diff --git a/fileselectionlist.py b/fileselectionlist.py
index 349263f..580d1db 100644
--- a/fileselectionlist.py
+++ b/fileselectionlist.py
@@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ class FileSelectionList(QWidget):
self.modifiedFlag = modified
def selectAll( self ):
- self.twList.setRangeSelected( QTableWidgetSelectionRange ( 0, 0, self.twList.rowCount()-1, 3 ), True )
+ self.twList.setRangeSelected( QTableWidgetSelectionRange ( 0, 0, self.twList.rowCount()-1, 5 ), True )
def deselectAll( self ):
- self.twList.setRangeSelected( QTableWidgetSelectionRange ( 0, 0, self.twList.rowCount()-1, 3 ), False )
+ self.twList.setRangeSelected( QTableWidgetSelectionRange ( 0, 0, self.twList.rowCount()-1, 5 ), False )
def removeSelection( self ):
row_list = []
diff --git a/taggerwindow.py b/taggerwindow.py
index abd7539..d1e618d 100644
--- a/taggerwindow.py
+++ b/taggerwindow.py
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
self.fileSelectionList.selectionChanged.connect( self.fileListSelectionChanged )
self.fileSelectionList.listCleared.connect( self.fileListCleared )
+ self.splitter.setSizes([500,200])
# ATB: Disable the list for now...
@@ -164,7 +165,9 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
- self.fileSelectionList.addAppAction( self.actionAutoSearch )
+ self.fileSelectionList.addAppAction( self.actionAutoIdentify )
+ self.fileSelectionList.addAppAction( self.actionAutoTag )
+ self.fileSelectionList.addAppAction( self.actionCopyTags )
self.fileSelectionList.addAppAction( self.actionRename )
self.fileSelectionList.addAppAction( self.actionRemoveAuto )
self.fileSelectionList.addAppAction( self.actionRepackage )
@@ -244,10 +247,18 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
self.actionWrite_Tags.setStatusTip( 'Save tags to comic archive' )
self.actionWrite_Tags.triggered.connect( self.commitMetadata )
- self.actionRemoveAuto.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+D' )
- self.actionRemoveAuto.setStatusTip( 'Remove selected style tags from archive' )
- self.actionRemoveAuto.triggered.connect( self.removeAuto )
+ self.actionAutoTag.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+T' )
+ self.actionAutoTag.setStatusTip( 'Auto-tag multiple archives' )
+ self.actionAutoTag.triggered.connect( self.autoTag )
+ self.actionCopyTags.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+C' )
+ self.actionCopyTags.setStatusTip( 'Copy one tag style to another' )
+ self.actionCopyTags.triggered.connect( self.copyTags )
+ self.actionRemoveAuto.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+D' )
+ self.actionRemoveAuto.setStatusTip( 'Remove currently selected modify tag style from the archive' )
+ self.actionRemoveAuto.triggered.connect( self.removeAuto )
self.actionRemoveCBLTags.setStatusTip( 'Remove ComicBookLover tags from comic archive' )
self.actionRemoveCBLTags.triggered.connect( self.removeCBLTags )
@@ -280,8 +291,8 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
self.actionSearchOnline.setStatusTip( 'Search online for tags' )
self.actionSearchOnline.triggered.connect( self.queryOnline )
- self.actionAutoSearch.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+Shift+A' )
- self.actionAutoSearch.triggered.connect( self.autoSelectSearch )
+ self.actionAutoIdentify.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+I' )
+ self.actionAutoIdentify.triggered.connect( self.autoIdentifySearch )
self.actionApplyCBLTransform.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+L' )
self.actionApplyCBLTransform.setStatusTip( 'Modify tags specifically for CBL format' )
@@ -309,7 +320,7 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
self.actionWrite_Tags.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/save.png')) )
self.actionParse_Filename.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/parse.png')) )
self.actionSearchOnline.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/search.png')) )
- self.actionAutoSearch.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/auto.png')) )
+ self.actionAutoIdentify.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/auto.png')) )
self.actionClearEntryForm.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/clear.png')) )
self.actionPageBrowser.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/browse.png') ))
@@ -317,54 +328,10 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionWrite_Tags )
self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionParse_Filename )
self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionSearchOnline )
- self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionAutoSearch )
+ self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionAutoIdentify )
self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionClearEntryForm )
self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionPageBrowser )
- """
- def repackageArchive( self ):
- if self.comic_archive is not None:
- if self.comic_archive.isZip():
- QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Export as Zip Archive"), self.tr("It's already a Zip Archive!"))
