"""Functions for parsing comic info from filename This should probably be re-written, but, well, it mostly works! """ # Copyright 2012-2014 ComicTagger Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # Some portions of this code were modified from pyComicMetaThis project # http://code.google.com/p/pycomicmetathis/ from __future__ import annotations import logging import os import re from operator import itemgetter from re import Match from typing import Callable, TypedDict from urllib.parse import unquote from text2digits import text2digits from comicapi import filenamelexer, issuestring logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) t2d = text2digits.Text2Digits(add_ordinal_ending=False) t2do = text2digits.Text2Digits(add_ordinal_ending=True) placeholders_no_dashes = [re.compile(r"[-_]"), re.compile(r" +")] placeholders_allow_dashes = [re.compile(r"[_]"), re.compile(r" +")] class FileNameParser: volume_regex = r"v(?:|ol|olume)\.?\s?" def __init__(self) -> None: self.series = "" self.volume = "" self.year = "" self.issue_count = "" self.remainder = "" self.issue = "" def repl(self, m: Match[str]) -> str: return " " * len(m.group()) def fix_spaces(self, string: str, remove_dashes: bool = True) -> str: if remove_dashes: placeholders = placeholders_no_dashes else: placeholders = placeholders_allow_dashes for ph in placeholders: string = re.sub(ph, self.repl, string) return string def get_issue_count(self, filename: str, issue_end: int) -> str: count = "" filename = filename[issue_end:] # replace any name separators with spaces tmpstr = self.fix_spaces(filename) match = re.search(r"(?:\s\(?of\s)(\d+)(?: |\))", tmpstr, re.IGNORECASE) if match: count = match.group(1) return count.lstrip("0") def get_issue_number(self, filename: str) -> tuple[str, int, int]: """Returns a tuple of issue number string, and start and end indexes in the filename (The indexes will be used to split the string up for further parsing) """ found = False issue = "" start = 0 end = 0 # first, look for multiple "--", this means it's formatted differently # from most: if "--" in filename: # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "--" # is the series name followed by issue filename = re.sub(r"--.*", self.repl, filename) elif "__" in filename and not re.search(r"\[__\d+__]", filename): # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "__" # is the series name followed by issue filename = re.sub(r"__.*", self.repl, filename) filename = filename.replace("+", " ") # replace parenthetical phrases with spaces filename = re.sub(r"\(.*?\)", self.repl, filename) filename = re.sub(r"\[.*?]", self.repl, filename) # replace any name separators with spaces filename = self.fix_spaces(filename) # remove any "of NN" phrase with spaces (problem: this could break on # some titles) filename = re.sub(r"of \d+", self.repl, filename) # we should now have a cleaned up filename version with all the words in # the same positions as original filename # search for volume number match = re.search(self.volume_regex + r"(\d+)", filename, re.IGNORECASE) if match: self.volume = match.group(1) # make a list of each word and its position word_list = [] for m in re.finditer(r"\S+", filename): word_list.append((m.group(0), m.start(), m.end())) # remove the first word, since it shouldn't be the issue number if len(word_list) > 1: word_list = word_list[1:] else: # only one word? Check to see if there is a digit, if so use it as the issue number and the series if any(char.isnumeric() for char in word_list[0][0]): issue = word_list[0][0].removeprefix("#") return issue, word_list[0][1], word_list[0][2] # Now try to search for the likely issue number word in the list # first look for a word with "#" followed by digits with optional suffix # this is almost certainly the issue number for w in reversed(word_list): if re.match(r"#-?((\d*\.\d+|\d+)(\w*))", w[0]): found = True break # same as above but w/o a '#', and only look at the last word in the # list if not found: w = word_list[-1] if re.match(r"-?((\d*\.\d+|\d+)(\w*))", w[0]): found = True # now try to look for a # followed by any characters if not found: for w in reversed(word_list): if re.match(r"#\S+", w[0]): found = True break if found: issue = w[0] start = w[1] end = w[2] if issue[0] == "#": issue = issue[1:] return issue, start, end def get_series_name(self, filename: str, issue_start: int) -> tuple[str, str]: """Use the issue number string index to split the filename string""" if issue_start != 0: filename = filename[:issue_start] else: filename = filename.lstrip("#") # in case there is no issue number, remove some obvious stuff if "--" in filename: # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "--" is the series name followed by issue filename = re.sub(r"--.