Use casefold in place of lower
Make lint job fail if errors are detected
Use join instead of utils.list_to_string
Simplify get_recursive_filelist with the glob library
Fix handling of un-parseable numbers in xlate
Fixes an out of range exception during smart cleanup
Enforces field names to be present in format templates
Instead of removing previous text if a replacement is empty only strip
specifically "-_({[#" off the right of the string
Strict renaming removes all reserved names and characters regardless
of operating system, with out strict mode only for the current
Operating System
Add more edge cases to smart cleanup
Add more tests for file renaming
Show a message dialog explaining that there is a new template format
Add a dynamic label to show the effect of a rename
Add tests for FileRenamer
Remove the filename parameter from the determine_name function
Moves to Python format strings for renaming, handles directory
structures, moving of files to a destination directory, sanitizes
file paths with pathvalidate and takes a different approach to
smart filename cleanup using the Python string.Formatter class
Moving to Python format strings means we can point to python
documentation for syntax and all we have to do is document the
properties and types that are attached to the GenericMetadata class.
Switching to pathvalidate allows comictagger to more simply handle both
directories and symbols in filenames.
The only changes to the string.Formatter class is:
1. format_field returns
an empty string if the value is none or an empty string regardless of
the format specifier.
2. _vformat drops the previous literal text if the field value
is an empty string and lstrips the following literal text of closing
special characters.
Remove no longer used google scripts
Remove convenience files from comicataggerlib and import comicapi directly
Add type-hints to facilitate auto-complete tools
Make PyQt5 code more compatible with PyQt6
Implement automatic tooling
isort and black for code formatting
Line length has been set to 120
flake8 for code standards with exceptions:
E203 - Whitespace before ':' - format compatiblity with black
E501 - Line too long - flake8 line limit cannot be set
E722 - Do not use bare except - fixing bare except statements is a
lot of overhead and there are already
many in the codebase
These changes, along with some manual fixes creates much more readable code.
See examples below:
diff --git a/comicapi/ b/comicapi/
index d1741c5..52dc195 100644
--- a/comicapi/
+++ b/comicapi/
@@ -166,7 +166,2 @@ class CoMet:
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.editor_synonyms):
- ET.SubElement(
- root,
- 'editor').text = "{0}".format(
- credit['person'])
@@ -174,2 +169,4 @@ class CoMet:
+ if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.editor_synonyms):
+ ET.SubElement(root, "editor").text = str(credit["person"])
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/ b/comictaggerlib/
index 4338176..9219f01 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/
+++ b/comictaggerlib/
@@ -63,4 +63,3 @@ class AutoTagMatchWindow(QtWidgets.QDialog):
self.skipButton, QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole)
- self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setText(
- "Accept and Write Tags")
+ self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Ok).setText("Accept and Write Tags")
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/ b/comictaggerlib/
index 688907d..dbd0c2e 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/
+++ b/comictaggerlib/
@@ -293,7 +293,3 @@ def process_file_cli(filename, opts, settings, match_results):
if opts.raw:
- print((
- "{0}".format(
- str(
- ca.readRawCIX(),
- errors='ignore'))))
+ print(ca.read_raw_cix())
* Tweaked search string based on new comic vine search behavior
Placated Beaufitul Soup by passing the parser
* First cut at porting to Python 3 and PyQt5
* remove debug print
* tweaked progress dialog handling for issues on ubuntu gui
* Handle bad key more gracefullu
* More integration of unrarlib into settings and rest of app
* Better handling of "personal" unrar lib setting
* PEP 440-compliant version string
* Tuned linux rar help strings
* Got setup working again
* Attempts to build unrar on install
* Some minimal desktop integration on various platforms
* Fix wrong shortfile
* More enhancements
* Use proper temp file
* Added comment block at top
* Comment out desktop integration attempt for now
* Updated some links and info
* Fixed the html a bit
* Repaired some images that caused libpng to complain
* update readme re: py3qt5 branch changes
* another note
* #108 feat: try to simplify windows build using only pip and python3
* #108 feat: fix python location on appveyor (try 1)
* #108 feat: use venv (try 2)
* #108 feat: use venv (try 3)
* #108 feat: update to latest pyinstaller develop branch
* #108 feat: update to latest pyinstaller develop branch (again)
* #108: add ssl libraries for windows packaging
* #108: refresh env in win build to pick the right mingw
* #108: change order of win build script operations
* #113: fix subprocess usage in pyinstaller package
* bump version
- `autopep8 -aa` for general cleanup;
- Changed order of imports, they should be ordered into 3 groups:
1. standard library imports;
2. 3rd party packages;
3. project imports.
- I commented various imports that were reported as unused by my IDE.
If everything goes fine we can consider to delete them;
- The Apache license disclaimers are now comments since triple-quotes
should be used only for docstrings;
- Fix - `utils.centerWindowOnParent` did not resolve, changed to