+ output = StringIO.StringIO()
+ im.save(output, format="TIFF")
+ img.loadFromData( output.getvalue() )
+ success = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ pass
+ # if still nothing, go with default image
+ if not success:
+ img.load(ComicTaggerSettings.getGraphic('nocover.png'))
+ return img
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/ui/taggerwindow.ui b/comictaggerlib/ui/taggerwindow.ui
index 0ff3f56..d5fcc3b 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/ui/taggerwindow.ui
+++ b/comictaggerlib/ui/taggerwindow.ui
@@ -402,14 +402,26 @@
- # Issues
+ Day
+ 0
+ 0
+ 16777215
+ 16777215
@@ -419,27 +431,44 @@
+ # Issues
+ -
+ false
+ Qt::ImhDigitsOnly
+ -
- -
- -
# Volumes
- -
@@ -449,14 +478,14 @@
- -
- -
@@ -469,14 +498,14 @@
- -
Alt. # Issues
- -
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/utils.py b/comictaggerlib/utils.py
index b9c5d7d..3cf0b80 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/utils.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/utils.py
@@ -1,674 +1 @@
-# coding=utf-8
-Some generic utilities
-Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-import platform
-import locale
-import codecs
-from settings import ComicTaggerSettings
-class UtilsVars:
- already_fixed_encoding = False
-def get_actual_preferred_encoding():
- preferred_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
- if platform.system() == "Darwin":
- preferred_encoding = "utf-8"
- return preferred_encoding
-def fix_output_encoding():
- if not UtilsVars.already_fixed_encoding:
- # this reads the environment and inits the right locale
- locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
- # try to make stdout/stderr encodings happy for unicode printing
- preferred_encoding = get_actual_preferred_encoding()
- sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter(preferred_encoding)(sys.stdout)
- sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter(preferred_encoding)(sys.stderr)
- UtilsVars.already_fixed_encoding = True
-def get_recursive_filelist(pathlist):
- """Get a recursive list of of all files under all path items in the list"""
- filename_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding()
- filelist = []
- for p in pathlist:
- # if path is a folder, walk it recursivly, and all files underneath
- if isinstance(p, str):
- # make sure string is unicode
- p = p.decode(filename_encoding) # , 'replace')
- elif not isinstance(p, unicode):
- # it's probably a QString
- p = unicode(p)
- if os.path.isdir(p):
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(p):
- for f in files:
- if isinstance(f, str):
- # make sure string is unicode
- f = f.decode(filename_encoding, 'replace')
- elif not isinstance(f, unicode):
- # it's probably a QString
- f = unicode(f)
- filelist.append(os.path.join(root, f))
- else:
- filelist.append(p)
- return filelist
-def listToString(l):
- string = ""
- if l is not None:
- for item in l:
- if len(string) > 0:
