"""A python class to manage communication with Comic Vine's REST API"""
# Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import re
import time
import datetime
import sys
import ssl
#from pprint import pprint
#import math
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkAccessManager, QNetworkRequest
from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrl, pyqtSignal, QObject, QByteArray
except ImportError:
# No Qt, so define a few dummy QObjects to help us compile
class QObject():
def __init__(self, *args):
class pyqtSignal():
def __init__(self, *args):
def emit(a, b, c):
from . import ctversion
from . import utils
from .comicvinecacher import ComicVineCacher
from .genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
from .issuestring import IssueString
#from settings import ComicTaggerSettings
class CVTypeID:
Volume = "4050"
Issue = "4000"
class ComicVineTalkerException(Exception):
Unknown = -1
Network = -2
InvalidKey = 100
RateLimit = 107
def __init__(self, code=-1, desc=""):
self.desc = desc
self.code = code
def __str__(self):
if (self.code == ComicVineTalkerException.Unknown or
self.code == ComicVineTalkerException.Network):
return self.desc
return "CV error #{0}: [{1}]. \n".format(self.code, self.desc)
class ComicVineTalker(QObject):
logo_url = "http://static.comicvine.com/bundles/comicvinesite/images/logo.png"
api_key = ""
def getRateLimitMessage():
if ComicVineTalker.api_key == "":
return "Comic Vine rate limit exceeded. You should configue your own Comic Vine API key."
return "Comic Vine rate limit exceeded. Please wait a bit."
def __init__(self):
self.api_base_url = "https://comicvine.gamespot.com/api"
self.wait_for_rate_limit = False
# key that is registered to comictagger
default_api_key = '27431e6787042105bd3e47e169a624521f89f3a4'
if ComicVineTalker.api_key == "":
self.api_key = default_api_key
self.api_key = ComicVineTalker.api_key
self.log_func = None
# always use a tls context for urlopen
self.ssl = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1)
def setLogFunc(self, log_func):
self.log_func = log_func
def writeLog(self, text):
if self.log_func is None:
# sys.stdout.write(text.encode(errors='replace'))
# sys.stdout.flush()
print(text, file=sys.stderr)
def parseDateStr(self, date_str):
day = None
month = None
year = None
if date_str is not None:
parts = date_str.split('-')
year = parts[0]
if len(parts) > 1:
month = parts[1]
if len(parts) > 2:
day = parts[2]
return day, month, year
def testKey(self, key):
test_url = self.api_base_url + "/issue/1/?api_key=" + \
key + "&format=json&field_list=name"
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(test_url, context=self.ssl)
content = resp.read()
cv_response = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8'))
# Bogus request, but if the key is wrong, you get error 100: "Invalid
# API Key"
return cv_response['status_code'] != 100
return False
Get the contect from the CV server. If we're in "wait mode" and status code is a rate limit error
sleep for a bit and retry.
def getCVContent(self, url):
total_time_waited = 0
limit_wait_time = 1
counter = 0
wait_times = [1, 2, 3, 4]
while True:
content = self.getUrlContent(url)
cv_response = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8'))
if self.wait_for_rate_limit and cv_response[
'status_code'] == ComicVineTalkerException.RateLimit:
"Rate limit encountered. Waiting for {0} minutes\n".format(limit_wait_time))
time.sleep(limit_wait_time * 60)
total_time_waited += limit_wait_time
limit_wait_time = wait_times[counter]
if counter < 3:
counter += 1
# don't wait much more than 20 minutes
if total_time_waited < 20:
if cv_response['status_code'] != 1:
"Comic Vine query failed with error #{0}: [{1}]. \n".format(
raise ComicVineTalkerException(
cv_response['status_code'], cv_response['error'])
# it's all good
return cv_response
def getUrlContent(self, url):
# connect to server:
# if there is a 500 error, try a few more times before giving up
# any other error, just bail
#print("---", url)
for tries in range(3):
resp = urllib.request.urlopen(url, context=self.ssl)
return resp.read()
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
if e.getcode() == 500:
self.writeLog("Try #{0}: ".format(tries + 1))
self.writeLog(str(e) + "\n")
if e.getcode() != 500:
except Exception as e:
self.writeLog(str(e) + "\n")
raise ComicVineTalkerException(
ComicVineTalkerException.Network, "Network Error!")