*", self.repl, filename) # never happens elif "__" in filename: # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "__" is the series name followed by issue filename = re.sub(r"__.*", self.repl, filename) # never happens filename = filename.replace("+", " ") tmpstr = self.fix_spaces(filename, remove_dashes=False) series = tmpstr volume = "" # save the last word split = series.split() if split: last_word = split[-1] else: last_word = "" # remove any parenthetical phrases series = re.sub(r"\(.*?\)", "", series) # search for volume number match = re.search(r"(.+)" + self.volume_regex + r"(\d+)", series, re.IGNORECASE) if match: series = match.group(1) volume = match.group(2) if self.volume: volume = self.volume # if a volume wasn't found, see if the last word is a year in parentheses # since that's a common way to designate the volume if volume == "": # match either (YEAR), (YEAR-), or (YEAR-YEAR2) match = re.search(r"(\()(\d{4})(-(\d{4}|)|)(\))", last_word) if match: volume = match.group(2) series = series.strip() # if we don't have an issue number (issue_start==0), look # for hints i.e. "TPB", "one-shot", "OS", "OGN", etc that might # be removed to help search online if issue_start == 0: one_shot_words = ["tpb", "os", "one-shot", "ogn", "gn"] split = series.split() if split: last_word = split[-1] if last_word.casefold() in one_shot_words: series, _, _ = series.rpartition(" ") if volume: series = re.sub(r"\s+v(|ol|olume)$", "", series) return series.strip().strip("-_.").strip(), volume.strip() def get_year(self, filename: str, issue_end: int) -> str: filename = filename[issue_end:] year = "" # look for four digit number with "(" ")" or "--" around it match = re.search(r"(\(\d{4}\))|(--\d{4}--)", filename) if match: year = match.group() # remove non-digits year = re.sub(r"\D", "", year) return year def get_remainder(self, filename: str, year: str, count: str, volume: str, issue_end: int) -> str: """Make a guess at where the the non-interesting stuff begins""" remainder = "" if "--" in filename: remainder = "--".join(filename.split("--", 1)[1:]) elif "__" in filename: remainder = "__".join(filename.split("__", 1)[1:]) elif issue_end != 0: remainder = filename[issue_end:] remainder = self.fix_spaces(remainder, remove_dashes=False) if volume != "": remainder = re.sub(r"(?i)(.+)((?:v(?:|ol|olume))\.?\s?)" + volume, "", remainder, count=1) if year != "": remainder = remainder.replace(year, "", 1) if count != "": remainder = remainder.replace("of " + count, "", 1) remainder = remainder.replace("()", "") remainder = remainder.replace(" ", " ") # cleans some whitespace mess return remainder.strip() def parse_filename(self, filename: str) -> None: # remove the path filename = os.path.basename(filename) # remove the extension filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] # url decode, just in case filename = unquote(filename) # sometimes archives get messed up names from too many decodes # often url encodings will break and leave "_28" and "_29" in place # of "(" and ")" see if there are a number of these, and replace them if filename.count("_28") > 1 and filename.count("_29") > 1: filename = filename.replace("_28", "(") filename = filename.replace("_29", ")") self.issue, issue_start, issue_end = self.get_issue_number(filename) self.series, self.volume = self.get_series_name(filename, issue_start) if self.issue == "": self.issue = self.volume # provides proper value when the filename doesn't have a issue number if issue_end == 0: issue_end = len(self.series) self.year = self.get_year(filename, issue_end) self.issue_count = self.get_issue_count(filename, issue_end) self.remainder = self.get_remainder(filename, self.year, self.issue_count, self.volume, issue_end) if self.volume != "": self.volume = issuestring.IssueString(self.volume).as_string() if self.issue != "": self.issue = issuestring.IssueString(self.issue).as_string() class FilenameInfo(TypedDict): alternate: str annual: bool archive: str c2c: bool fcbd: bool issue: str issue_count: str publisher: str remainder: str series: str title: str volume: str volume_count: str year: str format: str protofolius_issue_number_scheme = { "B": "biography/best of", "C": "compact edition", "E": "entrtainment/puzzle edition", "F": "familiy book edition", "J": "jubileum (anniversary) edition", "P": "pocket edition", "N": "newly brought out/restyled edition", "O": "old editions (or oblong format)", "S": "special edition", "X": "X-rated edition", } eof = filenamelexer.Item(filenamelexer.ItemType.EOF, -1, "") # Extracted and mutilated from https://github.com/lordwelch/wsfmt # Which was extracted and mutilated from https://github.com/golang/go/tree/master/src/text/template/parse class Parser: """docstring for FilenameParser""" def __init__( self, lexer_result: list[filenamelexer.Item], first_is_alt: bool = False, remove_c2c: bool = False, remove_fcbd: