Persistent setting groups allow settings that are not declared to survive normalization and other operations that would normally remove any unknown keys in a group. Calling normalize or get_namespace with persistent=False will remove unknown keys even from persistent groups. Currently the only way to retrieve the defaults for a config and preserve unknown keys is to manually get the defaults and update each existing group with the default values.
644 lines
22 KiB
644 lines
22 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
import json
import logging
import pathlib
import re
import sys
from argparse import Namespace
from collections import defaultdict
from collections.abc import Sequence
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Dict
from typing import Generic
from typing import NoReturn
from typing import overload
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if sys.version_info < (3, 11): # pragma: no cover
from typing_extensions import NamedTuple
else: # pragma: no cover
from typing import NamedTuple
if sys.version_info < (3, 9): # pragma: no cover
def removeprefix(self: str, prefix: str, /) -> str:
if self.startswith(prefix):
return self[len(prefix):]
return self[:]
class BooleanOptionalAction(argparse.Action):
def __init__(
type=None, # noqa: A002
help=None, # noqa: A002
_option_strings = []
for option_string in option_strings:
if option_string.startswith('--'):
option_string = '--no-' + option_string[2:]
if help is not None and default is not None and default is not argparse.SUPPRESS:
help += ' (default: %(default)s)'
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): # dead: disable
if option_string in self.option_strings:
setattr(namespace, self.dest, not option_string.startswith('--no-'))
else: # pragma: no cover
from argparse import BooleanOptionalAction
removeprefix = str.removeprefix
class Setting:
def __init__(
# From argparse
*names: str,
action: type[argparse.Action] | None = None,
nargs: str | int | None = None,
const: str | None = None,
default: str | None = None,
type: Callable[..., Any] | None = None, # noqa: A002
choices: Sequence[Any] | None = None,
required: bool | None = None,
help: str | None = None, # noqa: A002
metavar: str | None = None,
dest: str | None = None,
# ComicTagger
cmdline: bool = True,
file: bool = True,
group: str = '',
exclusive: bool = False,
if not names:
raise ValueError('names must be specified')
# We prefix the destination name used by argparse so that there are no conflicts
# Argument names will still cause an exception if there is a conflict e.g. if '-f' is defined twice
self.internal_name, dest, flag = self.get_dest(group, names, dest)
args: Sequence[str] = names
# We then also set the metavar so that '--config' in the group runtime shows as 'CONFIG' instead of 'RUNTIME_CONFIG'
if not metavar and action not in ('store_true', 'store_false', 'count'):
metavar = dest.upper()
# If we are not a flag, no '--' or '-' in front
# we prefix the first name with the group as argparse sets dest to args[0]
# I believe internal name may be able to be used here
if not flag:
args = tuple((f'{group}_{names[0]}'.lstrip('_'), *names[1:]))
self.action = action
self.nargs = nargs
self.const = const
self.default = default
self.type = type
self.choices = choices
self.required = required
self.help = help
self.metavar = metavar
self.dest = dest
self.cmdline = cmdline
self.file = file
self.argparse_args = args
self.group = group
self.exclusive = exclusive
self.argparse_kwargs = {
'action': action,
'nargs': nargs,
'const': const,
'default': default,
'type': type,
'choices': choices,
'required': required,
'help': help,
'metavar': metavar,
'dest': self.internal_name if flag else None,
def __str__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover
return f'Setting({self.argparse_args}, type={self.type}, file={self.file}, cmdline={self.cmdline}, kwargs={self.argparse_kwargs})'
def __repr__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover
return self.__str__()
def get_dest(self, prefix: str, names: Sequence[str], dest: str | None) -> tuple[str, str, bool]:
dest_name = None
flag = False
for n in names:
if n.startswith('--'):
flag = True
dest_name = sanitize_name(n)
if n.startswith('-'):
flag = True
if dest_name is None:
dest_name = names[0]
if dest:
dest_name = dest
if not dest_name.isidentifier():
raise Exception('Cannot use {dest_name} in a namespace')
internal_name = f'{prefix}_{dest_name}'.lstrip('_')
return internal_name, dest_name, flag
def filter_argparse_kwargs(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
