"""CLI options class for ComicTagger app""" # Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import sys import getopt import platform import os import traceback try: import argparse except ImportError: pass from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata from comicarchive import MetaDataStyle from versionchecker import VersionChecker import ctversion import utils class Options: help_text = """Usage: {0} [option] ... [file [files ...]] A utility for reading and writing metadata to comic archives. If no options are given, {0} will run in windowed mode. -p, --print Print out tag info from file. Specify type (via -t) to get only info of that tag type. --raw With -p, will print out the raw tag block(s) from the file. -d, --delete Deletes the tag block of specified type (via -t). -c, --copy=SOURCE Copy the specified source tag block to destination style specified via -t (potentially lossy operation). -s, --save Save out tags as specified type (via -t). Must specify also at least -o, -p, or -m. --nooverwrite Don't modify tag block if it already exists (relevant for -s or -c). -1, --assume-issue-one Assume issue number is 1 if not found (relevant for -s). -n, --dryrun Don't actually modify file (only relevant for -d, -s, or -r). -t, --type=TYPE Specify TYPE as either "CR", "CBL", or "COMET" (as either ComicRack, ComicBookLover, or CoMet style tags, respectively). -f, --parsefilename Parse the filename to get some info, specifically series name, issue number, volume, and publication year. -i, --interactive Interactively query the user when there are multiple matches for an online search. --nosummary Suppress the default summary after a save operation. -o, --online Search online and attempt to identify file using existing metadata and images in archive. May be used in conjunction with -f and -m. --id=ID Use the issue ID when searching online. Overrides all other metadata. -m, --metadata=LIST Explicitly define, as a list, some tags to be used. e.g.: "series=Plastic Man, publisher=Quality Comics" "series=Kickers^, Inc., issue=1, year=1986" Name-Value pairs are comma separated. Use a "^" to escape an "=" or a ",", as shown in the example above. Some names that can be used: series, issue, issueCount, year, publisher, title -r, --rename Rename the file based on specified tag style. --noabort Don't abort save operation when online match is of low confidence. -e, --export-to-zip Export RAR archive to Zip format. --delete-rar Delete original RAR archive after successful export to Zip. --abort-on-conflict Don't export to zip if intended new filename exists (otherwise, creates a new unique filename). -S, --script=FILE Run an "add-on" python script that uses the ComicTagger library for custom processing. Script arguments can follow the script name. -R, --recursive Recursively include files in sub-folders. --cv-api-key=KEY Use the given Comic Vine API Key (persisted in settings). --only-set-cv-key Only set the Comic Vine API key and quit. -w, --wait-on-cv-rate-limit When encountering a Comic Vine rate limit error, wait and retry query. -v, --verbose Be noisy when doing what it does. --terse Don't say much (for print mode). --version Display version. -h, --help Display this message. For more help visit the wiki at: http://code.google.com/p/comictagger/ """ def __init__(self): self.data_style = None self.no_gui = False self.filename = None self.verbose = False self.terse = False self.metadata = None self.print_tags = False self.copy_tags = False self.delete_tags = False self.export_to_zip = False self.abort_export_on_conflict = False self.delete_rar_after_export = False self.search_online = False self.dryrun = False self.abortOnLowConfidence = True self.save_tags = False self.parse_filename = False self.show_save_summary = True self.raw = False self.cv_api_key = None self.only_set_key = False self.rename_file = False self.no_overwrite = False self.interactive = False self.issue_id = None self.recursive = False self.run_script = False self.script = None self.wait_and_retry_on_rate_limit = False self.assume_issue_is_one_if_not_set = False self.file_list = [] def display_msg_and_quit(self, msg, code, show_help=False): appname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if msg is not None: print(msg) if show_help: print(self.help_text.format(appname)) else: print("For more help, run with '--help'") sys.exit(code) def parseMetadataFromString(self, mdstr): """The metadata string is a comma separated list of name-value pairs The names match the attributes of the internal metadata struct (for now) The caret is the special "escape character", since it's not common in natural language text example = "series=Kickers^, Inc. ,issue=1, year=1986" """ escaped_comma = "^," escaped_equals = "^=" replacement_token = "<_~_>" md = GenericMetadata() # First, replace escaped commas with with a unique token (to be changed # back later) mdstr = mdstr.replace(escaped_comma, replacement_token) tmp_list = mdstr.split(",") md_list = [] for item in tmp_list: item = item.replace(replacement_token, ",") md_list.append(item) # Now build a nice dict from the list md_dict = dict() for item in md_list: # Make sure to fix any escaped equal signs i = item.replace(escaped_equals, replacement_token) key, value = i.split("=") value = value.replace(replacement_token, "=").strip() key = key.strip() if key.lower() == "credit": cred_attribs = value.split(":") role = cred_attribs[0] person = (cred_attribs[1] if len(cred_attribs) > 1 else "") primary = (cred_attribs[2] if len(cred_attribs) > 2 else None) md.addCredit( person.strip(), role.strip(), True if primary is not None else False) else: md_dict[key] = value # Map the dict to the metadata object for key in md_dict: if not hasattr(md, key): print("Warning: '{0}' is not a valid tag name".format(key)) else: md.isEmpty = False setattr(md, key, md_dict[key]) # print(md) return md def launch_script(self, scriptfile): # we were given a script. special case for the args: # 1. ignore everything before the -S, # 2. pass all the ones that follow (including script name) to the # script script_args = list() for