"""CLI options class for ComicTagger app"""

# Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at

#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import getopt
import logging
import os
import platform
import sys
from typing import Optional

from comicapi import utils
from comicapi.comicarchive import MetaDataStyle
from comicapi.genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
from comictaggerlib import ctversion

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class Options:
    help_text = """Usage: {0} [option] ... [file [files ...]]

A utility for reading and writing metadata to comic archives.

If no options are given, {0} will run in windowed mode.

-p, --print                 Print out tag info from file. Specify type
                            (via -t) to get only info of that tag type.
    --raw                   With -p, will print out the raw tag block(s)
                            from the file.
-d, --delete                Deletes the tag block of specified type (via
-c, --copy=SOURCE           Copy the specified source tag block to
                            destination style specified via -t
                            (potentially lossy operation).
-s, --save                  Save out tags as specified type (via -t).
                            Must specify also at least -o, -p, or -m.
    --nooverwrite           Don't modify tag block if it already exists
                            (relevant for -s or -c).
-1, --assume-issue-one      Assume issue number is 1 if not found
                            (relevant for -s).
-n, --dryrun                Don't actually modify file (only relevant for
                            -d, -s, or -r).
-t, --type=TYPE             Specify TYPE as either "CR", "CBL", or
                            "COMET" (as either ComicRack, ComicBookLover,
                            or CoMet style tags, respectively).
-f, --parsefilename         Parse the filename to get some info,
                            specifically series name, issue number,
                            volume, and publication year.
    --split-words           Splits words before parsing the filename.
                            e.g. 'judgedredd' to 'judge dredd'
-i, --interactive           Interactively query the user when there are
                            multiple matches for an online search.
    --nosummary             Suppress the default summary after a save
-o, --online                Search online and attempt to identify file
                            using existing metadata and images in archive.
                            May be used in conjunction with -f and -m.
    --overwrite             Overwite any existing metadata.
                            May be used in conjunction with -o, -f and -m.
    --id=ID                 Use the issue ID when searching online.
                            Overrides all other metadata.
-m, --metadata=LIST         Explicitly define, as a list, some tags to be
                            used.  e.g.:
                            "series=Plastic Man, publisher=Quality Comics"
                            "series=Kickers^, Inc., issue=1, year=1986"
                            Name-Value pairs are comma separated. Use a
                            "^" to escape an "=" or a ",", as shown in
                            the example above.  Some names that can be
                            used: series, issue, issueCount, year,
                            publisher, title
-a, --auto-imprint          Enables the auto imprint functionality.
                            e.g. if the publisher is set to 'vertigo' it
                            will be updated to 'DC Comics' and the imprint
                            property will be set to 'Vertigo'.
-r, --rename                Rename the file based on specified tag style.
    --noabort               Don't abort save operation when online match
                            is of low confidence.
-e, --export-to-zip         Export RAR archive to Zip format.
    --delete-rar            Delete original RAR archive after successful
                            export to Zip.
    --abort-on-conflict     Don't export to zip if intended new filename
                            exists (otherwise, creates a new unique
-S, --script=FILE           Run an "add-on" python script that uses the
                            ComicTagger library for custom processing.
                            Script arguments can follow the script name.
-R, --recursive             Recursively include files in sub-folders.
    --cv-api-key=KEY        Use the given Comic Vine API Key (persisted
                            in settings).
    --only-set-cv-key       Only set the Comic Vine API key and quit.
-w, --wait-on-cv-rate-limit When encountering a Comic Vine rate limit
                            error, wait and retry query.
-v, --verbose               Be noisy when doing what it does.
    --terse                 Don't say much (for print mode).
    --darkmode              Windows only. Force a dark pallet
    --config=CONFIG_DIR     Config directory defaults to ~/.ComicTagger
                            on Linux/Mac and %APPDATA% on Windows
    --version               Display version.
-h, --help                  Display this message.

