604 lines
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604 lines
22 KiB
"""A class to represent a single comic, be it file or folder of images"""
# Copyright 2012-2014 ComicTagger Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import io
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import shutil
import sys
from typing import cast
import wordninja
from comicapi import filenamelexer, filenameparser, utils
from comicapi.archivers import Archiver, UnknownArchiver, ZipArchiver
from comicapi.comet import CoMet
from comicapi.comicbookinfo import ComicBookInfo
from comicapi.comicinfoxml import ComicInfoXml
from comicapi.genericmetadata import GenericMetadata, PageType
if sys.version_info < (3, 10):
from importlib_metadata import entry_points
from importlib.metadata import entry_points
from PIL import Image
pil_available = True
except ImportError:
pil_available = False
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if not pil_available:
logger.error("PIL unavalable")
archivers: list[type[Archiver]] = []
def load_archive_plugins() -> None:
if not archivers:
builtin: list[type[Archiver]] = []
for arch in entry_points(group="comicapi.archiver"):
archiver: type[Archiver] = arch.load()
if archiver.enabled:
if arch.module.startswith("comicapi"):
except Exception:
logger.warning("Failed to load talker: %s", arch.name)
class MetaDataStyle:
CBI = 0
CIX = 1
name = ["ComicBookLover", "ComicRack", "CoMet"]
short_name = ["cbl", "cr", "comet"]
class ComicArchive:
logo_data = b""
def __init__(self, path: pathlib.Path | str, default_image_path: pathlib.Path | str | None = None) -> None:
self.cbi_md: GenericMetadata | None = None
self.cix_md: GenericMetadata | None = None
self.comet_filename: str | None = None
self.comet_md: GenericMetadata | None = None
self._has_cbi: bool | None = None
self._has_cix: bool | None = None
self._has_comet: bool | None = None
self.path = pathlib.Path(path).absolute()
self.page_count: int | None = None
self.page_list: list[str] = []
self.ci_xml_filename = "ComicInfo.xml"
self.comet_default_filename = "CoMet.xml"
self.default_image_path = default_image_path
self.archiver: Archiver = UnknownArchiver.open(self.path)
for archiver in archivers:
if archiver.is_valid(self.path):
self.archiver = archiver.open(self.path)
if not ComicArchive.logo_data and self.default_image_path:
with open(self.default_image_path, mode="rb") as fd:
ComicArchive.logo_data = fd.read()
def reset_cache(self) -> None:
"""Clears the cached data"""
self._has_cix = None
self._has_cbi = None
self._has_comet = None
self.comet_filename = None
self.page_count = None
self.page_list = []
self.cix_md = None
self.cbi_md = None
self.comet_md = None
def load_cache(self, style_list: list[int]) -> None:
for style in style_list:
def rename(self, path: pathlib.Path | str) -> None:
new_path = pathlib.Path(path).absolute()
if new_path == self.path:
os.makedirs(new_path.parent, 0o777, True)
shutil.move(self.path, new_path)
self.path = new_path
self.archiver.path = pathlib.Path(path)
def is_writable(self, check_archive_status: bool = True) -> bool:
if isinstance(self.archiver, UnknownArchiver):
return False
if check_archive_status and not self.archiver.is_writable():
return False
if not (os.access(self.path, os.W_OK) or os.access(self.path.parent, os.W_OK)):
return False
return True
def is_writable_for_style(self, data_style: int) -> bool:
return not (data_style == MetaDataStyle.CBI and not self.archiver.supports_comment)
def is_zip(self) -> bool:
return self.archiver.name() == "ZIP"
def seems_to_be_a_comic_archive(self) -> bool:
if not (isinstance(self.archiver, UnknownArchiver)) and self.get_number_of_pages() > 0:
return True
