We didn’t have a need to clamp the TCP Maximum Segment Size (MSS) up until now, because fiber7 uses an MTU of 1500. Because Path MTU discovery is often broken on the internet, it’s best practice to limit the Maximum Segment Size (MSS) of each TCP connection, achieving the same effect (but only for TCP connections). This change is beneficial when running router7 behind a non-ethernet uplink, such as a Fritz!Box cable modem. This has no adverse effect on fiber7: after clamping, the MSS is still 1440, as without clamping.
737 lines
19 KiB
737 lines
19 KiB
// Copyright 2018 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package netconfig implements network configuration (interfaces, addresses, firewall rules, …).
package netconfig
import (
var log = teelogger.NewConsole()
func subnetMaskSize(mask string) (int, error) {
parts := strings.Split(mask, ".")
if got, want := len(parts), 4; got != want {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("unexpected number of parts in subnet mask %q: got %d, want %d", mask, got, want)
numeric := make([]byte, len(parts))
for idx, part := range parts {
i, err := strconv.ParseUint(part, 0, 8)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
numeric[idx] = byte(i)
ones, _ := net.IPv4Mask(numeric[0], numeric[1], numeric[2], numeric[3]).Size()
return ones, nil
func applyDhcp4(dir string) error {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, "dhcp4/wire/lease.json"))
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil // dhcp4 might not have obtained a lease yet
return err
var got dhcp4.Config
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &got); err != nil {
return err
link, err := netlink.LinkByName("uplink0")
if err != nil {
return err
if got.SubnetMask == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid DHCP lease: no subnet mask present")
subnetSize, err := subnetMaskSize(got.SubnetMask)
if err != nil {
return err
addr, err := netlink.ParseAddr(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", got.ClientIP, subnetSize))
if err != nil {
return err
h, err := netlink.NewHandle()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("netlink.NewHandle: %v", err)
defer h.Delete()
if err := h.AddrReplace(link, addr); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("AddrReplace(%v): %v", addr, err)
// from include/uapi/linux/rtnetlink.h
const (
if err := h.RouteReplace(&netlink.Route{
LinkIndex: link.Attrs().Index,
Dst: &net.IPNet{
IP: net.ParseIP(got.Router),
Mask: net.CIDRMask(32, 32),
Src: net.ParseIP(got.ClientIP),
Scope: netlink.SCOPE_LINK,
Protocol: RTPROT_DHCP,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("RouteReplace(router): %v", err)
if err := h.RouteReplace(&netlink.Route{
LinkIndex: link.Attrs().Index,
Dst: &net.IPNet{
IP: net.ParseIP(""),
Mask: net.CIDRMask(0, 32),
Gw: net.ParseIP(got.Router),
Src: net.ParseIP(got.ClientIP),
Protocol: RTPROT_DHCP,
}); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("RouteReplace(default): %v", err)
return nil
func applyDhcp6(dir string) error {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, "dhcp6/wire/lease.json"))
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil // dhcp6 might not have obtained a lease yet
return err
var got dhcp6.Config
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &got); err != nil {
return err
link, err := netlink.LinkByName("lan0")
if err != nil {
return err
for _, prefix := range got.Prefixes {
// pick the first address of the prefix, e.g. address 2a02:168:4a00::1
// for prefix 2a02:168:4a00::/48
prefix.IP[len(prefix.IP)-1] = 1
// Use the first /64 subnet within larger prefixes
if ones, bits := prefix.Mask.Size(); ones < 64 {
prefix.Mask = net.CIDRMask(64, bits)
addr, err := netlink.ParseAddr(prefix.String())
if err != nil {
return err
if err := netlink.AddrReplace(link, addr); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("AddrReplace(%v): %v", addr, err)
return nil
type InterfaceDetails struct {
HardwareAddr string `json:"hardware_addr"` // e.g. dc:9b:9c:ee:72:fd
SpoofHardwareAddr string `json:"spoof_hardware_addr"` // e.g. dc:9b:9c:ee:72:fd
Name string `json:"name"` // e.g. uplink0, or lan0
Addr string `json:"addr"` // e.g.