return {k: v for k, v in self.argparse_kwargs.items() if v is not None}
def to_argparse(self) -> tuple[Sequence[str], dict[str, Any]]:
return self.argparse_args, self.filter_argparse_kwargs()
class Group(NamedTuple):
persistent: bool
v: dict[str, Setting]
Values = Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
Definitions = Dict[str, Group]
T = TypeVar('T', Values, Namespace)
class Config(NamedTuple, Generic[T]):
values: T
definitions: Definitions
ArgParser = Union[argparse._MutuallyExclusiveGroup, argparse._ArgumentGroup, argparse.ArgumentParser]
ns = Namespace | Config[T] | None
def sanitize_name(name: str) -> str:
return re.sub('[' + re.escape(' -_,.!@#$%^&*(){}[]\',."<>;:') + ']+', '-', name).strip('-')
def get_option(options: Values | Namespace, setting: Setting) -> tuple[Any, bool]:
Helper function to retrieve the value for a setting and if the value is the default value
options: Dictionary or namespace of options
setting: The setting object describing the value to retrieve
if isinstance(options, dict):
value = options.get(setting.group, {}).get(setting.dest, setting.default)
value = getattr(options, setting.internal_name, setting.default)
return value, value == setting.default
def get_options(options: Config[T], group: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
Helper function to retrieve all of the values for a group. Only to be used on persistent groups.
options: Dictionary or namespace of options
group: The name of the group to retrieve
if isinstance(options[0], dict):
values = options[0].get(group, {}).copy()
internal_names = {x.internal_name: x for x in options[1][group].v.values()}
values = {}
v = vars(options[0])
for name, value in v.items():
if name.startswith(f'{group}_'):
if name in internal_names:
values[internal_names[name].dest] = value
values[removeprefix(name, f'{group}_')] = value
return values
def normalize_config(
config: Config[T],
file: bool = False,
cmdline: bool = False,
defaults: bool = True,
persistent: bool = True,
) -> Config[Values]:
Creates an `OptionValues` dictionary with setting definitions taken from `self.definitions`
and values taken from `raw_options` and `raw_options_2' if defined.
Values are assigned so if the value is a dictionary mutating it will mutate the original.
raw_options: The dict or Namespace to normalize options from
definitions: The definition of the options
file: Include file options
cmdline: Include cmdline options
defaults: Include default values in the returned dict
persistent: Include unknown keys in persistent groups
normalized: Values = {}
options, definitions = config
for group_name, group in definitions.items():
group_options = {}
if group.persistent and persistent:
group_options = get_options(config, group_name)
for setting_name, setting in group.v.items():
if (setting.cmdline and cmdline) or (setting.file and file):
# Ensures the option exists with the default if not already set
value, default = get_option(options, setting)
if not default or default and defaults:
group_options[setting_name] = value
elif setting_name in group_options:
del group_options[setting_name]
normalized[group_name] = group_options
return Config(normalized, definitions)
def parse_file(definitions: Definitions, filename: pathlib.Path) -> tuple[Config[Values], bool]:
Helper function to read options from a json dictionary from a file
filename: A pathlib.Path object to read a json dictionary from
options: Values = {}
success = True
if filename.exists():
with filename.open() as file:
opts = json.load(file)
if isinstance(opts, dict):
options = opts
except Exception:
logger.exception('Failed to load config file: %s', filename)
success = False
logger.info('No config file found')
success = True
return (normalize_config(Config(options, definitions), file=True), success)
def clean_config(
config: Config[T], file: bool = False, cmdline: bool = False,
) -> Values:
Normalizes options and then cleans up empty groups
clean_options, definitions = normalize_config(config, file=file, cmdline=cmdline)
for group in list(clean_options.keys()):
if not clean_options[group]:
del clean_options[group]
return clean_options
def defaults(definitions: Definitions) -> Config[Values]:
return normalize_config(Config(Namespace(), definitions), file=True, cmdline=True)
def get_namespace(config: Config[T], defaults: bool = True, persistent: bool = True) -> Config[Namespace]:
Returns an Namespace object with options in the form "{group_name}_{setting_name}"
`options` should already be normalized.