return False
def extension(self) -> str:
return self.archiver.extension()
def read_metadata(self, style: int) -> GenericMetadata:
if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
return self.read_cix()
if style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
return self.read_cbi()
if style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
return self.read_comet()
return GenericMetadata()
def write_metadata(self, metadata: GenericMetadata, style: int) -> bool:
retcode = False
if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
retcode = self.write_cix(metadata)
if style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
retcode = self.write_cbi(metadata)
if style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
retcode = self.write_comet(metadata)
return retcode
def has_metadata(self, style: int) -> bool:
if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
return self.has_cix()
if style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
return self.has_cbi()
if style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
return self.has_comet()
return False
def remove_metadata(self, style: int) -> bool:
retcode = True
if style == MetaDataStyle.CIX:
retcode = self.remove_cix()
elif style == MetaDataStyle.CBI:
retcode = self.remove_cbi()
elif style == MetaDataStyle.COMET:
retcode = self.remove_co_met()
return retcode
def get_page(self, index: int) -> bytes:
image_data = b""
filename = self.get_page_name(index)
if filename:
image_data = self.archiver.read_file(filename) or b""
except Exception:
logger.error("Error reading in page %d. Substituting logo page.", index)
image_data = ComicArchive.logo_data
return image_data
def get_page_name(self, index: int) -> str:
if index is None:
return ""
page_list = self.get_page_name_list()
num_pages = len(page_list)
if num_pages == 0 or index >= num_pages:
return ""
return page_list[index]
def get_scanner_page_index(self) -> int | None:
scanner_page_index = None
# make a guess at the scanner page
name_list = self.get_page_name_list()
count = self.get_number_of_pages()
# too few pages to really know
if count < 5:
return None
# count the length of every filename, and count occurrences
length_buckets: dict[int, int] = {}
for name in name_list:
fname = os.path.split(name)[1]
length = len(fname)
if length in length_buckets:
length_buckets[length] += 1
length_buckets[length] = 1
# sort by most common
sorted_buckets = sorted(length_buckets.items(), key=lambda tup: (tup[1], tup[0]), reverse=True)
# statistical mode occurrence is first
mode_length = sorted_buckets[0][0]
# we are only going to consider the final image file:
final_name = os.path.split(name_list[count - 1])[1]
common_length_list = []
for name in name_list:
if len(os.path.split(name)[1]) == mode_length:
prefix = os.path.commonprefix(common_length_list)
if mode_length <= 7 and prefix == "":
# probably all numbers
if len(final_name) > mode_length:
scanner_page_index = count - 1
# see if the last page doesn't start with the same prefix as most others
elif not final_name.startswith(prefix):
scanner_page_index = count - 1
return scanner_page_index
def get_page_name_list(self, sort_list: bool = True) -> list[str]:
if not self.page_list:
# get the list file names in the archive, and sort
files: list[str] = self.archiver.get_filename_list()
# seems like some archive creators are on Windows, and don't know about case-sensitivity!
if sort_list:
files = cast(list[str], utils.os_sorted(files))
# make a sub-list of image files
self.page_list = []
for name in files:
if (
os.path.splitext(name)[1].casefold() in [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif", ".webp"]
and os.path.basename(name)[0] != "."