- string += ", "
- string += item
- return string
-def addtopath(dirname):
- if dirname is not None and dirname != "":
- # verify that path doesn't already contain the given dirname
- tmpdirname = re.escape(dirname)
- pattern = r"{sep}{dir}$|^{dir}{sep}|{sep}{dir}{sep}|^{dir}$".format(
- dir=tmpdirname, sep=os.pathsep)
- match = re.search(pattern, os.environ['PATH'])
- if not match:
- os.environ['PATH'] = dirname + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
-# returns executable path, if it exists
-def which(program):
- def is_exe(fpath):
- return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
- fpath, fname = os.path.split(program)
- if fpath:
- if is_exe(program):
- return program
- else:
- for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep):
- exe_file = os.path.join(path, program)
- if is_exe(exe_file):
- return exe_file
- return None
-def removearticles(text):
- text = text.lower()
- articles = ['and', 'the', 'a', '&', 'issue']
- newText = ''
- for word in text.split(' '):
- if word not in articles:
- newText += word + ' '
- newText = newText[:-1]
- # now get rid of some other junk
- newText = newText.replace(":", "")
- newText = newText.replace(",", "")
- newText = newText.replace("-", " ")
- # since the CV api changed, searches for series names with periods
- # now explicity require the period to be in the search key,
- # so the line below is removed (for now)
- #newText = newText.replace(".", "")
- return newText
-def unique_file(file_name):
- counter = 1
- # returns ('/path/file', '.ext')
- file_name_parts = os.path.splitext(file_name)
- while True:
- if not os.path.lexists(file_name):
- return file_name
- file_name = file_name_parts[
- 0] + ' (' + str(counter) + ')' + file_name_parts[1]
- counter += 1
-# -o- coding: utf-8 -o-
-# ISO639 python dict
-# oficial list in http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/code_list.php
-lang_dict = {
- 'ab': 'Abkhaz',
- 'aa': 'Afar',
- 'af': 'Afrikaans',
- 'ak': 'Akan',
- 'sq': 'Albanian',
- 'am': 'Amharic',
- 'ar': 'Arabic',
- 'an': 'Aragonese',
- 'hy': 'Armenian',
- 'as': 'Assamese',
- 'av': 'Avaric',
- 'ae': 'Avestan',
- 'ay': 'Aymara',
- 'az': 'Azerbaijani',
- 'bm': 'Bambara',
- 'ba': 'Bashkir',
- 'eu': 'Basque',
- 'be': 'Belarusian',
- 'bn': 'Bengali',
- 'bh': 'Bihari',
- 'bi': 'Bislama',
- 'bs': 'Bosnian',
- 'br': 'Breton',
- 'bg': 'Bulgarian',
- 'my': 'Burmese',
- 'ca': 'Catalan; Valencian',
- 'ch': 'Chamorro',
- 'ce': 'Chechen',
- 'ny': 'Chichewa; Chewa; Nyanja',
- 'zh': 'Chinese',
- 'cv': 'Chuvash',
- 'kw': 'Cornish',
- 'co': 'Corsican',
- 'cr': 'Cree',
- 'hr': 'Croatian',
- 'cs': 'Czech',
- 'da': 'Danish',
- 'dv': 'Divehi; Maldivian;',
- 'nl': 'Dutch',
- 'dz': 'Dzongkha',
- 'en': 'English',
- 'eo': 'Esperanto',
- 'et': 'Estonian',
- 'ee': 'Ewe',
- 'fo': 'Faroese',
- 'fj': 'Fijian',
- 'fi': 'Finnish',
- 'fr': 'French',
- 'ff': 'Fula',
- 'gl': 'Galician',
- 'ka': 'Georgian',
- 'de': 'German',
- 'el': 'Greek, Modern',
