Rearranged archiving into different classes

git-svn-id: 6c5673fe-1810-88d6-992b-cd32ca31540c
This commit is contained in: 2012-11-05 19:46:48 +00:00
parent 7519e10858
commit 4cff7f3c76

View File

@ -20,67 +20,238 @@ from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
from filenameparser import FileNameParser
# This is a custom function for writing a comment to a zip file,
# since the built-in one doesn't seem to work on Windows and Mac OS/X
class ZipArchiver():
def __init__( self, path ):
self.path = path
def getArchiveComment( self ):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile( self.path, 'r' )
comment = zf.comment
return comment
# Fortunately, the zip comment is at the end of the file, and it's
# easy to manipulate. See this website for more info:
# see:
def setArchiveComment( self, comment ):
writeZipComment( self.path, comment )
def writeZipComment( filename, comment ):
def readArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile( self.path, 'r' )
data = archive_file )
return data
#get file size
statinfo = os.stat(filename)
file_length = statinfo.st_size
def removeArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
self.rebuildZipFile( [ archive_file ] )
fo = open(filename, "r+b")
def writeArchiveFile( self, archive_file, data ):
# At the moment, no other option but to rebuild the whole
# zip archive w/o the indicated file. Very sucky, but maybe
# another solution can be found
self.rebuildZipFile( [ archive_file ] )
#now just add the archive file as a new one
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, mode='a', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
zf.writestr( archive_file, data )
#the starting position, relative to EOF
pos = -4
def getArchiveFilenameList( self ):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile( self.path, 'r' )
namelist = zf.namelist()
return namelist
# zip helper func
def rebuildZipFile( self, exclude_list ):
# TODO: use tempfile.mkstemp
# this recompresses the zip archive, without the files in the exclude_list
print "Rebuilding zip {0} without {1}".format( self.path, exclude_list )
zin = zipfile.ZipFile (self.path, 'r')
zout = zipfile.ZipFile ('', 'w')
for item in zin.infolist():
buffer =
if ( item.filename not in exclude_list ):
zout.writestr(item, buffer)
#preserve the old comment
zout.comment = zin.comment
# replace with the new file
os.remove( self.path )
os.rename( '', self.path )
found = False
value = bytearray()
# walk backwards to find the "End of Central Directory" record
while ( not found ) and ( -pos != file_length ):
# seek, relative to EOF pos, 2)
def writeZipComment( self, filename, comment ):
This is a custom function for writing a comment to a zip file,
since the built-in one doesn't seem to work on Windows and Mac OS/X
value = 4 )
Fortunately, the zip comment is at the end of the file, and it's
easy to manipulate. See this website for more info:
#get file size
statinfo = os.stat(filename)
file_length = statinfo.st_size
fo = open(filename, "r+b")
#the starting position, relative to EOF
pos = -4
found = False
value = bytearray()
# walk backwards to find the "End of Central Directory" record
while ( not found ) and ( -pos != file_length ):
# seek, relative to EOF pos, 2)
value = 4 )
#look for the end of central directory signature
if bytearray(value) == bytearray([ 0x50, 0x4b, 0x05, 0x06 ]):
found = True
# not found, step back another byte
pos = pos - 1
#print pos,"{1} int: {0:x}".format(bytearray(value)[0], value)
if found:
# now skip forward 20 bytes to the comment length word
pos += 20 pos, 2)
# Pack the length of the comment string
format = "H" # one 2-byte integer
comment_length = struct.pack(format, len(comment)) # pack integer in a binary string
# write out the length
fo.write( comment_length ) pos+2, 2)
# write out the comment itself
fo.write( comment )
#look for the end of central directory signature
if bytearray(value) == bytearray([ 0x50, 0x4b, 0x05, 0x06 ]):
found = True
# not found, step back another byte
pos = pos - 1
#print pos,"{1} int: {0:x}".format(bytearray(value)[0], value)
if found:
raise Exception('Failed to write comment to zip file!')