return self.page_list
def get_number_of_pages(self) -> int:
if self.page_count is None:
self.page_count = len(self.get_page_name_list())
return self.page_count
def read_cbi(self) -> GenericMetadata:
if self.cbi_md is None:
raw_cbi = self.read_raw_cbi()
if raw_cbi:
self.cbi_md = ComicBookInfo().metadata_from_string(raw_cbi)
self.cbi_md = GenericMetadata()
return self.cbi_md
def read_raw_cbi(self) -> str:
if not self.has_cbi():
return ""
return self.archiver.get_comment()
def has_cbi(self) -> bool:
if self._has_cbi is None:
if not self.seems_to_be_a_comic_archive():
self._has_cbi = False
comment = self.archiver.get_comment()
self._has_cbi = ComicBookInfo().validate_string(comment)
return self._has_cbi
def write_cbi(self, metadata: GenericMetadata) -> bool:
if metadata is not None:
cbi_string = ComicBookInfo().string_from_metadata(metadata)
write_success = self.archiver.set_comment(cbi_string)
if write_success:
self._has_cbi = True
self.cbi_md = metadata
return write_success
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Error saving CBI! for %s: %s", self.path, e)
return False
def remove_cbi(self) -> bool:
if self.has_cbi():
write_success = self.archiver.set_comment("")
if write_success:
self._has_cbi = False
self.cbi_md = None
return write_success
return True
def read_cix(self) -> GenericMetadata:
if self.cix_md is None:
raw_cix = self.read_raw_cix()
if raw_cix:
self.cix_md = ComicInfoXml().metadata_from_string(raw_cix)
self.cix_md = GenericMetadata()
# validate the existing page list (make sure count is correct)
if len(self.cix_md.pages) != 0:
if len(self.cix_md.pages) != self.get_number_of_pages():
# pages array doesn't match the actual number of images we're seeing
# in the archive, so discard the data
self.cix_md.pages = []
if len(self.cix_md.pages) == 0:
return self.cix_md
def read_raw_cix(self) -> bytes:
if not self.has_cix():
return b""
raw_cix = self.archiver.read_file(self.ci_xml_filename) or b""
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Error reading in raw CIX! for %s: %s", self.path, e)
raw_cix = b""
return raw_cix
def write_cix(self, metadata: GenericMetadata) -> bool:
if metadata is not None:
self.apply_archive_info_to_metadata(metadata, calc_page_sizes=True)
raw_cix = self.read_raw_cix()
cix_string = ComicInfoXml().string_from_metadata(metadata, xml=raw_cix)
write_success = self.archiver.write_file(self.ci_xml_filename, cix_string.encode("utf-8"))
if write_success:
self._has_cix = True
self.cix_md = metadata
return write_success
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Error saving CIX! for %s: %s", self.path, e)
return False
def remove_cix(self) -> bool:
if self.has_cix():
write_success = self.archiver.remove_file(self.ci_xml_filename)
if write_success:
self._has_cix = False
self.cix_md = None
return write_success
return True
def has_cix(self) -> bool:
if self._has_cix is None:
if not self.seems_to_be_a_comic_archive():
self._has_cix = False
elif self.ci_xml_filename in self.archiver.get_filename_list():
self._has_cix = True
self._has_cix = False
return self._has_cix
def read_comet(self) -> GenericMetadata:
if self.comet_md is None:
raw_comet = self.read_raw_comet()
if raw_comet is None or raw_comet == "":
self.comet_md = GenericMetadata()
self.comet_md = CoMet().metadata_from_string(raw_comet)
# use the coverImage value from the comet_data to mark the cover in this struct
# walk through list of images in file, and find the matching one for md.coverImage
# need to remove the existing one in the default
if self.comet_md.cover_image is not None:
cover_idx = 0
for idx, f in enumerate(self.get_page_name_list()):
if self.comet_md.cover_image == f:
cover_idx = idx
if cover_idx != 0:
del self.comet_md.pages[0]["Type"]
self.comet_md.pages[cover_idx]["Type"] = PageType.FrontCover
return self.comet_md
def read_raw_comet(self) -> str:
raw_comet = ""
if not self.has_comet():
raw_comet = ""
raw_bytes = self.archiver.read_file(cast(str, self.comet_filename))
if raw_bytes:
raw_comet = raw_bytes.decode("utf-8")
except OSError as e:
logger.exception("Error reading in raw CoMet!: %s", e)
return raw_comet
def write_comet(self, metadata: GenericMetadata) -> bool:
if metadata is not None:
if not self.has_comet():
self.comet_filename = self.comet_default_filename
# Set the coverImage value, if it's not the first page
cover_idx = int(metadata.get_cover_page_index_list()[0])
if cover_idx != 0:
metadata.cover_image = self.get_page_name(cover_idx)
comet_string = CoMet().string_from_metadata(metadata)
write_success = self.archiver.write_file(cast(str, self.comet_filename), comet_string.encode("utf-8"))
if write_success:
self._has_comet = True
self.comet_md = metadata
return write_success
return False
def remove_co_met(self) -> bool:
if self.has_comet():
write_success = self.archiver.remove_file(cast(str, self.comet_filename))
if write_success:
self._has_comet = False
self.comet_md = None
return write_success
return True
def has_comet(self) -> bool:
if self._has_comet is None:
self._has_comet = False
if not self.seems_to_be_a_comic_archive():
return self._has_comet
# look at all xml files in root, and search for CoMet data, get first
for n in self.archiver.get_filename_list():
if os.path.dirname(n) == "" and os.path.splitext(n)[1].casefold() == ".xml":
# read in XML file, and validate it
data = ""
d = self.archiver.read_file(n)
if d:
data = d.decode("utf-8")
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Error reading in Comet XML for validation! from %s: %s", self.path, e)
if CoMet().validate_string(data):