type InterfaceConfig struct {
Interfaces []InterfaceDetails `json:"interfaces"`
// LinkAddress returns the IP address configured for the interface ifname in
// interfaces.json.
func LinkAddress(dir, ifname string) (net.IP, error) {
fn := filepath.Join(dir, "interfaces.json")
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var cfg InterfaceConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &cfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, details := range cfg.Interfaces {
if details.Name != ifname {
ip, _, err := net.ParseCIDR(details.Addr)
return ip, err
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s does not configure interface %q", fn, ifname)
func applyInterfaces(dir, root string) error {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, "interfaces.json"))
if err != nil {
return err
var cfg InterfaceConfig
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &cfg); err != nil {
return err
byHardwareAddr := make(map[string]InterfaceDetails)
for _, details := range cfg.Interfaces {
byHardwareAddr[details.HardwareAddr] = details
if spoof := details.SpoofHardwareAddr; spoof != "" {
byHardwareAddr[spoof] = details
links, err := netlink.LinkList()
for _, l := range links {
attr := l.Attrs()
// TODO: prefix log line with details about the interface.
// link &{LinkAttrs:{Index:2 MTU:1500 TxQLen:1000 Name:eth0 HardwareAddr:00:0d:b9:49:70:18 Flags:broadcast|multicast RawFlags:4098 ParentIndex:0 MasterIndex:0 Namespace:<nil> Alias: Statistics:0xc4200f45f8 Promisc:0 Xdp:0xc4200ca180 EncapType:ether Protinfo:<nil> OperState:down NetNsID:0 NumTxQueues:0 NumRxQueues:0 Vfs:[]}}, attr &{Index:2 MTU:1500 TxQLen:1000 Name:eth0 HardwareAddr:00:0d:b9:49:70:18 Flags:broadcast|multicast RawFlags:4098 ParentIndex:0 MasterIndex:0 Namespace:<nil> Alias: Statistics:0xc4200f45f8 Promisc:0 Xdp:0xc4200ca180 EncapType:ether Protinfo:<nil> OperState:down NetNsID:0 NumTxQueues:0 NumRxQueues:0 Vfs:[]}
addr := attr.HardwareAddr.String()
details, ok := byHardwareAddr[addr]
if !ok {
if addr == "" {
continue // not a configurable interface (e.g. sit0)
log.Printf("no config for hardwareattr %s", addr)
log.Printf("apply details %+v", details)
if attr.Name != details.Name {
if err := netlink.LinkSetName(l, details.Name); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("LinkSetName(%q): %v", details.Name, err)
attr.Name = details.Name
if spoof := details.SpoofHardwareAddr; spoof != "" {
hwaddr, err := net.ParseMAC(spoof)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ParseMAC(%q): %v", spoof, err)
if err := netlink.LinkSetHardwareAddr(l, hwaddr); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("LinkSetHardwareAddr(%v): %v", hwaddr, err)
if attr.OperState != netlink.OperUp {
// Set the interface to up, which is required by all other configuration.
