git-svn-id: 6c5673fe-1810-88d6-992b-cd32ca31540c
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234 lines
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Functions for parsing comic info from filename
This should probably be re-written, but, well, it mostly works!
Copyright 2012 Anthony Beville
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
# Some portions of this code were modified from pyComicMetaThis project
import re
import os
from urllib import unquote
class FileNameParser:
def fixSpaces( self, string, remove_dashes=True ):
if remove_dashes:
placeholders = ['[-_]',' +']
placeholders = ['[_]',' +']
for ph in placeholders:
string = re.sub(ph, ' ', string )
return string.strip()
# check for silly .1 or .5 style issue strings
# allow up to 5 chars total
def isPointIssue( self, word ):
ret = False
if (len(word) < 5 and not word.isdigit()):
ret = True
except ValueError:
return ret
def getIssueCount( self,filename ):
count = ""
# replace any name seperators with spaces
tmpstr = self.fixSpaces(filename)
found = False
match ='(?<=\sof\s)\d+(?=\s)', tmpstr, re.IGNORECASE)
if match:
count =
found = True
if not found:
match ='(?<=\(of\s)\d+(?=\))', tmpstr, re.IGNORECASE)
if match:
count =
found = True
count = count.lstrip("0")
return count
def getIssueNumber( self, filename ):
found = False
issue = ''
# first, look for multiple "--", this mean's it's formatted differently from most:
if "--" in filename:
# the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "--" is the series name followed by issue
filename = filename.split("--")[0]
elif "___" in filename:
# the pattern seems to be that anything to left of the first "__" is the series name followed by issue
filename = filename.split("__")[0]
filename = filename.replace("+", " ")
# remove parenthetical phrases
filename = re.sub( "\(.*\)", "", filename)
filename = re.sub( "\[.*\]", "", filename)
# guess based on position
# replace any name seperators with spaces
tmpstr = self.fixSpaces(filename)
word_list = tmpstr.split(' ')
#before we search, remove any kind of likely "of X" phrase
for i in range(0, len(word_list)-2):
if ( word_list[i].isdigit() and
word_list[i+1] == "of" and
word_list[i+2].isdigit() ):
word_list[i+1] ="XXX"
word_list[i+2] ="XXX"
# first look for the last "#" followed by a digit in the filename. this is almost certainly the issue number
#issnum ='#\d+', filename)
matchlist = re.findall("#[-+]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)", filename)
if len(matchlist) > 0:
#get the last item
issue = matchlist[ len(matchlist) - 1]
found = True
# assume the last number in the filename that is under 4 digits is the issue number
if not found:
for word in reversed(word_list):
if len(word) > 0 and word[0] == "#":
word = word[1:]
if (
(word.isdigit() and len(word) < 4) or
issue = word
found = True
#print 'Assuming issue number is ' + str(issue) + ' based on the position.'
if not found:
# try a regex
issnum ='(?<=[_#\s-])(\d+[a-zA-Z]|\d+\.\d|\d+)', filename)
if issnum:
issue =
found = True
#print 'Got the issue using regex. Issue is ' + issue
return issue.strip()
def getSeriesName(self, filename, issue ):
# use the issue number string to split the filename string
# assume first element of list is the series name, plus cruft
#!!! this could fail in the case of small numerics in the series name!!!
# TODO: we really should pass in the *INDEX* of the issue, that makes
# finding it easier
filename = filename.replace("+", " ")
tmpstr = self.fixSpaces(filename, remove_dashes=False)
#remove pound signs. this might mess up the series name if there is a# in it.
tmpstr = tmpstr.replace("#", " ")
if issue != "":
# assume that issue substr has at least one space before it
issue_str = " " + str(issue)
series = tmpstr.split(issue_str)[0]
# no issue to work off of
#!!! TODO we should look for the year, and split from that
# and if that doesn't exist, remove parenthetical phrases
series = tmpstr
series = re.sub( "\(.*\)", "", tmpstr)
volume = ""
series = series.rstrip("#")
# search for volume number
match ='(.+)([vV]|[Vv][oO][Ll]\.?\s?)(\d+)\s*$', series)
if match:
series =
volume =
return series.strip(), volume.strip()
def getYear( self,filename):
year = ""
# look for four digit number with "(" ")" or "--" around it
match ='(\(\d\d\d\d\))|(--\d\d\d\d--)', filename)
if match:
year =
# remove non-numerics
year = re.sub("[^0-9]", "", year)
return year
def parseFilename( self, filename ):
# remove the path
filename = os.path.basename(filename)
# remove the extension
filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
#url decode, just in case
filename = unquote(filename)
# sometimes archives get messed up names from too many decodings
# often url encodings will break and leave "_28" and "_29" in place
# of "(" and ")" see if there are a number of these, and replace them
if filename.count("_28") > 1 and filename.count("_29") > 1:
filename = filename.replace("_28", "(")
filename = filename.replace("_29", ")")
# ----HACK
# remove the first word that word is a 3 digit number.
# some story arcs collection packs do this, but it's ugly
# this will probably break something, i.e. "100 bullets"
#word = filename.split(' ')[0]
#if len(word) == 3 and word[0] =='0' and word.isdigit():
# filename = filename[4:]
# ----HACK -
self.issue = self.getIssueNumber(filename)
self.series, self.volume = self.getSeriesName(filename, self.issue)
self.year = self.getYear(filename)
self.issue_count = self.getIssueCount(filename)
if self.issue != "":
# strip off leading zeros
self.issue = self.issue.lstrip("0")
if self.issue == "":
self.issue = "0"
if self.issue[0] == ".":
self.issue = "0" + self.issue