Make "runtime" a persistent group, allows normalizing without losing validation Simplify archiver setting generation Generate options for setting a url and key for all talkers Return validated talker settings Require that the talker id must match the entry point name Add api_url and api_key as default attributes on talkers Add default handling of api_url and api_key to register_settings Update settngs to 0.6.2 to be able to add settings to a group and use the display_name attribute Error if no talkers are loaded Update talker entry point to comictagger.talker
ComicTagger is a multi-platform app for writing metadata to digital comics, written in Python and PyQt.
- Runs on macOS, Microsoft Windows, and Linux systems
- Get comic information from Comic Vine
- Automatic issue matching using advanced image processing techniques
- Batch processing in the GUI for tagging hundreds or more comics at a time
- Support for ComicRack and ComicBookLover tagging formats
- Native full support for CBZ digital comics
- Native read only support for CBR digital comics: full support enabled installing additional rar tools
- Command line interface (CLI) enabling custom scripting and batch operations on large collections
For details, screen-shots, and more, visit the Wiki
Windows and macOS binaries are provided in the Releases Page.
Just unzip the archive in any folder and run, no additional installation steps are required.
PIP installation
A pip package is provided, you can install it with:
$ pip3 install comictagger[GUI]
There are two optional dependencies GUI and CBR. You can install the optional dependencies by specifying one or more of GUI
or all
in braces e.g. comictagger[CBR,GUI]
Chocolatey installation (Windows only)
A Chocolatey package, maintained by @Xav83, is provided, you can install it with:
choco install comictagger
From source
- Ensure you have python 3.9 installed
- Clone this repository
git clone
pip3 install -r requirements_dev.txt
pip3 install .
orpip3 install .[GUI]
beville |
davide-romanini |
fcanc |
lordwelch |
mizaki |
MichaelFitzurka |
abuchanan920 |
AlbanSeurat |
rhaussmann |
jpcranford |
PawlakMarek |
Xav83 |
thFrgttn |
tlc |