# coding=utf-8 """ The main window of the comictagger app """ """ Copyright 2012 Anthony Beville Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui, uic from PyQt4.QtCore import QUrl,pyqtSignal import signal import locale import platform import os import pprint import json from volumeselectionwindow import VolumeSelectionWindow from options import MetaDataStyle from comicinfoxml import ComicInfoXml from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata from comicvinetalker import ComicVineTalker from comicarchive import ComicArchive from crediteditorwindow import CreditEditorWindow from settingswindow import SettingsWindow from settings import ComicTaggerSettings from pagebrowser import PageBrowserWindow from filenameparser import FileNameParser from logwindow import LogWindow from optionalmsgdialog import OptionalMessageDialog import utils import ctversion # this reads the environment and inits the right locale locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "") # helper func to allow a label to be clickable def clickable(widget): class Filter(QtCore.QObject): dblclicked = pyqtSignal() def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if obj == widget: if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick: self.dblclicked.emit() return True return False filter = Filter(widget) widget.installEventFilter(filter) return filter.dblclicked class TaggerWindow( QtGui.QMainWindow): appName = "ComicTagger" version = ctversion.version def __init__(self, filename, settings, parent = None): super(TaggerWindow, self).__init__(parent) # Set up a timer so the interpreter runs every so often # This helps catch and process SIGINT from console #self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() #self.timer.start(500) #self.timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None) #signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigint_handler) uic.loadUi(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(), 'taggerwindow.ui' ), self) self.setWindowIcon(QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(), 'graphics/app.png' ))) self.lblCover.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(), 'graphics/nocover.png' ))) #print platform.system(), platform.release() self.dirtyFlag = False self.settings = settings self.data_style = settings.last_selected_data_style #set up a default metadata object self.metadata = GenericMetadata() self.comic_archive = None self.configMenus() self.statusBar() self.updateAppTitle() self.setAcceptDrops(True) self.updateSaveMenu() self.droppedFile = None self.page_browser = None self.populateComboBoxes() # hook up the callbacks self.cbDataStyle.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.setDataStyle) self.btnEditCredit.clicked.connect(self.editCredit) self.btnAddCredit.clicked.connect(self.addCredit) self.btnRemoveCredit.clicked.connect(self.removeCredit) self.twCredits.cellDoubleClicked.connect(self.editCredit) clickable(self.lblCover).connect(self.showPageBrowser) self.connectDirtyFlagSignals() self.updateStyleTweaks() # The show/hide/show is on purpose, to let the layout manager figure # do some calculations first self.show() self.setAppPosition() self.hide() self.show() self.raise_() QtCore.QCoreApplication.processEvents() if filename is not None: self.openArchive( filename ) if self.settings.show_disclaimer: checked = OptionalMessageDialog.msg( self, "Disclaimer", "Thanks for trying Comic Tagger!

" + "Be aware that this is beta-level software, and the developers " + "of this program can take no responsibility for any loss of data due " + "to its use.

" + "That said, have fun!", ) self.settings.show_disclaimer = not checked def sigint_handler(self, *args): # defer the actual close in the app loop thread QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(200, self.close) def updateAppTitle( self ): if self.comic_archive is None: self.setWindowTitle( self.appName ) else: mod_str = "" ro_str = "" if self.dirtyFlag: mod_str = " [modified]" if not self.comic_archive.isWritable(): ro_str = " [read only]" self.setWindowTitle( self.appName + " - " + self.comic_archive.path + mod_str + ro_str) def configMenus( self): # File Menu self.actionExit.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+Q' ) self.actionExit.setStatusTip( 'Exit application' ) self.actionExit.triggered.connect( self.close ) self.actionLoad.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+O' ) self.actionLoad.setStatusTip( 'Load comic archive' ) self.actionLoad.triggered.connect( self.selectFile ) self.actionWrite_Tags.