""" A PyQt4 widget display cover images from either local archive, or from ComicVine """ """ Copyright 2012 Anthony Beville Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import os from PyQt4.QtCore import * from PyQt4.QtGui import * from PyQt4 import uic from settings import ComicTaggerSettings from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata, PageType from options import MetaDataStyle from comicvinetalker import ComicVineTalker, ComicVineTalkerException from imagefetcher import ImageFetcher from pageloader import PageLoader from imagepopup import ImagePopup # helper func to allow a label to be clickable def clickable(widget): class Filter(QObject): dblclicked = pyqtSignal() def eventFilter(self, obj, event): if obj == widget: if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick: self.dblclicked.emit() return True return False filter = Filter(widget) widget.installEventFilter(filter) return filter.dblclicked class CoverImageWidget(QWidget): ArchiveMode = 0 AltCoverMode = 1 def __init__(self, parent, mode ): super(CoverImageWidget, self).__init__(parent) uic.loadUi(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(), 'coverimagewidget.ui' ), self ) f = self.label.font() if f.pointSize() > 10: f.setPointSize( f.pointSize() - 2 ) self.label.setFont( f ) self.mode = mode self.comicVine = ComicVineTalker() self.page_loader = None self.btnLeft.clicked.connect( self.decrementImage ) self.btnRight.clicked.connect( self.incrementImage ) self.resetWidget() clickable(self.lblImage).connect(self.showPopup) self.updateContent() def resetWidget(self): self.comic_archive = None self.issue_id = None self.comicVine = None self.cover_fetcher = None self.url_list = [] if self.page_loader is not None: self.page_loader.abandoned = True self.page_loader = None self.imageIndex = -1 self.imageCount = 1 def incrementImage( self ): self.imageIndex += 1 if self.imageIndex == self.imageCount: self.imageIndex = 0 self.updateContent() def decrementImage( self ): self.imageIndex -= 1 if self.imageIndex == -1: self.imageIndex = self.imageCount -1 self.updateContent() def setArchive( self, ca ): if self.mode == CoverImageWidget.ArchiveMode: self.resetWidget() self.comic_archive = ca self.imageIndex = 0 self.imageCount = ca.getNumberOfPages() self.updateContent() def setIssueID( self, issue_id ): if self.mode == CoverImageWidget.AltCoverMode: self.resetWidget() self.updateContent() self.issue_id = issue_id self.comicVine = ComicVineTalker() self.comicVine.urlFetchComplete.connect( self.primaryUrlFetchComplete ) self.comicVine.asyncFetchIssueCoverURLs( int(self.issue_id) ) def primaryUrlFetchComplete( self, primary_url, thumb_url, issue_id ): self.url_list.append(str(primary_url)) self.imageIndex = 0 self.imageCount = len(self.url_list) self.updateContent() #defer the alt cover search QTimer.singleShot(1, self.startAltCoverSearch) def startAltCoverSearch( self ): # now we need to get the list of alt cover URLs self.label.setText("Searching for alt. covers...") # page URL should already be cached, so no need to defer self.comicVine = ComicVineTalker() issue_page_url = self.comicVine.fetchIssuePageURL( self.issue_id ) self.comicVine.altUrlListFetchComplete.connect( self.altCoverUrlListFetchComplete ) self.comicVine.asyncFetchAlternateCoverURLs( int(self.issue_id), issue_page_url) def altCoverUrlListFetchComplete( self, url_list, issue_id ): if len(url_list) > 0: self.url_list.extend(url_list) self.imageCount = len(self.url_list) self.updateButtons() def updateContent( self ): self.updateImage() self.updateButtons() def updateImage( self ): if self.imageIndex == -1: self.loadDefault() elif self.mode == CoverImageWidget.AltCoverMode: self.loadURL() else: self.loadPage() def updateButtons( self ): if self.imageIndex == -1 or self.imageCount == 1: self.btnLeft.setEnabled(False) self.btnRight.setEnabled(False) self.btnLeft.hide() self.btnRight.hide() else: self.btnLeft.setEnabled(True) self.btnRight.setEnabled(True) self.btnLeft.show() self.btnRight.show() if self.imageIndex == -1 or self.imageCount == 1: self.label.setText("") elif self.mode == CoverImageWidget.AltCoverMode: if self.imageIndex == 0: self.label.setText("Primary Cover") else: self.label.setText("Alt. Cover {0}".format(self.imageIndex)) else: self.label.setText("Page {0}".format(self.imageIndex+1)) def loadURL( self ): self.loadDefault() self.cover_fetcher = ImageFetcher( ) self.cover_fetcher.fetchComplete.connect(self.coverRemoteFetchComplete) self.cover_fetcher.fetch( self.url_list[self.imageIndex] ) # called when the image is done loading from internet def coverRemoteFetchComplete( self, image_data, issue_id ): img = QImage() img.loadFromData( image_data ) self.current_pixmap = QPixmap(img) self.setDisplayPixmap( 0, 0) def loadPage( self ): if self.comic_archive is not None: if self.page_loader is not None: self.page_loader.abandoned = True self.page_loader = PageLoader( self.comic_archive, self.imageIndex ) self.page_loader.loadComplete.connect( self.actualChangePageImage ) self.page_loader.start() def actualChangePageImage( self, img ): self.page_loader = None self.current_pixmap = QPixmap(img) self.setDisplayPixmap( 0, 0) def loadDefault( self ): self.current_pixmap = QPixmap(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(), 'graphics/nocover.png' )) self.setDisplayPixmap( 0, 0) def resizeEvent( self, resize_event ): if self.current_pixmap is not None: delta_w = resize_event.size().width() - resize_event.oldSize().width() delta_h = resize_event.size().height() - resize_event.oldSize().height() self.setDisplayPixmap( delta_w , delta_h ) def setDisplayPixmap( self, delta_w , delta_h ): # the deltas let us know what the new width and height of the label will be new_h = self.frame.height() + delta_h new_w = self.frame.width() + delta_w frame_w = new_w frame_h = new_h new_h -= 4 new_w -= 4 if new_h < 0: new_h = 0; if new_w < 0: new_w = 0; # scale the pixmap to fit in the frame scaled_pixmap = self.current_pixmap.scaled(new_w, new_h, Qt.KeepAspectRatio) self.lblImage.setPixmap( scaled_pixmap ) # move and resize the label to be centered in the fame img_w = scaled_pixmap.width() img_h = scaled_pixmap.height() self.lblImage.resize( img_w, img_h ) self.lblImage.move( (frame_w - img_w)/2, (frame_h - img_h)/2 ) def showPopup( self ): self.popup = ImagePopup(self, self.current_pixmap)