#include "rar.hpp" #include "log.cpp" static MESSAGE_TYPE MsgStream=MSG_STDOUT; static RAR_CHARSET RedirectCharset=RCH_DEFAULT; const int MaxMsgSize=2*NM+2048; static bool StdoutRedirected=false,StderrRedirected=false,StdinRedirected=false; #ifdef _WIN_ALL static bool IsRedirected(DWORD nStdHandle) { HANDLE hStd=GetStdHandle(nStdHandle); DWORD Mode; return GetFileType(hStd)!=FILE_TYPE_CHAR || GetConsoleMode(hStd,&Mode)==0; } #endif void InitConsole() { #ifdef _WIN_ALL // We want messages like file names or progress percent to be printed // immediately. Use only in Windows, in Unix they can cause wprintf %ls // to fail with non-English strings. setbuf(stdout,NULL); setbuf(stderr,NULL); // Detect if output is redirected and set output mode properly. // We do not want to send Unicode output to files and especially to pipes // like '|more', which cannot handle them correctly in Windows. // In Unix console output is UTF-8 and it is handled correctly // when redirecting, so no need to perform any adjustments. StdoutRedirected=IsRedirected(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); StderrRedirected=IsRedirected(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); StdinRedirected=IsRedirected(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); #ifdef _MSC_VER if (!StdoutRedirected) _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT); if (!StderrRedirected) _setmode(_fileno(stderr), _O_U16TEXT); #endif #elif defined(_UNIX) StdoutRedirected=!isatty(fileno(stdout)); StderrRedirected=!isatty(fileno(stderr)); StdinRedirected=!isatty(fileno(stdin)); #endif } void InitConsoleOptions(MESSAGE_TYPE MsgStream,RAR_CHARSET RedirectCharset) { ::MsgStream=MsgStream; ::RedirectCharset=RedirectCharset; } #ifndef SILENT static void cvt_wprintf(FILE *dest,const wchar *fmt,va_list arglist) { // This buffer is for format string only, not for entire output, // so it can be short enough. wchar fmtw[1024]; PrintfPrepareFmt(fmt,fmtw,ASIZE(fmtw)); #ifdef _WIN_ALL safebuf wchar Msg[MaxMsgSize]; if (dest==stdout && StdoutRedirected || dest==stderr && StderrRedirected) { HANDLE hOut=GetStdHandle(dest==stdout ? STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE:STD_ERROR_HANDLE); vswprintf(Msg,ASIZE(Msg),fmtw,arglist); DWORD Written; if (RedirectCharset==RCH_UNICODE) WriteFile(hOut,Msg,(DWORD)wcslen(Msg)*sizeof(*Msg),&Written,NULL); else { // Avoid Unicode for redirect in Windows, it does not work with pipes. safebuf char MsgA[MaxMsgSize]; if (RedirectCharset==RCH_UTF8) WideToUtf(Msg,MsgA,ASIZE(MsgA)); else WideToChar(Msg,MsgA,ASIZE(MsgA)); if (RedirectCharset==RCH_DEFAULT || RedirectCharset==RCH_OEM) CharToOemA(MsgA,MsgA); // Console tools like 'more' expect OEM encoding. // We already converted \n to \r\n above, so we use WriteFile instead // of C library to avoid unnecessary additional conversion. WriteFile(hOut,MsgA,(DWORD)strlen(MsgA),&Written,NULL); } return; } // MSVC2008 vfwprintf writes every character to console separately // and it is too slow. We use direct WriteConsole call instead. vswprintf(Msg,ASIZE(Msg),fmtw,arglist); HANDLE hOut=GetStdHandle(dest==stderr ? STD_ERROR_HANDLE:STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); DWORD Written; WriteConsole(hOut,Msg,(DWORD)wcslen(Msg),&Written,NULL); #else vfwprintf(dest,fmtw,arglist); // We do not use setbuf(NULL) in Unix (see comments in InitConsole). fflush(dest); #endif } void mprintf(const wchar *fmt,...) { if (MsgStream==MSG_NULL || MsgStream==MSG_ERRONLY) return; fflush(stderr); // Ensure proper message order. va_list arglist; va_start(arglist,fmt); FILE *dest=MsgStream==MSG_STDERR ? stderr:stdout; cvt_wprintf(dest,fmt,arglist); va_end(arglist); } #endif #ifndef SILENT void eprintf(const wchar *fmt,...) { if (MsgStream==MSG_NULL) return; fflush(stdout); // Ensure proper message order. va_list arglist; va_start(arglist,fmt); cvt_wprintf(stderr,fmt,arglist); va_end(arglist); } #endif #ifndef SILENT static void GetPasswordText(wchar *Str,uint MaxLength) { if (MaxLength==0) return; if (StdinRedirected) getwstr(Str,MaxLength); // Read from pipe or redirected file. else { #ifdef _WIN_ALL HANDLE hConIn=GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); HANDLE hConOut=GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); DWORD ConInMode,ConOutMode; DWORD Read=0; GetConsoleMode(hConIn,&ConInMode); GetConsoleMode(hConOut,&ConOutMode); SetConsoleMode(hConIn,ENABLE_LINE_INPUT); SetConsoleMode(hConOut,ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT|ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT); ReadConsole(hConIn,Str,MaxLength-1,&Read,NULL); Str[Read]=0; SetConsoleMode(hConIn,ConInMode); SetConsoleMode(hConOut,ConOutMode); #else