----------------- Features ---------------- Update the ABout Box with better graphic and more info Issue Selection Dialog title Series Selection Dialog title Auto-select: msgbox on autoselect failure, or warning Multi-match dialog More auto-select logic using metadata Maybe, if only one match, but bad score, compare each page in the archive to online cover Check aspect ratio, and maybe break cover into two parts for hashing? Stand-alone CLI Info dump optionless args remove tags copy tags TaggerWindow entry fields Special tabbed Dialogs needed for: Pages Info - maybe a custom painted widget At minimum, preserve the page data Verify/warn on save (maybe just on over-write?) Style sheets for windows/mac/linux Add class for warning/info messages with "Don't show again" checkbox. Add list of these flag to settings Version 2 - GUI to handle mutliple files or folders ----------- ----------------- Bugs ---------------- Disable CBL for RAR SERIOUS BUG: rebuilding zips! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11578443/trigger-io-errno-18-cross-device-link MAC: toolbar weird unrar complaints Page browser sizing Disable save when read-only Be more tolerant of mis-labled extensions i.e. cbr when it's a cbz Form type validation Ints vs strings for month, year. etc Check all HTTP responses for errors Lots of error checking Other settings possibilities: Last tag style Last "Open" folder (include dragged) Clear caches Image Hashes: Failures of image hash: Thor 600 Wrap-around w/ different aspect ratio Bone 3 - Variant Cover, Avengers #1, #13, #81 Filename parsing: Concatenation of Name and Issue?? "1602" CV search - Maybe remove "the" and leading "A" before searching and matching for closer App option to covert RAR to ZIP If no unrar in path, then filter out CBR/RAR from open dialog Wizard for converting between tag styles Remove stale data from cache DB SQLite chokes on "Batman\ Li'l Gotham 001.cbr" name Auto search: Choosing with pub year Lexical analysis Searching w/o issue #? Determine alternate covers from CV somehow ------------- Other ------------ Content Hashes!! Archive function to detect tag blocks out of sync Idea: Support only CBI or CIX for any given file, and not both If user selects different one, warn about potential loss/re-arranging of data Longer term: Think about mass tagging and (semi) automatic volume selection ---------------------------------------------- COMIC RACK Questions Missing from XML as enterable in ComicRack: Main Character or Team Review User Rating Some that seem library only: "Series Complete" Tags Proposed Values Community Rating