Cleanup metadata handling
Mainly corrects for consistency in most situations CoMet is not touched as there is no support in the gui and has an odd requirements on attributes
This commit is contained in:
@ -24,39 +24,33 @@ from . import utils
class ComicBookInfo:
def metadataFromString(self, string):
class Default(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
return None
cbi_container = json.loads(str(string, 'utf-8'))
metadata = GenericMetadata()
cbi = cbi_container['ComicBookInfo/1.0']
cbi = Default(cbi_container['ComicBookInfo/1.0'])
# helper func
# If item is not in CBI, return None
def xlate(cbi_entry):
if cbi_entry in cbi:
return cbi[cbi_entry]
return None
metadata.series = utils.xlate(cbi['series'])
metadata.title = utils.xlate(cbi['title'])
metadata.issue = utils.xlate(cbi['issue'])
metadata.publisher = utils.xlate(cbi['publisher'])
metadata.month = utils.xlate(cbi['publicationMonth'], True)
metadata.year = utils.xlate(cbi['publicationYear'], True)
metadata.issueCount = utils.xlate(cbi['numberOfIssues'], True)
metadata.comments = utils.xlate(cbi['comments'])
metadata.genre = utils.xlate(cbi['genre'])
metadata.volume = utils.xlate(cbi['volume'], True)
metadata.volumeCount = utils.xlate(cbi['numberOfVolumes'], True)
metadata.language = utils.xlate(cbi['language'])
|||| = utils.xlate(cbi['country'])
metadata.criticalRating = utils.xlate(cbi['rating'])
metadata.series = xlate('series')
metadata.title = xlate('title')
metadata.issue = xlate('issue')
metadata.publisher = xlate('publisher')
metadata.month = xlate('publicationMonth')
metadata.year = xlate('publicationYear')
metadata.issueCount = xlate('numberOfIssues')
metadata.comments = xlate('comments')
metadata.credits = xlate('credits')
metadata.genre = xlate('genre')
metadata.volume = xlate('volume')
metadata.volumeCount = xlate('numberOfVolumes')
metadata.language = xlate('language')
|||| = xlate('country')
metadata.criticalRating = xlate('rating')
metadata.tags = xlate('tags')
metadata.credits = cbi['credits']
metadata.tags = cbi['tags']
# make sure credits and tags are at least empty lists and not None
if metadata.credits is None:
@ -103,33 +97,23 @@ class ComicBookInfo:
# helper func
def assign(cbi_entry, md_entry):
if md_entry is not None:
if md_entry is not None or isinstance(md_entry, str) and md_entry != "":
cbi[cbi_entry] = md_entry
# helper func
def toInt(s):
i = None
if type(s) in [str, str, int]:
i = int(s)
except ValueError:
return i
assign('series', metadata.series)
assign('title', metadata.title)
assign('issue', metadata.issue)
assign('publisher', metadata.publisher)
assign('publicationMonth', toInt(metadata.month))
assign('publicationYear', toInt(metadata.year))
assign('numberOfIssues', toInt(metadata.issueCount))
assign('comments', metadata.comments)
assign('genre', metadata.genre)
assign('volume', toInt(metadata.volume))
assign('numberOfVolumes', toInt(metadata.volumeCount))
assign('language', utils.getLanguageFromISO(metadata.language))
assign('rating', metadata.criticalRating)
assign('series', utils.xlate(metadata.series))
assign('title', utils.xlate(metadata.title))
assign('issue', utils.xlate(metadata.issue))
assign('publisher', utils.xlate(metadata.publisher))
assign('publicationMonth', utils.xlate(metadata.month, True))
assign('publicationYear', utils.xlate(metadata.year, True))
assign('numberOfIssues', utils.xlate(metadata.issueCount, True))
assign('comments', utils.xlate(metadata.comments))