char StrA[MAXPASSWORD]; #if defined(_EMX) || defined (__VMS) fgets(StrA,ASIZE(StrA)-1,stdin); #elif defined(__sun) strncpyz(StrA,getpassphrase(""),ASIZE(StrA)); #else strncpyz(StrA,getpass(""),ASIZE(StrA)); #endif CharToWide(StrA,Str,MaxLength); cleandata(StrA,sizeof(StrA)); #endif } Str[MaxLength-1]=0; RemoveLF(Str); } #endif #ifndef SILENT bool GetConsolePassword(UIPASSWORD_TYPE Type,const wchar *FileName,SecPassword *Password) { if (!StdinRedirected) uiAlarm(UIALARM_QUESTION); while (true) { if (!StdinRedirected) if (Type==UIPASSWORD_GLOBAL) eprintf(L"\n%s: ",St(MAskPsw)); else eprintf(St(MAskPswFor),FileName); wchar PlainPsw[MAXPASSWORD]; GetPasswordText(PlainPsw,ASIZE(PlainPsw)); if (*PlainPsw==0 && Type==UIPASSWORD_GLOBAL) return false; if (!StdinRedirected && Type==UIPASSWORD_GLOBAL) { eprintf(St(MReAskPsw)); wchar CmpStr[MAXPASSWORD]; GetPasswordText(CmpStr,ASIZE(CmpStr)); if (*CmpStr==0 || wcscmp(PlainPsw,CmpStr)!=0) { eprintf(St(MNotMatchPsw)); cleandata(PlainPsw,sizeof(PlainPsw)); cleandata(CmpStr,sizeof(CmpStr)); continue; } cleandata(CmpStr,sizeof(CmpStr)); } Password->Set(PlainPsw); cleandata(PlainPsw,sizeof(PlainPsw)); break; } return true; } #endif #ifndef SILENT bool getwstr(wchar *str,size_t n) { // Print buffered prompt title function before waiting for input. fflush(stderr); *str=0; #if defined(_WIN_ALL) // fgetws does not work well with non-English text in Windows, // so we do not use it. if (StdinRedirected) // ReadConsole does not work if redirected. { // fgets does not work well with pipes in Windows in our test. // Let's use files. Array<char> StrA(n*4); // Up to 4 UTF-8 characters per wchar_t. File SrcFile; SrcFile.SetHandleType(FILE_HANDLESTD); int ReadSize=SrcFile.Read(&StrA[0],StrA.Size()-1); if (ReadSize<=0) { // Looks like stdin is a null device. We can enter to infinite loop // calling Ask(), so let's better exit. ErrHandler.Exit(RARX_USERBREAK); } StrA[ReadSize]=0; CharToWide(&StrA[0],str,n); cleandata(&StrA[0],StrA.Size()); // We can use this function to enter passwords. } else { DWORD ReadSize=0; if (ReadConsole(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE),str,DWORD(n-1),&ReadSize,NULL)==0) return false; str[ReadSize]=0; } #else if (fgetws(str,n,stdin)==NULL) ErrHandler.Exit(RARX_USERBREAK); // Avoid infinite Ask() loop. #endif RemoveLF(str); return true; } #endif #ifndef SILENT // We allow this function to return 0 in case of invalid input, // because it might be convenient to press Enter to some not dangerous // prompts like "insert disk with next volume". We should call this function // again in case of 0 in dangerous prompt such as overwriting file. int Ask(const wchar *AskStr) { uiAlarm(UIALARM_QUESTION); const int MaxItems=10; wchar Item[MaxItems][40]; int ItemKeyPos[MaxItems],NumItems=0; for (const wchar *NextItem=AskStr;NextItem!=NULL;NextItem=wcschr(NextItem+1,'_')) { wchar *CurItem=Item[NumItems]; wcsncpyz(CurItem,NextItem+1,ASIZE(Item[0])); wchar *EndItem=wcschr(CurItem,'_'); if (EndItem!=NULL) *EndItem=0; int KeyPos=0,CurKey; while ((CurKey=CurItem[KeyPos])!=0) { bool Found=false; for (int I=0;I<NumItems && !Found;I++) if (toupperw(Item[I][ItemKeyPos[I]])==toupperw(CurKey)) Found=true; if (!Found && CurKey!=' ') break; KeyPos++; } ItemKeyPos[NumItems]=KeyPos; NumItems++; } for (int I=0;I<NumItems;I++) { eprintf(I==0 ? (NumItems>4 ? L"\n":L" "):L", "); int KeyPos=ItemKeyPos[I]; for (int J=0;J<KeyPos;J++) eprintf(L"%c",Item[I][J]); eprintf(L"[%c]%ls",Item[I][KeyPos],&Item[I][KeyPos+1]); } eprintf(L" "); wchar Str[50]; getwstr(Str,ASIZE(Str)); wchar Ch=toupperw(Str[0]); for (int I=0;I<NumItems;I++) if (Ch==Item[I][ItemKeyPos[I]]) return I+1; return 0; } #endif static bool IsCommentUnsafe(const wchar *Data,size_t Size) { for (size_t I=0;I<Size;I++) if (Data[I]==27 && Data[I+1]=='[') for (size_t J=I+2;J<Size;J++) { // Return true for <ESC>[{key};"{string}"p used to redefine // a keyboard key on some terminals. if (Data[J]=='\"') return true; if (!IsDigit(Data[J]) && Data[J]!=';') break; } return false; } void OutComment(const wchar *Comment,size_t Size) { if (IsCommentUnsafe(Comment,Size)) return; const size_t MaxOutSize=0x400; for (size_t I=0;I<Size;I+=MaxOutSize) { wchar Msg[MaxOutSize+1]; size_t CopySize=Min(MaxOutSize,Size-I); wcsncpy(Msg,Comment+I,CopySize); Msg[CopySize]=0; mprintf(L"%s",Msg); } mprintf(L"\n"); }