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+S' ) self.actionWrite_Tags.setStatusTip( 'Save tags to comic archive' ) self.actionWrite_Tags.triggered.connect( self.commitMetadata ) self.actionRemoveCBLTags.setStatusTip( 'Remove ComicBookLover tags from comic archive' ) self.actionRemoveCBLTags.triggered.connect( self.removeCBLTags ) self.actionRemoveCRTags.setStatusTip( 'Remove ComicRack tags from comic archive' ) self.actionRemoveCRTags.triggered.connect( self.removeCRTags ) self.actionReloadAuto.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+R' ) self.actionReloadAuto.setStatusTip( 'Reload selected style tags from archive' ) self.actionReloadAuto.triggered.connect( self.reloadAuto ) self.actionReloadCBLTags.setStatusTip( 'Reload ComicBookLover tags' ) self.actionReloadCBLTags.triggered.connect( self.reloadCBLTags ) self.actionReloadCRTags.setStatusTip( 'Reload ComicRack tags' ) self.actionReloadCRTags.triggered.connect( self.reloadCRTags ) self.actionViewRawCRTags.setStatusTip( 'View raw ComicRack tag block from file' ) self.actionViewRawCRTags.triggered.connect( self.viewRawCRTags ) self.actionViewRawCBLTags.setStatusTip( 'View raw ComicBookLover tag block from file' ) self.actionViewRawCBLTags.triggered.connect( self.viewRawCBLTags ) #self.actionRepackage.setShortcut( ) self.actionRepackage.setStatusTip( 'Re-create archive as CBZ' ) self.actionRepackage.triggered.connect( self.repackageArchive ) #self.actionRepackage.setShortcut( ) self.actionSettings.setStatusTip( 'Configure ComicTagger' ) self.actionSettings.triggered.connect( self.showSettings ) # Tag Menu self.actionParse_Filename.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+F' ) self.actionParse_Filename.setStatusTip( 'Try to extract tags from filename' ) self.actionParse_Filename.triggered.connect( self.useFilename ) self.actionSearchOnline.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+W' ) self.actionSearchOnline.setStatusTip( 'Search online for tags' ) self.actionSearchOnline.triggered.connect( self.queryOnline ) self.actionAutoSearch.triggered.connect( self.autoSelectSearch ) #self.actionClearEntryForm.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+C' ) self.actionClearEntryForm.setStatusTip( 'Clear all the data on the screen' ) self.actionClearEntryForm.triggered.connect( self.clearForm ) # Window Menu self.actionPageBrowser.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+P' ) self.actionPageBrowser.setStatusTip( 'Show the page browser' ) self.actionPageBrowser.triggered.connect( self.showPageBrowser ) # Help Menu self.actionAbout.setShortcut( 'Ctrl+A' ) self.actionAbout.setStatusTip( 'Show the ' + self.appName + ' info' ) self.actionAbout.triggered.connect( self.aboutApp ) # ToolBar self.actionLoad.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/open.png')) ) self.actionWrite_Tags.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/save.png')) ) self.actionParse_Filename.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/parse.png')) ) self.actionSearchOnline.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/search.png')) ) self.actionAutoSearch.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/auto.png')) ) self.actionClearEntryForm.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/clear.png')) ) self.actionPageBrowser.setIcon( QtGui.QIcon(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(),'graphics/browse.png') )) self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionLoad ) self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionWrite_Tags ) self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionParse_Filename ) self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionSearchOnline ) self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionAutoSearch ) self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionClearEntryForm ) self.toolBar.addAction( self.actionPageBrowser ) def repackageArchive( self ): QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Repackage Comic Archive"), self.tr("TBD")) def aboutApp( self ): website = "http://code.google.com/p/comictagger" email = "comictagger@gmail.com" msgBox = QtGui.QMessageBox() msgBox.setWindowTitle( self.tr("About " + self.appName ) ) msgBox.setTextFormat( QtCore.Qt.RichText ) msgBox.setIconPixmap( QtGui.QPixmap(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(), 'graphics/about.png' )) ) msgBox.setText( "

" + self.appName + " v" + self.version + "
" + "(c)2012 Anthony Beville

" + "{0}

