2022-06-02 18:32:16 -07:00

279 lines
11 KiB

"""A class to encapsulate ComicRack's ComicInfo.xml data"""
# Copyright 2012-2014 Anthony Beville
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, cast
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree
from comicapi import utils
from comicapi.genericmetadata import GenericMetadata, ImageMetadata
from comicapi.issuestring import IssueString
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ComicInfoXml:
writer_synonyms = ["writer", "plotter", "scripter"]
penciller_synonyms = ["artist", "penciller", "penciler", "breakdowns"]
inker_synonyms = ["inker", "artist", "finishes"]
colorist_synonyms = ["colorist", "colourist", "colorer", "colourer"]
letterer_synonyms = ["letterer"]
cover_synonyms = ["cover", "covers", "coverartist", "cover artist"]
editor_synonyms = ["editor"]
def get_parseable_credits(self) -> list[str]:
parsable_credits = []
return parsable_credits
def metadata_from_string(self, string: bytes) -> GenericMetadata:
tree = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(string))
return self.convert_xml_to_metadata(tree)
def string_from_metadata(self, metadata: GenericMetadata, xml: bytes = b"") -> str:
tree = self.convert_metadata_to_xml(self, metadata, xml)
tree_str = ET.tostring(tree.getroot(), encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True).decode("utf-8")
return str(tree_str)
def convert_metadata_to_xml(
self, filename: ComicInfoXml, metadata: GenericMetadata, xml: bytes = b""
) -> ElementTree:
# shorthand for the metadata
md = metadata
if xml:
root = ET.ElementTree(ET.fromstring(xml)).getroot()
# build a tree structure
root = ET.Element("ComicInfo")
root.attrib["xmlns:xsi"] = ""
root.attrib["xmlns:xsd"] = ""
# helper func
def assign(cix_entry: str, md_entry: Any) -> None:
if md_entry is not None and md_entry:
et_entry = root.find(cix_entry)
if et_entry is not None:
et_entry.text = str(md_entry)
ET.SubElement(root, cix_entry).text = str(md_entry)
et_entry = root.find(cix_entry)
if et_entry is not None:
assign("Title", md.title)
assign("Series", md.series)
assign("Number", md.issue)
assign("Count", md.issue_count)
assign("Volume", md.volume)
assign("AlternateSeries", md.alternate_series)
assign("AlternateNumber", md.alternate_number)
assign("StoryArc", md.story_arc)
assign("SeriesGroup", md.series_group)
assign("AlternateCount", md.alternate_count)
assign("Summary", md.comments)
assign("Notes", md.notes)
assign("Year", md.year)
assign("Month", md.month)
# need to specially process the credits, since they are structured
# differently than CIX
credit_writer_list = []
credit_penciller_list = []
credit_inker_list = []
credit_colorist_list = []
credit_letterer_list = []
credit_cover_list = []
credit_editor_list = []
# first, loop thru credits, and build a list for each role that CIX
# supports
for credit in metadata.credits:
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.writer_synonyms):
credit_writer_list.append(credit["person"].replace(",", ""))
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.penciller_synonyms):
credit_penciller_list.append(credit["person"].replace(",", ""))
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.inker_synonyms):
credit_inker_list.append(credit["person"].replace(",", ""))
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.colorist_synonyms):
credit_colorist_list.append(credit["person"].replace(",", ""))
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.letterer_synonyms):
credit_letterer_list.append(credit["person"].replace(",", ""))
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.cover_synonyms):
credit_cover_list.append(credit["person"].replace(",", ""))
if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.editor_synonyms):
credit_editor_list.append(credit["person"].replace(",", ""))
# second, convert each list to string, and add to XML struct
assign("Writer", utils.list_to_string(credit_writer_list))
assign("Penciller", utils.list_to_string(credit_penciller_list))