assign('genre', utils.xlate(metadata.genre))
assign('volume', utils.xlate(metadata.volume, True))
assign('numberOfVolumes', utils.xlate(metadata.volumeCount, True))
assign('language', utils.xlate(utils.getLanguageFromISO(metadata.language)))
assign('country', utils.xlate(
assign('rating', utils.xlate(metadata.criticalRating))
assign('credits', metadata.credits)
assign('tags', metadata.tags)
@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
#import zipfile
from .genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
from .issuestring import IssueString
from . import utils
@ -206,48 +207,44 @@ class ComicInfoXml:
raise 1
return None
metadata = GenericMetadata()
md = metadata
# Helper function
def xlate(tag):
node = root.find(tag)
if node is not None:
return node.text
def get(name):
tag = root.find(name)
if tag is None:
return None
return tag.text
md.series = xlate('Series')
md.title = xlate('Title')
md.issue = xlate('Number')
md.issueCount = xlate('Count')
md.volume = xlate('Volume')
md.alternateSeries = xlate('AlternateSeries')
md.alternateNumber = xlate('AlternateNumber')
md.alternateCount = xlate('AlternateCount')
md.comments = xlate('Summary')
md.notes = xlate('Notes')
md.year = xlate('Year')
md.month = xlate('Month')
|||| = xlate('Day')
md.publisher = xlate('Publisher')
md.imprint = xlate('Imprint')
md.genre = xlate('Genre')
md.webLink = xlate('Web')
md.language = xlate('LanguageISO')
md.format = xlate('Format')
md.manga = xlate('Manga')
md.characters = xlate('Characters')
md.teams = xlate('Teams')
md.locations = xlate('Locations')
md.pageCount = xlate('PageCount')
md.scanInfo = xlate('ScanInformation')
md.storyArc = xlate('StoryArc')
md.seriesGroup = xlate('SeriesGroup')
md.maturityRating = xlate('AgeRating')
md = GenericMetadata()
tmp = xlate('BlackAndWhite')
md.blackAndWhite = False
md.series = utils.xlate(get('Series'))
md.title = utils.xlate(get('Title'))
md.issue = IssueString(utils.xlate(get('Number'))).asString()
md.issueCount = utils.xlate(get('Count'), True)
md.volume = utils.xlate(get('Volume'), True)
md.alternateSeries = utils.xlate(get('AlternateSeries'))
md.alternateNumber = IssueString(utils.xlate(get('AlternateNumber'))).asString()
md.alternateCount = utils.xlate(get('AlternateCount'), True)
md.comments = utils.xlate(get('Summary'))
md.notes = utils.xlate(get('Notes'))
md.year = utils.xlate(get('Year'), True)
md.month = utils.xlate(get('Month'), True)
|||| = utils.xlate(get('Day'), True)
md.publisher = utils.xlate(get('Publisher'))
md.imprint = utils.xlate(get('Imprint'))
md.genre = utils.xlate(get('Genre'))
md.webLink = utils.xlate(get('Web'))
md.language = utils.xlate(get('LanguageISO'))
md.format = utils.xlate(get('Format'))
md.manga = utils.xlate(get('Manga'))
md.characters = utils.xlate(get('Characters'))
md.teams = utils.xlate(get('Teams'))
md.locations = utils.xlate(get('Locations'))
md.pageCount = utils.xlate(get('PageCount'), True)
md.scanInfo = utils.xlate(get('ScanInformation'))
md.storyArc = utils.xlate(get('StoryArc'))
md.seriesGroup = utils.xlate(get('SeriesGroup'))
md.maturityRating = utils.xlate(get('AgeRating'))
tmp = utils.xlate(get('BlackAndWhite'))
if tmp is not None and tmp.lower() in ["yes", "true", "1"]:
md.blackAndWhite = True
# Now extract the credit info
@ -261,23 +258,23 @@ class ComicInfoXml:
if n.text is not None:
for name in n.text.split(','):
metadata.addCredit(name.strip(), n.tag)
