#!/usr/bin/python """ A python script to tag comic archives """ """ Copyright 2012 Anthony Beville Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import sys import signal import os import traceback import time from pprint import pprint import json import platform try: qt_available = True from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui from taggerwindow import TaggerWindow except ImportError as e: qt_available = False from settings import ComicTaggerSettings from options import Options, MetaDataStyle from comicarchive import ComicArchive from issueidentifier import IssueIdentifier from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata from comicvinetalker import ComicVineTalker, ComicVineTalkerException from issuestring import IssueString import utils import codecs #----------------------------- def cli_mode( opts, settings ): if len( opts.file_list ) < 1: print "You must specify at least one filename. Use the -h option for more info" return for f in opts.file_list: process_file_cli( f, opts, settings ) def create_local_metadata( opts, ca, has_desired_tags ): md = GenericMetadata() if has_desired_tags: md = ca.readMetadata( opts.data_style ) # now, overlay the parsed filename info if opts.parse_filename: md.overlay( ca.metadataFromFilename() ) # finally, use explicit stuff if opts.metadata is not None: md.overlay( opts.metadata ) return md def process_file_cli( filename, opts, settings ): batch_mode = len( opts.file_list ) > 1 ca = ComicArchive(filename) if settings.rar_exe_path != "": ca.setExternalRarProgram( settings.rar_exe_path ) if not ca.seemsToBeAComicArchive(): print "Sorry, but "+ filename + " is not a comic archive!" return #if not ca.isWritableForStyle( opts.data_style ) and ( opts.delete_tags or opts.save_tags or opts.rename_file ): if not ca.isWritable( ) and ( opts.delete_tags or opts.save_tags or opts.rename_file ): print "This archive is not writable for that tag type" return has = [ False, False, False ] if ca.hasCIX(): has[ MetaDataStyle.CIX ] = True if ca.hasCBI(): has[ MetaDataStyle.CBI ] = True if ca.hasCoMet(): has[ MetaDataStyle.COMET ] = True if opts.print_tags: if opts.data_style is None: page_count = ca.getNumberOfPages() brief = "" if batch_mode: brief = "{0}: ".format(filename) if ca.isZip(): brief += "ZIP archive " elif ca.isRar(): brief += "RAR archive " elif ca.isFolder(): brief += "Folder archive " brief += "({0: >3} pages)".format(page_count) brief += " tags:[ " if not ( has[ MetaDataStyle.CBI ] or has[ MetaDataStyle.CIX ] or has[ MetaDataStyle.COMET ] ): brief += "none " else: if has[ MetaDataStyle.CBI ]: brief += "CBL " if has[ MetaDataStyle.CIX ]: brief += "CR " if has[ MetaDataStyle.COMET ]: brief += "CoMet " brief += "]" print brief print if opts.data_style is None or opts.data_style == MetaDataStyle.CIX: if has[ MetaDataStyle.CIX ]: print "------ComicRack tags--------" if opts.raw: print u"{0}".format(ca.readRawCIX()) else: print u"{0}".format(ca.readCIX()) if opts.data_style is None or opts.data_style == MetaDataStyle.CBI: if has[ MetaDataStyle.CBI ]: print "------ComicBookLover tags--------" if opts.raw: pprint(json.loads(ca.readRawCBI())) else: print u"{0}".format(ca.readCBI()) if opts.data_style is None or opts.data_style == MetaDataStyle.COMET: if has[ MetaDataStyle.COMET ]: print "------CoMet tags--------" if opts.raw: print u"{0}".format(ca.readRawCoMet()) else: print u"{0}".format(ca.readCoMet()) elif opts.delete_tags: style_name = MetaDataStyle.name[ opts.data_style ] if has[ opts.data_style ]: if not opts.dryrun: if not ca.removeMetadata( opts.data_style ): print "{0}: Tag removal seemed to fail!".format( filename ) else: print "{0}: Removed {1} tags.".format( filename, style_name ) else: print "{0}: dry-run. {1} tags not removed".format( filename, style_name ) else: print "{0}: This archive doesn't have {1} tags.".format( filename, style_name ) elif opts.save_tags: if batch_mode: print "Processing {0}: ".format(filename) md = create_local_metadata( opts, ca, has[ opts.data_style ] ) # now, search online if opts.search_online: ii = IssueIdentifier( ca, settings ) if md is None or md.isEmpty: print "No metadata given to search online with!" return def myoutput( text ): if opts.verbose: IssueIdentifier.defaultWriteOutput( text ) # use our overlayed MD struct to search ii.setAdditionalMetadata( md ) ii.onlyUseAdditionalMetaData = True ii.setOutputFunction( myoutput ) matches = ii.search() result = ii.search_result found_match = False choices = False low_confidence = False if result == ii.ResultNoMatches: pass elif result == ii.ResultFoundMatchButBadCoverScore: low_confidence = True found_match = True elif result == ii.ResultFoundMatchButNotFirstPage : found_match = True elif result == ii.ResultMultipleMatchesWithBadImageScores: low_confidence = True choices = True elif result == ii.ResultOneGoodMatch: found_match = True elif result == ii.ResultMultipleGoodMatches: choices = True if choices: print "Online search: Multiple matches. Save aborted" return if low_confidence and opts.abortOnLowConfidence: print "Online search: Low confidence match. Save aborted" return if not found_match: print "Online search: No match found. Save aborted" return # we got here, so we have a single match # now get the particular issue data try: cv_md = ComicVineTalker().fetchIssueData( matches[0]['volume_id'], matches[0]['issue_number'] ) except ComicVineTalkerException: print "Network error while getting issue details. Save aborted" return md.overlay( cv_md ) # ok, done building our metadata. time to save #HACK #opts.dryrun = True #HACK if not opts.dryrun: # write out the new data if not ca.writeMetadata( md, opts.data_style ): print "The tag save seemed to fail!" else: print "Save complete." else: print "dry-run option was set, so nothing was written, but here is the final set of tags:" print u"{0}".format(md) elif opts.rename_file: msg_hdr = "" if batch_mode: msg_hdr = "{0}: ".format(filename) if opts.data_style is not None: use_tags = has[ opts.data_style ] else: use_tags = False md = create_local_metadata( opts, ca, use_tags ) # TODO move this to ComicArchive, or maybe another class??? new_name = "" if md.series is not None: new_name += "{0}".format( md.series ) else: print msg_hdr + "Can't rename without series name" return if md.volume is not None: new_name += " v{0}".format( md.volume ) if md.issue is not None: new_name += " #{0}".format( IssueString(md.issue).asString(pad=3) ) #else: # print msg_hdr + "Can't rename without issue number" # return if md.issueCount is not None: new_name += " (of {0})".format( md.issueCount ) if md.year is not None: new_name += " ({0})".format( md.year ) if ca.isZip(): new_name += ".cbz" elif ca.isRar(): new_name += ".cbr" if new_name == os.path.basename(filename): print msg_hdr + "Filename is already good!" return folder = os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( filename ) ) new_abs_path = utils.unique_file( os.path.join( folder, new_name ) ) #HACK #opts.dryrun = True #HACK suffix = "" if not opts.dryrun: # rename the file os.rename( filename, new_abs_path ) else: suffix = " (dry-run, no change)" print "renamed '{0}' -> '{1}' {2}".format(os.path.basename(filename), new_name, suffix) sys.stdout.flush() #----------------------------- def main(): # try to make stdout encodings happy for unicode sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout) opts = Options() opts.parseCmdLineArgs() settings = ComicTaggerSettings() # make sure unrar program is in the path for the UnRAR class utils.addtopath(os.path.dirname(settings.unrar_exe_path)) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if not qt_available and not opts.no_gui: opts.no_gui = True print "QT is not available." if opts.no_gui: cli_mode( opts, settings ) else: app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv) if platform.system() != "Linux": img = QtGui.QPixmap(os.path.join(ComicTaggerSettings.baseDir(), 'graphics/tags.png' )) splash = QtGui.QSplashScreen(img) splash.show() splash.raise_() app.processEvents() try: tagger_window = TaggerWindow( opts.filename, settings ) tagger_window.show() if platform.system() != "Linux": splash.finish( tagger_window ) sys.exit(app.exec_()) except Exception, e: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(QtGui.QMainWindow(), "Error", "Unhandled exception in app:\n" + traceback.format_exc() ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()