Separate dependencies into files and add optional dependencies
Update natsort usage to be compliant with the latest version (#203)
Set PyQt5 to 5.15.3, 5.15.4 has issues with pyinstaller
Add pyproject.toml with setuptools, isort and black configuration
Add optional dependencies (#191)
Update README (#174)
hold windows to 3.7.9 as unrar-cffi only has windows wheels for 3.7
switch to using builtin python for macOS
remove ssl dlls from comictagger.spec
require pyinstaller=4.3 to allow macOS codesigning
Update python usage
restrict builds to tags and pull requests
Refactor removearticles to only remove articles
Add normalization on the search string and the series name results
Searching now only compares ASCII a-z and 0-9 and all other characters
are replaced with single space, this is done to both the search string
and the result. This fixes an with names that are separated by a
hyphen (-) in the filename but in the Comic Vine name are separated by a
slash (/) and other similar issues.
* Tweaked search string based on new comic vine search behavior
Placated Beaufitul Soup by passing the parser
* Limit search results fetching after recent Comic Vine changes.
Also, minor debug comment tweaks.
* Tweaked search string based on new comic vine search behavior
Placated Beaufitul Soup by passing the parser
* First cut at porting to Python 3 and PyQt5
* remove debug print
* tweaked progress dialog handling for issues on ubuntu gui
* Handle bad key more gracefullu
* More integration of unrarlib into settings and rest of app
* Better handling of "personal" unrar lib setting
* PEP 440-compliant version string
* Tuned linux rar help strings
* Got setup working again
* Attempts to build unrar on install
* Some minimal desktop integration on various platforms
* Fix wrong shortfile
* More enhancements
* Use proper temp file
* Added comment block at top
* Comment out desktop integration attempt for now
* Updated some links and info
* Fixed the html a bit
* Repaired some images that caused libpng to complain
* update readme re: py3qt5 branch changes
* another note
* #108 feat: try to simplify windows build using only pip and python3
* #108 feat: fix python location on appveyor (try 1)
* #108 feat: use venv (try 2)
* #108 feat: use venv (try 3)
* #108 feat: update to latest pyinstaller develop branch
* #108 feat: update to latest pyinstaller develop branch (again)
* #108: add ssl libraries for windows packaging
* #108: refresh env in win build to pick the right mingw
* #108: change order of win build script operations
* #113: fix subprocess usage in pyinstaller package
* bump version
* #87 fix ssl comicvine communication
* handle missing libunrar. update macos makefile. remove version check window. bump version.
* update release notes
* #87 fix ssl context in several places. update comicvine api url.
* fix drag and drop issues on macOS
* bump version to 1.1.16-beta-rc2
* use PNG conversion for Windows build
Script raised an unhandled exception: local variable 'fmt_str' referenced before assignment
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/volume1/@appstore/comictagger/comictaggerlib/", line 233, in launch_script
File "/volume1/@appstore/comictagger/scripts/", line 90, in main
print >> sys.stderr, fmt_str.format("")
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'fmt_str' referenced before assignment