""" Functions for parsing comic info from filename This should probably be re-written, but, well, it mostly works! """ """ Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ # Some portions of this code were modified from pyComicMetaThis project # http://code.google.com/p/pycomicmetathis/ import re import os from urllib import unquote class FileNameParser: def repl(self, m): return ' ' * len(m.group()) def fixSpaces( self, string, remove_dashes=True ): if remove_dashes: placeholders = ['[-_]',' +'] else: placeholders = ['[_]',' +'] for ph in placeholders: string = re.sub(ph, self.repl, string ) return string #.strip() def getIssueCount( self,filename, issue_end ): count = "" filename = filename[issue_end:] # replace any name seperators with spaces tmpstr = self.fixSpaces(filename) found = False match = re.search('(?<=\sof\s)\d+(?=\s)', tmpstr, re.IGNORECASE) if match: count = match.group() found = True if not found: match = re.search('(?<=\(of\s)\d+(?=\))', tmpstr, re.IGNORECASE) if match: count = match.group() found = True count = count.lstrip("0") return count def getIssueNumber( self, filename ): # Returns a tuple of issue number string, and start and end indexs in the filename # (The indexes will be used to split the string up for further parsing) found = False issue = '' start = 0 end = 0 # first, look for multiple "--", this means it's formatted differently from most: if "--" in filename: # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "--" is the series name followed by issue filename = re.sub("--.*", self.repl, filename) elif "__" in filename: # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "__" is the series name followed by issue filename = re.sub("__.*", self.repl, filename) filename = filename.replace("+", " ") # replace parenthetical phrases with spaces filename = re.sub( "\(.*?\)", self.repl, filename) filename = re.sub( "\[.*?\]", self.repl, filename) # replace any name seperators with spaces filename = self.fixSpaces(filename) # remove any "of NN" phrase with spaces (problem: this could break on some titles) filename = re.sub( "of [\d]+", self.repl, filename) #print u"[{0}]".format(filename) # we should now have a cleaned up filename version with all the words in # the same positions as original filename # make a list of each word and its position word_list = list() for m in re.finditer("\S+", filename): word_list.append( (m.group(0), m.start(), m.end()) ) # remove the first word, since it can't be the issue number if len(word_list) > 1: word_list = word_list[1:] else: #only one word?? just bail. return issue, start, end # Now try to search for the likely issue number word in the list # first look for a word with "#" followed by digits with optional sufix # this is almost certainly the issue number for w in reversed(word_list): if re.match("#[-]?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(\w*))", w[0]): found = True break # same as above but w/o a '#', and only look at the last word in the list if not found: w = word_list[-1] if re.match("[-]?(([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)(\w*))", w[0]): found = True # now try to look for a # followed by any characters if not found: for w in reversed(word_list): if re.match("#\S+", w[0]): found = True break if found: issue = w[0] start = w[1] end = w[2] if issue[0] == '#': issue = issue[1:] return issue, start, end def getSeriesName(self, filename, issue_start ): # use the issue number string index to split the filename string if issue_start != 0: filename = filename[:issue_start] # in case there is no issue number, remove some obvious stuff if "--" in filename: # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "--" is the series name followed by issue filename = re.sub("--.*", self.repl, filename) elif "__" in filename: # the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "__" is the series name followed by issue filename = re.sub("__.*", self.repl, filename) filename = filename.replace("+", " ") tmpstr = self.fixSpaces(filename, remove_dashes=False) series = tmpstr volume = "" #save the last word try: last_word = series.split()[-1] except: last_word = "" # remove any parenthetical phrases series = re.sub( "\(.*?\)", "", series) # search for volume number match = re.search('(.+)([vV]|[Vv][oO][Ll]\.?\s?)(\d+)\s*$', series) if match: series = match.group(1) volume = match.group(3) # if a volume wasn't found, see if the last word is a year in parentheses # since that's a common way to designate the volume if volume == "": #match either (YEAR), (YEAR-), or (YEAR-YEAR2) match = re.search("(\()(\d{4})(-(\d{4}|)|)(\))", last_word) if match: volume = match.group(2) series = series.strip() # if we don't have an issue number (issue_start==0), look # for hints i.e. "TPB", "one-shot", "OS", "OGN", etc that might # be removed to help search online if issue_start == 0: one_shot_words = [ "tpb", "os", "one-shot", "ogn", "gn" ] try: last_word = series.split()[-1] if last_word.lower() in one_shot_words: series = series.rsplit(' ', 1)[0] except: pass return series, volume.strip() def getYear( self,filename, issue_end): filename = filename[issue_end:] year = "" # look for four digit number with "(" ")" or "--" around it match = re.search('(\(\d\d\d\d\))|(--\d\d\d\d--)', filename) if match: year = match.group() # remove non-numerics year = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", year) return year def getRemainder( self, filename, year, count, volume, issue_end ): #make a guess at where the the non-interesting stuff begins remainder = "" if "--" in filename: remainder = filename.split("--",1)[1] elif "__" in filename: remainder = filename.split("__",1)[1] elif issue_end != 0: remainder = filename[issue_end:] remainder = self.fixSpaces(remainder, remove_dashes=False) if volume != "": remainder = remainder.replace("Vol."+volume,"",1) if year != "": remainder = remainder.replace(year,"",1) if count != "": remainder = remainder.replace("of "+count,"",1) remainder = remainder.replace("()","") remainder = remainder.replace(" "," ") # cleans some whitespace mess return remainder.strip() def parseFilename( self, filename ): # remove the path filename = os.path.basename(filename) # remove the extension filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] #url decode, just in case filename = unquote(filename) # sometimes archives get messed up names from too many decodings # often url encodings will break and leave "_28" and "_29" in place # of "(" and ")" see if there are a number of these, and replace them if filename.count("_28") > 1 and filename.count("_29") > 1: filename = filename.replace("_28", "(") filename = filename.replace("_29", ")") self.issue, issue_start, issue_end = self.getIssueNumber(filename) self.series, self.volume = self.getSeriesName(filename, issue_start) # provides proper value when the filename doesn't have a issue number if issue_end == 0: issue_end=len(self.series) self.year = self.getYear(filename, issue_end) self.issue_count = self.getIssueCount(filename, issue_end) self.remainder = self.getRemainder( filename, self.year, self.issue_count, self.volume, issue_end ) if self.issue != "": # strip off leading zeros self.issue = self.issue.lstrip("0") if self.issue == "": self.issue = "0" if self.issue[0] == ".": self.issue = "0" + self.issue