"""A class to encapsulate ComicRack's ComicInfo.xml data""" # Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET #from datetime import datetime #from pprint import pprint #import zipfile from .genericmetadata import GenericMetadata from .issuestring import IssueString from . import utils class ComicInfoXml: writer_synonyms = ['writer', 'plotter', 'scripter'] penciller_synonyms = ['artist', 'penciller', 'penciler', 'breakdowns'] inker_synonyms = ['inker', 'artist', 'finishes'] colorist_synonyms = ['colorist', 'colourist', 'colorer', 'colourer'] letterer_synonyms = ['letterer'] cover_synonyms = ['cover', 'covers', 'coverartist', 'cover artist'] editor_synonyms = ['editor'] def getParseableCredits(self): parsable_credits = [] parsable_credits.extend(self.writer_synonyms) parsable_credits.extend(self.penciller_synonyms) parsable_credits.extend(self.inker_synonyms) parsable_credits.extend(self.colorist_synonyms) parsable_credits.extend(self.letterer_synonyms) parsable_credits.extend(self.cover_synonyms) parsable_credits.extend(self.editor_synonyms) return parsable_credits def metadataFromString(self, string): tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(string)) return self.convertXMLToMetadata(tree) def stringFromMetadata(self, metadata, xml=None): tree = self.convertMetadataToXML(self, metadata, xml) tree_str = ET.tostring(tree.getroot(), encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True).decode() return tree_str def indent(self, elem, level=0): # for making the XML output readable i = "\n" + level * " " if len(elem): if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip(): elem.text = i + " " if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i for elem in elem: self.indent(elem, level + 1) if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip(): elem.tail = i else: if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()): elem.tail = i def convertMetadataToXML(self, filename, metadata, xml=None): # shorthand for the metadata md = metadata if xml: root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml)).getroot() else: # build a tree structure root = ET.Element("ComicInfo") root.attrib['xmlns:xsi'] = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" root.attrib['xmlns:xsd'] = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" # helper func def assign(cix_entry, md_entry): if md_entry is not None: print(cix_entry, md_entry) et_entry = root.find(cix_entry) if et_entry is not None: et_entry.text = "{0}".format(md_entry) else: ET.SubElement(root, cix_entry).text = "{0}".format(md_entry) assign('Title', md.title) assign('Series', md.series) assign('Number', md.issue) assign('Count', md.issueCount) assign('Volume', md.volume) assign('AlternateSeries', md.alternateSeries) assign('AlternateNumber', md.alternateNumber) assign('StoryArc', md.storyArc) assign('SeriesGroup', md.seriesGroup) assign('AlternateCount', md.alternateCount) assign('Summary', md.comments) assign('Notes', md.notes) assign('Year', md.year) assign('Month', md.month) assign('Day', md.day) # need to specially process the credits, since they are structured # differently than CIX credit_writer_list = list() credit_penciller_list = list() credit_inker_list = list() credit_colorist_list = list() credit_letterer_list = list() credit_cover_list = list() credit_editor_list = list() # first, loop thru credits, and build a list for each role that CIX # supports for credit in metadata.credits: if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.writer_synonyms): credit_writer_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", "")) if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.penciller_synonyms): credit_penciller_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", "")) if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.inker_synonyms): credit_inker_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", "")) if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.colorist_synonyms): credit_colorist_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", "")) if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.letterer_synonyms): credit_letterer_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", "")) if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.cover_synonyms): credit_cover_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", "")) if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.editor_synonyms): credit_editor_list.append(credit['person'].replace(",", "")) # second, convert