raise ComicVineTalkerException(
ComicVineTalkerException.Unknown, "Error on Comic Vine server")
def searchForSeries(self, series_name, callback=None, refresh_cache=False):
# remove cruft from the search string
series_name = utils.removearticles(series_name).lower().strip()
# before we search online, look in our cache, since we might have
# done this same search recently
cvc = ComicVineCacher()
if not refresh_cache:
cached_search_results = cvc.get_search_results(series_name)
if len(cached_search_results) > 0:
return cached_search_results
original_series_name = series_name
# Split and rejoin to remove extra internal spaces
query_word_list = series_name.split()
query_string = " ".join( query_word_list ).strip()
#print ("Query string = ", query_string)
query_string = urllib.parse.quote_plus(query_string.encode("utf-8"))
search_url = self.api_base_url + "/search/?api_key=" + self.api_key + "&format=json&resources=volume&query=" + \
query_string + \
cv_response = self.getCVContent(search_url + "&page=1")
search_results = list()
# see http://api.comicvine.com/documentation/#handling_responses
limit = cv_response['limit']
current_result_count = cv_response['number_of_page_results']
total_result_count = cv_response['number_of_total_results']
# 8 Dec 2018 - Comic Vine changed query results again. Terms are now
# ORed together, and we get thousands of results. Good news is the
# results are sorted by relevance, so we can be smart about halting
# the search.
# 1. Don't fetch more than some sane amount of pages.
max_results = 500
# 2. Halt when not all of our search terms are present in a result
# 3. Halt when the results contain more (plus threshold) words than
# our search
result_word_count_max = len(query_word_list) + 3
total_result_count = min(total_result_count, max_results)
if callback is None:
"Found {0} of {1} results\n".format(
page = 1
if callback is not None:
callback(current_result_count, total_result_count)
# see if we need to keep asking for more pages...
stop_searching = False
while (current_result_count < total_result_count):
last_result = search_results[-1]['name']
# See if the last result's name has all the of the search terms.
# if not, break out of this, loop, we're done.
#print("Searching for {} in '{}'".format(query_word_list, last_result))
for term in query_word_list:
if term not in last_result.lower():
#print("Term '{}' not in last result. Halting search result fetching".format(term))
stop_searching = True
# Also, stop searching when the word count of last results is too much longer
# than our search terms list
if len(utils.removearticles(last_result).split()) > result_word_count_max:
#print("Last result '{}' is too long. Halting search result fetching".format(last_result))
stop_searching = True
if stop_searching:
if callback is None:
"getting another page of results {0} of {1}...\n".format(
page += 1
cv_response = self.getCVContent(search_url + "&page=" + str(page))
current_result_count += cv_response['number_of_page_results']
if callback is not None:
callback(current_result_count, total_result_count)
# Remove any search results that don't contain all the search terms
# (iterate backwards for easy removal)
for i in range(len(search_results) - 1, -1, -1):
record = search_results[i]
for term in query_word_list:
if term not in record['name'].lower():
del search_results[i]
# for record in search_results:
#print(u"{0}: {1} ({2})".format(record['id'], record['name'] , record['start_year']))
# print(record)
#record['count_of_issues'] = record['count_of_isssues']
#print(u"{0}: {1} ({2})".format(search_results['results'][0]['id'], search_results['results'][0]['name'] , search_results['results'][0]['start_year']))
# cache these search results
cvc.add_search_results(original_series_name, search_results)
return search_results
def fetchVolumeData(self, series_id):
# before we search online, look in our cache, since we might already
# have this info
cvc = ComicVineCacher()
cached_volume_result = cvc.get_volume_info(series_id)
if cached_volume_result is not None:
return cached_volume_result
volume_url = self.api_base_url + "/volume/" + CVTypeID.Volume + "-" + \
str(series_id) + "/?api_key=" + self.api_key + \
cv_response = self.getCVContent(volume_url)
volume_results = cv_response['results']
return volume_results
def fetchIssuesByVolume(self, series_id):
# before we search online, look in our cache, since we might already
# have this info
cvc = ComicVineCacher()
cached_volume_issues_result = cvc.get_volume_issues_info(series_id)
if cached_volume_issues_result is not None:
return cached_volume_issues_result
issues_url = self.api_base_url + "/issues/" + "?api_key=" + self.api_key + "&filter=volume:" + \
str(series_id) + \
cv_response = self.getCVContent(issues_url)
limit = cv_response['limit']
current_result_count = cv_response['number_of_page_results']
total_result_count = cv_response['number_of_total_results']
#print("total_result_count", total_result_count)
#print("Found {0} of {1} results".format(cv_response['number_of_page_results'], cv_response['number_of_total_results']))
volume_issues_result = cv_response['results']