if err := netlink.LinkSetUp(l); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("LinkSetUp(%s): %v", attr.Name, err)
if details.Addr != "" {
addr, err := netlink.ParseAddr(details.Addr)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ParseAddr(%q): %v", details.Addr, err)
if err := netlink.AddrReplace(l, addr); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("AddrReplace(%s, %v): %v", attr.Name, addr, err)
if details.Name == "lan0" {
b := []byte("nameserver " + addr.IP.String() + "\n")
fn := filepath.Join(root, "tmp", "resolv.conf")
if err := os.Remove(fn); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
return err
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(fn, b, 0644); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func ifname(n string) []byte {
b := make([]byte, 16)
copy(b, []byte(n+"\x00"))
return b
func portForwardExpr(proto uint8, portMin, portMax uint16, dest net.IP, dportMin, dportMax uint16) []expr.Any {
var cmp []expr.Any
if portMin == portMax {
cmp = []expr.Any{
// [ cmp eq reg 1 0x0000e60f ]
Op: expr.CmpOpEq,
Register: 1,
Data: binaryutil.BigEndian.PutUint16(portMin),
} else {
cmp = []expr.Any{
// [ cmp gte reg 1 0x0000e60f ]
Op: expr.CmpOpGte,
Register: 1,
Data: binaryutil.BigEndian.PutUint16(portMin),
// [ cmp lte reg 1 0x0000fa0f ]
Op: expr.CmpOpLte,
Register: 1,
Data: binaryutil.BigEndian.PutUint16(portMax),
ex := []expr.Any{
// [ meta load iifname => reg 1 ]
&expr.Meta{Key: expr.MetaKeyIIFNAME, Register: 1},
// [ cmp eq reg 1 0x696c7075 0x00306b6e 0x00000000 0x00000000 ]
Op: expr.CmpOpEq,
Register: 1,
Data: ifname("uplink0"),
// [ meta load l4proto => reg 1 ]
&expr.Meta{Key: expr.MetaKeyL4PROTO, Register: 1},
// [ cmp eq reg 1 0x00000006 ]
Op: expr.CmpOpEq,
Register: 1,
Data: []byte{proto},
// [ payload load 2b @ transport header + 2 => reg 1 ]
DestRegister: 1,
Base: expr.PayloadBaseTransportHeader,
Offset: 2, // TODO
Len: 2, // TODO
ex = append(ex, cmp...)
ex = append(ex,
// [ immediate reg 1 0x0217a8c0 ]
Register: 1,
Data: dest.To4(),
if dportMin == dportMax {
ex = append(ex,
// [ immediate reg 2 0x0000f00f ]
Register: 2,
Data: binaryutil.BigEndian.PutUint16(dportMin),
// [ nat dnat ip addr_min reg 1 addr_max reg 0 proto_min reg 2 proto_max reg 0 ]
Type: expr.NATTypeDestNAT,
Family: unix.NFPROTO_IPV4,
RegAddrMin: 1,
RegProtoMin: 2,
} else {
ex = append(ex,
// [ immediate reg 2 0x0000e60f ]
Register: 2,
Data: binaryutil.BigEndian.PutUint16(dportMin),
// [ immediate reg 3 0x0000fa0f ]
Register: 3,
Data: binaryutil.BigEndian.PutUint16(dportMax),
// [ nat dnat ip addr_min reg 1 addr_max reg 0 proto_min reg 2 proto_max reg 3 ]
Type: expr.NATTypeDestNAT,
Family: unix.NFPROTO_IPV4,
RegAddrMin: 1,
RegProtoMin: 2,
RegProtoMax: 3,
return ex
type portForwarding struct {
Proto string `json:"proto"` // e.g. “tcp” (or “tcp,udp”)
Port string `json:"port"` // e.g. “8080” (or “8080-8090”)
DestAddr string `json:"dest_addr"` // e.g. “”
DestPort string `json:"dest_port"` // e.g. “80” (or “80-90”)
type portForwardings struct {
Forwardings []portForwarding `json:"forwardings"`
var rangeRe = regexp.MustCompile(`^([0-9]+)(?:-([0-9]+))?$`)
func parsePort(p string) (min uint16, max uint16, _ error) {
matches := rangeRe.FindStringSubmatch(p)
if len(matches) == 0 {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("malformed port %q, expected port number (e.g. 8080) or port range (e.g. 8080-8090)", p)