- 'gn': 'Guaraní',
- 'gu': 'Gujarati',
- 'ht': 'Haitian',
- 'ha': 'Hausa',
- 'he': 'Hebrew (modern)',
- 'hz': 'Herero',
- 'hi': 'Hindi',
- 'ho': 'Hiri Motu',
- 'hu': 'Hungarian',
- 'ia': 'Interlingua',
- 'id': 'Indonesian',
- 'ie': 'Interlingue',
- 'ga': 'Irish',
- 'ig': 'Igbo',
- 'ik': 'Inupiaq',
- 'io': 'Ido',
- 'is': 'Icelandic',
- 'it': 'Italian',
- 'iu': 'Inuktitut',
- 'ja': 'Japanese',
- 'jv': 'Javanese',
- 'kl': 'Kalaallisut',
- 'kn': 'Kannada',
- 'kr': 'Kanuri',
- 'ks': 'Kashmiri',
- 'kk': 'Kazakh',
- 'km': 'Khmer',
- 'ki': 'Kikuyu, Gikuyu',
- 'rw': 'Kinyarwanda',
- 'ky': 'Kirghiz, Kyrgyz',
- 'kv': 'Komi',
- 'kg': 'Kongo',
- 'ko': 'Korean',
- 'ku': 'Kurdish',
- 'kj': 'Kwanyama, Kuanyama',
- 'la': 'Latin',
- 'lb': 'Luxembourgish',
- 'lg': 'Luganda',
- 'li': 'Limburgish',
- 'ln': 'Lingala',
- 'lo': 'Lao',
- 'lt': 'Lithuanian',
- 'lu': 'Luba-Katanga',
- 'lv': 'Latvian',
- 'gv': 'Manx',
- 'mk': 'Macedonian',
- 'mg': 'Malagasy',
- 'ms': 'Malay',
- 'ml': 'Malayalam',
- 'mt': 'Maltese',
- 'mi': 'Māori',
- 'mr': 'Marathi (Marāṭhī)',
- 'mh': 'Marshallese',
- 'mn': 'Mongolian',
- 'na': 'Nauru',
- 'nv': 'Navajo, Navaho',
- 'nb': 'Norwegian Bokmål',
- 'nd': 'North Ndebele',
- 'ne': 'Nepali',
- 'ng': 'Ndonga',
- 'nn': 'Norwegian Nynorsk',
- 'no': 'Norwegian',
- 'ii': 'Nuosu',
- 'nr': 'South Ndebele',
- 'oc': 'Occitan',
- 'oj': 'Ojibwe, Ojibwa',
- 'cu': 'Old Church Slavonic',
- 'om': 'Oromo',
- 'or': 'Oriya',
- 'os': 'Ossetian, Ossetic',
- 'pa': 'Panjabi, Punjabi',
- 'pi': 'Pāli',
- 'fa': 'Persian',
- 'pl': 'Polish',
- 'ps': 'Pashto, Pushto',
- 'pt': 'Portuguese',
- 'qu': 'Quechua',
- 'rm': 'Romansh',
- 'rn': 'Kirundi',
- 'ro': 'Romanian, Moldavan',
- 'ru': 'Russian',
- 'sa': 'Sanskrit (Saṁskṛta)',
- 'sc': 'Sardinian',
- 'sd': 'Sindhi',
- 'se': 'Northern Sami',
- 'sm': 'Samoan',
- 'sg': 'Sango',
- 'sr': 'Serbian',
- 'gd': 'Scottish Gaelic',
- 'sn': 'Shona',
- 'si': 'Sinhala, Sinhalese',
- 'sk': 'Slovak',
- 'sl': 'Slovene',
- 'so': 'Somali',
- 'st': 'Southern Sotho',
- 'es': 'Spanish; Castilian',
- 'su': 'Sundanese',
- 'sw': 'Swahili',
- 'ss': 'Swati',
- 'sv': 'Swedish',
- 'ta': 'Tamil',
- 'te': 'Telugu',
- 'tg': 'Tajik',
- 'th': 'Thai',
- 'ti': 'Tigrinya',
- 'bo': 'Tibetan',
- 'tk': 'Turkmen',
- 'tl': 'Tagalog',
- 'tn': 'Tswana',
- 'to': 'Tonga',
- 'tr': 'Turkish',
- 'ts': 'Tsonga',
- 'tt': 'Tatar',
- 'tw': 'Twi',
- 'ty': 'Tahitian',
- 'ug': 'Uighur, Uyghur',
- 'uk': 'Ukrainian',
- 'ur': 'Urdu',
- 'uz': 'Uzbek',
- 've': 'Venda',
- 'vi': 'Vietnamese',
- 'vo': 'Volapük',
- 'wa': 'Walloon',
- 'cy': 'Welsh',
- 'wo': 'Wolof',
- 'fy': 'Western Frisian',
- 'xh': 'Xhosa',
- 'yi': 'Yiddish',
- 'yo': 'Yoruba',
- 'za': 'Zhuang, Chuang',
- 'zu': 'Zulu',
-countries = [
- ('AF', 'Afghanistan'),
- ('AL', 'Albania'),
- ('DZ', 'Algeria'),
- ('AS', 'American Samoa'),
- ('AD', 'Andorra'),
- ('AO', 'Angola'),
- ('AI', 'Anguilla'),
- ('AQ', 'Antarctica'),
- ('AG', 'Antigua And Barbuda'),
- ('AR', 'Argentina'),
- ('AM', 'Armenia'),