idx, arg in enumerate(sys.argv): if arg in ['-S', '--script']: # found script! script_args = sys.argv[idx + 1:] break sys.argv = script_args if not os.path.exists(scriptfile): print("Can't find {0}".format(scriptfile)) else: # I *think* this makes sense: # assume the base name of the file is the module name # add the folder of the given file to the python path # import module dirname = os.path.dirname(scriptfile) module_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(scriptfile))[0] sys.path = [dirname] + sys.path try: script = __import__(module_name) # Determine if the entry point exists before trying to run it if "main" in dir(script): script.main() else: print( "Can't find entry point \"main()\" in module \"{0}\"".format(module_name)) except Exception as e: print "Script raised an unhandled exception: ", e print(traceback.format_exc()) sys.exit(0) def parseCmdLineArgs(self): if platform.system() == "Darwin" and hasattr( sys, "frozen") and sys.frozen == 1: # remove the PSN ("process serial number") argument from OS/X input_args = [a for a in sys.argv[1:] if "-psn_0_" not in a] else: input_args = sys.argv[1:] # first check if we're launching a script: for n in range(len(input_args)): if (input_args[n] in ["-S", "--script"] and n + 1 < len(input_args)): # insert a "--" which will cause getopt to ignore the remaining args # so they will be passed to the script input_args.insert(n + 2, "--") break # parse command line options try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(input_args, "hpdt:fm:vownsrc:ieRS:1", ["help", "print", "delete", "type=", "copy=", "parsefilename", "metadata=", "verbose", "online", "dryrun", "save", "rename", "raw", "noabort", "terse", "nooverwrite", "interactive", "nosummary", "version", "id=", "recursive", "script=", "export-to-zip", "delete-rar", "abort-on-conflict", "assume-issue-one", "cv-api-key=", "only-set-cv-key", "wait-on-cv-rate-limit"]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: self.display_msg_and_quit(str(err), 2) # process options for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h", "--help"): self.display_msg_and_quit(None, 0, show_help=True) if o in ("-v", "--verbose"): self.verbose = True if o in ("-S", "--script"): self.run_script = True self.script = a if o in ("-R", "--recursive"): self.recursive = True if o in ("-p", "--print"): self.print_tags = True if o in ("-d", "--delete"): self.delete_tags = True if o in ("-i", "--interactive"): self.interactive = True if o in ("-c", "--copy"): self.copy_tags = True if a.lower() == "cr": self.copy_source = MetaDataStyle.CIX elif a.lower() == "cbl": self.copy_source = MetaDataStyle.CBI elif a.lower() == "comet": self.copy_source = MetaDataStyle.COMET else: self.display_msg_and_quit( "Invalid copy tag source type", 1) if o in ("-o", "--online"): self.search_online = True if o in ("-n", "--dryrun"): self.dryrun = True if o in ("-m", "--metadata"): self.metadata = self.parseMetadataFromString(a) if o in ("-s", "--save"): self.save_tags = True if o in ("-r", "--rename"): self.rename_file = True if o in ("-e", "--export_to_zip"): self.export_to_zip = True if o == "--delete-rar": self.delete_rar_after_export = True if o == "--abort-on-conflict": self.abort_export_on_conflict = True if o in ("-f", "--parsefilename"): self.parse_filename = True if o in ("-w", "--wait-on-cv-rate-limit"): self.wait_and_retry_on_rate_limit = True if o == "--id": self.issue_id = a if o == "--raw": self.raw = True if o == "--noabort": self.abortOnLowConfidence = False if o == "--terse": self.terse = True if o == "--nosummary": self.show_save_summary = False if o in ("-1", "--assume-issue-one"): self.assume_issue_is_one_if_not_set = True if o == "--nooverwrite": self.no_overwrite = True if o == "--cv-api-key": self.cv_api_key = a if o == "--only-set-cv-key": self.only_set_key = True if o == "--version": print( "ComicTagger {0}: Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Anthony Beville".format(ctversion.version)) print( "Distributed under Apache License 2.0 (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)") sys.exit(0) if o in ("-t", "--type"): if a.lower() == "cr": self.data_style = MetaDataStyle.CIX elif a.lower() == "cbl": self.data_style = MetaDataStyle.CBI elif a.lower() == "comet": self.data_style = MetaDataStyle.COMET else: self.display_msg_and_quit("Invalid tag type", 1) if self.print_tags or self.delete_tags or self.save_tags or self.copy_tags or self.rename_file or self.export_to_zip or self.only_set_key: self.no_gui = True count = 0 if self.run_script: count += 1 if self.print_tags: count += 1 if self.delete_tags: count += 1 if self.save_tags: count += 1 if self.copy_tags: count += 1 if self.rename_file: count += 1 if self.export_to_zip: count += 1 if self.only_set_key: count += 1 if count > 1: self.display_msg_and_quit( "Must choose only one action of print, delete, save, copy, rename, export, set key, or run script", 1) if self.script is not None: self.launch_script(self.script) if len(args) > 0: if platform.system() == "Windows": # no globbing on windows shell, so do it for them import glob self.file_list = [] for item in args: self.file_list.extend(glob.glob(item)) if len(self.file_list) > 0: self.filename = self.file_list[0] else: self.filename = args[0] self.file_list = args if self.only_set_key and self.cv_api_key is None: self.display_msg_and_quit("Key not given!", 1) if (self.only_set_key == False) and self.no_gui and ( self.filename is None): self.display_msg_and_quit( "Command requires at least one filename!", 1) if self.delete_tags and self.data_style is None: self.display_msg_and_quit( "Please specify the type to delete with -t", 1) if self.save_tags and self.data_style is None: self.display_msg_and_quit( "Please specify the type to save with -t", 1) if self.copy_tags and self.data_style is None: self.display_msg_and_quit( "Please specify the type to copy to with -t", 1) # if self.rename_file and self.data_style is None: # self.display_msg_and_quit("Please specify the type to use for renaming with -t", 1) if self.recursive: self.file_list = utils.get_recursive_filelist(self.file_list)