# since we found it, save it!
self.comet_filename = n
self._has_comet = True
return self._has_comet
def apply_archive_info_to_metadata(self, md: GenericMetadata, calc_page_sizes: bool = False) -> None:
md.page_count = self.get_number_of_pages()
if calc_page_sizes:
for index, p in enumerate(md.pages):
idx = int(p["Image"])
if pil_available:
if "ImageSize" not in p or "ImageHeight" not in p or "ImageWidth" not in p:
data = self.get_page(idx)
if data:
if isinstance(data, bytes):
im = Image.open(io.BytesIO(data))
im = Image.open(io.StringIO(data))
w, h = im.size
p["ImageSize"] = str(len(data))
p["ImageHeight"] = str(h)
p["ImageWidth"] = str(w)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("Error decoding image [%s] %s :: image %s", e, self.path, index)
p["ImageSize"] = str(len(data))
if "ImageSize" not in p:
data = self.get_page(idx)
p["ImageSize"] = str(len(data))
def metadata_from_filename(
complicated_parser: bool = False,
remove_c2c: bool = False,
remove_fcbd: bool = False,
remove_publisher: bool = False,
split_words: bool = False,
) -> GenericMetadata:
metadata = GenericMetadata()
filename = self.path.name
if split_words:
filename = " ".join(wordninja.split(self.path.stem)) + self.path.suffix
if complicated_parser:
lex = filenamelexer.Lex(filename)
p = filenameparser.Parse(
lex.items, remove_c2c=remove_c2c, remove_fcbd=remove_fcbd, remove_publisher=remove_publisher
metadata.alternate_number = utils.xlate(p.filename_info["alternate"])
metadata.issue = utils.xlate(p.filename_info["issue"])
metadata.issue_count = utils.xlate(p.filename_info["issue_count"])
metadata.publisher = utils.xlate(p.filename_info["publisher"])
metadata.series = utils.xlate(p.filename_info["series"])
metadata.title = utils.xlate(p.filename_info["title"])
metadata.volume = utils.xlate(p.filename_info["volume"])
metadata.volume_count = utils.xlate(p.filename_info["volume_count"])
metadata.year = utils.xlate(p.filename_info["year"])
metadata.scan_info = utils.xlate(p.filename_info["remainder"])
metadata.format = "FCBD" if p.filename_info["fcbd"] else None
if p.filename_info["annual"]:
metadata.format = "Annual"
fnp = filenameparser.FileNameParser()
if fnp.issue:
metadata.issue = fnp.issue
if fnp.series:
metadata.series = fnp.series
if fnp.volume:
metadata.volume = utils.xlate(fnp.volume, True)
if fnp.year:
metadata.year = utils.xlate(fnp.year, True)
if fnp.issue_count:
metadata.issue_count = utils.xlate(fnp.issue_count, True)
if fnp.remainder:
metadata.scan_info = fnp.remainder
metadata.is_empty = False
return metadata
def export_as_zip(self, zip_filename: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
if self.archiver.name() == "ZIP":
# nothing to do, we're already a zip
return True
zip_archiver = ZipArchiver.open(zip_filename)
return zip_archiver.copy_from_archive(self.archiver)