Throws an exception if the internal_name is duplicated
options: Normalized options to turn into a Namespace
defaults: Include default values in the returned dict
persistent: Include unknown keys in persistent groups
if isinstance(config.values, Namespace):
options, definitions = normalize_config(config)
options, definitions = config
namespace = Namespace()
for group_name, group in definitions.items():
if group.persistent and persistent:
group_options = get_options(config, group_name)
for name, value in group_options.items():
if name in group.v:
internal_name, default = group.v[name].internal_name, group.v[name].default == value
internal_name, default = f'{group_name}_' + sanitize_name(name), None
if hasattr(namespace, internal_name):
raise Exception(f'Duplicate internal name: {internal_name}')
if not default or default and defaults:
setattr(namespace, internal_name, value)
for setting_name, setting in group.v.items():
if hasattr(namespace, setting.internal_name):
raise Exception(f'Duplicate internal name: {setting.internal_name}')
value, default = get_option(options, setting)
if not default or default and defaults:
setattr(namespace, setting.internal_name, value)
return Config(namespace, definitions)
def save_file(
config: Config[T], filename: pathlib.Path,
) -> bool:
Helper function to save options from a json dictionary to a file
options: The options to save to a json dictionary
filename: A pathlib.Path object to save the json dictionary to
file_options = clean_config(config, file=True)
if not filename.exists():
filename.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
json_str = json.dumps(file_options, indent=2)
filename.write_text(json_str + '\n', encoding='utf-8')
except Exception:
logger.exception('Failed to save config file: %s', filename)
return False
return True
def create_argparser(definitions: Definitions, description: str, epilog: str) -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
"""Creates an :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` from all cmdline settings"""
groups: dict[str, ArgParser] = {}
argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=description, epilog=epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
for group_name, group in definitions.items():
for setting_name, setting in group.v.items():
if setting.cmdline:
argparse_args, argparse_kwargs = setting.to_argparse()
current_group: ArgParser = argparser
if setting.group:
if setting.group not in groups:
if setting.exclusive:
groups[setting.group] = argparser.add_argument_group(
groups[setting.group] = argparser.add_argument_group(setting.group)
# hard coded exception for files
if not (setting.group == 'runtime' and setting.nargs == '*'):
current_group = groups[setting.group]
current_group.add_argument(*argparse_args, **argparse_kwargs)
return argparser
def parse_cmdline(
definitions: Definitions,
description: str,
epilog: str,
args: list[str] | None = None,
config: Namespace | Config[T] | None = None,
) -> Config[Values]:
Creates an `argparse.ArgumentParser` from cmdline settings in `self.definitions`.
`args` and `namespace` are passed to `argparse.ArgumentParser.parse_args`
args: Passed to argparse.ArgumentParser.parse
namespace: Passed to argparse.ArgumentParser.parse
namespace = None
if isinstance(config, Config):
if isinstance(config.values, Namespace):
namespace = config.values
namespace = get_namespace(config, defaults=False)[0]
namespace = config
argparser = create_argparser(definitions, description, epilog)
ns = argparser.parse_args(args, namespace=namespace)
return normalize_config(Config(ns, definitions), cmdline=True, file=True)
def parse_config(
definitions: Definitions,
description: str,
epilog: str,
config_path: pathlib.Path,
args: list[str] | None = None,
) -> tuple[Config[Values], bool]:
file_options, success = parse_file(definitions, config_path)
cmdline_options = parse_cmdline(
definitions, description, epilog, args, get_namespace(file_options, defaults=False),
final_options = normalize_config(cmdline_options, file=True, cmdline=True)
return (final_options, success)
class Manager:
"""docstring for Manager"""
def __init__(self, description: str = '', epilog: str = '', definitions: Definitions | Config[T] | None = None):
# This one is never used, it just makes MyPy happy
self.argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog=epilog)
self.description = description
self.epilog = epilog
if isinstance(definitions, Config):
self.definitions = definitions.definitions
self.definitions = defaultdict(lambda: Group(False, {}), definitions or {})
self.exclusive_group = False
self.current_group_name = ''
