"""A class for internal metadata storage The goal of this class is to handle ALL the data that might come from various tagging schemes and databases, such as ComicVine or GCD. This makes conversion possible, however lossy it might be """ # Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from . import utils class PageType: """ These page info classes are exactly the same as the CIX scheme, since it's unique """ FrontCover = "FrontCover" InnerCover = "InnerCover" Roundup = "Roundup" Story = "Story" Advertisement = "Advertisement" Editorial = "Editorial" Letters = "Letters" Preview = "Preview" BackCover = "BackCover" Other = "Other" Deleted = "Deleted" """ class PageInfo: Image = 0 Type = PageType.Story DoublePage = False ImageSize = 0 Key = "" ImageWidth = 0 ImageHeight = 0 """ class GenericMetadata: def __init__(self): self.isEmpty = True self.tagOrigin = None self.series = None self.issue = None self.title = None self.publisher = None self.seriesYear = None self.month = None self.year = None self.day = None self.issueCount = None self.volume = None self.genre = None self.language = None # 2 letter iso code self.comments = None # use same way as Summary in CIX self.volumeCount = None self.criticalRating = None self.country = None self.alternateSeries = None self.alternateNumber = None self.alternateCount = None self.imprint = None self.notes = None self.webLink = None self.format = None self.manga = None self.blackAndWhite = None self.pageCount = None self.maturityRating = None self.storyArc = None self.seriesGroup = None self.scanInfo = None self.characters = None self.teams = None self.locations = None self.credits = list() self.tags = list() self.pages = list() # Some CoMet-only items self.price = None self.isVersionOf = None self.rights = None self.identifier = None self.lastMark = None self.coverImage = None def overlay(self, new_md): """Overlay a metadata object on this one That is, when the new object has non-None values, over-write them to this one. """ def assign(cur, new): if new is not None: if isinstance(new, str) and len(new) == 0: setattr(self, cur, None) else: setattr(self, cur, new) if not new_md.isEmpty: self.isEmpty = False assign("series", new_md.series) assign("issue", new_md.issue) assign("issueCount", new_md.issueCount) assign("title", new_md.title) assign("publisher", new_md.publisher) assign("seriesYear", new_md.seriesYear) assign("day", new_md.day) assign("month", new_md.month) assign("year", new_md.year) assign("volume", new_md.volume) assign("volumeCount", new_md.volumeCount) assign("genre", new_md.genre) assign("language", new_md.language) assign("country", new_md.country) assign("criticalRating", new_md.criticalRating) assign("alternateSeries", new_md.alternateSeries) assign("alternateNumber", new_md.alternateNumber) assign("alternateCount", new_md.alternateCount) assign("imprint", new_md.imprint) assign("webLink", new_md.webLink) assign("format", new_md.format) assign("manga", new_md.manga) assign("blackAndWhite", new_md.blackAndWhite) assign("maturityRating", new_md.maturityRating) assign("storyArc", new_md.storyArc) assign("seriesGroup", new_md.seriesGroup) assign("scanInfo", new_md.scanInfo) assign("characters", new_md.characters) assign("teams", new_md.teams) assign("locations", new_md.locations) assign("comments", new_md.comments) assign("notes", new_md.notes) assign("price", new_md.price) assign("isVersionOf", new_md.isVersionOf) assign("rights", new_md.rights) assign("identifier", new_md.identifier) assign("lastMark", new_md.lastMark) self.overlayCredits(new_md.credits) # TODO # not sure if the tags and pages should broken down, or treated # as whole lists.... # For now, go the easy route, where any overlay # value wipes out the whole list if len(new_md.tags) > 0: assign("tags", new_md.tags) if len(new_md.pages) > 0: assign("pages", new_md.pages) def overlayCredits(self, new_credits): for c in new_credits: if "primary" in c and c["primary"]: primary = True else: primary = False # Remove credit role if person is blank if c["person"] == "": for r in reversed(self.credits): if r["role"].lower() == c["role"].lower(): self.credits.remove(r) # otherwise, add it! else: self.addCredit(c["person"], c["role"], primary) def setDefaultPageList(self, count): # generate a default page list, with the first page marked as the cover for i in range(count): page_dict = dict() page_dict["Image"] = str(i) if i == 0: page_dict["Type"] = PageType.FrontCover self.pages.append(page_dict) def getArchivePageIndex(self, pagenum): # convert the displayed page number to the page index of the file in # the archive if pagenum < len(self.pages): return int(self.pages[pagenum]["Image"]) else: return 0 def getCoverPageIndexList(self): # return a list of archive page indices of cover pages coverlist = [] for p in self.pages: if "Type" in p and p["Type"] == PageType.FrontCover: coverlist.append(int(p["Image"])) if len(coverlist) == 0: coverlist.append(0) return coverlist def addCredit(self, person, role, primary=False): credit = dict() credit["person"] = person credit["role"] = role if primary: credit["primary"] = primary # look to see if it's not already there... found = False for c in self.credits: if c["person"].lower() == person.lower() and c["role"].lower() == role.lower(): # no need to add it. just adjust the "primary" flag as needed c["primary"] = primary found = True break if not found: self.credits.append(credit) def __str__(self): vals = [] if self.isEmpty: return "No metadata" def add_string(tag, val): if val is not None and "{0}".format(val) != "": vals.append((tag, val)) def add_attr_string(tag): val = getattr(self, tag) add_string(tag, getattr(self, tag)) add_attr_string("series") add_attr_string("issue") add_attr_string("issueCount") add_attr_string("title") add_attr_string("publisher") add_attr_string("seriesYear") add_attr_string("year") add_attr_string("month") add_attr_string("day") add_attr_string("volume") add_attr_string("volumeCount") add_attr_string("genre") add_attr_string("language") add_attr_string("country") add_attr_string("criticalRating") add_attr_string("alternateSeries") add_attr_string("alternateNumber") add_attr_string("alternateCount") add_attr_string("imprint") add_attr_string("webLink") add_attr_string("format") add_attr_string("manga") add_attr_string("price") add_attr_string("isVersionOf") add_attr_string("rights") add_attr_string("identifier") add_attr_string("lastMark") if self.blackAndWhite: add_attr_string("blackAndWhite") add_attr_string("maturityRating") add_attr_string("storyArc") add_attr_string("seriesGroup") add_attr_string("scanInfo") add_attr_string("characters") add_attr_string("teams") add_attr_string("locations") add_attr_string("comments") add_attr_string("notes") add_string("tags", utils.listToString(self.tags)) for c in self.credits: primary = "" if "primary" in c and c["primary"]: primary = " [P]" add_string("credit", c["role"] + ": " + c["person"] + primary) # find the longest field name flen = 0 for i in vals: flen = max(flen, len(i[0])) flen += 1 # format the data nicely outstr = "" fmt_str = "{0: <" + str(flen) + "} {1}\n" for i in vals: outstr += fmt_str.format(i[0] + ":", i[1]) return outstr def fixPublisher(self): if self.publisher is None: return if self.imprint is None: self.imprint = "" imprint, publisher = utils.getPublisher(self.publisher) self.publisher = publisher if self.imprint.lower() in publisher.lower(): self.imprint = None if self.imprint is None or self.imprint == "": self.imprint = imprint elif self.imprint.lower() in imprint.lower(): self.imprint = imprint