# now skip forward 20 bytes to the comment length word
pos += 20 pos, 2)
# Pack the length of the comment string
format = "H" # one 2-byte integer
comment_length = struct.pack(format, len(comment)) # pack integer in a binary string
# write out the length
fo.write( comment_length ) pos+2, 2)
# write out the comment itself
fo.write( comment )
raise Exception('Failed to write comment to zip file!')
# RAR implementation
class RarArchiver():
def __init__( self, path ):
self.path = path
self.rar_exe_path = None
def getArchiveComment( self ):
rarc = UnRAR2.RarFile( self.path )
return rarc.comment
def setArchiveComment( self, comment ):
if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
# write comment to temp file
tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
f = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b')
f.write( comment )
# use external program to write comment to Rar archive
call([self.rar_exe_path, 'c', '-z' + tmp_name, self.path])
os.remove( tmp_name)
def readArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
entries = UnRAR2.RarFile( self.path ).read_files( archive_file )
#entries is a list of of tuples: ( rarinfo, filedata)
if (len(entries) == 1):
return entries[0][1]
return ""
def writeArchiveFile( self, archive_file, data ):
if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
tmp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
tmp_file = os.path.join( tmp_folder, archive_file )
f = open(tmp_file, 'w')
f.write( data )
# use external program to write comment to Rar archive
call([self.rar_exe_path, 'a', '-ep', self.path, tmp_file])
os.remove( tmp_file)
os.rmdir( tmp_folder)
def removeArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
# use external program to remove file from Rar archive
call([self.rar_exe_path, 'd', self.path, archive_file])
def getArchiveFilenameList( self ):
rarc = UnRAR2.RarFile( self.path )
return [ item.filename for item in rarc.infolist() ]
# Folder implementation
class FolderArchiver():
def __init__( self, path ):
self.path = path
def getArchiveComment( self ):
def setArchiveComment( self, comment ):
def readArchiveFiler( self ):
def writeArchiveFile( self, archive_file, data ):
def removeArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
def getArchiveFilenameList( self ):
# Unknown implementation
class UnknownArchiver():
def __init__( self, path ):
self.path = path
def getArchiveComment( self ):
return ""
def setArchiveComment( self, comment ):
def readArchiveFilen( self ):
return ""
def writeArchiveFile( self, archive_file, data ):
def removeArchiveFile( self, archive_file ):
def getArchiveFilenameList( self ):
return []
class ComicArchive:
class ArchiveType:
@ -89,47 +260,25 @@ class ComicArchive:
def __init__( self, path ):
self.path = path
self.ci_xml_filename = 'ComicInfo.xml'
self.rar_exe_path = None
if self.zipTest():
self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Zip
self.getArchiveComment = self.getArchiveComment_zip
self.setArchiveComment = self.setArchiveComment_zip
self.readArchiveFile = self.readArchiveFile_zip
self.writeArchiveFile = self.writeArchiveFile_zip
self.removeArchiveFile = self.removeArchiveFile_zip
self.getArchiveFilenameList = self.getArchiveFilenameList_zip
self.archiver = ZipArchiver( self.path )
elif self.rarTest():