page = 1
offset = 0
# see if we need to keep asking for more pages...
while (current_result_count < total_result_count):
#print("getting another page of issue results {0} of {1}...".format(current_result_count, total_result_count))
page += 1
offset += cv_response['number_of_page_results']
# print issues_url+ "&offset="+str(offset)
cv_response = self.getCVContent(
issues_url + "&offset=" + str(offset))
current_result_count += cv_response['number_of_page_results']
cvc.add_volume_issues_info(series_id, volume_issues_result)
return volume_issues_result
def fetchIssuesByVolumeIssueNumAndYear(
self, volume_id_list, issue_number, year):
volume_filter = "volume:"
for vid in volume_id_list:
volume_filter += str(vid) + "|"
year_filter = ""
if year is not None and str(year).isdigit():
year_filter = ",cover_date:{0}-1-1|{1}-1-1".format(
year, int(year) + 1)
issue_number = urllib.parse.quote_plus(str(issue_number).encode("utf-8"))
filter = "&filter=" + volume_filter + \
year_filter + ",issue_number:" + issue_number
issues_url = self.api_base_url + "/issues/" + "?api_key=" + self.api_key + filter + \
cv_response = self.getCVContent(issues_url)
limit = cv_response['limit']
current_result_count = cv_response['number_of_page_results']
total_result_count = cv_response['number_of_total_results']
#print("total_result_count", total_result_count)
#print("Found {0} of {1} results\n".format(cv_response['number_of_page_results'], cv_response['number_of_total_results']))
filtered_issues_result = cv_response['results']
page = 1
offset = 0
# see if we need to keep asking for more pages...
while (current_result_count < total_result_count):
#print("getting another page of issue results {0} of {1}...\n".format(current_result_count, total_result_count))
page += 1
offset += cv_response['number_of_page_results']
# print issues_url+ "&offset="+str(offset)
cv_response = self.getCVContent(
issues_url + "&offset=" + str(offset))
current_result_count += cv_response['number_of_page_results']
return filtered_issues_result
def fetchIssueData(self, series_id, issue_number, settings):
volume_results = self.fetchVolumeData(series_id)
issues_list_results = self.fetchIssuesByVolume(series_id)
found = False
for record in issues_list_results:
if IssueString(issue_number).asString() is None:
issue_number = 1
if IssueString(record['issue_number']).asString().lower() == IssueString(
found = True
if (found):
issue_url = self.api_base_url + "/issue/" + CVTypeID.Issue + "-" + \
str(record['id']) + "/?api_key=" + \
self.api_key + "&format=json"
cv_response = self.getCVContent(issue_url)
issue_results = cv_response['results']
return None
# Now, map the Comic Vine data to generic metadata
return self.mapCVDataToMetadata(
volume_results, issue_results, settings)
def fetchIssueDataByIssueID(self, issue_id, settings):
issue_url = self.api_base_url + "/issue/" + CVTypeID.Issue + "-" + \
str(issue_id) + "/?api_key=" + self.api_key + "&format=json"
cv_response = self.getCVContent(issue_url)
issue_results = cv_response['results']
volume_results = self.fetchVolumeData(issue_results['volume']['id'])
# Now, map the Comic Vine data to generic metadata
md = self.mapCVDataToMetadata(volume_results, issue_results, settings)
md.isEmpty = False
return md
def mapCVDataToMetadata(self, volume_results, issue_results, settings):
# Now, map the Comic Vine data to generic metadata
metadata = GenericMetadata()
metadata.series = issue_results['volume']['name']
num_s = IssueString(issue_results['issue_number']).asString()
metadata.issue = num_s
metadata.title = issue_results['name']
metadata.publisher = volume_results['publisher']['name']
metadata.day, metadata.month, metadata.year = self.parseDateStr(
#metadata.issueCount = volume_results['count_of_issues']
metadata.comments = self.cleanup_html(
issue_results['description'], settings.remove_html_tables)
if settings.use_series_start_as_volume:
metadata.volume = volume_results['start_year']
metadata.notes = "Tagged with ComicTagger {0} using info from Comic Vine on {1}. [Issue ID {2}]".format(
datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
#metadata.notes += issue_results['site_detail_url']
metadata.webLink = issue_results['site_detail_url']
person_credits = issue_results['person_credits']
for person in person_credits:
if 'role' in person:
roles = person['role'].split(',')
for role in roles:
# can we determine 'primary' from CV??
person['name'], role.title().strip(), False)
character_credits = issue_results['character_credits']
character_list = list()
for character in character_credits:
metadata.characters = utils.listToString(character_list)
team_credits = issue_results['team_credits']
team_list = list()
for team in team_credits:
metadata.teams = utils.listToString(team_list)
location_credits = issue_results['location_credits']
location_list = list()
for location in location_credits:
metadata.locations = utils.listToString(location_list)
story_arc_credits = issue_results['story_arc_credits']
arc_list = []
for arc in story_arc_credits:
if len(arc_list) > 0:
metadata.storyArc = utils.listToString(arc_list)
return metadata
def cleanup_html(self, string, remove_html_tables):
converter = html2text.HTML2Text()
#converter.emphasis_mark = '*'
#converter.ignore_links = True
converter.body_width = 0
return string
#return converter.handle(string)
if string is None:
return ""
# find any tables
soup = BeautifulSoup(string, "html.parser")
tables = soup.findAll('table')
# remove all newlines first
string = string.replace("\n", "")
# put in our own
string = string.replace("
", "\n")
string = string.replace("