bool = False, remove_publisher: bool = False, protofolius_issue_number_scheme: bool = False, ) -> None: self.state: Callable[[Parser], Callable | None] | None = None # type: ignore[type-arg] self.pos = -1 self.firstItem = True self.skip = False self.alt = False self.filename_info = FilenameInfo( alternate="", annual=False, archive="", c2c=False, fcbd=False, issue="", issue_count="", publisher="", remainder="", series="", title="", volume="", volume_count="", year="", format="", ) self.issue_number_at = None self.issue_number_marked = False self.issue_number_passed = False self.in_something = 0 # In some sort of brackets {}[]() self.in_brace = 0 # In {} self.in_s_brace = 0 # In [] self.in_paren = 0 # In () self.year_candidates: list[tuple[bool, bool, filenamelexer.Item]] = [] self.series_parts: list[filenamelexer.Item] = [] self.title_parts: list[filenamelexer.Item] = [] self.used_items: list[filenamelexer.Item] = [] self.irrelevant: list[filenamelexer.Item] = [] self.operator_rejected: list[filenamelexer.Item] = [] self.publisher_removed: list[filenamelexer.Item] = [] self.first_is_alt = first_is_alt self.remove_c2c = remove_c2c self.remove_fcbd = remove_fcbd self.remove_publisher = remove_publisher self.protofolius_issue_number_scheme = protofolius_issue_number_scheme self.remove_from_remainder = [] if remove_c2c: self.remove_from_remainder.append(filenamelexer.ItemType.C2C) if remove_fcbd: self.remove_from_remainder.append(filenamelexer.ItemType.FCBD) self.input = lexer_result for i, item in enumerate(self.input): if item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.IssueNumber: self.issue_number_at = i self.issue_number_marked = True # Get returns the next Item in the input. def get(self) -> filenamelexer.Item: if int(self.pos) >= len(self.input) - 1: self.pos += 1 return eof self.pos += 1 return self.input[self.pos] # Peek returns but does not consume the next Item in the input. def peek(self) -> filenamelexer.Item: if int(self.pos) >= len(self.input) - 1: return eof return self.input[self.pos + 1] # Peek_back returns but does not step back the previous Item in the input. def peek_back(self, length: int = 1) -> filenamelexer.Item: if int(self.pos) - length < 0: return eof return self.input[self.pos - length] # Backup steps back one Item. def backup(self) -> None: self.pos -= 1 def run(self) -> None: self.state = parse while self.state is not None: self.state = self.state(self) def parse(p: Parser) -> Callable[[Parser], Callable | None] | None: # type: ignore[type-arg] item: filenamelexer.Item = p.get() # We're done, time to do final processing if item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.EOF: return parse_finish # Need to figure out if this is the issue number if item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Number: likely_year = False likely_issue_number = True if p.firstItem and p.first_is_alt: p.alt = True p.firstItem = False return parse_issue_number # Issue number is not 4 digits e.g. a year # If this is still used in 7978 years, something is terribly wrong if len(item.val.lstrip("0")) < 4: # Assume that operators indicate a non-issue number e.g. IG-88 or 88-IG if filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator not in (p.peek().typ, p.peek_back().typ): # It is common to use '89 to refer to an annual reprint from 1989 if item.val[0] != "'": # An issue number starting with # Was not found and no previous number was found if p.issue_number_at is None: # Series has already been started/parsed, # filters out leading alternate numbers leading alternate number if len(p.series_parts) > 0: return parse_issue_number else: p.operator_rejected.append(item) # operator rejected used later to add back to the series/title # It is more likely to be a year if it is inside parentheses. if p.in_something > 0: likely_year = len(item.val.lstrip("0")) == 4 likely_issue_number = not likely_year # If numbers are directly followed by text it most likely isn't a year e.g. 2048px if p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Text: likely_year = False likely_issue_number = p.in_something == 0 # Is either a full year '2001' or a short year "'89" if len(item.val.lstrip("0")) == 4 or item.val[0] == "'": series = " ".join([x.val for x in p.series_parts]) if p.series_parts and series.casefold().endswith("free comic book day"): likely_issue_number = False if p.in_something == 0: # Append to series in case it is a part of the title, but only if were not inside parenthesis p.series_parts.append(item) # Look for a full date as in 2022-04-22 if p.peek().typ in [ filenamelexer.ItemType.Symbol, filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator, filenamelexer.ItemType.Dot, ]: op = [p.get()] if p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Number: month = p.get() if p.peek().typ in [ filenamelexer.ItemType.Symbol, filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator, filenamelexer.ItemType.Dot, ]: op.append(p.get()) if p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Number: likely_issue_number = False day = p.get() fulldate = [month, day, item] p.used_items.extend(op) p.used_items.extend(fulldate) else: p.backup() p.backup() p.backup() # TODO never happens else: p.backup() p.backup() # TODO never happens else: p.backup() # TODO never happens likely_issue_number = likely_issue_number and item.val[0] != "'" p.year_candidates.append((likely_year, likely_issue_number, item)) # Ensures that IG-88 gets added back to the series/title else: if p.in_something == 0: if p.peek_back().typ in (filenamelexer.ItemType.IssueNumber, filenamelexer.ItemType.Number) or ( p.peek_back().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Space and p.peek_back(2).typ in (filenamelexer.ItemType.IssueNumber, filenamelexer.ItemType.Number) ): return parse_series if ( p.peek_back().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator or p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator ): # Were not in something and the next or previous type is an operator, add it to the series p.series_parts.append(item) p.used_items.append(item) p.get() return parse_series # Number with a leading hash e.g. #003 elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.IssueNumber: # Unset first item if p.firstItem: p.firstItem = False p.issue_number_passed = True return parse_issue_number # Matches FCBD. Not added to p.used_items so it will show in "remainder" elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.FCBD: p.filename_info["fcbd"] = True # Matches c2c. Not added to p.used_items so it will show in "remainder" elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.C2C: p.filename_info["c2c"] = True # Matches the extension if it is known to be an archive format e.g. cbt,cbz,zip,rar elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.ArchiveType: p.filename_info["archive"] = item.val.casefold() if p.peek_back().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Dot: p.used_items.append(p.peek_back()) p.used_items.append(item) # Allows removing DC from 'Wonder Woman 49 DC Sep-Oct 1951' # dependent on publisher being in a static list in the lexer elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Publisher: p.filename_info["publisher"] = item.val p.used_items.append(item) if p.firstItem: p.firstItem = False if p.in_something == 0: return parse_series p.publisher_removed.append(item) if p.in_something == 0: return parse_series # Attempts to identify the type e.g. annual elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.ComicType: series_append = True if p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Space: p.get() if p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Number or ( p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Text and t2d.convert(p.peek().val).isnumeric() ): number = p.get() # Mark volume info. Text will be added to the title/series later if item.val.casefold() in ["tpb"]: p.title_parts.extend([item, number]) p.filename_info["volume"] = t2do.convert(number.val) p.filename_info["issue"] = t2do.convert(number.val) p.used_items.append(item) series_append = False # Annuals usually mean the year elif item.val.casefold() in ["annual"]: p.filename_info["annual"] = True num = t2d.convert(number.val) if num.isnumeric() and len(num) == 4: p.year_candidates.append((True, False, number)) else: p.backup() elif item.val.casefold() in ["annual"]: p.filename_info["annual"] = True # If we don't have a reason to exclude it from the series go back to parsing the series immediately if series_append: p.series_parts.append(item) p.used_items.append(item) if p.firstItem: p.firstItem = False return parse_series # We found text, it's probably the title or series elif item.typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Text, filenamelexer.ItemType.Honorific]: # Unset first item if p.firstItem: p.firstItem = False if p.in_something == 0: return parse_series # Usually the word 'of' eg 1 (of 6) elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.InfoSpecifier: if p.firstItem: p.firstItem = False return parse_info_specifier # Operator is a symbol that acts as some sort of separator eg - : ; elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator: if p.in_something == 0: p.irrelevant.append(item) # Filter out Month and day names in filename elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Calendar: # Month and day are currently irrelevant if they are inside parentheses e.g. (January 2002) if p.in_something > 0: p.irrelevant.append(item) # assume Sep-Oct is not useful in the series/title elif p.peek().typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Symbol, filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator]: p.get() if p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Calendar: p.irrelevant.extend([item, p.input[p.pos], p.get()]) else: p.backup() if p.firstItem: p.firstItem = False return parse_series # This is text that just happens to also be a month/day else: # Add this to the series and get the next item, parse_series expects the next item to be the current item p.series_parts.append(item) p.get() if p.firstItem: p.firstItem = False return parse_series # Specifically '__' or '--', no further title/series parsing is done to keep compatibility with wiki elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Skip: p.skip = True # Keeping track of parentheses depth elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftParen: p.in_paren += 1 p.in_something += 1 elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftBrace: p.in_brace += 1 p.in_something += 1 elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftSBrace: p.in_s_brace += 1 p.in_something += 1 elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.RightParen: p.in_paren -= 1 p.in_something -= 1 elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.RightBrace: p.in_brace -= 1 p.in_something -= 1 elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.RightSBrace: p.in_s_brace -= 1 p.in_something -= 1 # Unset first item if p.firstItem: p.firstItem = False # Brace management, I don't like negative numbers if p.in_paren < 0: p.in_something += p.in_paren * -1 if p.in_brace < 0: p.in_something += p.in_brace * -1 if p.in_s_brace < 0: p.in_something += p.in_s_brace * -1 return parse # TODO: What about more esoteric numbers??? def parse_issue_number(p: Parser) -> Callable[[Parser], Callable | None] | None: # type: ignore[type-arg] item = p.input[p.pos] if p.filename_info["issue"]: if p.filename_info["alternate"]: p.filename_info["alternate"] += "," + item.val p.filename_info["alternate"] = item.val else: if p.alt: p.filename_info["alternate"] = item.val else: p.filename_info["issue"] = item.val p.issue_number_at = item.pos p.used_items.append(item) if p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Dot: p.used_items.append(p.get()) # Add the Dot to used items if p.peek().typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Text, filenamelexer.ItemType.Number]: item = p.get() if p.alt: p.filename_info["alternate"] += "." + item.val else: p.filename_info["issue"] += "." + item.val p.used_items.append(item) else: p.backup() # We don't use the Dot so don't consume it p.used_items.pop() # we also don't add it to used items p.alt = False return parse def parse_series(p: Parser) -> Callable[[Parser], Callable | None] | None: # type: ignore[type-arg] item = p.input[p.pos] current_part = 0 prev_space = False title_parts: list[filenamelexer.Item] = [] series_parts: list[filenamelexer.Item] = [] series: list[list[filenamelexer.Item]] = [[]] # We stop parsing the series when certain things come up if nothing was done with them continue where we left off if p.peek_back().typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Number, filenamelexer.ItemType.Calendar]: series_parts = p.series_parts p.series_parts = [] # Space and Dots are not useful at the beginning of a title/series if not p.skip and item.typ not in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Space, filenamelexer.ItemType.Dot]: if item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Text: p.backup() else: series[0].append(item) # Skip is only true if we have come across '--' or '__' while not p.skip: item = p.get() # Spaces are evil if item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Space: prev_space = True continue if item.typ in [ filenamelexer.ItemType.Text, filenamelexer.ItemType.Symbol, filenamelexer.ItemType.Publisher, filenamelexer.ItemType.Honorific, ]: series[current_part].append(item) if p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Dot: dot = p.get() if item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Honorific or ( p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Space and item.typ in (filenamelexer.ItemType.Text, filenamelexer.ItemType.Publisher) ): series[current_part].append(dot) else: p.backup() if item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Publisher: p.filename_info["publisher"] = item.val # Handle Volume elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.InfoSpecifier: # Exception for 'of' if item.val.casefold() == "of": series[current_part].append(item) else: # This specifically lets 'X-Men-V1-067' parse correctly as Series: X-Men Volume: 1 Issue: 67 while len(series[current_part]) > 0 and series[current_part][-1].typ not in [ filenamelexer.ItemType.Text, filenamelexer.ItemType.Symbol, ]: p.irrelevant.append(series[current_part].pop()) p.backup() break elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator: peek = p.peek() # ': ' separates the title from the series, only the last section is considered the title if not prev_space and peek.typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Space]: series.append([]) # Starts a new section series[current_part].append(item) current_part += 1 else: # Force space around '-' makes 'batman - superman' stay otherwise we get 'batman-superman' if prev_space and peek.typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Space]: item.val = " " + item.val + " " series[current_part].append(item) # Stop processing series/title if a skip item is found elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Skip: p.backup() break elif item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Number: # Special case for the word 'book' if series[current_part] and series[current_part][-1].val.casefold() == "book": title_parts.append(series[current_part].pop()) title_parts.append(item) p.filename_info["volume"] = t2do.convert(item.val) break count = get_number(p, p.pos + 1) # this is an issue or volume number if count is not None: p.backup() break if p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Space: p.get() # We have 2 numbers, add the first to the series and then go back to parse if p.peek().typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Number, filenamelexer.ItemType.IssueNumber]: series[current_part].append(item) break # the issue number has been marked and passed, keep it as a part of the series if ( p.issue_number_marked and p.issue_number_passed or p.issue_number_at is not None and not p.issue_number_marked ): # We already have an issue number, this should be a part of the series series[current_part].append(item) else: # We have 1 number break here, it's possible it's the issue p.backup() # Whitespace p.backup() # The number break # We have 1 number break here, it's possible it's the issue else: # the issue number has been #marked or passed, keep it as a part of the series if ( p.issue_number_marked and p.issue_number_passed or p.issue_number_at is not None and not p.issue_number_marked ): # We already have an issue number, this should be a part of the series series[current_part].append(item) else: p.backup() # The number break else: # Ensure 'ms. marvel' parses 'ms.' correctly if item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Dot: if p.peek_back().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Honorific: series[current_part].append(item) elif ( p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Number or p.peek_back().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Text and len(p.peek_back().val) == 1 ): series[current_part].append(item) item.no_space = True # Allows avengers.hulk to parse correctly elif p.peek().typ in (filenamelexer.ItemType.Text,): # Marks the dot as used so that the remainder is clean p.used_items.append(item) else: p.backup() break prev_space = False # We have a title separator e.g. ': " if len(series) > 1: title_parts.extend(series.pop()) for s in series: if s and s[-1].typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator: s[-1].val += " " # Ensures that when there are multiple separators that they display properly series_parts.extend(s) p.used_items.append(series_parts.pop()) else: series_parts.extend(series[0]) # If the series has already been set assume all of this is the title. if len(p.series_parts) > 0: p.title_parts.extend(series_parts) p.title_parts.extend(title_parts) else: p.series_parts.extend(series_parts) p.title_parts.extend(title_parts) return parse def resolve_year(p: Parser) -> None: if len(p.year_candidates) > 0: # Sort by likely_year boolean p.year_candidates.sort(key=itemgetter(0)) if not p.filename_info["issue"]: year = p.year_candidates.pop(0) if year[1]: p.filename_info["issue"] = year[2].val p.used_items.append(year[2]) # Remove year from series and title if year[2] in p.series_parts: p.series_parts.remove(year[2]) if year[2] in p.title_parts: p.title_parts.remove(year[2]) if not p.year_candidates: return else: p.year_candidates.insert(0, year) # Take the last year e.g. (2007) 2099 (2008) becomes 2099 2007 2008 and takes 2008 selected_year = p.year_candidates.pop() p.filename_info["year"] = selected_year[2].val p.used_items.append(selected_year[2]) # (2008) Title (2009) is many times used to denote the series year if we don't have a volume we use it if not p.filename_info["volume"] and p.year_candidates and p.year_candidates[-1][0]: year = p.year_candidates[-1] if year[2] not in p.series_parts and year[2] not in p.title_parts: vol = p.year_candidates.pop()[2] p.filename_info["volume"] = vol.val p.used_items.append(vol) # Remove volume from series and title # note: this never happens if vol in p.series_parts: p.series_parts.remove(vol) if vol in p.title_parts: p.title_parts.remove(vol) # Remove year from series and title if selected_year[2] in p.series_parts: p.series_parts.remove(selected_year[2]) if selected_year[2] in p.title_parts: p.title_parts.remove(selected_year[2]) def resolve_issue(p: Parser) -> None: # If we don't have an issue try to find it in the series if not p.filename_info["issue"] and p.series_parts and p.series_parts[-1].typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Number: issue_num = p.series_parts.pop() # If the number we just popped is a year put it back on it's probably part of the series e.g. Spider-Man 2099 if issue_num in [x[2] for x in p.year_candidates]: p.series_parts.append(issue_num) else: # If this number was rejected because of an operator and the operator is still there add it back # e.g. 'IG-88' if ( issue_num in p.operator_rejected and p.series_parts and p.series_parts[-1].typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator ): p.series_parts.append(issue_num) # We have no reason to not use this number as the issue number. # Specifically happens when parsing 'X-Men-V1-067.cbr' else: p.filename_info["issue"] = issue_num.val p.used_items.append(issue_num) p.issue_number_at = issue_num.pos if p.filename_info["issue"]: p.filename_info["issue"] = issuestring.IssueString(p.filename_info["issue"].lstrip("#")).as_string() if p.filename_info["volume"]: p.filename_info["volume"] = p.filename_info["volume"].lstrip("#").lstrip("0") if not p.filename_info["issue"]: # We have an alternate move it to the issue if p.filename_info["alternate"]: p.filename_info["issue"] = p.filename_info["alternate"] p.filename_info["alternate"] = "" if p.filename_info["volume"]: p.filename_info["issue"] = p.filename_info["volume"] if ( p.filename_info["issue"] and p.protofolius_issue_number_scheme and len(p.filename_info["issue"]) > 1 and p.filename_info["issue"][0].isalpha() and p.filename_info["issue"][0].upper() in protofolius_issue_number_scheme and p.filename_info["issue"][1].isnumeric() ): p.filename_info["format"] = protofolius_issue_number_scheme[p.filename_info["issue"][0].upper()] def parse_finish(p: Parser) -> Callable[[Parser], Callable | None] | None: # type: ignore[type-arg] resolve_year(p) resolve_issue(p) # Remove publishers, currently only marvel and dc are defined, # this is an option specifically because this can drastically screw up parsing if p.remove_publisher: for item in p.publisher_removed: if item in p.series_parts: p.series_parts.remove(item) if item in p.title_parts: p.title_parts.remove(item) if p.series_parts: p.filename_info["series"] = join_title(p.series_parts) p.used_items.extend(p.series_parts) else: p.filename_info["series"] = p.filename_info.get("issue", "") if "free comic book" in p.filename_info["series"].casefold(): p.filename_info["fcbd"] = True p.filename_info["title"] = join_title(p.title_parts) p.used_items.extend(p.title_parts) p.irrelevant.extend([x for x in p.input if x.typ in p.remove_from_remainder]) p.filename_info["remainder"] = get_remainder(p) return None def get_remainder(p: Parser) -> str: remainder = "" rem = [] # Remove used items and irrelevant items e.g. the series and useless operators inp = [x for x in p.input if x not in p.irrelevant and x not in p.used_items] for i, item in enumerate(inp): # No double space or space next to parentheses if item.typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Space, filenamelexer.ItemType.Skip]: if ( i > 0 and inp[i - 1].typ not in [ filenamelexer.ItemType.Space, filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftBrace, filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftParen, filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftSBrace, ] and i + 1 < len(inp) and inp[i + 1].typ not in [ filenamelexer.ItemType.RightBrace, filenamelexer.ItemType.RightParen, filenamelexer.ItemType.RightSBrace, ] ): remainder += " " # Strip off useless opening parenthesis elif ( item.typ in [ filenamelexer.ItemType.Space, filenamelexer.ItemType.RightBrace, filenamelexer.ItemType.RightParen, filenamelexer.ItemType.RightSBrace, ] and i > 0 and inp[i - 1].typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftBrace, filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftParen, filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftSBrace] ): remainder = remainder.rstrip("[{(") continue # Add the next item else: rem.append(item) remainder += item.val # Remove empty parentheses remainder = re.sub(r"[\[{(]+[]})]+", "", remainder) return remainder.strip() def parse_info_specifier(p: Parser) -> Callable[[Parser], Callable | None] | None: # type: ignore[type-arg] item = p.input[p.pos] index = p.pos if p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Space: p.get() # Handles 'volume 3' and 'volume three' if p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Number or ( p.peek().typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Text and t2d.convert(p.peek().val).isnumeric() ): number = p.get() if item.val.casefold() in ["volume", "vol", "vol.", "v"]: p.filename_info["volume"] = t2do.convert(number.val) p.used_items.append(item) p.used_items.append(number) # 'of' is only special if it is inside a parenthesis. elif item.val.casefold() == "of": i = get_number_rev(p, index) if i is not None: if p.in_something > 0: if p.issue_number_at is None: # TODO: Figure out what to do here if it ever happens p.filename_info["issue_count"] = str(int(t2do.convert(number.val))) p.used_items.append(item) p.used_items.append(number) # This is definitely the issue number elif p.issue_number_at == i.pos: p.filename_info["issue_count"] = str(int(t2do.convert(number.val))) p.used_items.append(item) p.used_items.append(number) # This is not for the issue number it is not in either the issue or the title, # assume it is the volume number and count elif p.issue_number_at != i.pos and i not in p.series_parts and i not in p.title_parts: p.filename_info["volume"] = i.val p.filename_info["volume_count"] = str(int(t2do.convert(number.val))) p.used_items.append(i) p.used_items.append(item) p.used_items.append(number) else: # TODO: Figure out what to do here if it ever happens pass else: # Lets 'The Wrath of Foobar-Man, Part 1 of 2' parse correctly as the title p.pos = [ind for ind, x in enumerate(p.input) if x == i][0] if not p.in_something: return parse_series return parse # Gets 03 in '03 of 6' def get_number_rev(p: Parser, index: int) -> filenamelexer.Item | None: # Go backward through the filename to see if we can find what this is of eg '03 (of 6)' or '008 title 03 (of 6)' rev = p.input[:index] rev.reverse() for i in rev: # We don't care about these types, we are looking to see if there is a number that is possibly different from # the issue number for this count if i.typ in [ filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftParen, filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftBrace, filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftSBrace, filenamelexer.ItemType.Space, ]: continue if i.typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Number, filenamelexer.ItemType.IssueNumber]: # We got our number, time to leave return i # This is not a number and not an ignorable type, give up looking for the number this count belongs to break return None # Gets 6 in '03 of 6' def get_number(p: Parser, index: int) -> filenamelexer.Item | None: # Go forward through the filename to see if we can find what this is of eg '03 (of 6)' or '008 title 03 (of 6)' filename = p.input[index:] of_found = False for i in filename: # We don't care about these types, we are looking to see if there is a number that is possibly different from # the issue number for this count if i.typ in [ filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftParen, filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftBrace, filenamelexer.ItemType.LeftSBrace, filenamelexer.ItemType.Space, ]: continue if i.val == "of": of_found = True continue if i.typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Number, filenamelexer.ItemType.IssueNumber]: # We got our number, time to leave if of_found: return i # This is not a number and not an ignorable type, give up looking for the number this count belongs to break return None def join_title(lst: list[filenamelexer.Item]) -> str: title = "" for i, item in enumerate(lst): if i + 1 == len(lst) and item.val == ",": # We ignore commas on the end continue title += item.val # Add the next item # No space after operators if item.typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator: continue # No trailing space if i == len(lst) - 1: continue # No space after honorifics with a dot if ( item.typ in (filenamelexer.ItemType.Honorific, filenamelexer.ItemType.Text) and lst[i + 1].typ == filenamelexer.ItemType.Dot ): continue if item.no_space: continue # No space if the next item is an operator or symbol if lst[i + 1].typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Operator, filenamelexer.ItemType.Symbol]: # exept if followed by a dollarsign if not ( ( lst[i].typ in [filenamelexer.ItemType.Number, filenamelexer.ItemType.IssueNumber] and lst[i + 1].val == "$" ) or lst[i + 1].val == "&" ): continue # Add a space title += " " return title def Parse( lexer_result: list[filenamelexer.Item], first_is_alt: bool = False, remove_c2c: bool = False, remove_fcbd: bool = False, remove_publisher: bool = False, protofolius_issue_number_scheme: bool = False, ) -> Parser: p = Parser( lexer_result=lexer_result, first_is_alt=first_is_alt, remove_c2c=remove_c2c, remove_fcbd=remove_fcbd, remove_publisher=remove_publisher, protofolius_issue_number_scheme=protofolius_issue_number_scheme, ) p.run() return p