self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Rar
self.getArchiveComment = self.getArchiveComment_rar
self.setArchiveComment = self.setArchiveComment_rar
self.readArchiveFile = self.readArchiveFile_rar
self.writeArchiveFile = self.writeArchiveFile_rar
self.removeArchiveFile = self.removeArchiveFile_rar
self.getArchiveFilenameList = self.getArchiveFilenameList_rar
self.archiver = RarArchiver( self.path )
elif os.path.isdir( self.path ):
self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Folder
self.getArchiveComment = self.getArchiveComment_folder
self.setArchiveComment = self.setArchiveComment_folder
self.readArchiveFile = self.readArchiveFile_folder
self.writeArchiveFile = self.writeArchiveFile_folder
self.removeArchiveFile = self.removeArchiveFile_folder
self.getArchiveFilenameList = self.getArchiveFilenameList_folder
self.archiver = FolderArchiver( self.path )
self.archive_type = self.ArchiveType.Unknown
self.getArchiveComment = self.getArchiveComment_unknown
self.setArchiveComment = self.setArchiveComment_unknown
self.readArchiveFile = self.readArchiveFile_unknown
self.writeArchiveFile = self.writeArchiveFile_unknown
self.removeArchiveFile = self.removeArchiveFile_unknown
self.getArchiveFilenameList = self.getArchiveFilenameList_unknown
self.archiver = UnknownArchiver( self.path )
def setExternalRarProgram( self, rar_exe_path ):
self.rar_exe_path = rar_exe_path
if self.isRar():
self.archiver.rar_exe_path = rar_exe_path
def zipTest( self ):
return zipfile.is_zipfile( self.path )
@ -156,7 +305,7 @@ class ComicArchive:
if self.archive_type == self.ArchiveType.Unknown :
return False
elif self.isRar() and self.rar_exe_path is None:
elif self.isRar() and self.archiver.rar_exe_path is None:
return False
elif not os.access(self.path, os.W_OK):
@ -171,10 +320,10 @@ class ComicArchive:
if (
( ( ( self.isZip() ) and
( ext in [ '.zip', '.cbz' ] ))
( ext.lower() in [ '.zip', '.cbz' ] ))
(( self.isRar() ) and
( ext in [ '.rar', '.cbr' ] ))
( ext.lower() in [ '.rar', '.cbr' ] ))
( self.isFolder() ) )
@ -223,7 +372,7 @@ class ComicArchive:
return None
# get the list file names in the archive, and sort
files = self.getArchiveFilenameList()
files = self.archiver.getArchiveFilenameList()
# find the first image file, assume it's the cover
@ -231,7 +380,7 @@ class ComicArchive:
if ( name[-4:].lower() in [ ".jpg", "jpeg", ".png" ] ):
image_data = self.readArchiveFile( name )
image_data = self.archiver.readArchiveFile( name )
return image_data
@ -239,7 +388,7 @@ class ComicArchive:
count = 0
for item in self.getArchiveFilenameList():
for item in self.archiver.getArchiveFilenameList():
if ( item[-4:].lower() in [ ".jpg", "jpeg", ".png" ] ):
count += 1
@ -250,7 +399,7 @@ class ComicArchive:
if ( not self.hasCBI() ):
return GenericMetadata()
cbi_string = self.getArchiveComment()
cbi_string = self.archiver.getArchiveComment()
metadata = ComicBookInfo().metadataFromString( cbi_string )
return metadata
@ -258,7 +407,7 @@ class ComicArchive:
def writeCBI( self, metadata ):
cbi_string = ComicBookInfo().stringFromMetadata( metadata )
self.setArchiveComment( cbi_string )
self.archiver.setArchiveComment( cbi_string )
def removeCBI( self ):
self.setArchiveComment( "" )
@ -269,7 +418,7 @@ class ComicArchive:
print self.path, "doesn't has ComicInfo.xml data!"