assign("Inker", utils.list_to_string(credit_inker_list))
assign("Colorist", utils.list_to_string(credit_colorist_list))
assign("Letterer", utils.list_to_string(credit_letterer_list))
assign("CoverArtist", utils.list_to_string(credit_cover_list))
assign("Editor", utils.list_to_string(credit_editor_list))
assign("Publisher", md.publisher)
assign("Imprint", md.imprint)
assign("Genre", md.genre)
assign("Web", md.web_link)
assign("PageCount", md.page_count)
assign("LanguageISO", md.language)
assign("Format", md.format)
assign("AgeRating", md.maturity_rating)
assign("CommunityRating", md.community_rating)
assign("BlackAndWhite", "Yes" if md.black_and_white else None)
assign("Manga", md.manga)
assign("Characters", md.characters)
assign("Teams", md.teams)
assign("Locations", md.locations)
assign("ScanInformation", md.scan_info)
# loop and add the page entries under pages node
pages_node = root.find("Pages")
if pages_node is not None:
pages_node = ET.SubElement(root, "Pages")
for page_dict in md.pages:
page_node = ET.SubElement(pages_node, "Page")
page_node.attrib = OrderedDict(sorted((k, str(v)) for k, v in page_dict.items()))
# wrap it in an ElementTree instance, and save as XML
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
return tree
def convert_xml_to_metadata(self, tree: ElementTree) -> GenericMetadata:
root = tree.getroot()
if root.tag != "ComicInfo":
raise Exception("Not a ComicInfo file")
def get(name: str) -> str | None:
tag = root.find(name)
if tag is None:
return None
return tag.text
md = GenericMetadata()
md.series = utils.xlate(get("Series"))
md.title = utils.xlate(get("Title"))
md.issue = IssueString(utils.xlate(get("Number"))).as_string()
md.issue_count = utils.xlate(get("Count"), True)
md.volume = utils.xlate(get("Volume"), True)
md.alternate_series = utils.xlate(get("AlternateSeries"))
md.alternate_number = IssueString(utils.xlate(get("AlternateNumber"))).as_string()
md.alternate_count = utils.xlate(get("AlternateCount"), True)
md.comments = utils.xlate(get("Summary"))
md.notes = utils.xlate(get("Notes"))
md.year = utils.xlate(get("Year"), True)
md.month = utils.xlate(get("Month"), True) = utils.xlate(get("Day"), True)
md.publisher = utils.xlate(get("Publisher"))
md.imprint = utils.xlate(get("Imprint"))
md.genre = utils.xlate(get("Genre"))
md.web_link = utils.xlate(get("Web"))
md.language = utils.xlate(get("LanguageISO"))
md.format = utils.xlate(get("Format"))
md.manga = utils.xlate(get("Manga"))
md.characters = utils.xlate(get("Characters"))
md.teams = utils.xlate(get("Teams"))
md.locations = utils.xlate(get("Locations"))
md.page_count = utils.xlate(get("PageCount"), True)
md.scan_info = utils.xlate(get("ScanInformation"))
md.story_arc = utils.xlate(get("StoryArc"))
md.series_group = utils.xlate(get("SeriesGroup"))
md.maturity_rating = utils.xlate(get("AgeRating"))
md.community_rating = utils.xlate(get("CommunityRating"))
tmp = utils.xlate(get("BlackAndWhite"))
if tmp is not None and tmp.lower() in ["yes", "true", "1"]:
md.black_and_white = True
# Now extract the credit info
for n in root:
if any(
n.tag == "Writer",
n.tag == "Penciller",
n.tag == "Inker",
n.tag == "Colorist",
n.tag == "Letterer",
n.tag == "Editor",
if n.text is not None:
for name in n.text.split(","):
md.add_credit(name.strip(), n.tag)
if n.tag == "CoverArtist":
if n.text is not None:
for name in n.text.split(","):
md.add_credit(name.strip(), "Cover")
# parse page data now
pages_node = root.find("Pages")
if pages_node is not None:
for page in pages_node:
p: dict[str, Any] = page.attrib
if "Image" in p:
p["Image"] = int(p["Image"])
md.pages.append(cast(ImageMetadata, p))
md.is_empty = False
return md
def write_to_external_file(self, filename: str, metadata: GenericMetadata, xml: bytes = b"") -> None:
tree = self.convert_metadata_to_xml(self, metadata, xml)
tree.write(filename, encoding="utf-8", xml_declaration=True)
def read_from_external_file(self, filename: str) -> GenericMetadata:
tree = ET.parse(filename)
return self.convert_xml_to_metadata(tree)