- return
- if not self.dirtyFlagVerification( "Export as Zip Archive",
- "If you export the archive to Zip format, the data in the form won't be in the new " +
- "archive unless you save it first. Do you want to continue with the export?"):
- return
- export_name = os.path.splitext(self.comic_archive.path)[0] + ".cbz"
- #export_name = utils.unique_file( export_name )
- dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(self)
- dialog.setFileMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.AnyFile)
- if self.settings.last_opened_folder is not None:
- dialog.setDirectory( self.settings.last_opened_folder )
- filters = [
- "Comic archive files (*.cbz *.zip)",
- "Any files (*)"
- ]
- dialog.setNameFilters(filters)
- dialog.selectFile( export_name )
- if (dialog.exec_()):
- fileList = dialog.selectedFiles()
- if os.path.lexists( fileList[0] ):
- reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self,
- self.tr("Export as Zip Archive"),
- self.tr(fileList[0] + " already exisits. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?"),
- QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No )
- if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.No:
- return
- QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor))
- retcode = self.comic_archive.exportAsZip( str(fileList[0]) )
- QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor()
- if not retcode:
- QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Export as Zip Archive"), self.tr("An error occure while exporting."))
- """
- #ATB2
def repackageArchive( self ):
ca_list = self.fileSelectionList.getSelectedArchiveList()
rar_count = 0
@@ -499,7 +466,7 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
self.actionViewRawCBLTags.setEnabled( False )
self.actionViewRawCRTags.setEnabled( False )
self.actionParse_Filename.setEnabled( False )
- self.actionAutoSearch.setEnabled( False )
+ self.actionAutoIdentify.setEnabled( False )
self.actionRename.setEnabled( False )
self.actionApplyCBLTransform.setEnabled( False )
@@ -509,7 +476,7 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
has_cbi = self.comic_archive.hasCBI()
self.actionParse_Filename.setEnabled( True )
- self.actionAutoSearch.setEnabled( True )
+ self.actionAutoIdentify.setEnabled( True )
self.actionRename.setEnabled( True )
self.actionApplyCBLTransform.setEnabled( True )
@@ -867,9 +834,9 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
# "If you open a new archive now, data in the form will be lost. Are you sure?"):
self.fileSelectionList.addPathList( fileList )
- def autoSelectSearch(self):
+ def autoIdentifySearch(self):
if self.comic_archive is None:
- QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr("Automatic Online Search"),
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr("Automatic Identify Search"),
self.tr("You need to load a comic first!"))
@@ -880,7 +847,7 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
issue_number = str(self.leIssueNum.text()).strip()
if autoselect and issue_number == "":
- QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self,"Automatic Online Search", "Can't auto-select without an issue number (yet!)")
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self,"Automatic Identify Search", "Can't auto-identify without an issue number (yet!)")
if unicode(self.leSeries.text()).strip() != "":
@@ -1341,6 +1308,11 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
if ca.hasMetadata( style ):
has_md_count += 1
+ if has_md_count == 0:
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Remove Tags"),
+ self.tr("No archives with {0} tags selected!".format(MetaDataStyle.name[style])))
+ return
if has_md_count != 0 and not self.dirtyFlagVerification( "Remove Tags",
"If remove tags now, unsaved data in the form will be lost. Are you sure?"):
@@ -1378,6 +1350,76 @@ class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow):
+ def copyTags( self ):
+ # copy the indicated tags in the archive
+ ca_list = self.fileSelectionList.getSelectedArchiveList()
+ has_src_count = 0
+ src_style = self.load_data_style
+ dest_style = self.save_data_style
+ if src_style == dest_style:
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Copy Tags"), self.tr("Can't copy tag style onto itself." +
+ " Read style and modify style must be different."))
