Timmy Welch e10f7dd7a7 Code cleanup
Remove no longer used google scripts
Remove convenience files from comicataggerlib and import comicapi directly
Add type-hints to facilitate auto-complete tools
Make PyQt5 code more compatible with PyQt6

Implement automatic tooling
isort and black for code formatting
Line length has been set to 120
flake8 for code standards with exceptions:
E203 - Whitespace before ':'  - format compatiblity with black
E501 - Line too long          - flake8 line limit cannot be set
E722 - Do not use bare except - fixing bare except statements is a
                                lot of overhead and there are already
                                many in the codebase

These changes, along with some manual fixes creates much more readable code.
See examples below:

diff --git a/comicapi/comet.py b/comicapi/comet.py
index d1741c5..52dc195 100644
--- a/comicapi/comet.py
+++ b/comicapi/comet.py
@@ -166,7 +166,2 @@ class CoMet:

-            if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.editor_synonyms):
-                ET.SubElement(
-                    root,
-                    'editor').text = "{0}".format(
-                    credit['person'])

@@ -174,2 +169,4 @@ class CoMet:
+            if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.editor_synonyms):
+                ET.SubElement(root, "editor").text = str(credit["person"])

diff --git a/comictaggerlib/autotagmatchwindow.py b/comictaggerlib/autotagmatchwindow.py
index 4338176..9219f01 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/autotagmatchwindow.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/autotagmatchwindow.py
@@ -63,4 +63,3 @@ class AutoTagMatchWindow(QtWidgets.QDialog):
             self.skipButton, QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole)
-        self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setText(
-            "Accept and Write Tags")
+        self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Ok).setText("Accept and Write Tags")

diff --git a/comictaggerlib/cli.py b/comictaggerlib/cli.py
index 688907d..dbd0c2e 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/cli.py
+++ b/comictaggerlib/cli.py
@@ -293,7 +293,3 @@ def process_file_cli(filename, opts, settings, match_results):
                 if opts.raw:
-                    print((
-                        "{0}".format(
-                            str(
-                                ca.readRawCIX(),
-                                errors='ignore'))))
+                    print(ca.read_raw_cix())
2022-04-02 14:21:37 -07:00

224 lines
7.5 KiB

"""A class to encapsulate CoMet data"""
# Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from comicapi import utils
from comicapi.genericmetadata import GenericMetadata
class CoMet:
writer_synonyms = ["writer", "plotter", "scripter"]
penciller_synonyms = ["artist", "penciller", "penciler", "breakdowns"]
inker_synonyms = ["inker", "artist", "finishes"]
colorist_synonyms = ["colorist", "colourist", "colorer", "colourer"]
letterer_synonyms = ["letterer"]
cover_synonyms = ["cover", "covers", "coverartist", "cover artist"]
editor_synonyms = ["editor"]
def metadata_from_string(self, string):
tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(string))
return self.convert_xml_to_metadata(tree)
def string_from_metadata(self, metadata):
header = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n'
tree = self.convert_metadata_to_xml(metadata)
return header + ET.tostring(tree.getroot())
def convert_metadata_to_xml(self, metadata):
# shorthand for the metadata
md = metadata
# build a tree structure
root = ET.Element("comet")
root.attrib["xmlns:comet"] = "http://www.denvog.com/comet/"
root.attrib["xmlns:xsi"] = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
root.attrib["xsi:schemaLocation"] = "http://www.denvog.com http://www.denvog.com/comet/comet.xsd"
# helper func
def assign(comet_entry, md_entry):
if md_entry is not None:
ET.SubElement(root, comet_entry).text = str(md_entry)
# title is manditory
if md.title is None:
md.title = ""
assign("title", md.title)
assign("series", md.series)
assign("issue", md.issue) # must be int??
assign("volume", md.volume)
assign("description", md.comments)
assign("publisher", md.publisher)
assign("pages", md.page_count)
assign("format", md.format)
assign("language", md.language)
assign("rating", md.maturity_rating)
assign("price", md.price)
assign("isVersionOf", md.is_version_of)
assign("rights", md.rights)
assign("identifier", md.identifier)
assign("lastMark", md.last_mark)
assign("genre", md.genre) # TODO repeatable
if md.characters is not None:
char_list = [c.strip() for c in md.characters.split(",")]
for c in char_list:
assign("character", c)
if md.manga is not None and md.manga == "YesAndRightToLeft":
assign("readingDirection", "rtl")
if md.year is not None:
date_str = str(md.year).zfill(4)
if md.month is not None:
date_str += "-" + str(md.month).zfill(2)
assign("date", date_str)
assign("coverImage", md.cover_image)
# loop thru credits, and build a list for each role that CoMet supports
for credit in metadata.credits:
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.writer_synonyms):
ET.SubElement(root, "writer").text = str(credit["person"])
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.penciller_synonyms):
ET.SubElement(root, "penciller").text = str(credit["person"])
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.inker_synonyms):
ET.SubElement(root, "inker").text = str(credit["person"])
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.colorist_synonyms):
ET.SubElement(root, "colorist").text = str(credit["person"])
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.letterer_synonyms):
ET.SubElement(root, "letterer").text = str(credit["person"])
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.cover_synonyms):
ET.SubElement(root, "coverDesigner").text = str(credit["person"])
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.editor_synonyms):
ET.SubElement(root, "editor").text = str(credit["person"])
# wrap it in an ElementTree instance, and save as XML
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
return tree
def convert_xml_to_metadata(self, tree):
root = tree.getroot()
if root.tag != "comet":
raise "1"
metadata = GenericMetadata()
md = metadata
# Helper function
def xlate(tag):
node = root.find(tag)
if node is not None:
return node.text
return None
md.series = xlate("series")
md.title = xlate("title")
md.issue = xlate("issue")
md.volume = xlate("volume")
md.comments = xlate("description")
md.publisher = xlate("publisher")
md.language = xlate("language")
md.format = xlate("format")
md.page_count = xlate("pages")
md.maturity_rating = xlate("rating")
md.price = xlate("price")
md.is_version_of = xlate("isVersionOf")
md.rights = xlate("rights")
md.identifier = xlate("identifier")
md.last_mark = xlate("lastMark")
md.genre = xlate("genre") # TODO - repeatable field
date = xlate("date")
if date is not None:
parts = date.split("-")
if len(parts) > 0:
md.year = parts[0]
if len(parts) > 1:
md.month = parts[1]
md.cover_image = xlate("coverImage")
reading_direction = xlate("readingDirection")
if reading_direction is not None and reading_direction == "rtl":
md.manga = "YesAndRightToLeft"
# loop for character tags
char_list = []
for n in root:
if n.tag == "character":
md.characters = utils.list_to_string(char_list)
# Now extract the credit info
for n in root:
if any(
n.tag == "writer",
n.tag == "penciller",
n.tag == "inker",
n.tag == "colorist",
n.tag == "letterer",
n.tag == "editor",
metadata.add_credit(n.text.strip(), n.tag.title())
if n.tag == "coverDesigner":
metadata.add_credit(n.text.strip(), "Cover")
metadata.is_empty = False
return metadata
# verify that the string actually contains CoMet data in XML format
def validate_string(self, string):
tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(string))
root = tree.getroot()
if root.tag != "comet":
raise Exception
return False
return True
def write_to_external_file(self, filename, metadata):
tree = self.convert_metadata_to_xml(metadata)
tree.write(filename, encoding="utf-8")
def read_from_external_file(self, filename):
tree = ET.parse(filename)
return self.convert_xml_to_metadata(tree)