- ('AW', 'Aruba'),
- ('AU', 'Australia'),
- ('AT', 'Austria'),
- ('AZ', 'Azerbaijan'),
- ('BS', 'Bahamas'),
- ('BH', 'Bahrain'),
- ('BD', 'Bangladesh'),
- ('BB', 'Barbados'),
- ('BY', 'Belarus'),
- ('BE', 'Belgium'),
- ('BZ', 'Belize'),
- ('BJ', 'Benin'),
- ('BM', 'Bermuda'),
- ('BT', 'Bhutan'),
- ('BO', 'Bolivia'),
- ('BA', 'Bosnia And Herzegowina'),
- ('BW', 'Botswana'),
- ('BV', 'Bouvet Island'),
- ('BR', 'Brazil'),
- ('BN', 'Brunei Darussalam'),
- ('BG', 'Bulgaria'),
- ('BF', 'Burkina Faso'),
- ('BI', 'Burundi'),
- ('KH', 'Cambodia'),
- ('CM', 'Cameroon'),
- ('CA', 'Canada'),
- ('CV', 'Cape Verde'),
- ('KY', 'Cayman Islands'),
- ('CF', 'Central African Rep'),
- ('TD', 'Chad'),
- ('CL', 'Chile'),
- ('CN', 'China'),
- ('CX', 'Christmas Island'),
- ('CC', 'Cocos Islands'),
- ('CO', 'Colombia'),
- ('KM', 'Comoros'),
- ('CG', 'Congo'),
- ('CK', 'Cook Islands'),
- ('CR', 'Costa Rica'),
- ('CI', 'Cote D`ivoire'),
- ('HR', 'Croatia'),
- ('CU', 'Cuba'),
- ('CY', 'Cyprus'),
- ('CZ', 'Czech Republic'),
- ('DK', 'Denmark'),
- ('DJ', 'Djibouti'),
- ('DM', 'Dominica'),
- ('DO', 'Dominican Republic'),
- ('TP', 'East Timor'),
- ('EC', 'Ecuador'),
- ('EG', 'Egypt'),
- ('SV', 'El Salvador'),
- ('GQ', 'Equatorial Guinea'),
- ('ER', 'Eritrea'),
- ('EE', 'Estonia'),
- ('ET', 'Ethiopia'),
- ('FK', 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)'),
- ('FO', 'Faroe Islands'),
- ('FJ', 'Fiji'),
- ('FI', 'Finland'),
- ('FR', 'France'),
- ('GF', 'French Guiana'),
- ('PF', 'French Polynesia'),
- ('TF', 'French S. Territories'),
- ('GA', 'Gabon'),
- ('GM', 'Gambia'),
- ('GE', 'Georgia'),
- ('DE', 'Germany'),
- ('GH', 'Ghana'),
- ('GI', 'Gibraltar'),
- ('GR', 'Greece'),
- ('GL', 'Greenland'),
- ('GD', 'Grenada'),
- ('GP', 'Guadeloupe'),
- ('GU', 'Guam'),
- ('GT', 'Guatemala'),
- ('GN', 'Guinea'),
- ('GW', 'Guinea-bissau'),
- ('GY', 'Guyana'),
- ('HT', 'Haiti'),
- ('HN', 'Honduras'),
- ('HK', 'Hong Kong'),
- ('HU', 'Hungary'),
- ('IS', 'Iceland'),
- ('IN', 'India'),
- ('ID', 'Indonesia'),
- ('IR', 'Iran'),
- ('IQ', 'Iraq'),
- ('IE', 'Ireland'),
- ('IL', 'Israel'),
- ('IT', 'Italy'),
- ('JM', 'Jamaica'),
- ('JP', 'Japan'),
- ('JO', 'Jordan'),
- ('KZ', 'Kazakhstan'),
- ('KE', 'Kenya'),
- ('KI', 'Kiribati'),
- ('KP', 'Korea (North)'),
- ('KR', 'Korea (South)'),
- ('KW', 'Kuwait'),
- ('KG', 'Kyrgyzstan'),
- ('LA', 'Laos'),
- ('LV', 'Latvia'),
- ('LB', 'Lebanon'),
- ('LS', 'Lesotho'),
- ('LR', 'Liberia'),
- ('LY', 'Libya'),
- ('LI', 'Liechtenstein'),
- ('LT', 'Lithuania'),
- ('LU', 'Luxembourg'),
- ('MO', 'Macau'),
- ('MK', 'Macedonia'),
- ('MG', 'Madagascar'),
- ('MW', 'Malawi'),
- ('MY', 'Malaysia'),
- ('MV', 'Maldives'),
- ('ML', 'Mali'),
- ('MT', 'Malta'),
- ('MH', 'Marshall Islands'),
- ('MQ', 'Martinique'),
- ('MR', 'Mauritania'),
- ('MU', 'Mauritius'),
- ('YT', 'Mayotte'),
- ('MX', 'Mexico'),
- ('FM', 'Micronesia'),
- ('MD', 'Moldova'),
- ('MC', 'Monaco'),
- ('MN', 'Mongolia'),
- ('MS', 'Montserrat'),