def create_argparser(self) -> None:
self.argparser = create_argparser(self.definitions, self.description, self.epilog)
def add_setting(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Takes passes all arguments through to `Setting`, `group` and `exclusive` are already set"""
setting = Setting(*args, **kwargs, group=self.current_group_name, exclusive=self.exclusive_group)
self.definitions[self.current_group_name].v[setting.dest] = setting
def add_group(self, name: str, group: Callable[[Manager], None], exclusive_group: bool = False) -> None:
The primary way to add define options on this class
name: The name of the group to define
group: A function that registers individual options using :meth:`add_setting`
exclusive_group: If this group is an argparse exclusive group
self.current_group_name = name
self.exclusive_group = exclusive_group
self.current_group_name = ''
self.exclusive_group = False
def add_persistent_group(self, name: str, group: Callable[[Manager], None], exclusive_group: bool = False) -> None:
The primary way to add define options on this class
name: The name of the group to define
group: A function that registers individual options using :meth:`add_setting`
exclusive_group: If this group is an argparse exclusive group
self.current_group_name = name
self.exclusive_group = exclusive_group
self.definitions[self.current_group_name] = Group(True, {})
self.current_group_name = ''
self.exclusive_group = False
def exit(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> NoReturn:
"""See :class:`~argparse.ArgumentParser`"""
self.argparser.exit(*args, **kwargs)
raise SystemExit(99)
def defaults(self) -> Config[Values]:
return defaults(self.definitions)
def clean_config(
self, options: T | Config[T], file: bool = False, cmdline: bool = False,
) -> Values:
if isinstance(options, Config):
config = options
config = Config(options, self.definitions)
return clean_config(config, file=file, cmdline=cmdline)
def normalize_config(
options: T | Config[T],
file: bool = False,
cmdline: bool = False,
defaults: bool = True,
) -> Config[Values]:
if isinstance(options, Config):
config = options
config = Config(options, self.definitions)
return normalize_config(
def get_namespace(self, options: Values, defaults: bool = True) -> Namespace:
def get_namespace(self, options: Config[Values], defaults: bool = True) -> Config[Namespace]:
def get_namespace(self, options: Values | Config[Values], defaults: bool = True) -> Config[Namespace] | Namespace:
if isinstance(options, Config):
self.definitions = options[1]
return get_namespace(options, defaults=defaults)
return get_namespace(Config(options, self.definitions), defaults=defaults)
def parse_file(self, filename: pathlib.Path) -> tuple[Config[Values], bool]:
return parse_file(filename=filename, definitions=self.definitions)
def save_file(self, options: T | Config[T], filename: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
if isinstance(options, Config):
return save_file(options, filename=filename)
return save_file(Config(options, self.definitions), filename=filename)
def parse_cmdline(self, args: list[str] | None = None, namespace: ns[T] = None) -> Config[Values]:
return parse_cmdline(self.definitions, self.description, self.epilog, args, namespace)
def parse_config(self, config_path: pathlib.Path, args: list[str] | None = None) -> tuple[Config[Values], bool]:
return parse_config(self.definitions, self.description, self.epilog, config_path, args)
def example(manager: Manager) -> None:
'--save', '-s',
'--verbose', '-v',
action=BooleanOptionalAction, # Added in Python 3.9
def persistent(manager: Manager) -> None:
'--test', '-t',
action=BooleanOptionalAction, # Added in Python 3.9
def _main(args: list[str] | None = None) -> None:
settings_path = pathlib.Path('./settings.json')
manager = Manager(description='This is an example', epilog='goodbye!')
manager.add_group('example', example)
manager.add_persistent_group('persistent', persistent)
file_config, success = manager.parse_file(settings_path)
file_namespace = manager.get_namespace(file_config)
merged_config = manager.parse_cmdline(args=args, namespace=file_namespace)
merged_namespace = manager.get_namespace(merged_config)
print(f'Hello {merged_config.values["example"]["hello"]}') # noqa: T201
if merged_namespace.values.example_save:
if manager.save_file(merged_config, settings_path):
print(f'Successfully saved settings to {settings_path}') # noqa: T201
print(f'Failed saving settings to a {settings_path}') # noqa: T201
if merged_namespace.values.example_verbose:
print(f'{merged_namespace.values.example_verbose=}') # noqa: T201
if __name__ == '__main__':