min64, err := strconv.ParseUint(matches[1], 0, 16)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("ParseInt(%q): %v", matches[1], err)
max64 := min64
if matches[2] != "" {
max64, err = strconv.ParseUint(matches[2], 0, 16)
if err != nil {
return 0, 0, fmt.Errorf("ParseInt(%q): %v", matches[2], err)
return uint16(min64), uint16(max64), nil
func applyPortForwardings(dir string, c *nftables.Conn, nat *nftables.Table, prerouting *nftables.Chain) error {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, "portforwardings.json"))
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil
return err
var cfg portForwardings
if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &cfg); err != nil {
return err
for _, fw := range cfg.Forwardings {
for _, proto := range strings.Split(fw.Proto, ",") {
var p uint8
switch proto {
case "", "tcp":
p = unix.IPPROTO_TCP
case "udp":
p = unix.IPPROTO_UDP
return fmt.Errorf(`unknown proto %q, expected "tcp" or "udp"`, proto)
min, max, err := parsePort(fw.Port)
if err != nil {
return err
dmin, dmax, err := parsePort(fw.DestPort)
if err != nil {
return err
Table: nat,
Chain: prerouting,
Exprs: portForwardExpr(p, min, max, net.ParseIP(fw.DestAddr), dmin, dmax),
return nil
// DefaultCounterObj is overridden while testing
var DefaultCounterObj = &nftables.CounterObj{}
func getCounterObj(c *nftables.Conn, o *nftables.CounterObj) *nftables.CounterObj {
objs, err := c.GetObj(o)
if err != nil {
o.Bytes = DefaultCounterObj.Bytes
o.Packets = DefaultCounterObj.Packets
return o
// TODO: remove this workaround once travis has workers with a newer kernel
// than its current Ubuntu trusty kernel (Linux 4.4.0):
var filtered []nftables.Obj
for _, obj := range objs {
co, ok := obj.(*nftables.CounterObj)
if !ok {
if co.Table.Name != o.Table.Name {
filtered = append(filtered, obj)
objs = filtered
if got, want := len(objs), 1; got != want {
log.Printf("could not carry counter values: unexpected number of objects in table %v: got %d, want %d", o.Table.Name, got, want)
o.Bytes = DefaultCounterObj.Bytes
o.Packets = DefaultCounterObj.Packets
return o
if co, ok := objs[0].(*nftables.CounterObj); ok {
return co
o.Bytes = DefaultCounterObj.Bytes
o.Packets = DefaultCounterObj.Packets
return o
func applyFirewall(dir string) error {
c := &nftables.Conn{}
nat := c.AddTable(&nftables.Table{
Family: nftables.TableFamilyIPv4,
Name: "nat",
prerouting := c.AddChain(&nftables.Chain{
Name: "prerouting",
Hooknum: nftables.ChainHookPrerouting,
Priority: nftables.ChainPriorityFilter,
Table: nat,
Type: nftables.ChainTypeNAT,
postrouting := c.AddChain(&nftables.Chain{
Name: "postrouting",
Hooknum: nftables.ChainHookPostrouting,
Priority: nftables.ChainPriorityNATSource,
Table: nat,
Type: nftables.ChainTypeNAT,
Table: nat,
Chain: postrouting,
Exprs: []expr.Any{
// meta load oifname => reg 1
&expr.Meta{Key: expr.MetaKeyOIFNAME, Register: 1},
// cmp eq reg 1 0x696c7075 0x00306b6e 0x00000000 0x00000000
Op: expr.CmpOpEq,
Register: 1,
Data: ifname("uplink0"),
// masq
if err := applyPortForwardings(dir, c, nat, prerouting); err != nil {
return err
filter4 := c.AddTable(&nftables.Table{
Family: nftables.TableFamilyIPv4,
Name: "filter",
filter6 := c.AddTable(&nftables.Table{
Family: nftables.TableFamilyIPv6,
Name: "filter",
for _, filter := range []*nftables.Table{filter4, filter6} {
forward := c.AddChain(&nftables.Chain{
Name: "forward",
Hooknum: nftables.ChainHookForward,
Priority: nftables.ChainPriorityFilter,
Table: filter,
