# Setup file for comictagger python source (no wheels yet) # # An entry point script called "comictagger" will be created # # Currently commented out, an experiment at desktop integration. # It seems that post installation tweaks are broken by wheel files. # Kept here for further research from __future__ import print_function import os import platform import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import setuptools.command.build_py import setuptools.command.install from setuptools import Command, dist, setup import comictaggerlib.ctversion python_requires = (">=3",) with open("requirements.txt") as f: required = f.read().splitlines() # Always require PyQt5 on Windows and Mac if platform.system() in ["Windows", "Darwin"]: required.append("PyQt5") platform_data_files = [] """ if platform.system() in [ "Windows" ]: required.append("winshell") # Some files to install on different platforms if platform.system() == "Linux": linux_desktop_shortcut = "/usr/local/share/applications/ComicTagger.desktop" platform_data_files = [("/usr/local/share/applications", ["desktop-integration/linux/ComicTagger.desktop"]), ("/usr/local/share/comictagger", ["comictaggerlib/graphics/app.png"]), ] if platform.system() == "Windows": win_desktop_folder = os.path.join(os.environ["USERPROFILE"], "Desktop") win_appdata_folder = os.path.join(os.environ["APPDATA"], "comictagger") win_desktop_shortcut = os.path.join(win_desktop_folder, "ComicTagger-pip.lnk") platform_data_files = [(win_desktop_folder, ["desktop-integration/windows/ComicTagger-pip.lnk"]), (win_appdata_folder, ["windows/app.ico"]), ] if platform.system() == "Darwin": mac_app_folder = "/Applications" ct_app_name = "ComicTagger-pip.app" mac_app_infoplist = os.path.join(mac_app_folder, ct_app_name, "Contents", "Info.plist") mac_app_main = os.path.join(mac_app_folder, ct_app_name, "MacOS", "main.sh") mac_python_link = os.path.join(mac_app_folder, ct_app_name, "MacOS", "ComicTagger") platform_data_files = [(os.path.join(mac_app_folder, ct_app_name, "Contents"), ["desktop-integration/mac/Info.plist"]), (os.path.join(mac_app_folder, ct_app_name, "Contents/Resources"), ["mac/app.icns"]), (os.path.join(mac_app_folder, ct_app_name, "Contents/MacOS"), ["desktop-integration/mac/main.sh", "desktop-integration/mac/ComicTagger"]), ] def fileTokenReplace(filename, token, replacement): with open(filename, "rt") as fin: fd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(tmpfile, "wt") as fout: for line in fin: fout.write(line.replace('%%{}%%'.format(token), replacement)) os.close(fd) # fix permissions of temp file os.chmod(tmpfile, 420) #Octal 0o644 os.rename(tmpfile, filename) def postInstall(scripts_folder): entry_point_script = os.path.join(scripts_folder, "comictagger") if platform.system() == "Windows": # doctor the shortcut for this windows system after deployment import winshell winshell.CreateShortcut( Path=os.path.abspath(win_desktop_shortcut), Target=entry_point_script + ".exe", Icon=(os.path.join(win_appdata_folder, 'app.ico'), 0), Description="Launch ComicTagger as installed by PIP" ) if platform.system() == "Linux": # doctor the script path in the desktop file fileTokenReplace(linux_desktop_shortcut, "CTSCRIPT", entry_point_script) if platform.system() == "Darwin": # doctor the plist app version fileTokenReplace(mac_app_infoplist, "CTVERSION", comictaggerlib.ctversion.version) # doctor the script path in main.sh fileTokenReplace(mac_app_main, "CTSCRIPT", entry_point_script) # Make the launcher script executable os.chmod(mac_app_main, 509) #Octal 0o775 # Final install step: create a symlink to Python OS X application punt = False pythonpath,top = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(sys.executable)) while top: if 'Resources' in pythonpath: pass elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(pythonpath,'Resources')): break pythonpath,top = os.path.split(pythonpath) else: print("Failed to find a Resources directory associated with ", str(sys.executable)) punt = True if not punt: pythonapp = os.path.join(pythonpath, 'Resources','Python.app','Contents','MacOS','Python') if not os.path.exists(pythonapp): print("Failed to find a Python app in ", str(pythonapp)) punt = True # remove the placeholder os.remove(mac_python_link) if not punt: os.symlink(pythonapp, mac_python_link) else: # We failed, but we can still be functional os.symlink(sys.executable, mac_python_link) """ setup( name="comictagger", install_requires=required, description="A cross-platform GUI/CLI app for writing metadata to comic archives", author="ComicTagger team", author_email="comictagger@gmail.com", url="https://github.com/comictagger/comictagger", packages=["comictaggerlib", "comicapi"], package_data={"comictaggerlib": ["ui/*", "graphics/*"],}, entry_points=dict(console_scripts=["comictagger=comictaggerlib.main:ctmain"]), data_files=platform_data_files, setup_requires=["setuptools_scm"], use_scm_version={"write_to": "comictaggerlib/ctversion.py"}, classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Environment :: Console", "Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows)", "Environment :: MacOS X", "Environment :: X11 Applications :: Qt", "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop", "License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License", "Natural Language :: English", "Operating System :: OS Independent", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", "Topic :: Utilities", "Topic :: Other/Nonlisted Topic", "Topic :: Multimedia :: Graphics", ], keywords=["comictagger", "comics", "comic", "metadata", "tagging", "tagger"], license="Apache License 2.0", long_description=""" ComicTagger is a multi-platform app for writing metadata to digital comics, written in Python and PyQt. Features: * Runs on Mac OSX, Microsoft Windows, and Linux systems * Communicates with an online database (Comic Vine) for acquiring metadata * Uses image processing to automatically match a given archive with the correct issue data * Batch processing in the GUI for tagging hundreds or more comics at a time * Reads and writes multiple tagging schemes ( ComicBookLover and ComicRack). * Reads and writes RAR and Zip archives (external tools needed for writing RAR) * Command line interface (CLI) on all platforms (including Windows), which supports batch operations, and which can be used in native scripts for complex operations. * Can run without PyQt5 installed """, )