package ch import ( "context" "database/sql" "errors" "fmt" "log" "math/bits" "strings" "time" "" _ "" ) type sqliteStorage struct { db *sql.DB } type sqliteHash struct { hashid int Result } func (s *sqliteStorage) findExactHashes(statement *sql.Stmt, items ...interface{}) ([]sqliteHash, error) { // exact matches are also found by partial matches. Don't bother with exact matches so we don't have to de-duplicate hashes := []sqliteHash{} rows, err := statement.Query(items...) if err != nil { return hashes, err } for rows.Next() { var ( r = sqliteHash{Result: Result{IDs: make(IDList)}} h int64 ) err = rows.Scan(&r.hashid, &h, &r.Hash.Kind) if err != nil { rows.Close() return hashes, err } r.Hash.Hash = uint64(h) hashes = append(hashes, r) } rows.Close() statement, err = s.db.PrepareContext(context.Background(), `SELECT IDS.domain, FROM IDs JOIN id_hash ON IDs.rowid = id_hash.idid WHERE (id_hash.hashid=?) ORDER BY IDs.domain, IDs.ID;`) if err != nil { return hashes, err } for _, hash := range hashes { rows, err := statement.Query(hash.hashid) if err != nil { return hashes, err } for rows.Next() { var source Source var id string err := rows.Scan(&source, &id) if err != nil { return hashes, err } hash.IDs[source] = append(hash.IDs[source], id) } rows.Close() } return hashes, nil } func (s *sqliteStorage) findPartialHashes(max int, search_hash int64, kind goimagehash.Kind) ([]sqliteHash, error) { // exact matches are also found by partial matches. Don't bother with exact matches so we don't have to de-duplicate hashes := []sqliteHash{} statement, err := s.db.PrepareContext(context.Background(), `SELECT rowid,hash,kind FROM Hashes WHERE (kind=?) AND (((hash >> (0 * 8) & 0xFF)=(?2 >> (0 * 8) & 0xFF)) OR ((hash >> (1 * 8) & 0xFF)=(?2 >> (1 * 8) & 0xFF)) OR ((hash >> (2 * 8) & 0xFF)=(?2 >> (2 * 8) & 0xFF)) OR ((hash >> (3 * 8) & 0xFF)=(?2 >> (3 * 8) & 0xFF)) OR ((hash >> (4 * 8) & 0xFF)=(?2 >> (4 * 8) & 0xFF)) OR ((hash >> (5 * 8) & 0xFF)=(?2 >> (5 * 8) & 0xFF)) OR ((hash >> (6 * 8) & 0xFF)=(?2 >> (6 * 8) & 0xFF)) OR ((hash >> (7 * 8) & 0xFF)=(?2 >> (7 * 8) & 0xFF)));`) if err != nil { return hashes, err } rows, err := statement.Query(kind, int64(search_hash)) if err != nil { return hashes, err } for rows.Next() { var ( r = sqliteHash{Result: Result{IDs: make(IDList)}} h int64 ) err = rows.Scan(&r.hashid, &h, &r.Hash.Kind) if err != nil { rows.Close() return hashes, err } r.Hash.Hash = uint64(h) r.Distance = bits.OnesCount64(uint64(search_hash) ^ r.Hash.Hash) if r.Distance <= max { hashes = append(hashes, r) } } rows.Close() logTime("Filter partial " + kind.String()) statement, err = s.db.PrepareContext(context.Background(), `SELECT DISTINCT IDS.domain,, id_hash.hashid FROM IDs JOIN id_hash ON IDs.rowid = id_hash.idid WHERE (id_hash.hashid in (`+strings.TrimRight(strings.Repeat("?,", len(hashes)), ",")+`)) ORDER BY IDs.domain, IDs.ID;`) if err != nil { return hashes, err } var ids []any for _, hash := range hashes { ids = append(ids, hash.hashid) } rows, err = statement.Query(ids...) if err != nil { return hashes, err } for rows.Next() { var source Source var id string var hashid int err := rows.Scan(&source, &id, &hashid) if err != nil { return hashes, err } for _, hash := range hashes { if hash.hashid == hashid { hash.IDs[source] = append(hash.IDs[source], id) } } } rows.Close() return hashes, nil } func (s *sqliteStorage) dropIndexes() error { _, err := s.db.Exec(` DROP INDEX IF EXISTS hash_index; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS hash_1_index; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS hash_2_index; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS hash_3_index; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS hash_4_index; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS hash_5_index; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS hash_6_index; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS hash_7_index; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS hash_8_index; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS id_domain; `) if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (s *sqliteStorage) createIndexes() error { _, err := s.db.Exec(` CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS hash_index ON Hashes (kind, hash); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS hash_1_index ON Hashes ((hash >> (0 * 8) & 0xFF)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS hash_2_index ON Hashes ((hash >> (1 * 8) & 0xFF)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS hash_3_index ON Hashes ((hash >> (2 * 8) & 0xFF)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS hash_4_index ON Hashes ((hash >> (3 * 8) & 0xFF)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS hash_5_index ON Hashes ((hash >> (4 * 8) & 0xFF)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS hash_6_index ON Hashes ((hash >> (5 * 8) & 0xFF)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS hash_7_index ON Hashes ((hash >> (6 * 8) & 0xFF)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS hash_8_index ON Hashes ((hash >> (7 * 8) & 0xFF)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS id_domain ON IDs (domain, id); PRAGMA shrink_memory; ANALYZE; `) if err != nil { return err } return nil } var ( total time.Duration t = time.Now() ) func resetTime() { total = 0 t = time.Now() } func logTime(log string) { n := time.Now() s := n.Sub(t) t = n total += s fmt.Printf("total: %v, %s: %v\n", total, log, s) } func (s *sqliteStorage) GetMatches(hashes []Hash, max int, exactOnly bool) ([]Result, error) { var ( foundMatches []Result ) resetTime() if exactOnly { // exact matches are also found by partial matches. Don't bother with exact matches so we don't have to de-duplicate statement, err := s.db.Prepare(`SELECT rowid,hash,kind FROM Hashes WHERE ` + strings.TrimSuffix(strings.Repeat("(hash=? AND kind=?) OR", len(hashes)), "OR") + `ORDER BY kind,hash;`) if err != nil { logTime("Fail exact") return foundMatches, err } args := make([]interface{}, 0, len(hashes)*2) for _, hash := range hashes { if hash.Hash != 0 { args = append(args, int64(hash.Hash), hash.Kind) } } hashes, err := s.findExactHashes(statement, args...) if err != nil { return foundMatches, err } for _, hash := range hashes { foundMatches = append(foundMatches, hash.Result) } // If we have exact matches don't bother with other matches if len(foundMatches) > 0 && exactOnly { return foundMatches, nil } logTime("Search Exact") } foundHashes := make(map[uint64]struct{}) for _, hash := range hashes { hashes, err := s.findPartialHashes(max, int64(hash.Hash), hash.Kind) if err != nil { return foundMatches, err } logTime("Search partial " + hash.Kind.String()) for _, hash := range hashes { if _, alreadyMatched := foundHashes[hash.Hash.Hash]; !alreadyMatched { foundHashes[hash.Hash.Hash] = struct{}{} foundMatches = append(foundMatches, hash.Result) } else { log.Println("Hash already found", hash) } } } return foundMatches, nil } func (s *sqliteStorage) MapHashes(hash ImageHash) { tx, err := s.db.BeginTx(context.Background(), nil) if err != nil { panic(err) } insertHashes, err := tx.Prepare(` INSERT INTO Hashes (hash,kind) VALUES (?,?) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET hash=?1 RETURNING hashid `) if err != nil { panic(err) } rows, err := tx.Query(` INSERT INTO IDs (domain,id) VALUES (?,?) ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE SET domain=?1 RETURNING idid `, hash.ID.Domain, hash.ID.ID) if err != nil { panic(err) } if !rows.Next() { panic("Unable to insert IDs") } var id_id int64 err = rows.Scan(&id_id) if err != nil { panic(err) } rows.Close() hash_ids := []int64{} for _, hash := range hash.Hashes { rows, err := insertHashes.Query(int64(hash.Hash), hash.Kind) if err != nil { panic(err) } if !rows.Next() { panic("Unable to insert IDs") } var id int64 err = rows.Scan(&id) rows.Close() if err != nil { panic(err) } hash_ids = append(hash_ids, id) } var ids []any for _, hash_id := range hash_ids { ids = append(ids, hash_id, id_id) } _, err = tx.Exec(`INSERT INTO id_hash (hashid,idid) VALUES `+strings.TrimSuffix(strings.Repeat("(?, ?),", len(hash_ids)), ",")+` ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;`, ids...) if err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("Failed inserting: %v,%v: %w", hash.ID.Domain, hash.ID.ID, err)) } err = tx.Commit() if err != nil { panic(err) } insertHashes.Close() } func (s *sqliteStorage) DecodeHashes(hashes SavedHashes) error { err := s.dropIndexes() if err != nil { return err } for hashType, sourceHashes := range hashes.Hashes { hashKind := goimagehash.Kind(hashType + 1) for hash, idsLocations := range sourceHashes { for _, id := range hashes.IDs[idsLocations] { s.MapHashes(ImageHash{ Hashes: []Hash{{hash, hashKind}}, ID: id, }) } } } err = s.createIndexes() if err != nil { return err } return nil } func (s *sqliteStorage) EncodeHashes() (SavedHashes, error) { hashes := SavedHashes{} conn, err := s.db.Conn(context.Background()) if err != nil { return hashes, err } defer conn.Close() rows, err := conn.QueryContext(context.Background(), "SELECT IDs.domain,,Hashes.hash,Hashes.kind FROM Hashes JOIN id_hash ON id_hash.hashid = hashes.rowid JOIN IDs ON IDs.rowid = id_hash.idid ORDER BY IDs.ID,Hashes.kind,Hashes.hash;") if err != nil { rows.Close() return hashes, err } var ( id ID hash Hash ) err = rows.Scan(&id.Domain, &id.ID, &hash.Hash, &hash.Kind) if err != nil { return hashes, err } hashes.InsertHash(hash, id) return hashes, nil } func (s *sqliteStorage) AssociateIDs(newIDs []NewIDs) { for _, ids := range newIDs { var oldIDID, newIDID int _, err := s.db.Exec(`INSERT INTO IDs domain,id VALUES (?,?)`, ids.NewID.Domain, ids.NewID.ID) if err != nil { panic(err) } rows, err := s.db.Query(`SELECT idid FROM IDs WHERE domain=? AND id=?`, ids.NewID.Domain, ids.NewID.ID) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { panic(err) } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&newIDID) } else { panic("Unable to insert New ID into database") } rows.Close() rows, err = s.db.Query(`SELECT idid FROM IDs WHERE domain=? AND id=?`, ids.OldID.Domain, ids.OldID.ID) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { panic(err) } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&oldIDID) } else { continue } _, err = s.db.Exec(`INSERT INTO id_hash (hashid, id_id) SELECT hashid,? FROM id_hash where id_id=?`, newIDID, oldIDID) if err != nil { panic(err) } } } func (s *sqliteStorage) GetIDs(id ID) IDList { var idid int rows, err := s.db.Query(`SELECT idid FROM IDs WHERE domain=? AND id=?`, id.Domain, id.ID) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { panic(err) } if rows.Next() { rows.Scan(&idid) } else { return nil } rows, err = s.db.Query(`SELECT id_hash FROM id_hash WHERE id_id=?`, idid) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { panic(err) } var hashIDs []interface{} for rows.Next() { var hashID int rows.Scan(&hashID) hashIDs = append(hashIDs, hashID) } rows.Close() IDs := make(IDList) rows, err = s.db.Query(`SELECT IDs.domain, FROM id_hash JOIN IDs ON id_hash.idid==IDs.idid WHERE hash_id in (`+strings.TrimRight(strings.Repeat("?,", len(hashIDs)), ",")+`)`, hashIDs...) if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) { panic(err) } for rows.Next() { var id ID rows.Scan(&id.Domain, id.ID) IDs[id.Domain] = append(IDs[id.Domain], id.ID) } return IDs } func NewSqliteStorage(db, path string) (HashStorage, error) { sqlite := &sqliteStorage{} sqlDB, err := sql.Open(db, fmt.Sprintf("file://%s?_pragma=cache_size(-200000)&_pragma=busy_timeout(500)&_pragma=hard_heap_limit(1073741824)&_pragma=journal_mode(wal)&_pragma=soft_heap_limit(314572800)", path)) if err != nil { panic(err) } sqlite.db = sqlDB _, err = sqlite.db.Exec(` PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Hashes( hashid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, hash INT NOT NULL, kind int NOT NULL, UNIQUE(kind, hash) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS IDs( id TEXT NOT NULL, domain TEXT NOT NULL, idid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE (domain, id) ); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS id_domain ON IDs (domain, id); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS id_hash( hashid INTEGER, idid INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY(hashid) REFERENCES Hashes(hashid), FOREIGN KEY(idid) REFERENCES IDs(idid) UNIQUE (hashid, idid) ); `) if err != nil { panic(err) } sqlite.createIndexes() sqlite.db.SetMaxOpenConns(1) return sqlite, nil }