md.addCredit(name.strip(), n.tag)
if n.tag == 'CoverArtist':
if n.text is not None:
for name in n.text.split(','):
metadata.addCredit(name.strip(), "Cover")
md.addCredit(name.strip(), "Cover")
# parse page data now
pages_node = root.find("Pages")
if pages_node is not None:
for page in pages_node:
# print page.attrib
metadata.isEmpty = False
md.isEmpty = False
return metadata
return md
def writeToExternalFile(self, filename, metadata):
@ -121,6 +121,23 @@ def which(program):
return None
def xlate(data, isInt=False):
class Default(dict):
def __missing__(self, key):
return None
if data is None or data == "":
return None
if isInt:
i = str(data).translate(Default(zip((ord(c) for c in "1234567890"),"1234567890")))
if i == "0":
return "0"
if i is "":
return None
return int(i)
return str(data)
def removearticles(text):
text = text.lower()
articles = ['and', 'a', '&', 'issue', 'the']
@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ class ComicVineTalker(QObject):
year = None
if date_str is not None:
parts = date_str.split('-')
year = parts[0]
year = utils.xlate(parts[0], True)
if len(parts) > 1:
month = parts[1]
month = utils.xlate(parts[1], True)
if len(parts) > 2:
day = parts[2]
day = utils.xlate(parts[2], True)
return day, month, year
def testKey(self, key):
@ -497,15 +497,13 @@ class ComicVineTalker(QObject):
# Now, map the Comic Vine data to generic metadata
metadata = GenericMetadata()
metadata.series = issue_results['volume']['name']
metadata.series = utils.xlate(issue_results['volume']['name'])
metadata.issue = IssueString(issue_results['issue_number']).asString()
metadata.title = utils.xlate(issue_results['name'])
num_s = IssueString(issue_results['issue_number']).asString()
metadata.issue = num_s
metadata.title = issue_results['name']
metadata.publisher = volume_results['publisher']['name']
||||, metadata.month, metadata.year = self.parseDateStr(
if volume_results['publisher'] is not None:
metadata.publisher = utils.xlate(volume_results['publisher']['name'])
||||, metadata.month, metadata.year = self.parseDateStr(issue_results['cover_date'])
#metadata.issueCount = volume_results['count_of_issues']
metadata.comments = self.cleanup_html(
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ from .cbltransformer import CBLTransformer
from .renamewindow import RenameWindow
from .exportwindow import ExportWindow, ExportConflictOpts
from .issueidentifier import IssueIdentifier
from .issuestring import IssueString
from .autotagstartwindow import AutoTagStartWindow
from .autotagprogresswindow import AutoTagProgressWindow
from .autotagmatchwindow import AutoTagMatchWindow
@ -761,14 +762,12 @@ class TaggerWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
for child in widget.children():
# Copy all of the metadata object into to the form.
# Merging of metadata should be done via the overlay function
def metadataToForm(self):
# copy the the metadata object into to the form
# helper func
def assignText(field, value):
if value is not None:
md = self.metadata
assignText(self.leSeries, md.series)
@ -810,23 +809,33 @@ class TaggerWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
if md.language is not None:
i = self.cbLanguage.findData(md.language)
if is not None:
i = self.cbCountry.findText(
if md.manga is not None:
i = self.cbManga.findData(md.manga)
if md.blackAndWhite is not None and md.blackAndWhite:
if md.blackAndWhite:
assignText(self.teTags, utils.listToString(md.tags))
