[metadata] name = virtualenv_discovery_exclude_current description = custom discovery that excludes current interpreter author = Timmy Welch author_email = timmy@narnian.us license = MIT classifiers = Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only [options] py_modules = virtualenv_discovery_exclude_current install_requires = virtualenv>=20.22.0 python_requires = >=3.7 [options.entry_points] virtualenv.discovery = monkeypatch = virtualenv_discovery_exclude_current:Mock [tox:tox] envlist = wheel [testenv:wheel] description = Generate wheel and tar.gz labels = release build skip_install = true deps = build commands_pre = -python -c 'import shutil,pathlib; \ shutil.rmtree("./build/", ignore_errors=True); \ shutil.rmtree("./dist/", ignore_errors=True)' commands = python -m build [testenv:pypi-upload] description = Upload wheel to PyPi platform = Linux labels = release skip_install = true depends = wheel deps = twine passenv = TWINE_* setenv = TWINE_NON_INTERACTIVE=true commands = python -m twine upload dist/*.whl dist/*.tar.gz [pep8] ignore = E265,E501 max_line_length = 120 [flake8] extend-ignore = E501, A003 max_line_length = 120 [coverage:run] plugins = covdefaults [coverage:report] fail_under = 95 [mypy-testing.*] disallow_untyped_defs = false [mypy-tests.*] disallow_untyped_defs = false