new file renamer class

git-svn-id: 6c5673fe-1810-88d6-992b-cd32ca31540c
This commit is contained in:
beville 2012-12-15 05:54:12 +00:00
parent 1efdc0e623
commit a602c42f0e
3 changed files with 129 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ from comicarchive import ComicArchive
from issueidentifier import IssueIdentifier
from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
from comicvinetalker import ComicVineTalker, ComicVineTalkerException
from issuestring import IssueString
from filerenamer import FileRenamer
import utils
import codecs
@ -386,34 +387,21 @@ def process_file_cli( filename, opts, settings, match_results ):
use_tags = False
md = create_local_metadata( opts, ca, use_tags )
# TODO move this to ComicArchive, or maybe another class???
new_name = ""
if md.series is not None:
new_name += "{0}".format( md.series )
if md.series is None:
print msg_hdr + "Can't rename without series name"
if md.volume is not None:
new_name += " v{0}".format( md.volume )
if md.issue is not None:
new_name += " #{0}".format( IssueString(md.issue).asString(pad=3) )
# print msg_hdr + "Can't rename without issue number"
# return
if md.issueCount is not None:
new_name += " (of {0})".format( md.issueCount )
if md.year is not None:
new_name += " ({0})".format( md.year )
if ca.isZip():
new_name += ".cbz"
new_ext = ".cbz"
elif ca.isRar():
new_name += ".cbr"
new_ext = ".cbr"
new_ext = None # default
renamer = FileRenamer( md )
renamer.setTemplate( "%series% v%volume% %issue% (of %issuecount%) (%year%)" )
new_name = renamer.determineName( filename, ext=new_ext )
if new_name == os.path.basename(filename):
print msg_hdr + "Filename is already good!"

112 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
Functions for renaming files based on metadata
Copyright 2012 Anthony Beville
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import os
import re
from issuestring import IssueString
class FileRenamer:
def __init__( self, metadata ):
self.setMetadata( metadata )
self.setTemplate( "%series% v%volume% #%issue% (of %issuecount%) (%year%)" )
self.smart_cleanup = True
self.issue_zero_padding = 3
def setMetadata( self, metadata ):
self.metdata = metadata
def setIssueZeroPadding( self, count ):
self.issue_zero_padding = count
def setSmartCleanup( self, on ):
self.smart_cleanup = on
def setTemplate( self, template ):
self.template = template
def replaceToken( self, text, value, token ):
#helper func
def isToken( word ):
return (word[0] == "%" and word[-1:] == "%")
if value is not None:
return text.replace( token, str(value) )
if self.smart_cleanup:
# smart cleanup means we want to remove anything appended to token if it's empty
# (e.g "#%issue%" or "v%volume%" )
# (TODO: This could fail if there is more than one token appended together, I guess)
text_list = text.split()
#special case for issuecount, remove preceding non-token word, as in "...(of %issuecount%)..."
if token == '%issuecount%':
for idx,word in enumerate( text_list ):
if token in word and not isToken(text_list[idx -1]) :
text_list[idx -1] = ""
text_list = [ x for x in text_list if token not in x ]
return " ".join( text_list )
return text.replace( token, "" )
def determineName( self, filename, ext=None ):
md = self.metdata
new_name = self.template
#print u"{0}".format(md)
new_name = self.replaceToken( new_name, md.series, '%series%')
new_name = self.replaceToken( new_name, md.volume, '%volume%')
if md.issue is not None:
issue_str = "{0}".format( IssueString(md.issue).asString(pad=self.issue_zero_padding) )
issue_str = None
new_name = self.replaceToken( new_name, issue_str, '%issue%')
new_name = self.replaceToken( new_name, md.issueCount, '%issuecount%')
new_name = self.replaceToken( new_name, md.year, '%year%')
new_name = self.replaceToken( new_name, md.publisher, '%publisher%')
new_name = self.replaceToken( new_name, md.title, '%title%')
if self.smart_cleanup:
# remove empty braces,brackets, parentheses
new_name = re.sub("\(\s*[-:]*\s*\)", "", new_name )
new_name = re.sub("\[\s*[-:]*\s*\]", "", new_name )
new_name = re.sub("\{\s*[-:]*\s*\}", "", new_name )
# remove remove duplicate -, _,
new_name = re.sub("[-_]+\s+", "- ", new_name )
new_name = re.sub("(\s-)+", " -", new_name )
# remove duplicate spaces
new_name = " ".join(new_name.split())
if ext is None:
ext = os.path.splitext( filename )[1]
new_name += ext
return new_name

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@ -3,15 +3,17 @@ Features
File rename
renamer class
formatting with missing pieces. "Smart Clean-up"
ComicVine setting: Set Start year as volume
Auto-select failure when year is off by one. Maybe check with a wider radius??
Avengers 181 - Francois.. encoding error in credits
Big Future Features
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ pyComicMetaThis CBI features
Small(er) Future Feature
Parse out the rest of the scan info from filename
Style sheets for windows/mac/linux