# !!! Should we clear the credits table or just avoid duplicates?
while self.twCredits.rowCount() > 0:
@ -885,58 +894,47 @@ class TaggerWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
return False
def formToMetadata(self):
# helper func
def xlate(data, type_str):
s = "{0}".format(data).strip()
if s == "":
return None
elif type_str == "str":
return s
return int(s)
# copy the data from the form into the metadata
md = self.metadata
md.series = xlate(self.leSeries.text(), "str")
md.issue = xlate(self.leIssueNum.text(), "str")
md.issueCount = xlate(self.leIssueCount.text(), "int")
md.volume = xlate(self.leVolumeNum.text(), "int")
md.volumeCount = xlate(self.leVolumeCount.text(), "int")
md.title = xlate(self.leTitle.text(), "str")
md.publisher = xlate(self.lePublisher.text(), "str")
md.month = xlate(self.lePubMonth.text(), "int")
md.year = xlate(self.lePubYear.text(), "int")
|||| = xlate(self.lePubDay.text(), "int")
md.genre = xlate(self.leGenre.text(), "str")
md.imprint = xlate(self.leImprint.text(), "str")
md.comments = xlate(self.teComments.toPlainText(), "str")
md.notes = xlate(self.teNotes.toPlainText(), "str")
md.criticalRating = xlate(self.leCriticalRating.text(), "int")
md.maturityRating = xlate(self.cbMaturityRating.currentText(), "str")
md = GenericMetadata()
md.isEmpty = False
md.alternateNumber = IssueString(self.leAltIssueNum.text()).asString()
md.issue = IssueString(self.leIssueNum.text()).asString()
md.issueCount = utils.xlate(self.leIssueCount.text(), True)
md.volume = utils.xlate(self.leVolumeNum.text(), True)
md.volumeCount = utils.xlate(self.leVolumeCount.text(), True)
md.month = utils.xlate(self.lePubMonth.text(), True)
md.year = utils.xlate(self.lePubYear.text(), True)
|||| = utils.xlate(self.lePubDay.text(), True)
md.criticalRating = utils.xlate(self.leCriticalRating.text(), True)
md.alternateCount = utils.xlate(self.leAltIssueCount.text(), True)
md.storyArc = xlate(self.leStoryArc.text(), "str")
md.scanInfo = xlate(self.leScanInfo.text(), "str")
md.seriesGroup = xlate(self.leSeriesGroup.text(), "str")
md.alternateSeries = xlate(self.leAltSeries.text(), "str")
md.alternateNumber = xlate(self.leAltIssueNum.text(), "int")
md.alternateCount = xlate(self.leAltIssueCount.text(), "int")
md.webLink = xlate(self.leWebLink.text(), "str")
md.characters = xlate(self.teCharacters.toPlainText(), "str")
md.teams = xlate(self.teTeams.toPlainText(), "str")
md.locations = xlate(self.teLocations.toPlainText(), "str")
md.series = self.leSeries.text()
md.title = self.leTitle.text()
md.publisher = self.lePublisher.text()
md.genre = self.leGenre.text()
md.imprint = self.leImprint.text()
md.comments = self.teComments.toPlainText()
md.notes = self.teNotes.toPlainText()
md.maturityRating = self.cbMaturityRating.currentText()
md.format = xlate(self.cbFormat.currentText(), "str")
|||| = xlate(self.cbCountry.currentText(), "str")
md.storyArc = self.leStoryArc.text()
md.scanInfo = self.leScanInfo.text()
md.seriesGroup = self.leSeriesGroup.text()
md.alternateSeries = self.leAltSeries.text()
md.webLink = self.leWebLink.text()
md.characters = self.teCharacters.toPlainText()
md.teams = self.teTeams.toPlainText()
md.locations = self.teLocations.toPlainText()
langiso = self.cbLanguage.itemData(self.cbLanguage.currentIndex())
md.language = xlate(langiso, "str")
md.format = self.cbFormat.currentText()
|||| = self.cbCountry.currentText()
manga_code = self.cbManga.itemData(self.cbManga.currentIndex())
md.manga = xlate(manga_code, "str")
md.language = utils.xlate(self.cbLanguage.itemData(self.cbLanguage.currentIndex()))
md.manga = utils.xlate(self.cbManga.itemData(self.cbManga.currentIndex()))
# Make a list from the coma delimited tags string
tmp = xlate(self.teTags.toPlainText(), "str")
tmp = self.teTags.toPlainText()
if tmp is not None:
def striplist(l):
return([x.strip() for x in l])
@ -960,6 +958,7 @@ class TaggerWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
row += 1
md.pages = self.pageListEditor.getPageList()
self.metadata = md
def useFilename(self):
if self.comic_archive is not None:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user