+ return
+ for ca in ca_list:
+ if ca.hasMetadata( src_style ):
+ has_src_count += 1
+ if has_src_count == 0:
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Copy Tags"), self.tr("No archives with {0} tags selected!".format(
+ MetaDataStyle.name[src_style])))
+ return
+ if has_src_count != 0 and not self.dirtyFlagVerification( "Copy Tags",
+ "If copy tags now, unsaved data in the form may be lost. Are you sure?"):
+ return
+ if has_src_count != 0:
+ reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self,
+ self.tr("Copy Tags"),
+ self.tr("Are you sure you wish to copy the {0} tags to {1} tags in {2} archive(s)?".format(
+ MetaDataStyle.name[src_style], MetaDataStyle.name[dest_style], has_src_count)),
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No )
+ if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes:
+ progdialog = QtGui.QProgressDialog("", "Cancel", 0, has_src_count, self)
+ progdialog.setWindowTitle( "Copying Tags" )
+ progdialog.setWindowModality(QtCore.Qt.WindowModal)
+ prog_idx = 0
+ for ca in ca_list:
+ if ca.hasMetadata( src_style ):
+ QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents()
+ if progdialog.wasCanceled():
+ break
+ prog_idx += 1
+ progdialog.setValue(prog_idx)
+ QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents()
+ if ca.hasMetadata( src_style ) and ca.isWritable():
+ md = ca.readMetadata( src_style )
+ if dest_style == MetaDataStyle.CBI and self.settings.apply_cbl_transform_on_bulk_operation:
+ md = CBLTransformer( md, self.settings ).apply()
+ if not ca.writeMetadata( md, dest_style ):
+ if has_md_count == 1:
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr("Remove failed"), self.tr("The tag removal operation seemed to fail!"))
+ else:
+ QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr("Remove failed"),
+ self.tr("The tag removal operation seemed to fail for {0} Operation aborted!".format(ca.path)))
+ break
+ progdialog.close()
+ self.fileSelectionList.updateSelectedRows()
+ self.updateInfoBox()
+ self.updateMenus()
+ def autoTag( self ):
+ print "TBD"
def dirtyFlagVerification( self, title, desc):
if self.dirtyFlag:
reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self,
diff --git a/taggerwindow.ui b/taggerwindow.ui
index 9246c4a..5894a31 100644
--- a/taggerwindow.ui
+++ b/taggerwindow.ui
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- 968
+ 1007
@@ -1175,8 +1175,8 @@
- 968
- 25
+ 1007
+ 28
diff --git a/todo.txt b/todo.txt
index 84fe9cc..77b0f76 100644
--- a/todo.txt
+++ b/todo.txt
@@ -12,29 +12,34 @@ Multi-file:
Interactive dialog at end
Summary Dialog
- Batch Tag Copy
- Verify overwrites
Export to CBZ:
start dialog with:
option to delete originals
option to add to list
- option to stop current export if file already exists
+ option, when filename already exists:
+ create new, unique file
+ don't export
+ over-write existing zip
+ -- special case of misnamed RAR as cbz
maybe show a summary of files created at end
- check-box for rows?
+ check-box for rows?
+ fix extensions?
+ Batch Tag Copy
+ Disallow overwrites?
Ultimate Spider-Man files can't be read
- ---Maybe the foldername in the archive?
-Last opened folder memory??
+ square bracket in folder name
+(python:4401): GLib-ERROR **: Creating pipes for GWakeup: Too many open files
Big Future Features