- ('MA', 'Morocco'),
- ('MZ', 'Mozambique'),
- ('MM', 'Myanmar'),
- ('NA', 'Namibia'),
- ('NR', 'Nauru'),
- ('NP', 'Nepal'),
- ('NL', 'Netherlands'),
- ('AN', 'Netherlands Antilles'),
- ('NC', 'New Caledonia'),
- ('NZ', 'New Zealand'),
- ('NI', 'Nicaragua'),
- ('NE', 'Niger'),
- ('NG', 'Nigeria'),
- ('NU', 'Niue'),
- ('NF', 'Norfolk Island'),
- ('MP', 'Northern Mariana Islands'),
- ('NO', 'Norway'),
- ('OM', 'Oman'),
- ('PK', 'Pakistan'),
- ('PW', 'Palau'),
- ('PA', 'Panama'),
- ('PG', 'Papua New Guinea'),
- ('PY', 'Paraguay'),
- ('PE', 'Peru'),
- ('PH', 'Philippines'),
- ('PN', 'Pitcairn'),
- ('PL', 'Poland'),
- ('PT', 'Portugal'),
- ('PR', 'Puerto Rico'),
- ('QA', 'Qatar'),
- ('RE', 'Reunion'),
- ('RO', 'Romania'),
- ('RU', 'Russian Federation'),
- ('RW', 'Rwanda'),
- ('KN', 'Saint Kitts And Nevis'),
- ('LC', 'Saint Lucia'),
- ('VC', 'St Vincent/Grenadines'),
- ('WS', 'Samoa'),
- ('SM', 'San Marino'),
- ('ST', 'Sao Tome'),
- ('SA', 'Saudi Arabia'),
- ('SN', 'Senegal'),
- ('SC', 'Seychelles'),
- ('SL', 'Sierra Leone'),
- ('SG', 'Singapore'),
- ('SK', 'Slovakia'),
- ('SI', 'Slovenia'),
- ('SB', 'Solomon Islands'),
- ('SO', 'Somalia'),
- ('ZA', 'South Africa'),
- ('ES', 'Spain'),
- ('LK', 'Sri Lanka'),
- ('SH', 'St. Helena'),
- ('PM', 'St.Pierre'),
- ('SD', 'Sudan'),
- ('SR', 'Suriname'),
- ('SZ', 'Swaziland'),
- ('SE', 'Sweden'),
- ('CH', 'Switzerland'),
- ('SY', 'Syrian Arab Republic'),
- ('TW', 'Taiwan'),
- ('TJ', 'Tajikistan'),
- ('TZ', 'Tanzania'),
- ('TH', 'Thailand'),
- ('TG', 'Togo'),
- ('TK', 'Tokelau'),
- ('TO', 'Tonga'),
- ('TT', 'Trinidad And Tobago'),
- ('TN', 'Tunisia'),
- ('TR', 'Turkey'),
- ('TM', 'Turkmenistan'),
- ('TV', 'Tuvalu'),
- ('UG', 'Uganda'),
- ('UA', 'Ukraine'),
- ('AE', 'United Arab Emirates'),
- ('UK', 'United Kingdom'),
- ('US', 'United States'),
- ('UY', 'Uruguay'),
- ('UZ', 'Uzbekistan'),
- ('VU', 'Vanuatu'),
- ('VA', 'Vatican City State'),
- ('VE', 'Venezuela'),
- ('VN', 'Viet Nam'),
- ('VG', 'Virgin Islands (British)'),
- ('VI', 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)'),
- ('EH', 'Western Sahara'),
- ('YE', 'Yemen'),
- ('YU', 'Yugoslavia'),
- ('ZR', 'Zaire'),
- ('ZM', 'Zambia'),
- ('ZW', 'Zimbabwe')
-def getLanguageDict():
- return lang_dict
-def getLanguageFromISO(iso):
- if iso is None:
- return None
- else:
- return lang_dict[iso]
- from PyQt4 import QtGui
- qt_available = True
-except ImportError:
- qt_available = False
-if qt_available:
- def reduceWidgetFontSize(widget, delta=2):
- f = widget.font()
- if f.pointSize() > 10:
- f.setPointSize(f.pointSize() - delta)
- widget.setFont(f)
- def centerWindowOnScreen(window):
- """
- Center the window on screen. This implemention will handle the window
- being resized or the screen resolution changing.
- """
- # Get the current screens' dimensions...
- screen = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry()
- # ... and get this windows' dimensions
- mysize = window.geometry()