".format(website) + "{0}".format(email) ) msgBox.setStandardButtons( QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok ) msgBox.exec_() def dragEnterEvent(self, event): self.droppedFile=None if event.mimeData().hasUrls(): url=event.mimeData().urls()[0] if url.isValid(): if url.scheme()=="file": self.droppedFile=url.toLocalFile() event.accept() def dropEvent(self, event): if self.dirtyFlagVerification( "Open Archive", "If you open a new archive now, data in the form will be lost. Are you sure?"): self.openArchive( str(self.droppedFile) ) def openArchive( self, path, explicit_style=None, clear_form=True ): if path is None or path == "": return ca = ComicArchive( path ) if self.settings.rar_exe_path != "": ca.setExternalRarProgram( self.settings.rar_exe_path ) if ca is not None and ca.seemsToBeAComicArchive(): self.settings.last_opened_folder = os.path.dirname( path ) # clear form and current metadata, we're all in! if clear_form: self.clearForm() self.comic_archive = ca if explicit_style is None: hasCBI = ca.hasCBI() hasCIX = ca.hasCIX() hasNeither = not hasCIX and not hasCBI # no style indicated, so try to choose if hasNeither: self.metadata = self.comic_archive.metadataFromFilename( ) else: if hasCBI and not hasCIX: self.data_style = MetaDataStyle.CBI elif hasCIX and not hasCBI: self.data_style = MetaDataStyle.CIX else: #both reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, self.tr("Multiple Tag Types!"), self.tr("This archive has both ComicBookLover and ComicRack type tags. Which do you want to load?"), self.tr("ComicBookLover"), self.tr("ComicRack" )) if reply == 0: # ComicBookLover self.data_style = MetaDataStyle.CBI else: self.data_style = MetaDataStyle.CIX self.adjustStyleCombo() self.metadata = self.comic_archive.readMetadata( self.data_style ) else: if ca.hasMetadata( explicit_style ): self.data_style = explicit_style self.adjustStyleCombo() self.metadata = self.comic_archive.readMetadata( self.data_style ) else: return if self.metadata.isEmpty: self.metadata = self.comic_archive.metadataFromFilename( ) image_data = self.comic_archive.getCoverPage() if not image_data is None: img = QtGui.QImage() img.loadFromData( image_data ) self.lblCover.setPixmap(QtGui.QPixmap(img)) self.lblCover.setScaledContents(True) if self.page_browser is not None: self.page_browser.setComicArchive( self.comic_archive ) self.metadataToForm() self.clearDirtyFlag() # also updates the app title self.updateInfoBox() self.updateSaveMenu() #self.updatePagesInfo() else: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Whoops!"), self.tr("That file doesn't appear to be a comic archive!")) def updateSaveMenu( self ): if ( self.comic_archive is not None and self.comic_archive.isWritable( ) ): self.actionWrite_Tags.setEnabled( True ) else: self.actionWrite_Tags.setEnabled( False ) def updateInfoBox( self ): ca = self.comic_archive filename = os.path.basename( ca.path ) filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] filename = FileNameParser().fixSpaces(filename) self.lblFilename.setText( filename ) if ca.isZip(): self.lblArchiveType.setText( "ZIP archive" ) elif ca.isRar(): self.lblArchiveType.setText( "RAR archive" ) elif ca.isFolder(): self.lblArchiveType.setText( "Folder archive" ) else: self.lblArchiveType.setText( "" ) page_count = " ({0} pages)".format(ca.getNumberOfPages()) self.lblPageCount.setText( page_count) tag_info = "" if ca.hasCIX(): tag_info = u"• ComicRack tags" if ca.hasCBI(): if tag_info != "": tag_info += "\n" tag_info += u"• ComicBookLover tags" self.lblTagList.setText( tag_info ) def updatePagesInfo( self ): #tablemodel = PageTableModel( self.comic_archive, self ) #self.tableView.setModel(tablemodel) listmodel = PageListModel( self.comic_archive, self ) self.listView.setModel(listmodel) #self.listView.setDragDropMode(self.InternalMove) #listmodel.installEventFilter(self) self.listView.setDragEnabled(True) self.listView.setAcceptDrops(True) self.listView.setDropIndicatorShown(True) #listmodel.rowsMoved.connect( self.rowsMoved ) #listmodel.rowsRemoved.connect( self.rowsRemoved ) #listmodel.beginMoveRows.connect( self.beginMoveRows ) #def rowsMoved( self, b, c, d): # print "rowsMoved" #def rowsRemoved( self,b, c, d): # print "rowsRemoved" """ def eventFilter(self, sender, event): if (event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.ChildRemoved): print "QEvent::ChildRemoved" return False # don't actually interrupt anything """ def setDirtyFlag( self, param1=None, param2=None, param3=None ): if not self.dirtyFlag: self.dirtyFlag = True self.updateAppTitle() def clearDirtyFlag( self ): if self.dirtyFlag: self.dirtyFlag = False self.updateAppTitle() def connectDirtyFlagSignals( self ): # recursivly connect the tab form child slots self.connectChildDirtyFlagSignals( self.tabWidget ) def connectChildDirtyFlagSignals (self, widget ): if ( isinstance(widget, QtGui.QLineEdit)): widget.textEdited.connect(self.setDirtyFlag) if ( isinstance(widget, QtGui.QTextEdit)): widget.textChanged.connect(self.setDirtyFlag) if ( isinstance(widget, QtGui.QComboBox) ): widget.