Several custom conversions (the s in {title!s}) have been created
u - str.upper()
l - str.casefold()
S - str.swapcase()
t - str.title()
c - str.Capitalize()
A new syntax has been added '{title+str}' and '{title-str}':
The + indicates an alternate value.
The - indicates a default value.
If the title of a comic is not set then
'{title-str}' will output 'str'
'{title+str} will output ''
If the title of a comic is 'hello' then
'{title+str}' will output 'str'
'{title-str}' will output 'hello'
Make ComicArchive.path always absolute
Fix unique_file not preserving the extension
Fix incorrect output when renaming in CLI mode
Fix handling of platform when renaming
Refactor add_to_path with tests
Fix type hints for titles_match
Use casefold in get_language
Fix using the recursive flag in cli mode
Add http status code to ComicVine exceptions
Fix parenthesis getting removed when renaming
Add more tests
Add tests for IssueIdentifier
Change tags to a set from a string
Add copy and replace convenience functions on GenericMetadata
Update deprecated resampling code for Pillow
Change comicvine test data to be the same as the test comic
Cleanup tests
Implement rename on ComicArchive
Simplify unique_file with pathlib
Fix issues during renaming and simplify with pathlib
Allow exporting as zip to export 7-zip archives
Add source to cache db.
Rename comicvinecacher to comiccacher and update refs.
Fix comment spacing.
Move source_name to end to reduce changes.
Move source_name to end to reduce changes. Fixed.
Fix syntax.
Fix various issues with DB changes.
Move new source_name to bottom.
Remove source_name from CV_.
Revert id to volume_id
Use casefold in place of lower
Make lint job fail if errors are detected
Use join instead of utils.list_to_string
Simplify get_recursive_filelist with the glob library
Fix handling of un-parseable numbers in xlate