# Copyright 2012-2014 ComicTagger Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import annotations import logging import pathlib from typing import Any, Callable import settngs from comicapi.genericmetadata import GenericMetadata from comictalker.resulttypes import ComicIssue, ComicSeries from comictalker.talker_utils import fix_url logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TalkerError(Exception): """Base class exception for information sources. Attributes: code -- a numerical code 1 - General 2 - Network 3 - Data desc -- description of the error source -- the name of the source producing the error """ codes = {1: "General", 2: "Network", 3: "Data", 4: "Other"} def __init__(self, source: str, desc: str = "Unknown", code: int = 4, sub_code: int = 0) -> None: super().__init__() self.desc = desc self.code = code self.code_name = self.codes[code] self.sub_code = sub_code self.source = source def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.source} encountered a {self.code_name} error. {self.desc}" class TalkerNetworkError(TalkerError): """Network class exception for information sources Attributes: sub_code -- numerical code for finer detail 1 -- connected refused 2 -- api key 3 -- rate limit 4 -- timeout """ net_codes = { 0: "General network error.", 1: "The connection was refused.", 2: "An API key error occurred.", 3: "Rate limit exceeded. Please wait a bit or enter a personal key if using the default.", 4: "The connection timed out.", 5: "Number of retries exceeded.", } def __init__(self, source: str = "", sub_code: int = 0, desc: str = "") -> None: if desc == "": desc = self.net_codes[sub_code] super().__init__(source, desc, 2, sub_code) class TalkerDataError(TalkerError): """Data class exception for information sources Attributes: sub_code -- numerical code for finer detail 1 -- unexpected data 2 -- malformed data 3 -- missing data """ data_codes = { 0: "General data error.", 1: "Unexpected data encountered.", 2: "Malformed data encountered.", 3: "Missing data encountered.", } def __init__(self, source: str = "", sub_code: int = 0, desc: str = "") -> None: if desc == "": desc = self.data_codes[sub_code] super().__init__(source, desc, 3, sub_code) class ComicTalker: """The base class for all comic source talkers""" name: str = "Example" id: str = "example" website: str = "https://example.com" logo_url: str = f"{website}/logo.png" attribution: str = f"Metadata provided by {name}" def __init__(self, version: str, cache_folder: pathlib.Path) -> None: self.cache_folder = cache_folder self.version = version self.api_key = self.default_api_key = "" self.api_url = self.default_api_url = "" def register_settings(self, parser: settngs.Manager) -> None: """ Allows registering settings using the settngs package with an argparse like interface NOTE: The order used will be reflected within the settings menu """ return None def parse_settings(self, settings: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ settings is a dictionary of settings defined in register_settings. It is only guaranteed that the settings defined in register_settings will be present. """ if settings[f"{self.id}_key"]: self.api_key = settings[f"{self.id}_key"] if settings[f"{self.id}_url"]: self.api_url = fix_url(settings[f"{self.id}_url"]) if self.api_key == "": self.api_key = self.default_api_key if self.api_url == "": self.api_url = self.default_api_url return settings def check_api_key(self, url: str, key: str) -> tuple[str, bool]: """ This function should return a string with the test outcome for display to user and a bool. """ raise NotImplementedError def check_api_url(self, url: str) -> bool: """ This function should return true if the given url is valid. """ raise NotImplementedError def search_for_series( self, series_name: str, callback: Callable[[int, int], None] | None = None, refresh_cache: bool = False, literal: bool = False, series_match_thresh: int = 90, ) -> list[ComicSeries]: """ This function should return a list of series that match the given series name according to the source the Talker uses. Sanitizing the series name is the responsibility of the talker. If `literal` == True then it is requested that no filtering or transformation/sanitizing of the title or results be performed by the talker. A sensible amount of results should be returned. For example the `ComicVineTalker` stops requesting new pages after the results become too different from the `series_name` by use of the `titles_match` function provided by the `comicapi.utils` module, and only allows a maximum of 5 pages """ raise NotImplementedError def fetch_comic_data( self, issue_id: str | None = None, series_id: str | None = None, issue_number: str = "" ) -> GenericMetadata: """ This function should return an instance of GenericMetadata for a single issue. It is guaranteed that either `issue_id` or (`series_id` and `issue_number` is set). Below is an example of how this function might be implemented: if issue_number and series_id: return self.fetch_issue_data(series_id, issue_number) elif issue_id: return self.fetch_issue_data_by_issue_id(issue_id) else: return GenericMetadata() """ raise NotImplementedError def fetch_issues_by_series(self, series_id: str) -> list[ComicIssue]: """Expected to return a list of issues with a given series ID""" raise NotImplementedError def fetch_issues_by_series_issue_num_and_year( self, series_id_list: list[str], issue_number: str, year: int | None ) -> list[ComicIssue]: """ This function should return a single issue for each series id in the `series_id_list` and it should match the issue_number. Preferably it should also only return issues published in the given `year`. If there is no year given (`year` == None) or the Talker does not have issue publication info return the results unfiltered. """ raise NotImplementedError