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.setDirtyFlag) if ( isinstance(widget, QtGui.QCheckBox) ): widget.stateChanged.connect(self.setDirtyFlag) # recursive call on chillun for child in widget.children(): self.connectChildDirtyFlagSignals( child ) def clearForm( self ): # get a minty fresh metadata object self.metadata = GenericMetadata() # recursivly clear the tab form self.clearChildren( self.tabWidget ) # clear the dirty flag, since there is nothing in there now to lose self.clearDirtyFlag() def clearChildren (self, widget ): if ( isinstance(widget, QtGui.QLineEdit) or isinstance(widget, QtGui.QTextEdit)): widget.setText("") if ( isinstance(widget, QtGui.QComboBox) ): widget.setCurrentIndex( 0 ) if ( isinstance(widget, QtGui.QCheckBox) ): widget.setChecked( False ) if ( isinstance(widget, QtGui.QTableWidget) ): while widget.rowCount() > 0: widget.removeRow(0) # recursive call on chillun for child in widget.children(): self.clearChildren( child ) def metadataToForm( self ): # copy the the metadata object into to the form #helper func def assignText( field, value): if value is not None: field.setText( u"{0}".format(value) ) md = self.metadata assignText( self.leSeries, md.series ) assignText( self.leIssueNum, md.issue ) assignText( self.leIssueCount, md.issueCount ) assignText( self.leVolumeNum, md.volume ) assignText( self.leVolumeCount, md.volumeCount ) assignText( self.leTitle, md.title ) assignText( self.lePublisher, md.publisher ) assignText( self.lePubMonth, md.month ) assignText( self.lePubYear, md.year ) assignText( self.leGenre, md.genre ) assignText( self.leImprint, md.imprint ) assignText( self.teComments, md.comments ) assignText( self.teNotes, md.notes ) assignText( self.leCriticalRating, md.criticalRating ) assignText( self.leStoryArc, md.storyArc ) assignText( self.leScanInfo, md.scanInfo ) assignText( self.leSeriesGroup, md.seriesGroup ) assignText( self.leAltSeries, md.alternateSeries ) assignText( self.leAltIssueNum, md.alternateNumber ) assignText( self.leAltIssueCount, md.alternateCount ) assignText( self.leWebLink, md.webLink ) assignText( self.teCharacters, md.characters ) assignText( self.teTeams, md.teams ) assignText( self.teLocations, md.locations ) if md.format is not None and md.format != "": i = self.cbFormat.findText( md.format ) if i == -1: self.cbFormat.setEditText( md.format ) else: self.cbFormat.setCurrentIndex( i ) if md.maturityRating is not None and md.maturityRating != "": i = self.cbMaturityRating.findText( md.maturityRating ) if i == -1: self.cbMaturityRating.setEditText( md.maturityRating ) else: self.cbMaturityRating.setCurrentIndex( i ) if md.language is not None: i = self.cbLanguage.findData( md.language ) self.cbLanguage.setCurrentIndex( i ) if md.country is not None: i = self.cbCountry.findText( md.country ) self.cbCountry.setCurrentIndex( i ) if md.manga is not None: i = self.cbManga.findData( md.manga ) self.cbManga.setCurrentIndex( i ) if md.blackAndWhite is not None and md.blackAndWhite: self.cbBW.setChecked( True ) assignText( self.teTags, utils.listToString( md.tags ) ) # !!! Should we clear the credits table or just avoid duplicates? while self.twCredits.rowCount() > 0: self.twCredits.removeRow(0) if md.credits is not None and len(md.credits) != 0: self.twCredits.setSortingEnabled( False ) row = 0 for credit in md.credits: # if the role-person pair already exists, just skip adding it to the list if self.isDupeCredit( credit['role'].title(), credit['person']): continue self.addNewCreditEntry( row, credit['role'].title(), credit['person'] ) row += 1 self.twCredits.setSortingEnabled( True ) self.updateCreditColors() def addNewCreditEntry( self, row, role, name ): self.twCredits.insertRow(row) item_text = role item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(item_text) item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable| QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.twCredits.setItem(row, 0, item) item_text = name item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(item_text) item.setFlags(QtCore.Qt.ItemIsSelectable| QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.twCredits.setItem(row, 1, item) def isDupeCredit( self, role, name ): r = 0 while r < self.twCredits.rowCount(): if ( self.twCredits.item(r, 0).text() == role and self.twCredits.item(r, 1).text() == name ): return True r = r + 1 return False def formToMetadata( self ): #helper func def xlate( data, type_str): s = u"{0}".format(data).strip() if s == "": return None elif type_str == "str": return s else: return int(s) # copy the data from the form into the metadata md = self.metadata md.series = xlate( self.leSeries.text(), "str" ) md.issue = xlate( self.leIssueNum.text(), "str" ) md.issueCount = xlate( self.leIssueCount.text(), "int" ) md.volume = xlate( self.leVolumeNum.text(), "int" ) md.volumeCount = xlate( self.leVolumeCount.text(), "int" ) md.title = xlate( self.leTitle.text(), "str" ) md.publisher = xlate( self.lePublisher.text(), "str" ) md.month = xlate( self.lePubMonth.text(), "int" ) md.year = xlate( self.lePubYear.text(), "int" ) md.genre = xlate( self.leGenre.text(), "str" ) md.imprint = xlate( self.leImprint.text(), "str" ) md.comments = xlate( self.teComments.toPlainText(), "str" ) md.notes = xlate( self.teNotes.toPlainText(), "str" ) md.criticalRating = xlate( self.leCriticalRating.text(), "int" ) md.maturityRating = xlate( self.cbMaturityRating.currentText(), "str" ) md.storyArc = xlate( self.leStoryArc.text(), "str" ) md.scanInfo = xlate( self.leScanInfo.text(), "str" ) md.seriesGroup = xlate( self.leSeriesGroup.text(), "str" ) md.alternateSeries = xlate( self.leAltSeries.text(), "str" ) md.alternateNumber = xlate( self.leAltIssueNum.text(), "int" ) md.alternateCount = xlate( self.leAltIssueCount.text(), "int" ) md.webLink = xlate( self.leWebLink.text(), "str" ) md.characters = xlate( self.teCharacters.toPlainText(), "str" ) md.teams = xlate( self.teTeams.toPlainText(), "str" ) md.locations = xlate( self.teLocations.toPlainText(), "str" ) md.format = xlate( self.cbFormat.currentText(), "str" ) md.country = xlate( self.cbCountry.currentText(), "str" ) langiso = self.cbLanguage.itemData(self.cbLanguage.currentIndex()).toString() md.language = xlate( langiso, "str" ) manga_code = self.cbManga.itemData(self.cbManga.currentIndex()).toString() md.manga = xlate( manga_code, "str" ) # Make a list from the coma delimited tags string tmp = xlate( self.teTags.toPlainText(), "str" ) if tmp != None: def striplist(l): return([x.strip() for x in l]) md.tags = striplist(tmp.split( "," )) if ( self.cbBW.isChecked() ): md.blackAndWhite = True else: md.blackAndWhite = False # get the credits from the table md.credits = list() row = 0 while row < self.twCredits.rowCount(): role = str(self.twCredits.item(row, 0).text()) name = str(self.twCredits.item(row, 1).text()) md.addCredit( name, role, False ) row += 1 def useFilename( self ): if self.comic_archive is not None: self.metadata = self.comic_archive.metadataFromFilename( ) self.metadataToForm() def selectFile( self ): dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(self) dialog.setFileMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.ExistingFile) if self.settings.last_opened_folder is not None: dialog.setDirectory( self.settings.last_opened_folder ) #dialog.setFileMode(QtGui.QFileDialog.Directory ) if platform.system() != "Windows" and utils.which("unrar") is None: archive_filter = "Comic archive files (*.cbz *.zip)" else: archive_filter = "Comic archive files (*.cbz *.zip *.cbr *.rar)" filters = [ archive_filter, "Any files (*)" ] dialog.setNameFilters(filters) #dialog.setFilter (self, QString filter) if (dialog.exec_()): fileList = dialog.selectedFiles() if self.dirtyFlagVerification( "Open Archive", "If you open a new archive now, data in the form will be lost. Are you sure?"): self.openArchive( str(fileList[0]) ) def autoSelectSearch(self): if self.comic_archive is None: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, self.tr("Automatic Online Search"), self.tr("You need to load a comic first!")) return self.queryOnline( autoselect=True ) def queryOnline(self, autoselect=False): issue_number = str(self.leIssueNum.text()).strip() if autoselect and issue_number == "": QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self,"Automatic Online Search", "Can't auto-select without an issue number (yet!)") return if str(self.leSeries.text()).strip() != "": series_name = str(self.leSeries.text()).strip() else: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Online Search"), self.tr("Need to enter a series name to search.")) return year = str(self.lePubYear.text()).strip() if year == "": year = None selector = VolumeSelectionWindow( self, series_name, issue_number, year, self.comic_archive, self.settings, autoselect ) title = "Search: '" + series_name + "' - " selector.setWindowTitle( title + "Select Series") selector.setModal(True) selector.exec_() if selector.result(): #we should now have a volume ID QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) #copy the form onto metadata object self.formToMetadata() comicVine = ComicVineTalker( ) new_metadata = comicVine.fetchIssueData( selector.volume_id, selector.issue_number ) self.metadata.overlay( new_metadata ) # Now push the new combined data into the edit controls self.metadataToForm() #!!!ATB should I clear the form??? QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() def commitMetadata(self): if ( self.metadata is not None and self.comic_archive is not None): if self.comic_archive.isRar() and self.data_style == MetaDataStyle.CBI: if self.settings.ask_about_cbi_in_rar: answered_yes, checked = OptionalMessageDialog.question( self, "RAR and ComicBookLover", """ You are about to write a CBL tag block to a RAR archive!