For more help visit the wiki at: https://github.com/comictagger/comictagger/wiki

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.data_style: Optional[int] = None
        self.no_gui = False
        self.filename: Optional[str] = None
        self.verbose = False
        self.terse = False
        self.metadata = GenericMetadata()
        self.auto_imprint = False
        self.print_tags = False
        self.copy_tags = False
        self.delete_tags = False
        self.export_to_zip = False
        self.abort_export_on_conflict = False
        self.delete_after_zip_export = False
        self.search_online = False
        self.dryrun = False
        self.abortOnLowConfidence = True
        self.save_tags = False
        self.parse_filename = False
        self.show_save_summary = True
        self.raw = False
        self.cv_api_key: Optional[str] = None
        self.only_set_key = False
        self.rename_file = False
        self.no_overwrite = False
        self.interactive = False
        self.issue_id: Optional[str] = None
        self.recursive = False
        self.run_script = False
        self.script: Optional[str] = None
        self.wait_and_retry_on_rate_limit = False
        self.assume_issue_is_one_if_not_set = False
        self.file_list: list[str] = []
        self.darkmode = False
        self.copy_source: Optional[int] = None
        self.config_path = ""
        self.overwrite_metadata = False
        self.split_words = False

    def display_msg_and_quit(self, msg: Optional[str], code: int, show_help: bool = False) -> None:
        appname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
        if msg is not None:
        if show_help:
            print("For more help, run with '--help'")

    def parse_metadata_from_string(self, mdstr: str) -> GenericMetadata:
        """The metadata string is a comma separated list of name-value pairs
        The names match the attributes of the internal metadata struct (for now)
        The caret is the special "escape character", since it's not common in
        natural language text

        example = "series=Kickers^, Inc. ,issue=1, year=1986"

        escaped_comma = "^,"
        escaped_equals = "^="
        replacement_token = "<_~_>"

        md = GenericMetadata()

        # First, replace escaped commas with with a unique token (to be changed back later)
        mdstr = mdstr.replace(escaped_comma, replacement_token)
        tmp_list = mdstr.split(",")
        md_list = []
        for item in tmp_list:
            item = item.replace(replacement_token, ",")

        # Now build a nice dict from the list
        md_dict = {}
        for item in md_list:
            # Make sure to fix any escaped equal signs
            i = item.replace(escaped_equals, replacement_token)
            key, value = i.split("=")
            value = value.replace(replacement_token, "=").strip()
            key = key.strip()
            if key.lower() == "credit":
                cred_attribs = value.split(":")
                role = cred_attribs[0]
                person = cred_attribs[1] if len(cred_attribs) > 1 else ""
                primary = len(cred_attribs) > 2
                md.add_credit(person.strip(), role.strip(), primary)
                md_dict[key] = value

        # Map the dict to the metadata object
        for key, value in md_dict.items():
            if not hasattr(md, key):
                logger.warning("'%s' is not a valid tag name", key)
                md.is_empty = False
                setattr(md, key, value)
        return md

    def launch_script(self, scriptfile: str) -> None:
        # we were given a script.  special case for the args:
        # 1. ignore everything before the -S,
        # 2. pass all the ones that follow (including script name) to the script
        script_args = []
        for idx, arg in enumerate(sys.argv):
            if arg in ["-S", "--script"]:
                # found script!
                script_args = sys.argv[idx + 1 :]
        sys.argv = script_args
        if not os.path.exists(scriptfile):
            logger.error("Can't find %s", scriptfile)
            # I *think* this makes sense:
            # assume the base name of the file is the module name
            # add the folder of the given file to the python path import module
            dirname = os.path.dirname(scriptfile)
            module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(scriptfile))[0]
            sys.path = [dirname] + sys.path
                script = __import__(module_name)

                # Determine if the entry point exists before trying to run it
                if "main" in dir(script):
                    logger.error("Can't find entry point 'main()' in module '%s'", module_name)
            except Exception:
                logger.exception("Script: %s raised an unhandled exception: ", module_name)


    def parse_cmd_line_args(self) -> None:

        if platform.system() == "Darwin" and hasattr(sys, "frozen") and sys.frozen == 1:
            # remove the PSN (process serial number) argument from OS/X
            input_args = [a for a in sys.argv[1:] if "-psn_0_" not in a]
            input_args = sys.argv[1:]

        # first check if we're launching a script:
        for n, _ in enumerate(input_args):
            if input_args[n] in ["-S", "--script"] and n + 1 < len(input_args):
                # insert a "--" which will cause getopt to ignore the remaining args
                # so they will be passed to the script
                input_args.insert(n + 2, "--")

        # parse command line options
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(

        except getopt.GetoptError as err:
            self.display_msg_and_quit(str(err), 2)