Type: nftables.ChainTypeFilter,
Table: filter,
Chain: forward,
Exprs: []expr.Any{
// [ meta load oifname => reg 1 ]
&expr.Meta{Key: expr.MetaKeyOIFNAME, Register: 1},
// [ cmp eq reg 1 0x30707070 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 ]
Op: expr.CmpOpEq,
Register: 1,
Data: ifname("uplink0"),
// [ meta load l4proto => reg 1 ]
&expr.Meta{Key: expr.MetaKeyL4PROTO, Register: 1},
// [ cmp eq reg 1 0x00000006 ]
Op: expr.CmpOpEq,
Register: 1,
Data: []byte{unix.IPPROTO_TCP},
// [ payload load 1b @ transport header + 13 => reg 1 ]
DestRegister: 1,
Base: expr.PayloadBaseTransportHeader,
Offset: 13, // TODO
Len: 1, // TODO
// [ bitwise reg 1 = (reg=1 & 0x00000002 ) ^ 0x00000000 ]
DestRegister: 1,
SourceRegister: 1,
Len: 1,
Mask: []byte{0x02},
Xor: []byte{0x00},
// [ cmp neq reg 1 0x00000000 ]
Op: expr.CmpOpNeq,
Register: 1,
Data: []byte{0x00},
// [ rt load tcpmss => reg 1 ]
Register: 1,
Key: expr.RtTCPMSS,
// [ byteorder reg 1 = hton(reg 1, 2, 2) ]
DestRegister: 1,
SourceRegister: 1,
Op: expr.ByteorderHton,
Len: 2,
Size: 2,
// [ exthdr write tcpopt reg 1 => 2b @ 2 + 2 ]
SourceRegister: 1,
Type: 2, // TODO
Offset: 2,
Len: 2,
Op: expr.ExthdrOpTcpopt,
counterObj := getCounterObj(c, &nftables.CounterObj{
Table: filter,
Name: "fwded",
counter := c.AddObj(counterObj).(*nftables.CounterObj)
const NFT_OBJECT_COUNTER = 1 // TODO: get into x/sys/unix
Table: filter,
Chain: forward,
Exprs: []expr.Any{
// [ counter name fwded ]
Name: counter.Name,
return c.Flush()
func applySysctl() error {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward", []byte("1"), 0644); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("sysctl(net.ipv4.ip_forward=1): %v", err)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile("/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding", []byte("1"), 0644); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("sysctl(net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1): %v", err)
if err := ioutil.WriteFile("/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/uplink0/accept_ra", []byte("2"), 0644); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("sysctl(net.ipv6.conf.uplink0.accept_ra=2): %v", err)
return nil
func Apply(dir, root string) error {
// TODO: split into two parts: delay the up until later
if err := applyInterfaces(dir, root); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("interfaces: %v", err)
var firstErr error
if err := applyDhcp4(dir); err != nil {
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = fmt.Errorf("dhcp4: %v", err)
} else {
log.Printf("cannot apply dhcp4 lease: %v", err)
if err := applyDhcp6(dir); err != nil {
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = fmt.Errorf("dhcp6: %v", err)
} else {
log.Printf("cannot apply dhcp6 lease: %v", err)
for _, process := range []string{
"dyndns", // depends on the public IPv4 address
"dnsd", // listens on private IPv4/IPv6
"diagd", // listens on private IPv4/IPv6
"backupd", // listens on private IPv4/IPv6
"captured", // listens on private IPv4/IPv6
} {
if err := notify.Process("/user/"+process, syscall.SIGUSR1); err != nil {
log.Printf("notifying %s: %v", process, err)
if err := applySysctl(); err != nil {
if firstErr == nil {
firstErr = fmt.Errorf("sysctl: %v", err)
} else {
log.Printf("cannot apply sysctl config: %v", err)
if err := applyFirewall(dir); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("firewall: %v", err)
return firstErr