More work on automated processing

git-svn-id: 6c5673fe-1810-88d6-992b-cd32ca31540c
This commit is contained in: 2012-11-09 21:04:33 +00:00
parent 4706f9479f
commit a04d8055f3
3 changed files with 83 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -53,13 +53,15 @@ def cliProcedure( opts, settings ):
cover_image_data = ca.getCoverPage()
#cover_hash = ImageHasher( data=cover_image_data ).average_hash()
#print "Cover hash = ",cover_hash
cover_hash = ImageHasher( data=cover_image_data ).average_hash2()
#print "Cover hash = ",cover_hash
if opts.image_hasher == '3':
cover_hash = ImageHasher( data=cover_image_data ).dct_average_hash()
elif opts.image_hasher == '2':
cover_hash = ImageHasher( data=cover_image_data ).average_hash2()
cover_hash = ImageHasher( data=cover_image_data ).average_hash()
#cover_hash = ImageHasher( data=cover_image_data , width=32, height=32 ).perceptual_hash()
#print "Cover hash = {0:016x}".format(cover_hash)
# see if the archive has any useful meta data for searching with
if ca.hasCIX():
@ -91,48 +93,41 @@ def cliProcedure( opts, settings ):
if search_series is None or search_issue_number is None:
print "Not enough info for a search!"
print ( "Going to search for:" )
print ( "Series: ", search_series )
print ( "Issue : ", search_issue_number )
print "Going to search for:"
print "Series: ", search_series
print "Issue : ", search_issue_number
if search_year is not None:
print ( "Year : ", search_year )
print "Year : ", search_year
if search_month is not None:
print ( "Month : ", search_month )
print "Month : ", search_month
comicVine = ComicVineTalker( settings.cv_api_key )
print ( "Searching for " + search_series + "...")
#print ( "Searching for " + search_series + "...")
print "Searching for {0} #{1} ...".format( search_series, search_issue_number)
search_series = utils.removearticles( search_series )
cv_search_results = comicVine.searchForSeries( search_series )
#---------- TEST
#cvc = ComicVineCacher( settings.folder )
#cvc.add_search_results( search_series, cv_search_results )
#cached_search_results = cvc.get_search_results( search_series)
#for r in cached_search_results:
# print "{0}: {1} ({2})".format( r['id'], r['name'], r['start_year'])
#---------- TEST
print "Found " + str(len(cv_search_results)) + " initial results"
#print "Found " + str(len(cv_search_results)) + " initial results"
series_shortlist = []
print "Removing results with too long names"
#print "Removing results with too long names"
for item in cv_search_results:
#assume that our search name is close to the actual name, say within 8 characters
if len( item['name']) < len( search_series ) + 8:
#assume that our search name is close to the actual name, say within 5 characters
if len( utils.removearticles(item['name'])) < len( search_series ) + 5:
# if we don't think it's an issue number 1, remove any series' that are one-shots
if search_issue_number != '1':
print "Removing one-shots"
#print "Removing one-shots"
series_shortlist[:] = [x for x in series_shortlist if not x['count_of_issues'] == 1]
print "Finally, searching in " + str(len(series_shortlist)) +" series"
print "Searching in " + str(len(series_shortlist)) +" series"
# now sort the list by name length
series_shortlist.sort(key=lambda x: len(x['name']), reverse=False)
@ -142,12 +137,15 @@ def cliProcedure( opts, settings ):
match_list = []
print "Fetching issue data",
for series in series_shortlist:
#print series['id'], series['name'], series['start_year'], series['count_of_issues']
print "Fetching info for ID: {0} {1} ({2}) ...".format(
#print "Fetching info for ID: {0} {1} ({2}) ...".format(
# series['id'],
# series['name'],
# series['start_year'])
print ".",
cv_series_results = comicVine.fetchVolumeData( series['id'] )
issue_list = cv_series_results['issues']
@ -165,26 +163,36 @@ def cliProcedure( opts, settings ):
img_url = comicVine.fetchIssueCoverURL( issue['id'] )
#TODO get the URL, and calc hash!!
url_image_data = urllib.urlopen(img_url).read()
#url_image_hash = ImageHasher( data=url_image_data ).average_hash()
url_image_hash = ImageHasher( data=url_image_data, ).average_hash2()
#url_image_hash = ImageHasher( data=url_image_data, width=32, height=32 ).perceptual_hash()
if opts.image_hasher == '3':
url_image_hash = ImageHasher( data=url_image_data ).dct_average_hash()
elif opts.image_hasher == '2':
url_image_hash = ImageHasher( data=url_image_data ).average_hash2()
url_image_hash = ImageHasher( data=url_image_data ).average_hash()
match = dict()
match['series'] = "{0} ({1})".format(series['name'], series['start_year'])
match['distance'] = ImageHasher.hamming_distance(cover_hash, url_image_hash)
match['issue_number'] = num_s
match['url_image_hash'] = url_image_hash
match['issue_title'] = issue['name']
match['img_url'] = img_url
print "Compared covers for {0} issues".format(len(match_list))
print "done!"
# sort list by image match scores
match_list.sort(key=lambda k: k['distance'])
print "Compared {0} covers".format(len(match_list)),
l = []
for i in match_list:
l.append( i['distance'] )
print l
def print_match(item):
print u"-----> {0} #{1} {2} -- score: {3}\n-------> url:{4}".format(
@ -203,7 +211,7 @@ def cliProcedure( opts, settings ):
elif best_score > 20 and len(match_list) > 1:
elif best_score > 25 and len(match_list) > 1:
print "No good image matches! Need to use other info..."
@ -236,6 +244,7 @@ def cliProcedure( opts, settings ):
def main():
opts = Options()
settings = ComicTaggerSettings()
# make sure unrar program is in the path for the UnRAR class

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@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ TaggerWindow entry fields
- Indicate credits for CR style
CR has editable dropdowns/comboboxes for Format, Publisher, Imprint
GUI to handle mutliple files or folders
Form type validation Ints vs strings for month, year. etc
@ -44,7 +46,8 @@ Image Hashes:
Failures of average hash:
Thor 600 Wrap-around w/ different aspect ratio
Bone 3 - Variant Cover,
Old Avengers -- Best match, but high difference
Avengers #1, #13, #81
Filename parsing:
Concatenation of Name and Issue??
@ -60,15 +63,19 @@ If no unrar in path, then filter out CBR/RAR from open dialog
Wizard for converting between tag styles
Remove stale data from cache DB
SQLite chokes on "Batman\ Li'l Gotham 001.cbr" name
Auto search:
1st search local SQL tables that are built on the fly in the next step
search certain table: series: CV info
then search table issues: Id, title, number + URL, image hash, series ID
cache hash and URL as needed
if not found search CV directly caching results in tables
Logging class
Choosing with pub year
Lexical analysis
Maybe remove "the" and leading "A" before searching and matching for closer
Searching w/o issue #?
COMIC RACK Questions

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@ -52,7 +52,23 @@ def addtopath( dir ):
# TODO only add if not there already
if dir is not None and dir != "":
os.environ['PATH'] = dir + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
def removearticles( text ):
articles = ['and', 'the', 'a', '&' ]
newText = ''
for word in text.split(' '):
if word not in articles:
newText += word+' '
newText = newText[:-1]
# now get rid of some other junk
newText = newText.replace(":", "")
newText = newText.replace(".", "")
newText = newText.replace(",", "")
return newText
# -o- coding: utf-8 -o-
# ISO639 python dict