While technically possible, no known reader can read those tags from RAR yet. If you would like this feature in ComicBookLover, please go to their forums and add your voice to feature request!


Do you want to continue with the save? """, ) self.settings.ask_about_cbi_in_rar = not checked if not answered_yes: return reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, self.tr("Save Tags"), self.tr("Are you sure you wish to save " + MetaDataStyle.name[self.data_style] + " tags to this archive?"), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No ) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: QtGui.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(QtCore.Qt.WaitCursor)) self.formToMetadata() self.comic_archive.writeMetadata( self.metadata, self.data_style ) self.clearDirtyFlag() self.updateInfoBox() QtGui.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Yeah!"), self.tr("File written.")) else: QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Whoops!"), self.tr("No data to commit!")) def setDataStyle(self, s): self.data_style, b = self.cbDataStyle.itemData(s).toInt() self.settings.last_selected_data_style = self.data_style self.updateStyleTweaks() self.updateSaveMenu() def updateCreditColors( self ): inactive_color = QtGui.QColor(255, 170, 150) active_palette = self.leSeries.palette() active_color = active_palette.color( QtGui.QPalette.Base ) cix_credits = ComicInfoXml().getParseableCredits() if self.data_style == MetaDataStyle.CIX: #loop over credit table, mark selected rows r = 0 while r < self.twCredits.rowCount(): if str(self.twCredits.item(r, 0).text()).lower() not in cix_credits: self.twCredits.item(r, 0).setBackgroundColor( inactive_color ) else: self.twCredits.item(r, 0).setBackgroundColor( active_color ) r = r + 1 if self.data_style == MetaDataStyle.CBI: #loop over credit table, make all active color r = 0 while r < self.twCredits.rowCount(): self.twCredits.item(r, 0).setBackgroundColor( active_color ) r = r + 1 def updateStyleTweaks( self ): # depending on the current data style, certain fields are disabled inactive_color = QtGui.QColor(255, 170, 150) active_palette = self.leSeries.palette() inactive_palette1 = self.leSeries.palette() inactive_palette1.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Base, inactive_color) inactive_palette2 = self.leSeries.palette() inactive_palette3 = self.leSeries.palette() inactive_palette3.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Base, inactive_color) inactive_palette3.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Base, inactive_color) #helper func def enableWidget( item, enable ): inactive_palette3.setColor(item.backgroundRole(), inactive_color) inactive_palette2.setColor(item.backgroundRole(), inactive_color) inactive_palette3.setColor(item.foregroundRole(), inactive_color) if enable: item.setPalette(active_palette) item.setAutoFillBackground( False ) if type(item) == QtGui.QCheckBox: item.setEnabled( True ) elif type(item) == QtGui.QComboBox: item.setEnabled( True ) else: item.setReadOnly( False ) else: item.setAutoFillBackground( True ) if type(item) == QtGui.QCheckBox: item.setPalette(inactive_palette2) item.setEnabled( False ) elif type(item) == QtGui.QComboBox: item.setPalette(inactive_palette3) item.setEnabled( False ) else: item.setReadOnly( True ) item.setPalette(inactive_palette1) cbi_only = [ self.leVolumeCount, self.cbCountry, self.leCriticalRating, self.teTags ] cix_only = [ self.leImprint, self.teNotes, self.cbBW, self.cbManga, self.leStoryArc, self.leScanInfo, self.leSeriesGroup, self.leAltSeries, self.leAltIssueNum, self.leAltIssueCount, self.leWebLink, self.teCharacters, self.teTeams, self.teLocations, self.cbMaturityRating, self.cbFormat ] if self.data_style == MetaDataStyle.CIX: for item in cix_only: enableWidget( item, True ) for item in cbi_only: enableWidget(item, False ) if self.data_style == MetaDataStyle.CBI: for item in cbi_only: enableWidget( item, True ) for item in cix_only: enableWidget(item, False ) self.updateCreditColors() def cellDoubleClicked( self, r, c ): self.editCredit() def addCredit( self ): self.modifyCredits( "add" ) def editCredit( self ): if ( self.twCredits.currentRow() > -1 ): self.modifyCredits( "edit" ) def modifyCredits( self , action ): if action == "edit": row = self.twCredits.currentRow() role = self.twCredits.item( row, 0 ).text() name = self.twCredits.item( row, 1 ).text() else: role = "" name = "" editor = CreditEditorWindow( self, CreditEditorWindow.ModeEdit, role, name ) editor.setModal(True) editor.exec_() if editor.result(): new_role, new_name = editor.getCredits() if new_name == name and new_role == role: #nothing has changed, just quit return # check for dupes ok_to_mod = True if self.isDupeCredit( new_role, new_name): # delete the dupe credit from list reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, self.tr("Duplicate Credit!"), self.tr("This will create a duplicate credit entry. Would you like to merge the entries, or create a duplicate?"), self.tr("Merge"), self.tr("Duplicate" )) if reply == 0: # merge if action == "edit": # just remove the row that would be same self.twCredits.removeRow( row ) ok_to_mod = False if ok_to_mod: #modify it if action == "edit": self.twCredits.item(row, 0).setText( new_role ) self.twCredits.item(row, 1).setText( new_name ) else: # add new entry row = self.twCredits.rowCount() self.addNewCreditEntry( row, new_role, new_name) self.updateCreditColors() self.setDirtyFlag() def removeCredit( self ): row = self.twCredits.currentRow() if row != -1 : self.twCredits.removeRow( row ) self.setDirtyFlag() def showSettings( self ): settingswin = SettingsWindow( self, self.settings ) settingswin.setModal(True) settingswin.exec_() if settingswin.result(): pass def setAppPosition( self ): if self.settings.last_main_window_width != 0: self.move( self.settings.last_main_window_x, self.settings.last_main_window_y ) self.resize( self.settings.last_main_window_width, self.settings.last_main_window_height ) else: screen = QtGui.QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry() size = self.frameGeometry() self.move((screen.width()-size.width())/2, (screen.height()-size.height())/2) def adjustStyleCombo( self ): # select the current style if ( self.data_style == MetaDataStyle.CBI ): self.cbDataStyle.setCurrentIndex ( 0 ) elif ( self.data_style == MetaDataStyle.CIX ): self.cbDataStyle.setCurrentIndex ( 1 ) self.updateStyleTweaks() def populateComboBoxes( self ): # Add the entries to the tag style combobox self.cbDataStyle.addItem( "ComicBookLover", MetaDataStyle.CBI ) self.cbDataStyle.addItem( "ComicRack", MetaDataStyle.CIX ) self.adjustStyleCombo() # Add the entries to the country combobox self.cbCountry.addItem( "", "" ) for c in utils.countries: self.cbCountry.addItem( c[1], c[0] ) # Add the entries to the language combobox self.cbLanguage.addItem( "", "" ) lang_dict = utils.getLanguageDict() for key in sorted(lang_dict, cmp=locale.strcoll, key=lang_dict.get): self.cbLanguage.addItem( lang_dict[key], key ) # Add the entries to the manga combobox self.cbManga.addItem( "", "" ) self.cbManga.addItem( "Yes", "Yes" ) self.cbManga.addItem( "Yes (Right to Left)", "YesAndRightToLeft" ) self.cbManga.addItem( "No", "No" ) # Add the entries to the maturity combobox self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "Everyone", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "G", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "Early Childhood", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "Everyone 10+", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "PG", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "Kids to Adults", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "Teen", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "MA15+", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "Mature 17+", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "R18+", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "X18+", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "Adults Only 18+", "" ) self.cbMaturityRating.addItem( "Rating Pending", "" ) # Add entries to the format combobox self.cbFormat.addItem("") self.cbFormat.addItem(".1") self.cbFormat.addItem("-1") self.cbFormat.addItem("1 Shot") self.cbFormat.addItem("1/2") self.cbFormat.addItem("1-Shot") self.cbFormat.addItem("Annotation") self.cbFormat.addItem("Annotations") self.cbFormat.addItem("Annual") self.cbFormat.addItem("Anthology") self.cbFormat.addItem("B&W") self.cbFormat.addItem("B/W") self.cbFormat.addItem("B&&W") self.cbFormat.addItem("Black & White") self.cbFormat.addItem("Box Set") self.cbFormat.addItem("Box-Set") self.cbFormat.addItem("Crossover") self.cbFormat.addItem("Director's Cut") self.cbFormat.addItem("Epilogue") self.cbFormat.addItem("Event") self.cbFormat.addItem("FCBD") self.cbFormat.addItem("Flyer") self.cbFormat.addItem("Giant") self.cbFormat.addItem("Giant Size") self.cbFormat.addItem("Giant-Size") self.cbFormat.addItem("Graphic Novel") self.cbFormat.addItem("Hardcover") self.cbFormat.addItem("Hard-Cover") self.cbFormat.addItem("King") self.cbFormat.addItem("King Size") self.cbFormat.addItem("King-Size") self.cbFormat.addItem("Limited Series") self.cbFormat.addItem("Magazine") self.cbFormat.addItem("-1") self.cbFormat.addItem("NSFW") self.cbFormat.addItem("One Shot") self.cbFormat.addItem("One-Shot") self.cbFormat.addItem("Point 1") self.cbFormat.addItem("Preview") self.cbFormat.addItem("Prologue") self.cbFormat.addItem("Reference") self.cbFormat.addItem("Review") self.cbFormat.addItem("Reviewed") self.cbFormat.addItem("Scanlation") self.cbFormat.addItem("Script") self.cbFormat.addItem("Series") self.cbFormat.addItem("Sketch") self.cbFormat.addItem("Special") self.cbFormat.addItem("TPB") self.cbFormat.addItem("Trade Paper Back") self.cbFormat.addItem("WebComic") self.cbFormat.addItem("Web Comic") self.cbFormat.addItem("Year 1") self.cbFormat.addItem("Year One") def removeCBLTags( self ): self.removeTags( MetaDataStyle.CBI ) def removeCRTags( self ): self.removeTags( MetaDataStyle.CIX ) def removeTags( self, style): # remove the indicated tags from the archive # ( keep the form and the current metadata object intact. ) if self.comic_archive is not None and self.comic_archive.hasMetadata( style ): reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, self.tr("Remove Tags"), self.tr("Are you sure you wish to remove the " + MetaDataStyle.name[style] + " tags from this archive?"), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No ) if reply == QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: path = self.comic_archive.path self.comic_archive.removeMetadata( style ) self.updateInfoBox() def reloadAuto( self ): self.actualReload( self.data_style ) def reloadCBLTags( self ): self.actualReload( MetaDataStyle.CBI ) def reloadCRTags( self ): self.actualReload( MetaDataStyle.CIX ) def actualReload( self, style ): if self.comic_archive is not None and self.comic_archive.hasMetadata( style ): if self.dirtyFlagVerification( "Load Tags", "If you load tags now, data in the form will be lost. Are you sure?"): self.openArchive( self.comic_archive.path, explicit_style=style ) def dirtyFlagVerification( self, title, desc): if self.dirtyFlag: reply = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(self, self.tr(title), self.tr(desc), QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes, QtGui.QMessageBox.No ) if reply != QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes: return False return True def closeEvent(self, event): if self.dirtyFlagVerification( "Exit " + self.appName, "If you quit now, data in the form will be lost. Are you sure?"): appsize = self.size() self.settings.last_main_window_width = appsize.width() self.settings.last_main_window_height = appsize.height() self.settings.last_main_window_x = self.x() self.settings.last_main_window_y = self.y() self.settings.save() event.accept() else: event.ignore() def showPageBrowser( self ): if self.page_browser is None: self.page_browser = PageBrowserWindow( self ) if self.comic_archive is not None: self.page_browser.setComicArchive( self.comic_archive ) self.page_browser.finished.connect(self.pageBrowserClosed) def pageBrowserClosed( self ): self.page_browser = None def viewRawCRTags( self ): if self.comic_archive is not None and self.comic_archive.hasCIX(): dlg = LogWindow( self ) dlg.setText( self.comic_archive.readRawCIX() ) dlg.setWindowTitle( "Raw ComicRack Tag View" ) dlg.exec_() def viewRawCBLTags( self ): if self.comic_archive is not None and self.comic_archive.hasCBI(): dlg = LogWindow( self ) text = pprint.pformat( json.loads(self.comic_archive.readRawCBI()), indent=4 ) print text dlg.setText(text ) dlg.setWindowTitle( "Raw ComicBookLover Tag View" ) dlg.exec_()