return GenericMetadata()
cix_string = self.readArchiveFile( self.ci_xml_filename )
cix_string = self.archiver.readArchiveFile( self.ci_xml_filename )
metadata = ComicInfoXml().metadataFromString( cix_string )
return metadata
@ -278,16 +427,16 @@ class ComicArchive:
if metadata is not None:
cix_string = ComicInfoXml().stringFromMetadata( metadata )
self.writeArchiveFile( self.ci_xml_filename, cix_string )
self.archiver.writeArchiveFile( self.ci_xml_filename, cix_string )
def removeCIX( self ):
self.removeArchiveFile( self.ci_xml_filename )
self.archiver.removeArchiveFile( self.ci_xml_filename )
def hasCIX(self):
if not self.seemsToBeAComicArchive():
return False
elif self.ci_xml_filename in self.getArchiveFilenameList():
elif self.ci_xml_filename in self.archiver.getArchiveFilenameList():
return True
return False
@ -297,7 +446,7 @@ class ComicArchive:
if ( not ( self.isZip() or self.isRar()) or not self.seemsToBeAComicArchive() ):
return False
comment = self.getArchiveComment()
comment = self.archiver.getArchiveComment()
return ComicBookInfo().validateString( comment )
def metadataFromFilename( self ):
@ -319,167 +468,3 @@ class ComicArchive:
metadata.isEmpty = False
return metadata
# Zip implementation
def getArchiveComment_zip( self ):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile( self.path, 'r' )
comment = zf.comment
return comment
def setArchiveComment_zip( self, comment ):
writeZipComment( self.path, comment )
def readArchiveFile_zip( self, archive_file ):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile( self.path, 'r' )
data = archive_file )
return data
def removeArchiveFile_zip( self, archive_file ):
self.rebuildZipFile( [ archive_file ] )
def writeArchiveFile_zip( self, archive_file, data ):
# At the moment, no other option but to rebuild the whole
# zip archive w/o the indicated file. Very sucky, but maybe
# another solution can be found
self.rebuildZipFile( [ archive_file ] )
#now just add the archive file as a new one
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(self.path, mode='a', compression=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
zf.writestr( archive_file, data )
def getArchiveFilenameList_zip( self ):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile( self.path, 'r' )
namelist = zf.namelist()
return namelist
# zip helper func
def rebuildZipFile( self, exclude_list ):
# TODO: use tempfile.mkstemp
# this recompresses the zip archive, without the files in the exclude_list
print "Rebuilding zip {0} without {1}".format( self.path, exclude_list )
zin = zipfile.ZipFile (self.path, 'r')
zout = zipfile.ZipFile ('', 'w')
for item in zin.infolist():
buffer =
if ( item.filename not in exclude_list ):
zout.writestr(item, buffer)
#preserve the old comment
zout.comment = zin.comment
# replace with the new file
os.remove( self.path )
os.rename( '', self.path )
# RAR implementation
def getArchiveComment_rar( self ):
rarc = UnRAR2.RarFile( self.path )
return rarc.comment
def setArchiveComment_rar( self, comment ):
if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
# write comment to temp file
tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
f = os.fdopen(tmp_fd, 'w+b')
f.write( comment )
# use external program to write comment to Rar archive
call([self.rar_exe_path, 'c', '-z' + tmp_name, self.path])
os.remove( tmp_name)
def readArchiveFile_rar( self, archive_file ):
entries = UnRAR2.RarFile( self.path ).read_files( archive_file )
#entries is a list of of tuples: ( rarinfo, filedata)
if (len(entries) == 1):
return entries[0][1]
return ""
def writeArchiveFile_rar( self, archive_file, data ):
if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
tmp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp()
tmp_file = os.path.join( tmp_folder, archive_file )
f = open(tmp_file, 'w')
f.write( data )
# use external program to write comment to Rar archive
call([self.rar_exe_path, 'a', '-ep', self.path, tmp_file])
os.remove( tmp_file)
os.rmdir( tmp_folder)
def removeArchiveFile_rar( self, archive_file ):
if self.rar_exe_path is not None:
# use external program to remove file from Rar archive
call([self.rar_exe_path, 'd', self.path, archive_file])
def getArchiveFilenameList_rar( self ):
rarc = UnRAR2.RarFile( self.path )
return [ item.filename for item in rarc.infolist() ]
# Folder implementation
def getArchiveComment_folder( self ):
def setArchiveComment_folder( self, comment ):
def readArchiveFile_folder( self ):
def writeArchiveFile_folder( self, archive_file, data ):
def removeArchiveFile_folder( self, archive_file ):
def getArchiveFilenameList_folder( self ):
# Unknown implementation
def getArchiveComment_unknown( self ):
return ""
def setArchiveComment_unknown( self, comment ):
def readArchiveFile_unknown( self ):
return ""
def writeArchiveFile_unknown( self, archive_file, data ):
def removeArchiveFile_unknown( self, archive_file ):
def getArchiveFilenameList_unknown( self ):
return []