        # process options
        for o, a in opts:
            if o in ("-h", "--help"):
                self.display_msg_and_quit(None, 0, show_help=True)
            if o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
                self.verbose = True
            if o in ("-S", "--script"):
                self.run_script = True
                self.script = a
            if o in ("-R", "--recursive"):
                self.recursive = True
            if o in ("-p", "--print"):
                self.print_tags = True
            if o in ("-d", "--delete"):
                self.delete_tags = True
            if o in ("-i", "--interactive"):
                self.interactive = True
            if o in ("-a", "--auto-imprint"):
                self.auto_imprint = True
            if o in ("-c", "--copy"):
                self.copy_tags = True

                if a.lower() == "cr":
                    self.copy_source = MetaDataStyle.CIX
                elif a.lower() == "cbl":
                    self.copy_source = MetaDataStyle.CBI
                elif a.lower() == "comet":
                    self.copy_source = MetaDataStyle.COMET
                    self.display_msg_and_quit("Invalid copy tag source type", 1)
            if o in ("-o", "--online"):
                self.search_online = True
            if o == "--overwrite":
                self.overwrite_metadata = True
            if o in ("-n", "--dryrun"):
                self.dryrun = True
            if o in ("-m", "--metadata"):
                self.metadata = self.parse_metadata_from_string(a)
            if o in ("-s", "--save"):
                self.save_tags = True
            if o in ("-r", "--rename"):
                self.rename_file = True
            if o in ("-e", "--export_to_zip"):
                self.export_to_zip = True
            if o == "--delete-rar":
                self.delete_after_zip_export = True
            if o == "--abort-on-conflict":
                self.abort_export_on_conflict = True
            if o in ("-f", "--parsefilename"):
                self.parse_filename = True
            if o == "--split-words":
                self.split_words = True
            if o in ("-w", "--wait-on-cv-rate-limit"):
                self.wait_and_retry_on_rate_limit = True
            if o == "--config":
                self.config_path = os.path.abspath(a)
            if o == "--id":
                self.issue_id = a
            if o == "--raw":
                self.raw = True
            if o == "--noabort":
                self.abortOnLowConfidence = False
            if o == "--terse":
                self.terse = True
            if o == "--nosummary":
                self.show_save_summary = False
            if o in ("-1", "--assume-issue-one"):
                self.assume_issue_is_one_if_not_set = True
            if o == "--nooverwrite":
                self.no_overwrite = True
            if o == "--cv-api-key":
                self.cv_api_key = a
            if o == "--only-set-cv-key":
                self.only_set_key = True
            if o == "--version":
                print(f"ComicTagger {ctversion.version}:  Copyright (c) 2012-2022 ComicTagger Team")
                print("Distributed under Apache License 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)")
            if o in ("-t", "--type"):
                if a.lower() == "cr":
                    self.data_style = MetaDataStyle.CIX
                elif a.lower() == "cbl":
                    self.data_style = MetaDataStyle.CBI
                elif a.lower() == "comet":
                    self.data_style = MetaDataStyle.COMET
                    self.display_msg_and_quit("Invalid tag type", 1)
            if o == "--darkmode":
                self.darkmode = True

        if any(
            self.no_gui = True

        count = 0
        if self.run_script:
            count += 1
        if self.print_tags:
            count += 1
        if self.delete_tags:
            count += 1
        if self.save_tags:
            count += 1
        if self.copy_tags:
            count += 1
        if self.rename_file:
            count += 1
        if self.export_to_zip:
            count += 1
        if self.only_set_key:
            count += 1

        if count > 1:
                "Must choose only one action of print, delete, save, copy, rename, export, set key, or run script", 1

        if self.script is not None:

        if len(args) > 0:
            if platform.system() == "Windows":
                # no globbing on windows shell, so do it for them
                import glob

                self.file_list = []
                for item in args:
                if len(self.file_list) > 0:
                    self.filename = self.file_list[0]
                self.filename = args[0]
                self.file_list = args

        if self.only_set_key and self.cv_api_key is None:
            self.display_msg_and_quit("Key not given!", 1)

        if not self.only_set_key and self.no_gui and self.filename is None:
            self.display_msg_and_quit("Command requires at least one filename!", 1)

        if self.delete_tags and self.data_style is None:
            self.display_msg_and_quit("Please specify the type to delete with -t", 1)

        if self.save_tags and self.data_style is None:
            self.display_msg_and_quit("Please specify the type to save with -t", 1)

        if self.copy_tags and self.data_style is None:
            self.display_msg_and_quit("Please specify the type to copy to with -t", 1)

        if self.recursive:
            self.file_list = utils.get_recursive_filelist(self.file_list)