Make ComicArchive.path always absolute
Fix unique_file not preserving the extension
Fix incorrect output when renaming in CLI mode
Fix handling of platform when renaming
The two primary cases fixed are:
Ms. Marvel
The first issue removed 'Ms.' which is a problem as many comics have
series that the only difference in the title is the
The second issue is that the '/' was removed and not replaced with
anything causing a search for 'mandeadpool' which will not show useful
Consequently all designations/honorifics are now untouched
All punctuation is replaced with a space
Refactor add_to_path with tests
Fix type hints for titles_match
Use casefold in get_language
Fix using the recursive flag in cli mode
Add http status code to ComicVine exceptions
Fix parenthesis getting removed when renaming
Add more tests
Add tests for IssueIdentifier
Change tags to a set from a string
Add copy and replace convenience functions on GenericMetadata
Update deprecated resampling code for Pillow
Change comicvine test data to be the same as the test comic
Cleanup tests
Use casefold in place of lower
Make lint job fail if errors are detected
Use join instead of utils.list_to_string
Simplify get_recursive_filelist with the glob library
Fix handling of un-parseable numbers in xlate
I created a new, mostly over complicated, filename parser
The new parser works well in many cases and will collect more data than
the original parser but will sometimes give odd results because of how
complicated it has been made e.g.
'100 page giant' will cause issues however '100-page giant' will not
Remove the parse scan info setting as it was not respected in many cases
Fixes an out of range exception during smart cleanup
Enforces field names to be present in format templates
Instead of removing previous text if a replacement is empty only strip
specifically "-_({[#" off the right of the string
Strict renaming removes all reserved names and characters regardless
of operating system, with out strict mode only for the current
Operating System
Add more edge cases to smart cleanup
Add more tests for file renaming