each list to string, and add to XML struct assign('Writer', utils.listToString(credit_writer_list)) assign('Penciller', utils.listToString(credit_penciller_list)) assign('Inker', utils.listToString(credit_inker_list)) assign('Colorist', utils.listToString(credit_colorist_list)) assign('Letterer', utils.listToString(credit_letterer_list)) assign('CoverArtist', utils.listToString(credit_cover_list)) assign('Editor', utils.listToString(credit_editor_list)) assign('Publisher', md.publisher) assign('Imprint', md.imprint) assign('Genre', md.genre) assign('Web', md.webLink) assign('PageCount', md.pageCount) assign('LanguageISO', md.language) assign('Format', md.format) assign('AgeRating', md.maturityRating) if md.blackAndWhite is not None and md.blackAndWhite: assign('BlackAndWhite', "Yes") assign('Manga', md.manga) assign('Characters', md.characters) assign('Teams', md.teams) assign('Locations', md.locations) assign('ScanInformation', md.scanInfo) # loop and add the page entries under pages node pages_node = root.find('Pages') if pages_node is not None: pages_node.clear() else: pages_node = ET.SubElement(root, 'Pages') for page_dict in md.pages: page_node = ET.SubElement(pages_node, 'Page') page_node.attrib = page_dict # self pretty-print self.indent(root) # wrap it in an ElementTree instance, and save as XML tree = ET.ElementTree(root) return tree def convertXMLToMetadata(self, tree): root = tree.getroot() if root.tag != 'ComicInfo': raise 1 return None def get(name): tag = root.find(name) if tag is None: return None return tag.text md = GenericMetadata() md.series = utils.xlate(get('Series')) md.title = utils.xlate(get('Title')) md.issue = IssueString(utils.xlate(get('Number'))).asString() md.issueCount = utils.xlate(get('Count'), True) md.volume = utils.xlate(get('Volume'), True) md.alternateSeries = utils.xlate(get('AlternateSeries')) md.alternateNumber = IssueString(utils.xlate(get('AlternateNumber'))).asString() md.alternateCount = utils.xlate(get('AlternateCount'), True) md.comments = utils.xlate(get('Summary')) md.notes = utils.xlate(get('Notes')) md.year = utils.xlate(get('Year'), True) md.month = utils.xlate(get('Month'), True) md.day = utils.xlate(get('Day'), True) md.publisher = utils.xlate(get('Publisher')) md.imprint = utils.xlate(get('Imprint')) md.genre = utils.xlate(get('Genre')) md.webLink = utils.xlate(get('Web')) md.language = utils.xlate(get('LanguageISO')) md.format = utils.xlate(get('Format')) md.manga = utils.xlate(get('Manga')) md.characters = utils.xlate(get('Characters')) md.teams = utils.xlate(get('Teams')) md.locations = utils.xlate(get('Locations')) md.pageCount = utils.xlate(get('PageCount'), True) md.scanInfo = utils.xlate(get('ScanInformation')) md.storyArc = utils.xlate(get('StoryArc')) md.seriesGroup = utils.xlate(get('SeriesGroup')) md.maturityRating = utils.xlate(get('AgeRating')) tmp = utils.xlate(get('BlackAndWhite')) if tmp is not None and tmp.lower() in ["yes", "true", "1"]: md.blackAndWhite = True # Now extract the credit info for n in root: if (n.tag == 'Writer' or n.tag == 'Penciller' or n.tag == 'Inker' or n.tag == 'Colorist' or n.tag == 'Letterer' or n.tag == 'Editor' ): if n.text is not None: for name in n.text.split(','): md.addCredit(name.strip(), n.tag) if n.tag == 'CoverArtist': if n.text is not None: for name in n.text.split(','): md.addCredit(name.strip(), "Cover") # parse page data now pages_node = root.find("Pages") if pages_node is not None: for page in pages_node: md.pages.append(page.attrib) # print page.attrib md.isEmpty = False return md def writeToExternalFile(self, filename, metadata, xml=None): tree = self.convertMetadataToXML(self, metadata, xml) # ET.dump(tree) tree.write(filename, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True) def readFromExternalFile(self, filename): tree = ET.parse(filename) return self.convertXMLToMetadata(tree)