git-svn-id: 6c5673fe-1810-88d6-992b-cd32ca31540c
187 lines
6.1 KiB
187 lines
6.1 KiB
import json
from pprint import pprint
import urllib2, urllib
import math
import re
import utils
from genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
class ComicVineTalker:
api_key = '67ac5baeba16a2f56acf7ff136a1d591324c2253'
def searchForSeries( self, series_name ):
series_name = urllib.quote_plus(str(series_name))
search_url = "" + self.api_key + "&format=json&resources=volume&query=" + series_name + "&field_list=name,id,start_year,publisher,image,description,count_of_issues&sort=start_year"
resp = urllib2.urlopen(search_url)
content =
cv_response = json.loads(content)
if cv_response[ 'status_code' ] != 1:
print ( "Comic Vine query failed with error: [{0}]. ".format( cv_response[ 'error' ] ))
return None
search_results = list()
# see
limit = cv_response['limit']
current_result_count = cv_response['number_of_page_results']
total_result_count = cv_response['number_of_total_results']
print ("Found {0} of {1} results".format( cv_response['number_of_page_results'], cv_response['number_of_total_results']))
search_results.extend( cv_response['results'])
offset = 0
# see if we need to keep asking for more pages...
while ( current_result_count < total_result_count ):
print ("getting another page of results...")
offset += limit
resp = urllib2.urlopen( search_url + "&offset="+str(offset) )
content =
cv_response = json.loads(content)
if cv_response[ 'status_code' ] != 1:
print ( "Comic Vine query failed with error: [{0}]. ".format( cv_response[ 'error' ] ))
return None
search_results.extend( cv_response['results'])
current_result_count += cv_response['number_of_page_results']
#for record in search_results:
# print( "{0}: {1} ({2})".format(record['id'], smart_str(record['name']) , record['start_year'] ) )
# print( "{0}: {1} ({2})".format(record['id'], record['name'] , record['start_year'] ) )
#print "{0}: {1} ({2})".format(search_results['results'][0]['id'], smart_str(search_results['results'][0]['name']) , search_results['results'][0]['start_year'] )
return search_results
def fetchVolumeData( self, series_id ):
volume_url = "" + str(series_id) + "/?api_key=" + self.api_key + "&format=json"
#print "search_url = : ", volume_url
resp = urllib2.urlopen(volume_url)
content =
cv_response = json.loads(content)
if cv_response[ 'status_code' ] != 1:
print ( "Comic Vine query failed with error: [{0}]. ".format( cv_response[ 'error' ] ))
return None
volume_results = cv_response['results']
return volume_results
def fetchIssueData( self, series_id, issue_number ):
volume_results = self.fetchVolumeData( series_id )
found = False
for record in volume_results['issues']:
if float(record['issue_number']) == float(issue_number):
found = True
if (found):
issue_url = "" + str(record['id']) + "/?api_key=" + self.api_key + "&format=json"
resp = urllib2.urlopen(issue_url)
content =
cv_response = json.loads(content)
if cv_response[ 'status_code' ] != 1:
print ( "Comic Vine query failed with error: [{0}]. ".format( cv_response[ 'error' ] ))
return None
issue_results = cv_response['results']
return None
# now, map the comicvine data to generic metadata
metadata = GenericMetadata()
metadata.series = issue_results['volume']['name']
# format the issue number string nicely, since it's usually something like "2.00"
num_f = float(issue_results['issue_number'])
num_s = str( int(math.floor(num_f)) )
if math.floor(num_f) != num_f:
num_s = str( num_f )
metadata.issueNumber = num_s
metadata.title = issue_results['name']
metadata.publisher = volume_results['publisher']['name']
metadata.publicationMonth = issue_results['publish_month']
metadata.publicationYear = issue_results['publish_year']
metadata.issueCount = volume_results['count_of_issues']
metadata.comments = self.cleanup_html(issue_results['description'])
metadata.notes = "Tagged with ComicTagger using info from Comic Vine:\n"
metadata.notes += issue_results['site_detail_url']
metadata.webLink = issue_results['site_detail_url']
person_credits = issue_results['person_credits']
for person in person_credits:
for role in person['roles']:
# can we determine 'primary' from CV??
role_name = role['role'].title()
metadata.addCredit( person['name'], role['role'].title(), False )
character_credits = issue_results['character_credits']
character_list = list()
for character in character_credits:
character_list.append( character['name'] )
metadata.characters = utils.listToString( character_list )
team_credits = issue_results['team_credits']
team_list = list()
for team in team_credits:
team_list.append( team['name'] )
metadata.teams = utils.listToString( team_list )
location_credits = issue_results['location_credits']
location_list = list()
for location in location_credits:
location_list.append( location['name'] )
metadata.locations = utils.listToString( location_list )
story_arc_credits = issue_results['story_arc_credits']
for arc in story_arc_credits:
metadata.storyArc = arc['name']
#just use the first one, if at all
return metadata
def cleanup_html( self, string):
p = re.compile(r'<[^<]*?>')
newstring = p.sub('',string)
newstring = newstring.replace(' ',' ')
newstring = newstring.replace('&','&')
return newstring
def fetchIssueCoverURL( self, issue_id ):
issue_url = "" + str(issue_id) + "/?api_key=" + self.api_key + "&format=json&field_list=image"
resp = urllib2.urlopen(issue_url)
content =
cv_response = json.loads(content)
if cv_response[ 'status_code' ] != 1:
print ( "Comic Vine query failed with error: [{0}]. ".format( cv_response[ 'error' ] ))
return None
return cv_response['results']['image']['super_url']