- # The horizontal position is calulated as screenwidth - windowwidth /2
- hpos = (screen.width() - window.width()) / 2
- # And vertical position the same, but with the height dimensions
- vpos = (screen.height() - window.height()) / 2
- # And the move call repositions the window
- window.move(hpos, vpos)
- def centerWindowOnParent(window):
- top_level = window
- while top_level.parent() is not None:
- top_level = top_level.parent()
- # Get the current screens' dimensions...
- main_window_size = top_level.geometry()
- # ... and get this windows' dimensions
- mysize = window.geometry()
- # The horizontal position is calulated as screenwidth - windowwidth /2
- hpos = (main_window_size.width() - window.width()) / 2
- # And vertical position the same, but with the height dimensions
- vpos = (main_window_size.height() - window.height()) / 2
- # And the move call repositions the window
- window.move(
- hpos + main_window_size.left(), vpos + main_window_size.top())
- try:
- from PIL import Image
- from PIL import WebPImagePlugin
- import StringIO
- pil_available = True
- except ImportError:
- pil_available = False
- def getQImageFromData(image_data):
- img = QtGui.QImage()
- success = img.loadFromData(image_data)
- if not success:
- try:
- if pil_available:
- # Qt doesn't understand the format, but maybe PIL does
- # so try to convert the image data to uncompressed tiff
- # format
- im = Image.open(StringIO.StringIO(image_data))
- output = StringIO.StringIO()
- im.save(output, format="TIFF")
- img.loadFromData(output.getvalue())
- success = True
- except Exception as e:
- pass
- # if still nothing, go with default image
- if not success:
- img.load(ComicTaggerSettings.getGraphic('nocover.png'))
- return img
+from comicapi.utils import *
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/volumeselectionwindow.py b/comictaggerlib/volumeselectionwindow.py
index 68607e4..58d57c5 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/volumeselectionwindow.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/volumeselectionwindow.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
A PyQT4 dialog to select specific series/volume from list
+from comictaggerlib.ui.qtutils import reduceWidgetFontSize
Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
@@ -108,8 +109,8 @@ class VolumeSelectionWindow(QtGui.QDialog):
gridlayout.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.teDetails, 1)
- utils.reduceWidgetFontSize(self.twList)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.teDetails, 1)
+ reduceWidgetFontSize(self.twList)
self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() |
QtCore.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint |
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 2d95f59..fc0dc23 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
beautifulsoup4 >= 4.1
+-e git+https://github.com/matiasb/python-unrar.git@1010cf5f6fcf09a9b1fe7c958faf0167fafaa7d9#egg=unrar-master
\ No newline at end of file