Remove no longer used google scripts
Remove convenience files from comicataggerlib and import comicapi directly
Add type-hints to facilitate auto-complete tools
Make PyQt5 code more compatible with PyQt6
Implement automatic tooling
isort and black for code formatting
Line length has been set to 120
flake8 for code standards with exceptions:
E203 - Whitespace before ':' - format compatiblity with black
E501 - Line too long - flake8 line limit cannot be set
E722 - Do not use bare except - fixing bare except statements is a
lot of overhead and there are already
many in the codebase
These changes, along with some manual fixes creates much more readable code.
See examples below:
diff --git a/comicapi/ b/comicapi/
index d1741c5..52dc195 100644
--- a/comicapi/
+++ b/comicapi/
@@ -166,7 +166,2 @@ class CoMet:
- if credit['role'].lower() in set(self.editor_synonyms):
- ET.SubElement(
- root,
- 'editor').text = "{0}".format(
- credit['person'])
@@ -174,2 +169,4 @@ class CoMet:
+ if credit["role"].lower() in set(self.editor_synonyms):
+ ET.SubElement(root, "editor").text = str(credit["person"])
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/ b/comictaggerlib/
index 4338176..9219f01 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/
+++ b/comictaggerlib/
@@ -63,4 +63,3 @@ class AutoTagMatchWindow(QtWidgets.QDialog):
self.skipButton, QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole)
- self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setText(
- "Accept and Write Tags")
+ self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Ok).setText("Accept and Write Tags")
diff --git a/comictaggerlib/ b/comictaggerlib/
index 688907d..dbd0c2e 100644
--- a/comictaggerlib/
+++ b/comictaggerlib/
@@ -293,7 +293,3 @@ def process_file_cli(filename, opts, settings, match_results):
if opts.raw:
- print((
- "{0}".format(
- str(
- ca.readRawCIX(),
- errors='ignore'))))
+ print(ca.read_raw_cix())
Because additional series results are now returned due to #143 the series selection window can with a large number of results that are not usually sorted in a useful way.
I've created 3 settings that can help finding the corect series quickly
use the publisher black list - can be toggled from the series selction screen, as well as a setting for is default behaviour
a setting to make the result initially sorted by start year instead of the default no of issues
a setting to initially put exact and near matches at the top of the list
Refactor removearticles to only remove articles
Add normalization on the search string and the series name results
Searching now only compares ASCII a-z and 0-9 and all other characters
are replaced with single space, this is done to both the search string
and the result. This fixes an with names that are separated by a
hyphen (-) in the filename but in the Comic Vine name are separated by a
slash (/) and other similar issues.
* Tweaked search string based on new comic vine search behavior
Placated Beaufitul Soup by passing the parser
* Limit search results fetching after recent Comic Vine changes.
Also, minor debug comment tweaks.